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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Headlined Guests that have appeared on BBS Radio TV

Guest Name
Try using the first name first
Guest Occupation: Integrative Veterinarian, Diplomat of the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine, Pet Health Product Developer, American Pet Institute Founder, Health Therapy Pioneer
Guest Biography:

Integrative veterinarian, DVM, offers traditional & natural holistic pet health products & therapies for dogs & cats.

Dr. Carol Osborne, DVM has gained national recognition as an authority in alternative veterinary medicine and health care for pets. She is our nation's first veterinarian to be Certified as a Diplomat of the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine. This status is for human medicine. Dr. Carol used that knowledge to create her pet longevity formulas. The founder and president of the American Pet Institute, the Pet Anti-Aging Wellness Centers and PAAWS, Pet Anti-Aging Wellness Systems. Dr. Carol has pioneered the exploration of new therapies for the treatment and prevention of age-related degenerative disease, as well as promotion of optimum health and performance for pets. 

Guest Category: Alternative Health, Kids & Family, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Internationally Acclaimed Spiritual Author and Lecturer, Founder of the Department of Peace Campaign - a grass roots campaign to establish a United States Department of Peace
Guest Biography:

Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed spiritual author and lecturer. Six of her ten published books have been New York Times Best Sellers. Four of these have been #1 New York Times Best Sellers. A Return to Love is considered a must-read of The New Spirituality. A paragraph from that book, beginning "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure..." is considered an anthem for a contemporary generation of seekers.

Marianne's other books include The Age of Miracles, Everyday Grace, A Woman's Worth, Illuminata, Healing the Soul of America, A Course in Weight Loss, and The Gift of Change. Her newest book, THE LAW OF DIVINE COMPENSATION: On Work, Money and Miracles, was  published in November 2012  by Harper Collins.

She has been a popular guest on television programs such as Oprah, Larry King Live, Good Morning America and Charlie Rose. Marianne is a native of Houston, Texas. In 1989, she founded Project Angel Food, a meals-on-wheels program that serves homebound people with AIDS in the Los Angeles area. Today, Project Angel Food serves over 1,000 people daily. Marianne also founded the Department of Peace Campaign, a grass roots campaign to establish a United States Department of Peace.

In December 2006, a NEWSWEEK magazine poll named Marianne Williamson one of the fifty most influential baby boomers. According to Time magazine, "Yoga, the Cabala and Marianne Williamson have been taken up by those seeking a relationship with God that is not strictly tethered to Christianity."

Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Health & Lifestyle, Self Help, Motivational, Spiritual, Meditation
Guest Occupation: Writer, Philosopher, Paranormal Researcher
Guest Biography:

Just a little about me- I'm your average, every day guy who just has had very good fortune with being in the right place at the right time. But as they say- luck is what happens when hard work meets opportunity.

I am a proud father to three wonderful children and I'm very happily married to the girl of my dreams, all of which I miss greatly while traveling to film the show around the globe.

I have been interested in the paranormal since I was a child and I've been investigating since my early teens with friends at local hot spots. When I'm not hunting ghosts, I'm busy holding down three "normal" jobs.

In my free time (if there is any) I enjoy spending time with my family, working on classic cars, writing satirical social commentaries, playing Guitar Hero, eating cereal and watching cartoons.

As to why I am still pursuing this field today--well, I am a very spiritual individual and I am constantly looking for proof of the afterlife, not for myself but for others. If nothing more than to show nonbelievers that there is something more out there to consider- and that maybe- we can all live in this life, just being a little nicer to each other.

I love the paranormal community because it is filled with people just like me. People who are just doing the best they can with the resources and time they have available.

Lets face it, you could do anything for a day job, but once you have that life changing encounter, your heart will always lead you back to this field and to the unknown.

D. Pari
The Paranormal Rockstar

Guest Category: Paranormal, Ghosts, Philosophy
Guest Occupation: The World's Most Various Composer
Guest Biography:

Marcey Hamm was born in Oklahoma surrounded by the Native American Indian culture, wild buffalo and her family's business being in the movie industry. All of these influences gave her the foundation which she later needed for what was to come into her life. Marcey Hamm's life story is not like any other life story. She remembers her birth and before her birth. Also, Marcey's Mother left her body while giving birth to Marcey.

Below is what Marcey Hamm's Mother wrote describing her experience while delivering Marcey, her newborn baby: Birth, written by Elsie M. Hamm, Ph.D. (Marcey Hamm's Mother)

I think I saw eternity,
I think I heard the sound
Of swishing wings and currents
And creatures all around.

It was the Beatific Vision,
It was light giving light from above.
It was music and color and sweet scents
And it was love gazing at love.

It was a defining moment
And it could have been much more.
Could I again possess such riches,
Such a feeling deep and warm
As the night they laid my new born
In the waiting curve of my arm.

Marcey Hamm's background is in Nuclear Engineering, Electronics and Software Development. Marcey died in a car wreck one morning on her way to work. She was given a gift of music when she died and has been composing music ever since. Marcey Hamm is not a musician. To make matters even more interesting, people from all over the world attest of healings and miracles just from listening to Marcey Hamm's music. For example, one man was deaf and now can hear. Another example, a police officer became paraplegic from an accident and now lives a normal life. The stories are endless, varied and are not limited to just the human species. Marcey's music effects animals, plants and all of Mother Nature including the weather. For example, one farmer in Tennessee uses the music out in the fields for his tobacco and has the biggest bumper crops he's ever had. When hurricane Ike hit Texas in 2008, thousands of people were without electricity except for a widow out in the country who was the only one with electricity in a 100 mile radius. She plays Marcey's music 24/7 non-stop. No one can explain how she had electricity. These kinds of experiences are not isolated and people all over the world have their own varied experiences with Marcey's music.

The events that surround Marcey Hamm's music are a phenomena that are truly a mystery. Marcey says the music has an effect on all of life because of the love that is within the music. She says there is no greater or more powerful energy than love. The testimonials speak for themselves. One woman kept having miscarriages. Everything she was trying in order to have a baby was not working. Then she heard Marcey on a radio show. She bought her music and started playing the music non-stop. She carried her first baby to term and delivered her first baby. No one can explain it. One thing is for sure, Marcey Hamm's music is an experience and her music has changed thousands of lives all over the world.

Guest Category: Music, Medium & Channeling, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Mystic & Seer
Guest Occupation: Founder and Director of the Evolutionary Collective, An Internationally recognized contemporary Spiritual Teacher, Transformation Educator, Public Speaker, Workshop Leader, Host of the popular global webcast Evolutionary Collective Conversations (ECC)
Guest Biography:

Patricia Albere is an internationally recognized contemporary spiritual teacher passionate about creating a new paradigm for a higher order of human relatedness. Her work awakens others to the profound depths and infinite wisdom accessed by way of two or more people connected to larger and more powerful evolutionary forces.

For the last 40 years, her teaching arises from being finely attuned to the transformational power of emergence – that which occurs on the edge of consciousness, culture and human awakening. Her work with collective fields of consciousness has been developed through her continuous work with groups and over 150,000 people internationally. Her unique discovery of the essential components that activate evolutionary relating is transforming our understanding of what it possible in the space between us and in creating new fields of higher collective consciousness.

Albere is the founder of the Evolutionary Collective, a new model for awakened community. The Evolutionary Collective marks the creation and ongoing expansion of an inter-subjective field of intimacy, truth, mutuality and depth that occurs in a new space in consciousness – one that allows participants to transform inside an intense and accelerated relational field.

She is also the host of the popular Evolutionary Collective Conversations (ECC), a global webcast in which today’s top evolutionary leaders join Patricia for dynamic on-line dialogues.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Energy Healing, Self Help, Spiritual, Meditation
Guest Occupation: Writer, Author, Researcher, Lecturer, Radio Personality, Executive Editor of Intrepid Magazine, Consulting Editor/Contributor for FATE Magazine and The Journal of Anomalous Sciences
Guest Biography:

Micah Hanks is a writer, researcher, lecturer, and radio personality whose work addresses a variety of scientific concepts and unexplained phenomena. Open minded, but skeptical in his approach, his research has examined a variety of unexplained phenomenon over the years, incorporating interest in cultural studies, history, natural science and anomalies, and the prospects of our technological future as a species as influenced by science.

He is author of several books, including his 2012 New Page Books release, The UFO Singularity, as well as Magic, Mysticism and the Molecule: The Search for Sentient Intelligence from Other Worlds and Reynolds Mansion: An Invitation to the Past. Hanks is an executive editor of Intrepid Magazine, and consulting editor/contributor for FATE Magazine and The Journal of Anomalous Sciences. He also writes for a variety of other publications including UFO Magazine, Mysterious Universe, and New Dawn. Hanks has appeared on numerous TV and radio programs, including Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, Whitley Strieber’s Dreamland, National Geographic’s Paranatural, the History Channel’s Guts and Bolts, CNN Radio, The Jeff Rense Program, and many others. Hanks lives in the heart of Appalachia near Asheville, North Carolina.

Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Paranormal, UFOs
Guest Occupation: Pastor, Foundor of Kapena Wright Ministries, Professional Actor, Model, Voice Talent, Producer, Writer, and Leader in the Media Fellowship International
Guest Biography:

Skip, as everyone who knows him calls Pastor Wright, was a chaplain in his senior year at the KAMEHAMEHA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL in Hawaii, a school set aside for children of Hawaiian ancestry; he is a vietnam veteran and a former policeman with the Honolulu Police Department; and since accepting Jesus in his life in May, 1978, has been involved in numerous christian leadership positions. His wife, Diane, whom he married in September, 1978, has been at his side, every step of the way.

Pastor Skip was ordained and licensed as such in 1988 by the AGAPE WORD CHURCH in Honolulu and in 1998 he and Diane founded the KAPENA WRIGHT MINISTRIES, in the State of Washington, through which they have been ministering to people in every way possible. Skip continued to do the same in the movie and television industry when he became a professional actor, model and a voice talent, as well as a producer and writer; and very quickly ministered to everyone and became a leader in the MEDIA FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL where he also became the first chaplain officially in 2010.

Skip and Diane are developing a chaplaincy program, through Kapena Ministries and by which people will be able to be ordained and licensed, as chaplains.

You will be greatly blessed by Skip and Diane.

Guest Category: Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Channel/Energy Transmitter of QuanYin, Bodhisattva of Compassion, since 1992, Founding Director of the QuanYin Creation Center, Visual Artist, Singer & Songwriter
Guest Biography:

Laura Lee Lizak is an internationally known channel/transmitter for QuanYin and Creation. Laura had been used as QuanYin’s grounding instrument since 1992. QuanYin transmits energetically using Laura’s entire body; emanating whatever new accelerated energies and energy bodies are needing to ground into us and our reality at this time. QuanYin transmits in full embodiment of personality, voice, mudra, movement, frequency emanation, and creative expression, and is often seen in Laura’s body during transmissions. Many say “this is far more powerful than channeling.” QuanYin has ignited thousands upon thousands through Laura. Laura was personally trained as a channel by Seth, of Seth Speaks.

Laura is the director of the QuanYin Creation Center, dedicated to the enlightenment of all beings. QuanYin and the Forces of Creation guiding our planetary enlightenment design the work at the Center. Global enlightened support teleconferences with Quan Yin are offered regularly.

Guest Category: Arts, Visual Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Energy Healing, Music, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling
Guest Occupation: Author, Thought Leader on Psychology and Spirituality, Licensed Psychotherapist, Life and Business Coach, Integrated Energy Healer, Nondual Kabbalistic Healer, Professional Speaker, Radio Talk Show Host
Guest Biography:

Jennifer Howard, Ph.D., believes that everyone has the innate potential to access the wisdom, happiness, fulfillment, and peace they desire, and is passionately dedicated to helping people experience deep and lasting transformation for greater ease, freedom, and joy. A recognized thought leader on psychology and spirituality, Dr. Howard is an internationally known licensed psychotherapist, life and business coach, Integrated Energy Healer, Nondual Kabbalistic Healer®, professional speaker, and radio talk show host. She combines over 20 years of experience with extensive training and expertise in mind-body psychology, meditation, and the healing arts.

A Huffington Post blogger, she has appeared as an expert on numerous national network television shows, including: The Maury Povich Show, Rolanda, America's Talking, Turning Point, Charles Perez, and News Talk TV. On her weekly radio talk show, A Conscious Life, she has inspiring, informative, and fun conversations with such distinguished guests as Sharon Salzberg, Gay Hendricks, Hale Dwoskin, Marci Shimoff, Andrew Harvey, Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., Sonia Choquette, Mathew Fox, Bernie Siegel, M.D., Lama Surya Das, and Rabbi Rami Shapiro, among others. Dr. Howard maintains a psychotherapy and coaching practice with offices in New York City and Long Island, and has an extensive phone/Skype practice.

Dr. Howard is the author of Your Ultimate Life Plan.  This “workshop in a book,” based upon solid psychological principles and profound spiritual practices, guides readers to achieve change on all levels—physical, emotional, mental, spiritual—and live from a deeper sense of self. This book asks, Why settle for average, when the potential to live an amazing life is inside you, right now?

Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Meditation
Guest Occupation: Scientist, Clinician, Educator, Herbalist, Writer, Consultant for the Natural Products Industry, Adjunct Professor, Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Fellow
Guest Biography:

Kevin Spelman, PhD, MCPP is a scientist, clinician, educator, herbalist and writer, keen on facilitating the awareness of the natural world to the people around him. He is currently a consultant for the natural products industry. He has been the Principle Scientist for Herb Pharm, a postdoctoral fellow at the National Institutes of Health, Clinical Chair for Tai Sophia Institute's clinical herbal medicine program and a past Marie Curie Research Fellow in the European Union.

Kevin has practiced western phytotherapy, informed by the Ayurvedic system, western herbalism and modern physiology, since 1989 and was a cofounder of the first Masters of Science degree in clinical herbal medicine, as well as a founding faculty member of the first Bachelors of Science degree in botanical medicine in the U.S.

Past research has included the molecular biology of brain and ovarian cancer, clinical investigations on various medicinal plants, immunological studies on Echinacea spp. and chemical studies on numerous plant species.

International research has included the analysis of nutrient levels in women of early childbearing age in West Africa, working with children with neurological disorders in Central America and researching medicinal plants active against malaria in Paris, France. He is also an adjunct assistant professor at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, an adjunct professor of botanical medicine at National College of Natural Medicine, a faculty member at Maryland University of Integrated Health and the California School of Herbal Studies. He is also a member of the prestigious College of Practitioners of Phytotherapy in the United Kingdom.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Nutrition, Science, Biology & Chemistry
Guest Occupation: Divine Channel, Teacher, Author, Prophetess
Guest Biography:

Rebecca specializes in helping people grow spiritually and awaken their spiritual gifts with authority. She has taught hundreds to dynamically increase their intuitive skills.using her simple, yet effective "right-brain awakening" methods.

Following Rebecca's guidance, people are amazed to discover that they can easily contact and converse with:

- people on the other side

- angels, saints, guides

- deities, ascended masters, Holy Spirit Council

- rocks, plants, earth

- pets, wild animals, whales, dolphins, sea creatures...and more!

Rebecca says, "I can teach anyone increased intuition. Even the most left-brained person can become psychic! Because my methods focus on opening the right side of the brain where all spirituality, intuition, and creativity reside. Activation is simply a matter of following my easy, step-by-step instructions."

Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling
Guest Occupation: Shadow Senator from the District of Colombia, Lobbyist, Member of Democratic Party
Guest Biography:

Michael Donald (Mike) Brown (b. August 5, 1952) is a shadow senator from the District of Columbia.

As a shadow senator, Brown receives no pay from the government, receives no budget from the government, and cannot vote on matters before the Senate. While he does not have an office in the United States Senate, the Government of the District provides the position with an office. Brown lobbies the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives on behalf of the citizens of the District in their attempt to gain full representation in Congress, self-determination, and eventually admittance to the union as a state. As shadow senator, Brown also works with the District's delegate, mayor, and council to advance the interest of local residents on Federal issues. Brown is a member of the Democratic Party.

Guest Category: Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Author, Writer, Editor, Public Speaker, Human Rights Advocate, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Palestinian human rights
Guest Biography:

Richard Falk is Albert G. Milbank Professor Emeritus of International Law at Princeton University and Visiting Distinguished Professor in Global and International Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He has authored and edited numerous publications spanning a period of five decades, most recently editing the volume International Law and the Third World: Reshaping Justice (Routledge, 2008).

He is currently serving his third year of a six year term as a United Nations Special Rapporteur on Palestinian human rights.

Guest Category: Politics & Government, World
Guest Occupation: Professional Singer and International Recording Artist, known as "America's Beloved Tenor," Musician, Producer, Former New York City Police Officer
Guest Biography:

To those who have come to love him as the so-called “singing policeman,”—the New York City cop who helped bring the country an uplifting spirit of promise and hope with his stirring rendition of “God Bless America” after the September 11 terrorist attacks—it is no surprise that Daniel Rodriguez has always been a spiritual man. His first two albums, the debut SPIRIT OF AMERICA and the romantic FROM MY HEART, both included a spiritual song as a testament to the driving force in his life, and he has welcomed the opportunity to work with institutions such as the USO, the City of Hope, Dr. Robert Schuller’s Crystal Cathedral and numerous law enforcement organizations.

Thus, IN THE PRESENCE, his first album devoted to inspirational music released by Seattle-based Blix Street Records, is a gift whose time has come. For the album, Rodriguez applies his rich and warm tenor to traditional spiritual and church songs as well as contemporary gems. Taken together, the record brings the same spirit of healing and compassion that he brought the country in those days after September 11. Clearly, Daniel’s strength is in translating music into the warm embrace of community.

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Author, Writer, Speaker, Educater, Lecturer
Guest Biography:

Fritz Springmeier is foremost a follower of Yahshua the Messiah. He gave his life to Christ when he was 13. And believes that what happens with his life is not about himself but about Christ. As Christ wanted to save the world, Fritz has also done projects that would significantly help improve the world. He believes that we are called to love our enemies and do good to our enemies. Evil can not be overcome with more evil. His life can only be understood that Christ came to give us life and a more abundant life even in the here and now. Let us take care of the here and now to improve life.

Fritz Springmeier is probably the world's foremost authority on the bloodlines of the Illuminati and the techniques they employ to create a mind controlled slave. His books on mind control (co-authored with former Illuminati programmer Cisco Wheeler) are without peer in depth, rigorous detail, and uncompromising accuracy. His lecture on the Illuminati and mind control given at the Granada Forum in 1998 was the best and most astute presentation on the subject.

Guest Category: Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Director and Founder of DNA Diagnostics, Inc., Leader in all types of DNA testing, Researcher, Developer, Chairperson of the International Society for Animal Genetics Equine Genetics Standing Committee, Treasurer for AFDAA, Analyst of DNA sequences
Guest Biography:

Dr. Ketchum is the founder of DNA Diagnostics. Established in 1985, DNA Diagnostics has become a leader in all types of DNA testing including: human and animal forensics, human and animal paternity and parentage testing, disease diagnostics, trait tests, animal and human identity testing, species identification and sex determination. Most common species of animals are tested at DNA Diagnostics. Dr. Ketchum has also established a research program ranging from gene mapping to developing the VeriSNP™ (patent pending) platform for universal genetic evaluation in multiple species of animals. Other research includes genetics of disease, population genetics and other genetically important traits such as coat color in animals. Dr. Ketchum is a past three-term Chairperson of the International Society for Animal Genetics Equine Genetics Standing Committee. She has also been Dog Map Chairperson and a Committee member on the Dog and Cat Parentage Committee. She is a former Treasurer for AFDAA, The Association of DNA Analysts and Administrators.  She aided in the analysis of the DNA sequences from the World Trade Center Disaster.

Guest Category: Science
Guest Occupation: Spiritualist, Writer, Author, Fine Artist
Guest Biography:

I live in Canada - and I'm a creative pursuer of peace. A Spiritualist (but you already know that by reading this site) ...who is big on self-study (not just introspection, but a love for books as a means of learning).

The past several years I've concentrated on writing. To be honest being unemployed allowed me the time to complete these books though it has been a struggle the entire way.  My goal for writing was most importantly and above all else to get a strong spiritual message across that would reach many people.  I cannot express enough my gratitude to my family for their patience, love  and support throughout these challenging years.  My thanks to Heaven is infinite.

I've enjoyed writing all my life. That first summer that I moved into the house on Harkness St. I knew that I would write a book.  What it would be about was later inspired by going to Heaven... after the Awakening. Five years later came the overwhelming feeling again that the 'time is now' to write it. So gathering passion with  notes I wrote Small Tales and Visits to Heaven, my first book to be published. The second book of that set was released seven months later.  Poetry was not only a part of a broader creative process but a point of discovery.

I am also a fine artist and the two creative realms - writing and art, in the fabric of mind have very different outcomes.  How I love them both!

I am spiritually fit to remain a solo flyer through life and remain celibate. Lover of light, lover of humanity, lover of God. Dedicated to spiritual humanest resolve for a union of hearts that bring harmony to others.

Guest Category: Arts, Visual Arts, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Founder of Preventing Abuse Foundation, Speaker, Television Producer, Author, Columnist, Media Expert
Guest Biography:

Mr. Nassif represented the organization serving on the Los Angeles Task Force on Human Trafficking and Child Prostitution, the Los Angeles County Unity Coalition, the Los Angeles Metropolitan Task Force on Human Trafficking. He also serves on the Advisory Board of the Enough is Enough Campaign to protect children and families from online pornography.

He worked with U.S. State Department personnel on human trafficking and was a guest at the White House when President George W. Bush signed the Trafficking Victims Protection Act reauthorization.

Guest Category: News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Interfaith Minister
Guest Biography:

Rev. Reenie Panzini is a graduate of The New Seminary, and is dually ordained by the Interfaith Temple / NYC and OUnI (Order of Universal Interfaith).   Published author of The Brightest Town…An Interfaith Holiday Story, her ministry is geared towards children of all faiths and abilities.  Along with seminars and classes where parents and children learn the similarities of the world’s religions, and that love is the basis of all of them, she also leads Meditation and Affirmation classes for Special Needs kids and classes for Sensitive/Psychic Kids.  She is the mother of three beautiful, motivating, and gifted children. She can be reached at

Guest Category: Kids & Family, Paranormal, Self Help, Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Music for meditation, inspiration, healing, and enlightenment, spiritual artist
Guest Biography:


Keyboardist and composer Richard Shulman creates music intended to be a positive influence for himself, audiences, and society.

Richard has recorded 23 of his own albums as well as more than two dozen other recordings for which he has provided compositions, performances and/or musical production. Trained in the classical and jazz fields, he has developed a heartfelt language in these genres while focussing a significant amount of his output on music for meditation, healing and inspiration. He currently divides his concert schedule between performances of his meditation music and his original jazz as personified by the Richard Shulman Trio.Shulman has performed at the Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, Art Park, the United Nations, the Kool Jazz Festival, The Amenia Peace Festival and a wide variety of other venues throughout North America and in Europe.

As a composer, Shulman has created over sixty pieces for jazz quartet as well as songs and pieces for chamber ensembles, choir, and symphony orchestra. In 1986 and 1987 he composed music for orchestra and jazz quartet during residencies at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. From 1986 through 1995, Shulman was the principal composer for "Theatre of the Heart," a cooperative of dancers, singers, and musicians dedicated to fostering community and the environment. Commissions include a piece for the Amherst Saxophone Quartet, and "May Peace Prevail on Earth" for singers, symphony orchestra, three choirs, and jazz quartet, created for the World Peace Prayer Society. In addition, he has created hundreds of 'Musical Soul Portrait' recordings for individuals, couples, and groups.

Born and raised in Niagara Falls, New York, he began piano lessons at age seven. As a teenager Richard played organ at various churches, was the music counselor at a summer camp in Canada, and joined a rock band with future jazz recording artists Thom Rotella and Bobby Previte. Shulman graduated from the University of Rochester with a double-major Bachelor's degree in music (piano performance) and psychology while continuing to perform with Previte in the jazz-fusion band Thermopylae.

While at Rochester, Shulman also attended the prestigious Eastman School of Music and studied jazz improvisation with Chuck Mangione and Marian McPartland, orchestration with Donald Hunsberger and arranging with the legendary Rayburn Wright. Shulman continued his studies in jazz with Frank Foster, composition with William Kothe and Lejaren Hiller, and piano with Yvar Mikashoff while getting his Masters Degree in musical composition at the State University of New York at Buffalo. During those years he played onstage in concert with such jazz stalwarts as Thad Jones, Eddie Gomez, Pepper Adams, Jerry Dodgion, Freddie Hubbard and Al Harewood, and recorded his first jazz album, Wonder.

After moving to New York City, Shulman played in the studio as a session musician with the great jazz rhythm section of Ron Carter and Grady Tate; performed with groups such as The Richard Reiter Swing Band, Providence and Crossing Point; and recorded and performed with the acts Mr. Spats (Steve Evans, June Bisantz, Steve Swallow and Bob Moses) and Bobby Previte. The Richard Shulman Group, a jazz quartet, played regularly in the New York area and recorded the albums A Simple Gift and Open Spaces, and Richard also released the solo jazz piano album Solo Flight.

In New York City, he found himself on a spiritual search which lead him to meditation classes. While continuing his jazz performances, Shulman began playing for the meditation and healing groups which he attended. His first recording incorporating some of this meditative style was the extemporaneous solo piano album, World Peace, recorded on the 40th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. This album had been suggested by a healer who also showed him that he could create music for individuals for healing and alignment. These recordings became known as "Musical Soul Portraits" and have been a feature of Shulman's solo concerts ever since. This work led him into creating more albums for healing and meditation, including A Higher Dimension, Light Music, Music for Magnified Healing, First Rites and Sacred Music for Healing Hands Volumes 1 & 2.

Shulman's first two album releases with national marketing were Light from Assisi and Transformation at Assisi, inspired by spiritual pilgrimages to the town of Assisi in Italy where St. Francis lived. Richard then began groundwork for the 2002 project Camelot Reawakened: A Vision Fulfilled with a pair of recordings -- Ascension Harmonics and the partially-orchestral Keeper of the Holy Grail -- with "spiritual attunements" by Samuel Welsh. "Our research for 'Holy Grail' led me to the larger picture of Camelot," says Shulman, who also took a trip to Glastonbury, England in 1995 to study the area. "I feel that the energies of Camelot still reside in places like the Abbey there and the Michael Tor, the sacred hill which is pictured on the cover of Camelot Reawakened."

From 1996 through 2005 Richard focussed on the creation of the CD and DVD/video Camelot Reawakened: A Vision Fulfilled. Inspired by an inner vision, this project follows the manifestation of "Dreams of the Heart" in music and words. The CD and DVD feature a 35- piece orchestra consisting of members of the Asheville Symphony Orchestra, a choir, soloists, and Shulman at the piano. The concert and recording session were conducted by Robert Hart Baker.

Related albums recorded during this time include First Rites and Music to Walk the Labyrinth. The Camelot Reawakened CD won a 2003 Coalition of Visionary Resources (COVR) Visionary Award, and the DVD was a finalist in the 2006 awards. The DVD has also won an Award of Excellence and an honorable mention in the 2007 Accolade Competition.

In 2003, RichHeart Music released Shulman's duo album with cellist Adriana Contino, who for several years was the principal soloist for the Stuttgart, (Germany) Chamber Orchestra. New Beginnings explores the delicate balance between inner and outer listening in free flowing improvisations as well as upbeat and lyrical compositions. Shulman's solo piano CD, Music of Peace was released in June, 2006 and is music dedicated to and expressing inner peace.

His 2008 release, 11:11 Piano Meditations for Awakening, is a series of tranquil improvisations exploring "Wake up calls from Spirit." The 11:11 CD won a 2009 Coalition of Visionary Resources (COVR) Visionary Award for best CD in the meditational/healing music category.2009 brought the release of Sky Jazz, Shulman's first Jazz CD in many years, as well as the re-release on CD of "A Higher Dimension," a meditative solo piano album expressing qualities of spiritual realms.

After the completion of the Camelot Reawakened CD in 2002 and the DVD video in 2005, a friend sugguested a musical based on the Camelot Reawakened project.

"A Dream of Camelot" is a theatrical musical intended to portray the changing of deeply rooted patterns in the Archetype of Camelot for the sake of fulfilling dreams of the heart for individuals, society, and the planet.  Each song in “A Dream of Camelot” is an expression of consciousness in a process of maturing awareness. “A Dream of Camelot” has taken six years of writing and development to become the transformational catalyst it now is for casts and audiences alike.

2009 brought the first reading of the musical at the UR Light Center in Black Mountain, NC. The first full production, directed by Jerry Crouch, was presented at the Asheville NC Masonic Temple, March 11, 12, & 13, 2011 and the musical returned to the Masonic Temple March 29, 30, 31, and April 1, 2012, directed by Rock Eblen.

More info about the musical  "A Dream of Camelot" is available Here.

In 2013, Shulman is returning to and enhancing his own musical stream of healing and Divine Alignment with the production of a new album entitled "Bliss of Being." Although he has created eight albums of music for healing previously, these were all solo recordings, and "Bliss of Being" is his first ensemble recording with an intent of music for healing and divine connection. Shulman plays mostly piano on "The Bliss of Being" and a little synthesizer, and is joined by Adriana Contino - cello, Dielle Ciesco - vocals, Kate Steinbeck - flutes, and Bob Hinkle - crystal bowls to form The Pure Heart Ensemble. The international release date is June 21st 2013.

Richard Shulman currently lives in Asheville, NC and performs and records regionally and internationally.

LISTEN to Richard on BBSRadio. com on "Let's Find Out."

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Music, Spiritual, Meditation