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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Headlined Guests that have appeared on BBS Radio TV

Guest Name
Try using the first name first
Guest Occupation: Best Selling Author of "The Don Q Point of View" and 3 other books, PhD in Religious Studies, Served as Cleric for Eckankar
Guest Biography:

Best selling author, Hunt Henion, PhD. has a lifetime of study and insight under his belt, including initiation into Transcendental Meditation, Buddhist practice, serving as a cleric for Eckankar, and a PhD. in Religious Studies. His books include, The Big Fake Out, The Don Q Point of View, and Looking Seeing and Knowing.

Hunt Henion spent over forty years constantly studying and contemplating the workings of life. First, he was initiated into Transcendental Meditation. Then he practiced Buddhism; then studied Eckankar, "the religion of the light and sound of God," serving as a member of their clergy for six years. He finally earned his PhD in Religious Studies. Combining traditional research with specific questions asked through a trans-channel have resulted in four books in the last five years.

Once, in channeling, he was told that he was the crazy old man who was Cervantes's model for Don Quixote. That triggered a flood of past life memories. Hunt's appreciation for Quixote's perspective and his desire to set the record straight about that character resulted in the writing of "The Don Q Point of View"

When Henion asked more specific questions about his past and the history and future of mankind, he got a unique perspective on that too. These insights are the subject of "Looking, Seeing & Knowing."

After being blessed with all this insight and perspective, Henion went back to his first manuscript, "The BIG Fake-out," which was simply a documentation of all of life's illusions, and rewrote it (winning a Reader View's book of the year award) as "The Big Fake-out, the illusion of limits."

All three of these books are different aspects of the perspective that grew after meeting Danna and having regular channeling sessions. They all tell spiritual stories from history, his present life and past lives, and they all reveal hidden truths in uniquely heart warming ways.

Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Religion, Buddhism, Spiritual, Meditation, Mystic & Seer
Guest Occupation: Assistant Professor of Research at the University of Virginia, Adjunct Research Faculty at Sofia University (formerly Institute of Transpersonal Psychology), Associate Editor of the Journal of Scientific Exploration, International Teacher and Professor
Guest Biography:

Carlos S. Alvarado has a Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Edinburgh, and holds masters degrees in parapsychology (MS, John F. Kennedy University), and in history (MA, Duke University). His work has centered on survey research (on out-of-body experiences and other psychic experiences) and studies about the history of psychical research.

Alvarado is Assistant Professor of Research at the University of Virginia, and Adjunct Research Faculty at Sofia University (formerly Institute of Transpersonal Psychology). He is on the editorial boards of theJournal of Near-Death Studiesand theJournal of the Society for Psychical Research, and an Associate Editor of theJournal of Scientific Exploration. Alvarado is also the recipient of the 2010 Parapsychological Association's Outstanding Contribution Award and of the 2010 Harold and Sherry Crasilneck Award for Best First Paper on Hypnosis published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Hypnosis.

He is one of the editors of Research in Parapsychology 1993 (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 1998) and the author of booklets for introducing parapsychology to the general public (Getting Started in Parapsychology. New York: Parapsychology Foundation, 2002; Apuntes para una Introducción a la Parapsicología. New York: Parapsychology Foundation, 1999). His scientific and scholarly work has been published in psychology, psychiatry, and parapsychology journals.

Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Education, Courses & Training, Paranormal, Near Death Experiences, Psychology
Guest Occupation: Director of Publications of the Parapsychology Foundation, Executive Editor of the International Journal of Parapsychology, Associate Editor of the series Advances in Parapsychological Research, International Teacher
Guest Biography:

Nancy L. Zingrone has a Bachelor in Arts with Honors in psychology (Mundelein College), a Masters of Science in Education (Northern Illinois University) with a teaching speciality in college-level psychology, and was a doctoral candidate in history (Duke University) with specialities in the histories of science, medicine, psychiatry, and American social history. She completed a doctorate in psychology (University of Edinburgh) in 2006 with a thesis entitled "From Text to Self: The History of Criticism and Response in the English-language Literature of Academic and Scientific Parapsychology."

Zingrone was an Adjunct Faculty in Psychology at Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago, Illinois where she courses of elementary and nonparametric statistics and introductory and research parapsychology (1979-1982). She was a Research Fellow (1982-1985) and a Visiting Scholar (1986-1993) at the Institute for Parapsychology in Durham, North Carolina (now known as the Rhine Research Center), where she conducted experimental ESP research. She has been an organizer of, and lecturer at the Summer Study Program of the Institute of Parapsychology (1983-1993, 2000) where she lectured on elementary statistics, spontaneous case research, experimental methodology and women in parapsychology. She has served several terms on the Board of Directors of the Parapsychological Association since the early 1990s, during which times she was also the Editor of PA News. She was elected President of the Parapsychological Association for the 2000-2001 term. She is currently a candidate for President of the PA for the 2003-2004 term.

In recent times, Zingrone has managed the publication of psychology journals in Puerto Rico through her publishing house Puente Publications. Currently she is the Director of Publications of the Parapsychology Foundation, the Executive Editor of the International Journal of Parapsychology, and the Associate Editor of the series Advances in Parapsychological Research.

Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Education, Courses & Training, Paranormal, Psychology
Guest Occupation: Algae Scientist and Teacher, Founder of the Shipyard Algae Teaching Lab in Berkeley, CA, founder of AlgaeLab LLC, Creator of "Grow Your Own Spirulina" kits, Author of "Grow Your Own Spirulina Superfood: A Simple How-To Guide"
Guest Biography:

Dr. Aaron Wolf Baum graduated summa cum laude in Physics from Harvard and received his Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Stanford University. He worked in Silicon Valley as a scientist for several years, while also creating interactive electronic art installations, before switching to algae research in 2006. While working on the NASA OMEGA algae biofuel-bioremediation project, he founded the Shipyard algae teaching lab in Berkeley, CA, and developed mobile, educational algae installations with the Chlorophyll Collective. He is the founder of AlgaeLab LLC, providing kits, culture, and workshops to the public since 2008, and has co-founded two new algae companies -- GreenSpring, an innovative algae farm in the San Francisco Bay Area, and SpiraLife, a developer of consumer-oriented, turnkey algae superfood photobioreactors. Aaron is author of the recently-published book, "Grow Your Own Spirulina Superfood: A Simple How-To Guide."

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Plant & Animals, Education, Courses & Training, Science, Biology & Chemistry
Guest Occupation: Famed Author of "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus", International Teacher and Speaker, Relationship and Life Coach
Guest Biography:

John helps men and women understand, respect and appreciate their differences in both personal and professional relationships. His approach combines specific communication techniques with healthy, nutritional choices that create the brain and body chemistry for lasting health, happiness and romance. His many books, videos, workshops and seminars provide practical insights to effectively manage stress and improve relationships at all stages of life and love.

John’s books have sold over 50 million copies in 50 different languages. His groundbreaking book, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, was the best-selling book of the 1990s. It launched his Mars Venus book series that forever changed the way men and women view their relationships.

John’s newest book is titled, Work with Me: The 8 Blind Spots Between Men and Women in Business. Work with Me teaches us how to achieve a more comfortable and productive work environment. John co-authored the book with Barbara Annis, a global expert on Gender Intelligence whose teachings and trainings have transformed the culture of numerous Fortune 500 companies and international governments.

Revealed for the first time in Work with Me are the Eight Gender Blind Spots, the leading false assumptions that create problems between men and women at work and at home. These blind spots were discovered using science, corporate case studies and the gender-based research from consulting firms and leading universities. John and Barabara also used the results from a very candid survey of over 100,000 men and women executives in Fortune 500 companies.

Work with Me details the biological and social influences that compel men and women to think and act as they do. It also offers clear solutions to help men and women understand how each gender communicates, solves problems, makes decisions, resolves conflict, leads others, and deals with stress.

John continues to travel the world teaching communities and companies the best ways to improve their relationships and communication. He has appeared on Oprah, Dr. Oz, The Today Show, CBS Morning Show, Good Morning America, The Early Show, The View, and many others. He has been profiled in Time, Forbes, USA Today, TV Guide and People. He was also the subject of a rare three-hour special hosted by Barbara Walters.

John Gray lives in Northern California with his wife of 28 years, Bonnie. They have three grown daughters and four grandchildren. He is an avid follower of his own health and relationship advice.

Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Health & Lifestyle, Psychology, Self Help, Motivational
Guest Occupation: United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture, Visiting Professor of Law at the American University - Washington College of Law, Co-Author of "Taking A Stand: The Evolution of Human Rights", International Advocate for Human Rights
Guest Biography:

Juan Mendez, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture will speak about the case of PFC Bradley Manning whose court martial trial begins June 3, 2013. Mr. Mendez attempted to investigate the Manning case but was denied access by the United States military. Mr Mendez has stated "I believe Bradley Manning was subjected to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment in the excessive and prolonged isolation he was put in during the nine months he was in Quantico.

"JUAN E. MENDEZ is a Visiting Professor of Law at the American University - Washington College of Law and the author (with Marjory Wentworth) of "Taking A Stand: The Evolution of Human Rights", New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2011. As of 1 November 2010, he was appointed the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

He was Special Advisor to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. He was also Co-Chair of the International Bar Association Human Rights Institute from 2010-2011

Until May 2009 he was the President of the International Center for Transnational Justice (ICTJ) and in the summer of 2009 he was a Scholar-in-Residence at the Ford Foundation in New York. Concurrent with his duties at ICTJ, the Honorable Kofi Annan named Mr. Méndez his Special Advisor on the Prevention of Genocide, a task he performed from 2004 to 2007.

A native of Argentina, Mr. Méndez has dedicated his legal career to the defense of human rights and has a long and distinguished record of advocacy throughout the Americas. As a result of his involvement in representing political prisoners, the Argentinean military dictatorship arrested him and subjected him to torture and administrative detention for more than a year. During this time, Amnesty International adopted him as a "Prisoner of Conscience." After his expulsion from his country in 1977, Mr. Méndez moved to the United States.

For 15 years, he worked with Human Rights Watch, concentrating his efforts on human rights issues in the western hemisphere. In 1994, he became general counsel of Human Rights Watch, with worldwide duties in support of the organization's mission, including responsibility for litigation and standard-setting activities. From 1996 to 1999, Mr. Méndez was the Executive Director of the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights in Costa Rica, and between October 1999 and May 2004 he was Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Civil and Human Rights at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana. Between 2000 and 2003 he was a member of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States, and served as its President in 2002.

He has taught International Human Rights Law at Georgetown Law School and at the John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, and he teaches regularly at the Oxford Masters Program in International Human Rights Law in the United Kingdom. He is the recipient of several human rights awards: the Rafael Lemkin Award for contributions to the prevention of genocide by the Auschwitz Institute on Peace and Reconciliation (2010); the Goler T. Butcher Medal from the American Society of International Law (2010); a Doctorate Honoris Causa from the University of Quebec in Montreal (2006); the inaugural "Monsignor Oscar A. Romero Award for Leadership in Service to Human Rights," by the University of Dayton (2000); and the "Jeanne and Joseph Sullivan Award" of the Heartland Alliance (2003).

Mr. Méndez is a member of the bar of Mar del Plata and Buenos Aires, Argentina, and the District of Columbia, U.S., having earned a J.D. from Stella Maris University in Argentina and a certificate from the American University Washington College of Law.

Guest Category: Literature, Business, Legal, Politics & Government, World
Guest Occupation: Musician, Sound Healer, Reiki Master, Poet and Astrologer
Guest Biography:

Astarius has Created this Music with the powerful intention to activate multi levels of Healing. In the beginning was Sound by which all things are Created! Sound is the access code, the bridge between Heaven and Earth. On these CDs, Astarius plays several instruments. His main expression is through the Didgeridoo and Vocal Harmonics. The Didgeridoo (an ancient wind instrument from the tribal Aborigines of Australia) produces multi leveled low and high tones, voices within voices reflecting Eternity (Everyone, Everywhere, Everywhen). While playing the Didgeridoo Astarius breathes in and out at the same time (circular breathing) producing continuous Sound with no pause. Through His Music He channels the Breath of God to activate Our Eternal Nature. Astarius also uses Vocal Harmonics to produce more than one tone simultaneously. These Vocal Harmonics consist of a fundamental low tone with high overtones, which activates the marriage between Spirit and Body. The Low Tone grounds the body while the High Overtones (as Spirit) lift the Body on Winged Songs of Ascension.

This Music has been Created to take Us to the Next Level.
Welcome to The MIRACLE OF SOUND!

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Energy Healing, Sound Healing, Spiritual, Astrology, Divination
Guest Occupation: National Bestselling Author, Business Strategist, Public Speaker, Advocate, Supporter and Defender of the Free Enterprise system, Founding Board Member of Club 100, Past Member of the Board of Directors of Safe Harbor
Guest Biography:

Co-author of 'The Go-Giver' (written with John David Mann), Bob Burg shares information on topics vital to the success of today's business person. He speaks for corporations and associations internationally, including fortune 500 companies, franchises, and numerous direct sales organizations.

Bob regularly addresses audiences ranging in size from 50 to 16,000 — sharing the platform with notables including today’s top thought leaders, broadcast personalities, Olympic athletes and political leaders including a former United States President.

Although for years he was best known for his book Endless Referrals, over the past few years it’s his business parable, The Go-Giver (coauthored with John David Mann) that has captured the imagination of his readers.

The Go-Giver shot to #6 on The Wall Street Journal’s Business Bestsellers list just three weeks after its release and reached #9 on BusinessWeek. It’s been translated into 21 languages. It is his fourth book to sell over 250,000 copies.

A third book coauthored by Bob and John David Mann is also a business parable; this one focusing on influence and leadership. Entitled, It’s Not About You, it shows how focusing on others is the best way to obtain stratospheric success in your own life and business.

Bob is an advocate, supporter and defender of the Free Enterprise system, believing that the amount of money one makes is directly proportional to how many people they serve.

He is a founding board member of Club 100, a charitable organization focused on helping underprivileged local area youths. A lover of animals, he is a past member of the Board of Directors of Safe Harbor, which is the Humane Society of Jupiter, Florida.

Guest Category: Literature, Business, Marketing
Guest Occupation: Book Author
Guest Biography:

Omiyale Jubé is the CEO and Founder of Navigate Your Existence, an organization designed to open new portals of understanding for those who desire to “Take Control of their Life’s Destination.”

Omiyale, also known as Anika Johnson, was born and raised on 125th street in Harlem, New York. Early in life, at the whim of the New York City school system, she was labeled culturally deprived, underprivileged, and emotionally disturbed.  She is a survivor of abusive relationships and an attempted suicide. Her journey began searching for answers. Omiyale’s discovery of her rich African heritage restored a sense of being, a step towards claiming self-worth. Yet, still looking externally for answers and not feeling in control, the quest continued. Searching for answers on a spiritual level opened doors to understanding her being on a more profound level, her very existence.  

Omiyale’s journey consisted of a series of “aha” moments that simplified the most complex and sometimes misunderstood concepts of life, converting them to tools of empowerment fueling her transformation.

She possesses an uncanny ability to provide answers to those yet unanswered, nagging questions about life, provide new perspectives with which to view the world, and guide individuals to look within for direction.

Sharing these “aha’ moments affords an extraordinary connection to her audiences as she guides them to ignite the power within. She utilizes her journey to teach others how to find their internal compass, and chart their course of destination. Omiyale’s journey as an acclaimed speaker and commitment to service has won her numerous awards and recognition from various organizations and persons of distinction.

Currently, Omiyale resides in Las Vegas, Nevada.  Amongst her accomplishes, she is an Author, Inspirational Speaker, Personal and Spiritual Coach, and Reiki Master.  A retired school administrator, she has always been inspired to share knowledge, effect change, and champion the evolution of humanity. Her speaking and coaching series is dedicated to the resurrection of mind, body, and soul, and to the ascension of consciousness for the human collective.  

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Advocate for Seniors
Guest Biography:

Bob Linscott is assistant director of the Boston-based lgbt aging project. In that position, he works to make certain that aging people with alternative life styles have an opportunity to enjoy as much support as anybody else might. He also works to bring together intergenerational groups. That can become quite a challenge considering the vast social changes that have occurred in the past few decades. At one point, gays, lesbians and others were obligef to hide their identities. Now, young children claim, for example, that they are girls even though they have been designated as being boys. 

Guest Category: Education, Kids & Family, Sex
Guest Occupation: Author, Junior High Principal
Guest Biography:

Innumerable books have been written about care giving for the elderly. But Carolie Warren's volume - But Mama How Come Grandpa Get's To Put His Feet Up on the Couch?" talks a fresh approach. it is written to help children better understand the need to remain patient and loving when dealing with the elderly. How can they become part of a circle of love that surrounds and supports this person?

An important part of this message: This elder deserves respect becaue of the work they have done on this earth and the fact their efforts helped support many poeple.

Ms. Warren is a principal at a middle school so she has viewed aging from two perspectives: Young people coming into their maturity and aging people leaving their final mark.

Guest Category: Arts, Education, Kids & Family, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Intuitive Consultants
Guest Biography:

John Stewart and Maggie Shetz have been combining their unique blend of spiritual and intellectual talents since 2007. Motivated by a love for learning and a deep interest in human consciousness, they have studied and developed skills in a range of holistic modalities. Their individual expertise and unique talents create a balanced perspective which offers clients a truly holistic experience.

John and Maggie offer services Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and many services are also available by Email, phone or Skype.

Services include hypnotherapy, past life regressions, intuitive readings, mediumship, Ioshi Card readings and Reiki healings. We also offer the scientifically proven tool of Controlled Remote Viewing.

Guest Category: Energy Healing, Paranormal, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Divination, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Musician, Communicator, Educator
Guest Biography:

Jill Mattson has long made a study of sounds and their most basic components. She reasons that everything is vibrations, motions, noting that mystics as well as physicists and others who are attuned to the material world agree with that assessment. And because of this fact sounds which are vibrations can have a great influence on our lives. 

Jill Mattson is an author, artist, musician and widely recognized expert and composer in the emerging field of Sound Healing. She has written four books and produced six CD's that combine intricate Sound Healing techniques with her original Award winning musical compositions (Deep Wave Beauty CD – Best New Age CD of 2012 – Silver Award).  The CD's consist of intriguing, magical tracks using ancient & modern techniques - with sound energy & special healing frequencies to achieve profound benefits.

Her cutting edge music includes: Frequencies of Flower Essences (emotional catharsis & virtue building), Celestial music with Tones from ancient Egypt and Celestial Bodies, Solfeggio/Reverse Solfeggio & Fibonacci tones, Sound Based Beauty Treatments, Binaural Beats & Meditative Music, Countering Negative Astrological Energies, Ascended Master & and Angelic Channeled Energies, Ancient Languages of Light and more! These multilayered, multidimensional, deep soulful works will uplift your heart - while offering a myriad of benefits.

Jill lectures throughout the North America on "Ancient Sounds ~ Modern Healing" taking followers on an exciting journey revealing the healing power of sound.  She unveils secrets from ancient cultures as well as the latest findings of the modern scientific community showing the incredible potential and healing capabilities of sound. Jill draws on her extensive research of modern research and Sound Healing, and over 20 year study of ancient civilizations and secret societies in her music, lectures, workshops and writings.

Please visit her websites where you can learn more about her in-depth studies and work.  Also available on the sites are additional free mp3's of her Sound Healing compositions, including healing and uplifting music with Solfeggio Tones, Star Energy, Flower Frequencies, Fibonnaci and nature tones.

Guest Category: Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Music, Psychology, Religion, Self Help, Meditation, Mystic & Seer, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Arts Educator
Guest Biography:

Sean Caulfield iss one of the founders of Artists for Alzheimer’s. The organization brings art to people and people to art. It facilitates visits to museums where participants, some of them people living with Alzheimer’s plus their care partners, are asked to comment on the works they see. And It also brings art, often in vans, to senior living facilities.

Guest Category: Arts, Education
Guest Occupation: Clinical Psychologist, Adjunct Professor at Penn State, Staff Psychologist and Director of Psychologial Services in Danville, PA, Author, Witer, Book Review Editor
Guest Biography:

Nicholas Brink is the author of The Power of Ecstatic Trance: Practices for Healing, Spiritual Growth, and Accessing the Universal Mind.

License and Certificates:
Pennsylvania License PS001028-L
Diplomate In Clinical Psychology, American Board of Professional Psychology
Council for the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology

1982 - Present: The private practice of psychology. Services offered: Individual, family, and marital psychotherapy and hypnosis. Evaluation and therapy for emotional, family and marital problems, sex abuse, stress reduction, pain and other physical/psychosomatic problems.

Fall 1989: Adjunct professor, The Pennsylvania State University, taught introductory psychology.

1974-1982: Staff psychologist and (Beginning Jan. 1980) Director of Psychological Services at Danville State Hospital, Danville, PA. Administrator and supervisor of psychology department, started family therapy program, directed student internship program and provided psychotherapy for patients.

Summer 1981: Adjunct professor at Bloomsburg University, Bloomsburg, PA. Taught intelligence testing.

1972-1973: Director, Strawberry Fields, a state funded small group home for retarded adolescents, State College, PA.

1970-1972: Research Associate, University Division of Instructional Services, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. Consulted with faculty on classroom evaluation, test construction and research.

Guest Category: Literature, Education, Courses & Training, Health & Lifestyle, Psychology, Spiritual, Meditation
Guest Occupation: Author of 'A Lawyer Presents The Case For The Afterlife', Public Speaker, Human Rights Activist and Group Founder in New South Wales, Legal Aid Volunteer, Afterlife Writer and Researcher
Guest Biography:

Victor James Zammit, B.A.Grad. Dip.Ed. M.A. LL.B. Ph.D, worked as an attorney in the Local Courts, District and Supreme Courts in Sydney Australia. For many years his main interest was in human rights and social justice. Around 1990 he began to experience spontaneous clairvoyance and clairaudience which led him to begin a systematic investigation of the afterlife. He was astonished to discover a hidden world of research that he felt provided overwhelming evidence for life after death. Since that time his priority has been sharing his discoveries on his website where an earlier version of his book was viewed by more than a million people.

AS AN AUTHOR Victor Zammit wrote A LAWYER PRESENTS THE CASE FOR THE AFTERLIFE (National Library of Australia Card No. and ISBN 0-9580115-0-8), which is on the internet. This book has been translated into Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, French, Dutch and now is in the process of being translated into German.

Victor's partner Wendy Zammit has been researching the evidence for the afterlife with him for more than twenty years. She is the co-author of "A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife" and the Friday Afterlife Report that is sent weekly free of charge to thousands of subscribers all over the world.


Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Business, Legal, Paranormal, Politics & Government, Psychic & Intuitive, Spiritual, Clairvoyant & Telepathic
Guest Occupation: Author, President of Hypnotic Marketing Institute, Certified Hypnotherapist, Public Speaker, Musician, Copywriter, Chun Kung Healer, Executive Business Mentor
Guest Biography:

Dr. Joe Vitale has steered himself through many levels of consciousness to abundance. Current president of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc, a marketing consulting firm, he has been called “the Buddha of the Internet” for his combination of spirituality and marketing acumen. He has also been featured on the best-selling program, The Secret, teaching people how to have, do, or be anything they want and to achieve their goals in every single area of life.

Joe’s incredible story of using the Law of Attraction in his own life is an inspiration to thousands. 30 years ago, he was broke, desperate and living on the street. Through a series of odd “coincidences,” he found his inner calling and has gone on to great fame and success. He has shared his knowledge and discoveries through several best-selling audio programs.

Joe has become one of the top copywriters in the world, and one of the most successful, respected marketers in world. He takes complex issues of psychology and makes them easy to understand and apply to your life. Combining real, practical life wisdom with unique insight to truly understand yourself, he gives you tools to open new opportunities and possibilities in your life.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Literature, Business, Marketing, Psychology, Self Help, Motivational, Spiritual, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: US Political Theorist and Activist, Institute Professor Emeritus of Linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Libertarian Socialist, Author, Writer, Public Speaker
Guest Biography:

Noam Chomsky is sometimes referred to as "The Father of Modern Linguistics."

Noam Chomsky was born in Philadelphia to immigrant Russian parents, both of whom were Hebrew scholars and teachers. A child of the Great Depression, Chomsky's political consciousness developed early: He saw women strikers being beaten outside a textile factory and rag sellers peddling their pitiful wares door-to-door in his neighborhood. To the 10 year-old Chomsky, the 1930's were "a time of political activism, debate, and great fear of Hitler conquering Europe. I saw the world as a complicated, frightening place."

He studied linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard and in 1957, while a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he published Syntactic Structures a theory of "generative grammar" that transformed linguistics from an obscure discipline into a major social science. Outside of academia Chomsky is better known as a political activist-a role that he vigorously assumed as an early and outspoken critic and protester of the Vietnam War.

In the 1966 essay, "The Responsibility of Intellectuals," Chomsky challenged intellectuals "to speak the truth and expose lies," and he carried his protests beyond the printed page: he became a tax resister and he was arrested in 1967 at the Pentagon while protesting military involvement in Southeast Asia.

Chomsky's criticism of U.S. governmental policies has continued unabated since that time. In Deterring Democracy (1992) and in other books he has focused on trade and economic issues and accuses the Government of being a "rogue superpower." "I'm a citizen of the United States," says Chomsky, "and I have a share of responsibility for what it does. I'd like to see it act in ways that meet decent moral standards. It's back to moral truisms: it's of little value to criticize the crimes of someone else-though you should do it, and tell the truth. I have no influence over the policies of [other countries] but a certain degree over the policies of the U.S. It's not a matter of expectation but of aspiration."

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Literature, Education, Courses & Training, Languages, History, Politics & Government, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Professor of Journalism and Media, Editor of Union for Democratic Communication's journal Democratic Communique, a regular contributor to, an affiliate of Project Censored and a contributor to their publication 'Censored 2013'
Guest Biography:

Professor Tracy teaches classes on journalism and media at Florida Atlantic University.

His work on media history, politics and culture has appeared in a wide variety of academic journals, edited volumes, and alternative news and opinion outlets. Tracy is editor of Union for Democratic Communication's journal Democratic Communique. He is a also a regular contributor to the Center for Research on Globalization's website, an affiliate of Project Censored and contributor to that organization's most recent publication Censored 2013: The Top Censored Stories and Media Analysis of 2011-2012.

Professor Tracy has spoken in media interviews as well as in articles about both the Sandy Hook Massacre and the Boston Explosions. His views were viewed by some as unacceptable and, in particular, complaints about his opinion that the Sandy Hook Massacre was possibly a hoax or not all that it appeared to be lead to a review by Florida Atlantic University placing his job in jeopardy. However, the American Association of University Professors has since defended Professor Tracy's right, under principles of academic freedom to speak on matters of public concern without fear of institutional discipline.


ISIS Fraud Exposed! Leaked Video Appears to Show Staged Killing of James Foley

by James Tracy 

CyberBerkut (Google Translation):

We CyberBerkut received at the disposal of the file whose value can not be overstated!

Dear Senator McCain! We recommend you next time in foreign travel, and especially on the territory of Ukraine, not to take confidential documents.

On one of the devices of your colleagues, we found a lot of interesting things. Something we decided to put: this video should become the property of the international community!


LEAKED! ISIS Beheading Video Caught Filming In Studio!

The Cyber Berkut hacked video matches the James Foley proven fake killing to an extraordinary degree.

This almost seemed too good to be true but I found the above photo at Leak Source and the video of the IS studio filmed fake beheading scene matches in many ways and appears to be a film of the making of the fake James Foley execution video as the moving photograph above brilliantly demonstrates.

Many other small details from the James Foley video appear to match. These include the way the “Jihad John” character tucks his pants into his boots, along with the foreground landscape which differs between the fake execution videos. The Cyber Berkut hacking group claim they found the footage on the phone of a staffer of John McCain, a politician with extensive historical links to jihadist fighters and terror groups as this photograph and many others indicate.

US Senator John MCCain meets with takfiri jihadists fighters in Syria.circa 2012.

The man in the background next to McCain’s (as we see it) left shoulder. is alleged to be the Caliph of the IS Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, who it is widely claimed is actually an Israeli agent real name Simon Elliot. Although all hard evidence of the supposed Caliph’s identity is cloaked in layers of misinformation.

The fake Caliph, the intensely pious man with a taste for the finer things!

The whole leader thing did not seem to work with the fake Caliph, he made only one personal appearance was widely mocked and might as well never have existed.

It was claimed that the Caliph was badly wounded in an air strike and was receiving treatment in an Israeli hospital. It was also claimed that he had died.

It is known that Israel provides medical and other assistance to both the IS group and the al Nusra front, it is in the UN reports, it is in the Jerusalem Post:

“Now, a report from the UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) reveals that Israel has been working closely with Syrian rebels in the Golan Heights and have kept close contact over the past 18 months. The report was submitted to the UN Security Council at the beginning of the month.”

“The documents show that Israel has been doing more than simply treating wounded Syrian civilians in hospitals. This and a few past reports have described transfer of unspecified supplies from Israel to the Syrian rebels, and sightings of IDF soldiers meeting with the Syrian opposition east of the green zone, as well as incidents when Israeli soldiers opened up the fence to allow Syrians through who did not appear to be injured.”

“The report said UNDOF “observed at least 10 wounded persons being transferred by armed members of the opposition from the Bravo side across the cease-fire line.”

The story about Baghdadi in Israel wounded or dead may well be true but there is a distinct lack of evidence in any direction.

The beheadings, the Jihad John videos on the other hand were an obvious psyop and fraud proven within days of the Foley release and the Cyber Berkut video only adds to an overwhelming body of evidence of fraud and deception.

The Meaning of the Beheading Hoax.

Oops! They Hoaxed it Again!

6 REASONS Jihadi John/Emwazi is CIA/Illuminati – The Fakery is IRREFUTABLE

WOW! Media Damage Control On James Foley Video: “Experts Now Conclude Video Is Fake”

This Xendrius video has not been removed but Youtube seems to cause it to crash before it begins every time. Our beloved overlords at Google would NEVER seek to suppress the truth so the reason for this is a mystery. (It works embedded but still not on Youtube)

All Jihadi John Videos are 100% FAKE

Guest Category: Literature, Education, Courses & Training, News, Politics & Government, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Director of Operations and Performance of N2Care, Corporate Vision Planner, Transformed MEDCottage to a new medical product, Non-Profit Administrator, Ordained Minister
Guest Biography:

Ken is the passion and vision of N2Care. He gives direction and leadership to the overall operations and performance of N2Care. He is the point man for the leadership team, implementing the strategic goals and objectives for the organization. He maintains and energizes corporate vision and planning and serves as the link to investors and the advisory board. In just three years he has charted a course and transformed the MEDCottage from an academic notion to a new medical product.

Ken has more than 25 years experience in non-profit administration, including organizational goals, capital procurement, financial oversight and membership development. His education credentials consist of a certificate of advanced studies from Temple University School of Business and Law in Tokyo, a master's degree concentrated in diplomatic studies, and a bachelor's degree in organization management. He also has background in biblical studies as an ordained minister and is presently completing a Ph.D.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine