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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Guest Occupation: Autor, Facilitator, Speaker on Loss and Grief
Guest Biography:

Diane Pomerance is the author of nine books, seven of which are nonfiction about animals. She has a deep love and profound respect for nature and all living creatures, and she writes and speaks of the interconnectedness and interdependence of the whole of life. She is an ardent animal lover and advocate who has rescued, rehabilitated and adopted more than 46 dogs over the past decades. She is deeply involved with animal welfare and the environment.

She is also a Grief Recovery Specialist who helps people recover from grief over any kind of loss, but has a special interest in helping those who have lost a beloved animal companion to cope with and recover from their grief. Animals are dearly loved and respected family members to many of us, and yet we have been socialized to feel ashamed or embarrassed by the intense grief we feel following their loss. Dr. Pomerance created and established the Pet Grief Counseling Program for the SPCA of Texas in 2000. It is a free service open to the public which offers bi-monthly grief recovery groups as well as telephone and one-on-one counseling. All of the grief counselors are specially trained SPCA of Texas volunteers.

Spirituality has been the passion, the “calling” of her life, and she has dedicated her life to spiritual research and exploration. A dear friend of hers introduced her (at age 15) to a book that would transform her life. It was called An Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda at. At about the same time she was also introduced to an Indian guru of the Sant Mat religious movement and spent a weekend retreat with him in Toronto, Canada. She was a voracious reader and felt a powerful affinity for the teachings of Sant Mat.

For many years Diane studied and conducted research into various world religions and philosophies ranging from Hinduism and Buddhism, Spiritualism and Theosophy, Sufi to Subud, etc.and was privileged to study with many great spiritual teachers and masters including J. Krishnamurti, Swami Muktananda, Gurumayi Chidvilisananda, Sri Daya Mata and contemporary life teachers such as M. Scott Peck, Jack Canfield and Dr. Leo Buscaglia.

She spent five years studying with and then writing the biography of her remarkable spiritual teacher and mentor, British psychic, medium/healer, Katherine Hayward who had been born in Wales in 1899 and had an out-of-the-body experience at the age of 7. Angelic beings encouraged her to return to the physical body and Katherine awoke in agonizing pain but speaking in a full, mature adult voice and being able to predict the future. Diane researched and witnessed numerous examples of psychic phenomena. Above all else, she learned a body of spiritual teachings that Katherine and her family had received from their Spirit Guides for a 6-month period of daily instruction during the early 1920’s regarding Life & Death – their meaning and purpose.

Diane holds a Ph.D. degree in Mass Media/Communications from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She earned her M.A. in Theater from the University of Michigan. She also received her B.A. in History and Speech from the University of Michigan along with a secondary education

teaching certification.

Diane loves animals and nature. She also loves to travel and has been to most parts of the world from Africa to Australia, South America to Asia, Europe to South America, and so on. She has an innate love of and respect for indigenous peoples and all non-violent cultures. Her exciting new book, Katherine: A Woman of Vision

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Psychology, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Musician,Songwriter
Guest Biography:




Carl Palmer is a drummer’s drummer. A consummate professional, a brilliant

technician and a dynamic showman, he has thrilled listeners and audiences alike

for nearly four decades with some of music’s most memorable bands including

Atomic Rooster, The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown, Asia and Emerson, Lake &

Palmer. Along the way his dexterity, speed and mastery of the drums, combined

with his infectious stage personality, have secured for him a respected place in

history as one of Rock and Roll’s greatest drummers.

At the age of 18, Carl joined up with The Crazy World of Arthur Brown at the

absolute peak of their success following the smash single “Fire” (“I am the God of

Hellfire…”). In 1969, Carl returned to the UK to form Atomic Rooster. It was with

Atomic Rooster that Carl enjoyed his first real success as a founding member of

a band.

But it would be in the spring of 1970, Carl received a phone call that changed his

life forever. Keyboard virtuoso Keith Emerson from The Nice, was forming a new

band with King Crimson founder Greg Lake. Immediately dubbed a “super-group”

by the media, Emerson, Lake and Palmer (ELP) entered the musical arena with

great expectations.

The classic single "Lucky Man" became a hit, and their stage show quickly

became the stuff of legend. They recorded and released five albums in four years,

all of which reached platinum status. Among them: Tarkus, Trilogy, and Brain

Salad Surgery.

An insane touring schedule followed and the legendary scale and musicianship

of ELP’s live show continued to grow. Tired from a grueling four year run which

had seen the release of 5 albums as well as untold hundreds of tour dates, the

band decided to take a hiatus. The material created during this period was the

basis of the ELP albums Works Volume I and Works Volume II, which were

released back to back in 1977. The band continued to tour and record for two

more years, before disbanding in 1979.

Opportunity knocked again for Carl when he was approached to form a supergroup

concept for Geffen Records. Eventually, along with King Crimson

vocalist/bassist John Wetton, Yes/ Buggles keyboardist Geoff Downes and Yes

guitarist, Steve Howe, Asia was born.

The band’s self-titled debut album Asia was released in 1982 and a tour began.

Asia’s debut LP went to number one, selling over seven million copies

worldwide. Along the way singles such as “Heat Of The Moment”, “Only Time

Will Tell”, “Wildest Dreams” and “Sole Survivor” dominated the charts for months.

In 1985, Asia went their separate ways. Carl would spend the next seven years

playing in different combinations of bands with Keith Emerson and some of the

ASIA members. Finally, in 1992, ELP returned with Black Moon. They would

remain together until 1998, and reform for one final appearance in London at the

High Voltage Festival in 2010.

Carl set out on a schedule that included drum clinics, master classes and

teaching children with special needs. In 2012, he became a Fellow at Solent

University Southampton, UK, lecturing in music business classes and career


In 2001, Carl once again set out to create his own new band with two

accomplished musicians: bassist Simon Fitzpatrick and guitarist Paul Bielatowicz.

Together, they have toured the world as the progressive trio “Carl Palmer’s ELP

Legacy”. The thought of Carl Palmer assembling a progressive trio might seem

like he was relying on formula, especially since the band’s material consisted

mainly of ELP classics, but this was indeed a new direction. Purely guitars-driven,

this band put a new face on the ELP classics, performing them with musical

complexity and a raw energy not heard, since the earliest days of ELP.

In 2006, Carl also regrouped for the long awaited reunion of the original ASIA,

with Steve Howe, Geoff Downes and John Wetton.

To date, Carl has sold nearly 50 million records.

In 2012, Carl was approached by the innovative art company, Scene 4, to do a

series of art images based on his rhythmic and musical ideas. The images are a

unique blend of light, shadow, reflection and musical performance, related his


Carl is an avid collector of contemporary art and antiques from all over the world.

His knowledge of contemporary art fuelled his interest in pursuing his own art

projects with Scene 4. To date, he has released two collections: Twist Of The

Wrist and The Rhythm of Light.

Carl Palmer, is returning to the United States for the second leg of the enormously


PALMER TOUR. Originally designed to be a celebration of Palmer’s 50th year in

music, the focus and name of the tour was changed in light of the tragic death of

Keith Emerson on March 11th. Carl Palmer’s ELP Legacy will play nearly two hours

and drum enthusiasts can expect an evening of compelling percussive skills, from

the man who brought the drum set to the forefront of rock n roll music.

Guest Category: Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Radio show host, psyhic medium/ healer
Guest Biography:

Ericka Stouts first series of books starting with "Star Crossed" a story about A woman who had a past life regression and her journey to find her one and only true love! Her first book "Star Crossed" will be out at the end of November 2016 on Amazon Kindle.Also Ericka Stout has a published book of her most beloved poems called "In A Misty Meadow" already on Amazon Kindle at a discount price of 99 cents US dollars. Ericka Stout is a natural Healer and a Reiki 1 practitioner and medium psychic!


Guest Category: Arts, Paranormal, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling, Clairvoyant & Telepathic
Guest Occupation: Sound Healer/ Shaman Channel
Guest Biography:

Norma Gentile

Who am I?

A recording artist of four solo musical CDs, 45 Meditation and Teaching CDs, an energy healer and channeler. I receive information for individuals in healing sessions, and written transmissions from Archangel Michael, Mary and Thoth which I share in my newslettters and articles. As a singer of healing music I work with the Hathors and Hildegard.

What I do...


I offer session both in-person and by phone. Sessions include both information and energy healing around your current issues, and are recorded for you. It can be extremely effective on chronic and deeply rooted issues

Chronic issues, including those around trauma, sexuality, and power are up for everyone. These wounds are the source of our greatest power when we let our own healing and compassion move out through them. This is why I offer Individual Sessions.



My healing Meditation Concerts include chants by Hildegard von Bingen and Songs from Spirit. I use Tibetan Singing Bowls and Harmonic Toning to accompany harmonize the medieval chants. See my Itinerary to find out when I'll be in your area, or go to my Booking Page if your organization wants to bring me to your city.

Guest Category: Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Music, Spiritual, Angel Communication, Medium & Channeling, Shamanism
Guest Occupation: Author
Guest Biography:

Judyth Vary Baker Biography


Ten years ago, I decided to speak out concerning my relationship with Lee Harvey Oswald, who has long been accused of murdering President John F. Kennedy. I remember placing about half the evidence I had on the bed and looking at it, wondering if it was enough, and if I could find witnesses to our relationship. For Oswald and I had a love affair in New Orleans, which was known to some others; I had remained in contact with Lee until a day and a half before Kennedy's assassination. We planned to marry if he was able to escape with his life. To this day, I have never met another man with such courage.

I had written down a highly detailed account for my son, for him to read after I died, but it occurred to me that he might not understand its complexity and importance: Lee Oswald had been demonized in the press, and I had heard many lies about his character and personality, even though I tried hard to remove myself from every possible contact with the past, for I had seen Lee shot to death on television, a indescribable shock. Lee had told me that he was being set up to get trapped and killed, because he had penetrated an assassination ring, in hopes of saving Kennedy, by means of his association with David Ferrie and anti-Kennedy former FBI officer Guy Banister, and others. But he understood that he had no way to extricate himself without endangering me, his wife, and his babies. Besides, he told me that he had become part of an abort team that would try to save Kennedy. He stressed that he would try to act as naturally and normally as possible, despite what he knew, in order to protect us and others who had tried to save the President.

Lee Oswald expected to be shot dead the same day as the President, because he knew too much. He had far closer ties to the mafia than was known to most between 1963 and 1999, when I finally revealed his extensive ties with the Marcello organization in New Orleans. Carlos Marcello was the country's most powerful godfather in 1963, but was scarcely mentioned in official investigations in 1963. From childhood on, Lee yearned to become a double agent/spy against communism, ever since viewing "I led Three Lives" in New York when he was a young teenager. He was NOT an ordinary young man: he became a Marine, was trained in covert activities, conquered the difficult Russian language, and entered Russia as a fake defector while still 19 years old. He returned to the United States at the height of the Cold War almost three years later with a Russian wife and child without difficulty, because he was one of our own. A true hero and patriot - one of the few who had ever entered the USSR as a defector and returned alive to tell the tale. All his later actions, such as passing out pro-Castro literature in New Orleans, were choreographed by the CIA and FBI, so that he could be sent into Cuba against Castro in a later assignment.

Lee became a successful double agent working secretly against Castro for the CIA, with ties to the FBI, even while posing as pro-Castro. He had successfully worked as a spy for the US inside the Soviet Union, and was soon assigned to prepare himself as a spy inside Cuba. But he also had numerous jobs to do for the CIA and FBI here in the United States - and I was aware of many of them, having at times posed as his wife in New Orleans, and for some time had also served to help cover his activities while he and I worked at a small coffee company in New Orleans. I was from Florida and was very anti-Castro, beginning with my close friendship in high school with Tony Lopez-Fresquet. (The son of Castro's first finance minister, he was forced to flee Cuba because his mother was an American.)

I won't discuss my training in cancer research here, but I was qualified to work in an anti-Castro cancer research project that began in 1962 in New Orleans under the auspices of Dr. Alton Ochsner, known for his anti-communist ferocity, and Dr. Mary S. Sherman, along with other doctors, specialists, and trained assistants, including the well-known anti-Castro genius-eccentric, David Ferrie, a friend of Dr. Sherman's. Through a series of events, I was brought inadvertently into the project: I was originally supposed to be involved only peripherally, in Dr. Sherman's bone cancer laboratory. How this occurred is told in detail in several books, as well as on DVD's, and in documentaries. Lee Oswald - an intelligent man--was involved as a courier and lab tech in the project. My recent, but unhappy marriage, the absence of my husband (and his being unavailable to help me during a severe crisis), and Lee Oswald's interventions and help in my times of need (he was equally unhappy in his own marriage) created a camaraderie which developed into a romance. I know Lee loved me with all his heart. And I loved him the same.

The trials and tribulations we endured to get the product developed, tested, and into Cuba were many and complex. Lee did everything he could to protect me after our efforts failed, especially after I had a falling-out over using one or more 'volunteers' to test the cancer. By then, Lee was already involved, through David Ferrie, in penetrating a JFK assassination ring that existed in New Orleans; he later was lured into its arm in Texas. Believing he could obtain information that might be used to save Kennedy, Lee, fully aware of the dangers, cooperated with the assassination ring's leaders. Concurrently, Lee's attempts in Mexico City to get the cancer product into Cuba to use against Castro were fruitless, because the project was called off. The excuse was the approach of Hurricane Flora and the scattering of Castro's medical teams throughout Cuba: the shelf life of the product was limited and wouldn't survive neglect.

I was warned--after Lee was arrested, pointed out immediately as the 'sole assassin,' and then shot and killed on November 24--to keep quiet and to become a 'vanilla girl'. I was to do no more cancer research, though it had been my great dream, and I had been exceptionally good at it. I would eventually get a B.S. in anthropology and spend much time teaching and counseling. Lee had begged me to have babies and to go on with my life, so I did. I ended up with five children, and waited until the last one left home before looking into the current state of affairs regarding the JFK/RFK/MLK murders. I knew enough about what happened to Lee to suspect that all three murders were agency-arranged. I took out the film "JFK", by Oliver Stone, to watch--a film I could not bear to see when the kids brought it home a few years earlier. They remember my unexplainable walk-out, leaving them alone in the house to watch it--and now, by myself, I saw enough to understand what a mess had been made of the truth. I felt my soul shrink with shame when Stone noted that to remain silent was cowardly!

I had heard that Dr. Sherman and Dave Ferrie had both been murdered. Now I saw more murders of witnesses on that film. Though it had been 38 years since JFK had died, I feared who might still be alive to do harm to me or my loved ones. I had written down the entire truth for my son in a series of letters, but I realized I could not simply publish them. I could be sued by the powerful people still alive, including the Lyndon Johnson, Nixon and Bush dynasty beneficiaries of the assassinations. I remember trembling all over, with pure fear. Still, Oliver Stone's movie had awakened my conscience. What kind of love had I held for Lee, if I didn't try to set the record straight, best I could? I couldn't betray him by continued silence. I just couldn't. But I decided to protect myself. I began writing The Oswald Connection, a mishmash of memories thrown together without regard to my painfully written and highly accurate letters. If any publisher showed interest in this incomplete story, which omitted some key names and activities, I'd then bring out the full 600 pages I'd written and ask for protection from lawsuits.

Satisfied that I had enough evidence to back my testimony, and certain I'd find witnesses that Lee and I had been lovers--some of them had to still be alive!--I sent a fax to "20/20", a TV program that had investigated Benny Hinn and other controversial figures quite well. They felt the story was too big for them, and contacted "60 Minutes", who soon after contacted me. At the same time, I found a European-based literary agent, after a US agent backed out due to fear. This agent took my hastily-written book, interviewed me by phone and email, and edited the book, unfortunately adding details such as 'Cancun' that I would later be criticized about. "It doesn't matter," he told me. "Once it's with a publisher, fix it up as you please." That agent was a go-getter, but he created a fake story about my hiding out in Europe, and other lies, and also tried to get a producer friend of his to film my story for "60 Minutes". The final blow was too much: the agent insisted that "60 Minutes" sign a contract with financial demands in it, and they refused to handle the story. I personally turned down all financial offers.

After I fired the agent, and told "60 Minutes" he was gone, for the next year and a half, Mike Wallace, Don Hewitt, Phil Scheffler and others investigated me, and everything I said and showed them. They sent me to New Orleans, to Washington, to New York, and I was vetted mercilessly. I have much more supporting evidence now, and now have my living witnesses on tape and film as well, but at the time, a third party threatened one of my witnesses (Anna Lewis), and she refused to be re-filmed for "60 Minutes". Another witness worried that I was an imposter (he has since realized that another person was posing as me!). He has since written a book (Dr. Mary's Monkey, by Edward T. Haslam) using me as a primary witness. "60 Minutes" didn't learn about that new book in time nor did they want to use the poor quality original film where Anna Lewis states how she and her husband, and Lee Oswald and I, double-dated together in New Orleans. Her husband was David Lewis, who had worked with Guy Banister, as had Lee.

Howard Liebengood, who had had access to HSCA/CIA files, supported me, but there was also difficulty trying to get this story told in just 18 minutes - the longest time segment allowed in the format of the program. In the end, as Don Hewitt told the world on C-Span, "the door was slammed in our faces." Despite promises that filming would proceed--three times--in the end, I got email apologies, and two checks for lost wages (CBS told me they had never done that before for anyone investigated by "60 Minutes").

Meanwhile, one researcher had leaked information to a vicious newsgroup, which over the years issued over 250,000 posts, mostly flaming and attacking. Most of these have since been erased, but the thrust was that I sought money and fame and attention. The opposite is the case: I have turned down all requests for interviews since 2004. Several huge websites variously attack me as a liar or fantasist, while suggesting I should be arrested if I'm telling the truth, all the while ignoring numerous statements from living and dead witnesses that have long proven that Lee and I were lovers, as well as much new evidence and leads that I've given researchers, which has unearthed new information concerning Oswald and the assassination, such as that Oswald worked with Customs agents, and that CIA handler David Atlee Phillips was in Dallas on Nov. 22nd, the day JFK was shot.

Of course, I also hear "So what? He probably lied to her, too!" Ten years after speaking out for the first time, I am a shadow of my former healthy and strong self, plagued with chronic pain and double vision. Why? I've been struck twice by vehicles in Dallas, have been assaulted, have been stalked, threatened and found my teaching jobs vanish, again and again. My phones have been tapped in Europe, I've been followed openly, the brake line on my car was cut, and vandals have repeatedly broken into my homes and destroyed my property. But that's just the start.

I do not want pity, but understanding my situation is important. My reputation has been destroyed on the Internet. While teaching in Hungary, in 2007, I was suddenly told I had to quit: Hungarian agents warned me to leave the country, but not to return to America. The date: Sept. 8--the same day Edward T. Haslam's book, Dr. Mary's Monkey, was reviewed by a popular blogger in Hungary. I ended up fleeing to Scandinavia, where I sought political asylum. It was a delicate political situation--after all, I came from America!--but they did not deport me, as at first I was told was 100% inevitable. After reviewing my case, I received protection under appeal, remaining sheltered in Sweden for over ten months. I finally obtained safe haven in the Middle east and in Europe, through the actions of friends and my children, just before I would have been forced to go back to America. Instead, I am free to go anywhere I choose, and do so, but I am a woman without a country, without a home, unable to see my grandchildren and children, for I do not want bad things to happen to them because of my presence. I am grateful for those who handled my case in Sweden, who despite political difficulties granted me time to find safe haven (actually, two safe havens)! I'm safe now, I feel, thanks to everyone's help. I do hope someday to be able to safely live and travel in my own country.

It has been difficult getting out the truth to the world. Twice, books I attempted to write, with much more information, and with those important names and events added, that I so long feared to mention, have been published without my permission, because both books needed much more work. The present book, Me & Lee, reflects our personal lives and adds new information. Donations allow me to travel between my two residences. I can only stay 89 days at a time at each residence, and it's expensive to move four times a year, but I currently have no choice, if I am to live in safety. After The History Channel aired "The Love Affair", I received many threats and was hospitalized three times from injuries associated with my situation.

In 2003, British film producer Nigel Turner, famed for the once-popular (and now banned) History Channel series, The Men Who Killed Kennedy, which had previously been featured on The History Channel for two decades, offered three final segments to the world about the Kennedy assassination: The Smoking Guns, The Love Affair, and The Guilty Men. "The Love Affair" (in 5 sections on YouTube,, Edward Haslam's websites,, etc.) was Turner's only documentary featuring just one witness story--mine.

Supposed to be shown for nine years running, until 2013 (the 50th anniversary), the series nailed down the role played by President Lyndon Johnson in helping to assure Kennedy's assassination--with a terrible outcry from two former Presidents, Lady Bird Johnson, Jack Valenti, and others. The documentaries were secretly purchased from The History Channel, and banned. They were seen only five times in America. They were also shown in Europe and Australia. Other documentary attempts were made by Jim Marrs, Wim Dankbaar, and Dutch investigator Peter deVries, who runs a Sixty-Minute style investigative news program--all of these persons spent significant time investigating me and my witnesses and evidence. Finally, Edward Haslam's book, Dr. Mary's Monkey, explains in detail, and quite accurately, just what happened in New Orleans in 1963, and the roles Lee and I played there in our attempt to help kill Fidel Castro and to try to save JFK. But only in the book Me & Lee will you learn of the greatness, patriotism, courage and decency of Lee Harvey Oswald.

Today, several of my children are very unhappy with my having spoken out. I have lost friends; many relatives are also upset with me, though others pray every day for my safety. I have lost health, income, savings, and my reputation in the world as a good, kind, truthful person. For some time, after I endured pain and crippling from an (unrelated) assault--but would I have taken that hazardous teaching job if I had not lost so many other job opportunities?--I was in a wheelchair, and got badly overweight, almost overcome with neck and back pain. I have since lost considerable weight and am now healthy again. Maybe I won't be harmed again and can keep my health. I am so grateful for the donations that have paid my medical bills!

I am treated with respect overseas, but it seems that all my efforts have had little impact in the United States. Even my home town area newspaper wrote a damaging article about me in 2008, using quotes from two former classmates I scarcely knew, plus additional nasty comments from the ever-ready newsgroup. (None of the people quoted there had ever met me.) It broke my heart, for the article also mentioned that I did not attend my mother's funeral--not explaining that I was being protected in the political asylum system in Sweden, due to death threats!--making it seem I didn't care about my beloved mother. She fully supported me in life: she knew I would have come to her side, had it had been possible.

While there have been some defeats, I hope to live to see Lee Harvey Oswald fully exonerated. Every year, on November 24, the date Lee died, we hold THE LEE HARVEY OSWALD MEMORIAL EVENING. We expect it to be held in 12 countries in 2009. Visit or for more information!

My closest friends and allies know what I've been through--depending on when and where they've been. They generally concede that pressure has been put upon me to give up, to shut up. To a great extent, attempts to close my mouth succeeded, because I must keep my locations secret, if I am to have peace. But I will never give up efforts to exonerate Lee Harvey Oswald. Do not go gentle into that dark night of lies. Fight to stop the dying of the light!

When my voice goes silent at last, who then will speak for Lee Oswald? For the truth? Those who killed Kennedy went on to push not one, but two wars, onto the American people. Look to Texas. Look to New Orleans. Some were finally exposed in their lies, deception, and cruelty. Some of them believed torture was okay--they believed it was okay to intercept your emails, to listen to your phone calls. They used fear to control you, and money. It started with Kennedy's murder. Jim Marrs said, "It may be too late for justice, but it is never too late for the truth." Watch the banned documentaries. Copy them. Buy the books. Tell your friends. Teach your children. Never forget!

Judyth Vary Baker: ten years later.

Judyth Vary Baker was once a promising science student who dreamed of finding a cure for cancer, but strayed from a path of mainstream scholarship at the University of Florida to a life of espionage in New Orleans with Lee Harvey Oswald.

In her memoir, Me & Lee – How I came to know, love and lose Lee Harvey Oswald, Judyth offers extensive documentation of how she came to be involved with cancer research at such a young age, the personalities who recruited her to move to New Orleans in 1963, how she was hired there – along with Lee Oswald – by Reily Coffee Co. and fired the same afternoon Lee was arrested for disturbing the peace on Canal Street, and how she became a participant in the development of a biological weapon that Oswald was to smuggle into Cuba to eliminate Fidel Castro. ​


Judyth shows the evidence and relates – from her first-hand experience – all she knows about the Kennedy assassination, her love affair with Lee Oswald over the summer of '63, her conversations with him as late as two days before JFK's death, his role as a deep-cover intelligence agent who was framed for an assassination he was actually trying to prevent, and how he was silenced by his old friend Jack Ruby.

"If you want to stay alive, it's time to go into the catacombs. Promise me you will keep your mouth shut!"

Judyth Vary Baker was only twenty years old when she heard those alarming words. It was the strained voice of David Ferrie.

The date was November 23, 1963, the day after President Kennedy had been fatally shot in Dallas. Her co-worker, friend and lover, Lee Oswald, had been declared the "lone-nut" assassin.

Judyth knew this wasn't true, but what could she do? She was now living in Florida with her new husband, Robert Baker III, having left New Orleans in September of 1963 when Lee moved to Dallas after their summer-long affair.

Then came November 24th. Lee was shot — live on television — right before her eyes. Devastated, depressed and scared, Judyth was told to lay low, to be a "vanilla girl," to trade her silence for her life. She knew things, secret things.

Judyth made a decision. She dropped her childhood dreams of finding a cure for cancer along with her first love: science. Choosing survival, she soon buried herself in her family (raising five kids), her work and art. She resolved that, one day, she would tell her story. She would speak he truth so Lee's children, whom he adored, would know what their father really did and what he really stood for.

As a high school student, Judyth had independently discovered a method of accelerating cancer growth in lab mice, and came to the attention of top-echelon doctors and medical researchers, including renowned surgeon Dr. Alton Ochsner, a past president of the American Cancer Society and founder of the world-famous Ochsner Clinic in New Orleans.

After her sophomore year of college in Florida, Judyth landed a summer job in New Orleans with prominent cancer researcher Dr. Mary Sherman, a physician working with Dr. Ochsner.​

Within days of her arrival, a man named Lee Oswald just happened to be standing in line behind her at the post office. This seemingly chance encounter began a relationship which drew her through the looking glass into a maelstrom, changing her life forever.

She soon found that, instead of working to find a cure for cancer, she was actually helping to create a super-cancer virus for the purpose of killing Fidel Castro. But there was an even more sinister side.

Over the next few months Judyth met several infamous figures surrounding Oswald: the fanatical ex-FBI right-wing racist Guy Banister, Mafia Godfather Carlos Marcello, club-owner Jack Ruby, and many others. She also became a friend and workmate of the brilliant but bizarre David Ferrie.

Unlike any other book about the events of that fateful year, "Me & Lee" is a deeply personal memoir relating the author's firsthand experience in New Orleans as lover and confidante of Lee Harvey Oswald.

Guest Category: History, News, Politics & Government, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: R.N., Cancer Counselor, anesthetics
Guest Biography:

My guest is Kay Allison Shemirani ( Kate) who was born November 30 1965 in Nottingham England. She was the youngest of 3 daughters. Her father was a local postman and her mother a secretary. She grew up in an average working class environment with state schooling. In 1984 age 18, She began her nurse training in Glasgow Scotland.  Upon qualifying she worked in several clinical areas… Gynaecology, theatres, trauma.  In 1990 she began working as a long haul air stewardess traveling the world and continued to work as a nurse on rest days.

In 1996 she married and had 4 children in quick succession. 3 were with IVF. They are now age 17,15,15,13. With 2 boys, and 2 girls she became a full Time mum from 2001 until 2009. After all 4 children were in school she returned to the University to re-register as a nurse and then obtain trained in Aesthetics and opened her own business.

On February 12th 2012, Kate was diagnosed with breast cancer and followed the Gerson therapy for 2 years. During this time she studied constantly and obtained a diploma in personal nutrition, Cancer, and alternative therapies.

In 2014 she separated from her husband and today lives in East Sussex south England with her 4 children and 7 rescued cats. She loves to go for long walks at the beach and in the Sussex countryside and works as a practitioner advising patients on diet and lifestyle to heal degenerative disease. Her passion is for everyone to make truly informed healthcare choices. She will discuss her cancer journey with us. 

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Philosophy, Science, Self Help
Guest Occupation: American voice actress for film and television as well as the lead singer/composer and founding member of the band, Magnolia Memoir
Guest Biography:


Mela Lee is an American voice actress for film and television as well as the lead singer/composer and founding member of the band, Magnolia Memoir.

As a voice actress, Mela Lee has been featured in numerous commercials, animated series, games and movies.

Her game franchises include Fall Out, Final Fantasy, Xenoblade Chronicles, and Fire Emblem Awakening. She has voiced the lead characters in popular anime titles – Fate Stay Night – Unlimited Bladeworks, Vampire Knight, Blaz Blu, Durarara, Hunter x Hunter, Rozen Maiden, When they Cry, Sword Art Online II. She is currently on Nickelodeon’s breakout hit, Miraculous Ladybug as Tikki.

In addition to her animation voice work, Mela is voice match & replacement specialist for shows including Gotham, Ballers, Better Call Saul, Notorious, and recent films The Finest Hours, Independence Day Resurgence, and Suicide Squad.

Outside of voice acting, Lee is a founding member of Magnolia Memoir. As a vocalist, Mela’s five octave range and unique sound are reminiscent of the spirit of a young Etta James or Billie Holiday, the mischievous sensuality & rock edge of Fiona Apple, and the winsome vocals of Adele. The late Gospel great, Andrae Crouch, said of Mela, “…She has the voice of an angel and can break the heart of heaven.” Activist and Comedienne Margaret Cho says, “…Mela’s voice and lyrics are stunning and altogether unforgettable.”

Magnolia Memoir’s previous two albums – (Pale Fire & The Perfect Crime) are available on iTunes/ Amazon and have made the iTunes Top Picks.

When not working, Mela supports causes close to her heart including the California Fire Foundation – supporting Fallen Firefighters and their families, and organizations empowering women to overcome abuse.

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: American singer, songwriter and philanthropist
Guest Biography:


Nina Rose Paolicelli, known professionally as Nina Paolicelli or as “Nina P”, is an American singer, songwriter and philanthropist, originally from Rochester, NY. In 2013, in the wake of an abusive relationship, Nina’s mother moved both Nina and her brother to Los Angeles, where Nina was able to pursue her dream of becoming a singer.

Inspired by the events of Nina’s past, she wrote her first song, “Prove Them Wrong” (released Oct 2014) immediately followed by “Done and Over” (released Jan 2015); earning her multiple accolades and recognition, including an unsolicited shout out from Courtney Love.

Within two years of moving to Los Angeles, Nina released her first EP “Dream”, has performed at numerous venues and, most recently, has signed a distribution deal with a label under Sony.

On April 7, 2016, Nina, for the first time, performed her song “Look” at the RESOLVE of Greater Rochester fundraiser for victims of Domestic Violence – a cause close to Nina’s heart. On April 22nd, “Look” will be released under the Sony label for the world to hear.

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: An award-winning producer for the past 20+ years in the areas of entertainment, technology and philanthropy.
Guest Biography:


Tess Cacciatore: Founder & Chief Visionary Officer

Tess is an award-winning producer for the past 20+ years in the areas of entertainment, technology and philanthropy.

Tess has dedicated her life to advocating for peace, justice, and equality around the globe. She has traveled the United States and abroad as a humanitarian documentary producer and activist, while conducting empowerment and mentorship programs to empower people and to eradicate unjust systems that are a plight to humans, animals and the environment. Tess uses her voice as a vehicle to bring awareness and activate people to take a stand for making changes in the world.

Tess’s career as a producer in the entertainment and technology industries drives the global productions of GWEN and now her 20 year vision of a global online television network GWEN Network is launching in 2017.

As an author, Tess will be launching her first chapter to our audience for the book to be released in Spring 2017 called, “Homeless to the White House.”

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual, Technology
Guest Occupation: Democratic Representative
Guest Biography:

Ken Dunkin is a Democratic Representative in the Illinois General Assembly serving the people of the 5th District of the State of Illinois.

As a member of the Illinois House of Representatives, Dunkin serves on several committees, and is the chairperson for the Tourism and Conventions for the State of Illinois. He is also on the Appropriations-Higher Education committee. He focuses on legislation to raise the quality of life for working families, children and seniors, and has been successful in boosting Illinois' economy by working to strengthen Illinois' tourism and film industry.

Representative Duncan currently serves on the Associate Board of the Chicago International Film Festival. He was the sponsor of a bill that created legislation to extend tax credits to film producers to encourage them to bring more of the film industry to Illinois. Representative Dunkin is also a proud member of the world renowned PhiBeta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated.

Guest Category: Politics & Government, Travel & Leisure, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Subject of an MTV documentary, won 2 Webby awards, and hosted the series, Author and Homeless Outreach Activist
Guest Biography:


John Halcyon Styn was the subject of an MTV documentary, won 2 Webby awards, and hosted the series, “Fears. Regrets. Desires.” He is the author of “Love more. Fear less.” and has hosted the weekly video broadcast Hug Nation for over 10 years. In 2010, Halcyon co-founded the San Diego-based “1st Saturdays” homeless outreach program. If you see him around, he’d love a hug.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Sarod player, singer, songwriter and composer
Guest Biography:


Sarod player, singer / songwriter and composer Stephen Day writes songs and compositions inspired by his many music tours around the world.

Born in California, and raised in Canada and France, Day began as a guitarist, then studied sarod in India with world-renowned award winning sarodist Amjad Ali Khan.

Day describes the 21-stringed fretless silver-necked sarod as being like the ‘granddaddy of all guitar like instruments’ and playing it as being ‘like taking a rocket ride for the inner soul’.

After India, Stephen spent time touring in Europe and America where he played premier venues including the Kodak Theater in L.A. and Town Hall in N.Y.  He then settled in Los Angeles and began to write music for TV and film. His body of work now contains music in 7 films, 4 music libraries, 4 albums and hundreds of television shows.

In 2007 Mr. Day organized and performed in a concert at the United Nations where his music was featured as a uniting force for ancient civilizations and modern countries in the East and in the West.

His latest album, Namaste, a collection of songs about adventure, mysticism and the road less traveled, is produced by two-time Gold Disc Award winner Matt Forger (Michael Jackson, Stephen Spielberg, Paul McCartney), and Shenkar (John Mcglaughlin, Peter Gabriel, voice of NBC’s smash hit “Heroes”).  It features musical appearances by Matt Malley (Counting Crows), Daryl Jones (Miles Davis, The Rolling Stones), Satnam Singh (Nikka Costa, Hans Zimmer), and Vishwa Mohan Bhatt (Ry Cooder) among others.

Stephen is the founder of “Ombience” a 501 c3 non-profit organization dedicated to self-reflection through the Arts.  In addition, he co-founded Arts & Entertainment Radio (AER), the most listened to station in the IBS network of over 45 mostly college radio stations, with well-known broadcaster and musician John Tesh. Stephen currently resides in Los Angeles where he is currently recording and performing his new show entitled ‘Stephen Day and Friends’.   The exciting new show format blends elements of world music and dance with meditation and yoga and features eclectic collaborations between Stephen’s Sarod playing and Steel Drums, Tablas, Vocals and Sufi Poetry to name a few.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Songwriter,Guitarist,Singer,Author,Congressman
Guest Biography:






John Hall’s path is optimistic. As a professional performer/singer-songwriter/guitarist, he found himself wanting and needing to make changes to better the world around him. By advocacy through music, he segued into politics first on a local level, and then nationally as a member of the United States Congress. After making a difference for the environment, healthcare, and even more so for veterans, he returned to the music world.

John’s memoir STILL THE ONE:  A ROCK’N’ROLL JOURNEY TO CONGRESS AND BACK shares a variety of stories from his life in the musical and political worlds. 

Best known as a member of Orleans, a hit-making pop-rock group with multiple lead singers and hits “Still The One,” “Dance With Me,”(both co-written by John and still in heavy use on the radio, streamers, Broadway shows, and TV shows like Maya and Marty and Hallmark's Movie of the week). “Still” and “Dance” have been certified by BMI at over 12 million airplays in the US alone. Other Orleans hits include “Love Takes Time,” "Let There Be Music," and "Reach."

John Hall has written songs for music legends ranging from Janis Joplin (“Half Moon”) and Bonnie Raitt (Good Enough) and to Chet Atkins (Sails). Other folks that have covered John’s songs include: Bobby McFerrin (Dance with Me),the Doobie Brothers with James Taylor and Michael McDonald (Power), Bela Fleck with New Grass Revival (Reach), and Ricky Skaggs and James Taylor (New Star Shining). He wrote “Ms. Grace,” Number One in England by The Tymes in 1975, and listed in Rolling Stone's top five of all- time beach music hits.  

John played guitar on record and/or on tour with Seals and Crofts, Taj Mahal, Carly Simon, Little Feat, and Christopher Cross.  

His environmental concerns led him into community activism, as one of the movers of the antinuclear movement. John co-founded the activist group MUSE (Musicians United for Safe Energy) with Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Browne, and Graham Nash in 1979. His song “Power” became the rallying song and a highlight at the five NO-NUKES concerts presented by MUSE in 1979. Among the artists that participated: Bruce Springsteen, Bonnie Raitt, The Doobie Brothers, James Taylor, Gil Scott-Heron, Crosby Still and Nash, Chaka Khan, Carly Simon, Tom Petty, Jackson Browne…

Starting in 1990 John served in the Ulster County New York legislature and the Saugerties, New York Board of Education. In 2006 he ran for Congress against an entrenched incumbent in a historically Republican district. John’s musical colleagues performing at fundraisers made it possible to finance his winning campaign for the U.S. House of Representatives, for whom he served until early 2011. 

In STILL THE ONE, John shares stories about moments that stand out from both his musical and political lives. 

John shares childhood memories of being raised to be an optimist, and finding himself at age 18 in the miles of the ‘60s’ Music Explosion. In STILL THE ONE shows the cresting of his passion for environmental issues and rolling up his sleeves to help build several environmental groups.  

From Janis Joplin's birthday party to conversations behind the closed-door caucus in the basement of the Capitol, from dialog with protesters to sharing elevator rides with fellow members of Congress, this captivating memoir offers viewpoints from an earnest and humorous voice.

John Hall’s life path is jam-packed with intriguing stories, fascinating people and optimism. 

Titled after John’s best-known song, STILL THE ONE: A ROCK’N’ROLL JOURNEY TO CONGRESS AND BACK is ultimately an ode to engagement in creating a better world. –available now at

Purchase John Hall’s best-selling memoir entitled … Still The One: A Rock'n'Roll Journey to Congress and Back at amazon

Guest Category: History, Music, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Intuitive energy healer
Guest Biography:

Kaayla Vedder has spent more than two decades honing her skills as an intuitive energy healer so clients in Canada and around the world can live healthier lives free of density and full of joy. Able to see energy since childhood, Kaayla has developed a system for tapping in to the dance of divine energy, bridging the gap between humanity and our higher levels so people can release what no longer serves them.  The results are astounding.

To find out more about how Kaayla can help you move towards better health and live in the fluidity of divine grace, please visit her website.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Psychology, Mental Health, Personal Development, Motivational, Spiritual, Access Consciousness
Guest Occupation: Holistic Health Coach
Guest Biography:

Michael Tamez is a certified Holistic Health Coach who lost 105 pounds, lowered his blood pressure, and reversed sleep apnea and advanced gum disease. This was all accomplished without drugs or surgery. All of these experiences combined led Michael to discover his true passion in life. He is dedicated to guiding, empowering, and sharing the knowledge and wisdom he has acquired over the course of his lifetime. Drawing from this incredible health transformation, Michael published his award winning book, Transformative Nutrition. His guidebook to healthy and balanced living is powerfully designed to create a permanent shift in the way people eat, think, feel, live, and love.


Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Nutrition, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Author, Mentor, and Public Speaker
Guest Biography:

Kristine Carlson, New York Times bestselling author and world-renowned speaker, is passionate about spreading her message of returning from grief and waking up to life with more joy and gratitude—and certainly not taking life too seriously.

Kris’ life mission expands upon the phenomenal success of she and her late husband Dr. Richard Carlson’s work in the (“Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff” series). She continues his legacy of peaceful and mindful living through her own bestselling books, including the most recent, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff for Moms, An Hour to Live, an Hour to Love: The True Story of the Best Gift Ever and her memoir, Heartbroken Open.

Over the past two decades, Kris and Richard have sold more than 25 million books. She has been featured on national radio and television broadcasts, including The Today Show, Good Morning America, The View, and The Oprah Winfrey Show.

Kris’ particular roles of expertise are focused on change, transition, and reinvention, and waking up to life with more gratitude and joy. She is a mentor for people navigating the challenges of “middle age.” Kris is a sought-after inspirational speaker and is available for keynote talks, media appearances, and more.

More About Kristine:

“Mrs. Carlson, your husband has expired.”

Six words, delivered over the phone, from two doctors I’d never met, on the other side of the country.


The love of my life? Expired? Like a carton of milk?

Six words, and my world stopped & accelerated, exploded & shrank, shape-shifted & stalled to a halt, ended & began. All at once.

Six words, and everything changed.

My name is Kristine. I’m a survivor. A widow. A mother. A grandmother. A wife. A writer & bestselling author, many times over. A mentor for people navigating that exceptionally urgent & poignant time known as “middle age.” A motivational speaker for women & girls.

And yet, who I really am, when all’s said & done, is a woman who knows how to bounce, rock and roll through all of life’s changes. Good & bad. Light & dark. Perfectly planned & wholly unthinkable.

When loss blackens my heart, when my kids leave the nest (and forget to call home), when my hormones go haywire, when earthquakes turn the solid ground beneath my feet into Jello, I am brave. I am strong. I evolve.

So can you.

Though, you might have forgotten.

So it’s my job, my purpose, my calling … to remind you.

And that’s precisely what I’m here to do.

Think of this website as your touchstone — your safe zone, your homebase, your rock in a world that never stops changing.

Here, we don’t run from change — and we don’t just learn how to “deal” with it.

We learn how to love it. We learn how to laugh with it. We learn how to let it keep us awake & alive.

So. Whatever change you’re going through (and sweetheart, I know you’re going through something) … know that I’m here. With love. With words. And with every tool & resource I can possibly share.

To endings.

To beginnings.

To change.

To life.


P.S. When I say “I’m here,” I mean it — fully and truly.

I’m here on Twitter & Facebook. I’m here, responding to your questions & comments on my blog. I’m here when you need to be reminded that you are incredibly strong. And I’m here, every month, leading soul-stirring conversations on love, loss, reinvention, resilience, and all the “big stuff” that we’re living & dying to talk about.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Sex, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Acoustic guitar driven duo of woven voices and fused songwriting
Guest Biography:


Everett Coast, the acoustic guitar driven duo of woven voices and fused songwriting, was founded in early 2011 by singer-songwriters Danny Byrne and Josh Misko. They were introduced by their instructor, mentor, and now close friend, Anika Paris (Warner Chappell / Universal), while attending Musicians Institute in Hollywood, CA. The two California natives bonded quickly becoming fast friends, bandmates and eventually roommates.

Raised in the small town of Springville, CA, located near the Giant Sequoias in the Southern Sierra Nevada, Misko (vocals, guitars, ukulele) credits his mother for his love of music. At the age of 14, he asked his parents for an acoustic guitar. His mother told him she would only buy him a guitar if he wrote his own music. “I absolutely give my mom 100% credit for why I write the way I do today. She forced me to think outside of the box musically right from the start.” After graduating high school, Misko attended California State University Channel Islands but quickly realized that traditional college wasn’t for him. He packed up and moved to Los Angeles to attend Musician’s Institute in the fall of 2010.

A 4-year-old Byrne (vocals, piano, guitar, bass, drums, production & engineering) always knew that music was the life for him. His parents, however, needed some convincing. “My parents were reluctant to get me started on the piano at such a young age, but even as a 4-year-old, I wouldn’t take no for an answer. I’d jump on the piano bench beside my big sister during her piano practice and turn every note, scale or song into an unwelcome duet. Finally, my parents got me lessons of my own.” In high school, the classically trained pianist from Sacramento picked up the guitar and in college began singing and writing songs. After graduating from California State University, Sacramento with a B.A. in Economics and a minor in Organizational Communications, Byrne decided to move to Los Angeles in the fall of 2009 and follow his true passion for music.

Everett Coast writes and produces all their own original material as well as co-writes across a wide variety of music genres from pop and hip-hop to folk and country. Influenced by such artists as John Mayer, Jason Mraz, The Avett Brothers and Mumford and Sons, Everett Coast creates with the intention to not only stay current in today’s music industry, but to also keep the influence of the greats, such as America, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, The Everly Brothers, and of course, Simon and Garfunkel.

In July of 2013, Everett Coast self-produced, recorded, and released their debut 4-song EP Hey, Hey, California (available on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, etc.). From this EP they independently secured Everett Coast Radio on Pandora Internet Radio, and three sync licensing deals featuring their songs “Hey, Hey, California” & “Passing Through” in the independent film Monumental, and “Hey, Hey, California” in a new reality T.V. series Barflies. Additionally, in 2014 Everett Coast wrote & produced the music for Oregon State University’s The Campaign For OSU Thanks Donors Like You commercial.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: CRIA double platinum singer/songwriter, recipient of ASCAP’s Abe Oleman Scholarship, and ASCAP Plus Award
Guest Biography:


Artist/ Author/ Educator

Anika Paris is a CRIA double platinum singer/songwriter, recipient of ASCAP’s Abe Oleman Scholarship, and ASCAP Plus Award. She received an HOLA Award for outstanding music in a musical, and was nominated for the International Latin Poetry Award for her poetry book Woven Voices with Scapegoat Press. Anika is also a Hal Leonard author with two books Making Your Mark in Music, and most recently a co-authored book The Five Star Music Makeover.

Her songs can be heard in major motion pictures starring Ben Affleck, Gwenyth Paltrow, Mira Sorvino to name a few and on HBO Sex and the City, network television shows like Ellen, Oprah, The Bachelor and many more. A classically trained pianist, she composes for Warner Bros Telepictures, Multistages, and the League of Professional Theatre Women. She recorded three solo CD’s, toured the world sharing the stage with luminaries Stevie Wonder, John Legend, and John Mayer.

Anika is an adjunct professor at Musicians Institute, UCLA’s Creative Arts Studies Extension and guest lectures at the Grammy, USC and more. Currently, she and her writing partner Dean Landon have been commissioned to record a new EP scheduled for release 2017.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Sports Reporter
Guest Biography:

Evan Washburn was named reporter for THE NFL ON CBS in June 2014, and also serves as a college basketball reporter, studio host and lacrosse analyst for CBS Sports Network. He once again serves as a sideline reporter with the announce team of Ian Eagle and Dan Fouts. Washburn was on the sidelines as a reporter for Super Bowl 50 in 2016. He has served as a contributing reporter on THAT OTHER PREGAME SHOW, CBS Sports Network’s Sunday pre-game studio show.

Washburn graduated from the University of Delaware in 2008 with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism. He played college lacrosse for four years, leading Delaware to the NCAA Tournament Final Four in 2007. As team captain in 2008, Washburn was selected All-CAA Conference First Team. He currently resides in Baltimore, Md.

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Tough Mudder Host & Crossfit Trainer
Guest Biography:

Aloha! My name is Eric Botsford. I have been involved in CrossFit since 2008. My desire to live every day to the fullest and educate the world is my absolute passion. With my wife Cristin, we opened Good Times CrossFit in Sacramento (2009). Through dedication and a competitive spirit we rose to be one of the most respected and sought after boxes in Northern California, sending multiple individuals and Teams to the CrossFit Games Regionals . I myself have competed in every CrossFit Games Regionals Events since 2009. Science and Nutrition are at the foundation of athletic performance; I continually learn and educate myself to constantly get better every day. Positive mental focus is something I teach all athletes as there is no room for fear or selfishness in building a better world both in and out of the gym .

Eric has always been an athlete. Soccer, Water-skiing, Snowboarding, Climbing, and CrossFit... you name it.. he is in to it. With 7 years of Firefighting experience, Eric knows how to build a team. This shows in the strong community of Good Times CrossFit. "No egos, just hard work". Eric has a three step process for success; Get your Nutrition dialed in, Prepare your mind, Train like your life depends on it! Eric has been an advocate for the CrossFit community since 2009 hosting competitions and interning on the Level 1 staff. Eric is also spreading the Fitness message nationwide as an MC for Tough Mudder events. Reaching over 11,000 people every weekend with his message of challenge and resilience!

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Fitness & Exercise, Nutrition, Sports & Recreation, Professional, Outdoor, Indoor, High School, College