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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Guest Occupation: Psychic / Intuitive Mentor, Hypnotist, Magician, Mentalist & Speaker
Guest Biography:

David Lion is a gifted young man in whose specialty is helping people find their way and reconnect to their soul essence.

He specializes in helping purpose-driven people who are willing to make changes in their lives by helping them become clear on their blockages and by tapping them more deeply into their deepest desires, truths, power and potential.

While he was always intuitive and spiritually connected in his own way, he didn’t always know it. For him, he thought, “this is how everybody is”.

He spent a good portion of his life dedicated to the arts of magic and hypnosis, passionate about inspiring others and demonstrating the impossible. At the time, his only desire was to make people feel good and inspire possibility.

Little did he expect, magic would take him on a journey that would awaken secrets and gifts inside of him that he never thought possible.

On 1/11/2012, David met his first mentor, a man named Alex.

Seeing David’s purpose and potential, he took him under his wing to help further awaken his intuitive gifts and abilities.

After nearly 4 years of intensive and often rigorous training, David began to evolve from student to master - rediscovering the abilities that he had as a child, but that he had long forgotten about.

He simply called this discovery “Magic”

At that moment, it became clear to him that his higher purpose was to reconnect others to their “magic” and to make magic normal again - like he believes it was in ancient times.

Through his mastery of the mind and expertise as a mentor, David has already awakened and re-aligned thousands of souls, both synchronistically and through the way in which he creates his living. However, what brings us here to these words is that he has recently been feeling himself very strongly called to step out of the underground world and take his teachings to the masses.

In this new chapter, David wishes not only to help the spiritually open get more in sync with their soul selves and abilities, but to help mentor the current and future spiritual teachers and leaders of the world with the hopes of ushering in a new age of spirituality.

One where magic is natural and happiness is more common. All through sharing the wisdom and messages he’s been receiving of the new wave to come.

What’s unique about David’s methods is that his teachings are extremely grounded and practical. No previous knowledge of spirituality is necessarily required as his approach is what he refers to as “no fluff”.

What we personally found so appealing about David’s ways are his emphasis on the necessity of fun. This offers a whole new twist in spirituality that will not only unlock more of the human/spiritual potential, but allows us to break away from the old modalities of the mind and the idea of spiritual practice being so “serious”.

It is with this in mind that we would like to introduce you to our son.

He is a special boy, as are the rest of you, and so we ask that you treat him well and as one of your own.

We look forward to the journey that you will all usher in together.

In light, love and happiness.

We wish you well,


Find David on:

Facebook | Instagram 


Guest Category: Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Drummer,Guitarist,Songwriter,Realtor
Guest Biography:

N    E    A    L

S    M    I    T    H






Alice Cooper Drum Legend Neal Smith Celebrates 10 Years of KillSmith With New Compilation “KillSmith Halloween”!

This year marks the 10th anniversary of legendary Alice Cooper drummer & RnR Hall of Fame Inductee Neal Smith’s first “KillSmith” solo CD. To celebrate, Neal has created a new 12 song compilation CD called “Neal Smith-KillSmith Halloween,” the best of KillSmith. It has 11 previously released KillSmith songs and features one brand new song called “Strychnine.”

2018 not only marks the golden 50th anniversary of the original Alice Cooper Group, but it also marks the 10th anniversary of my “KillSmith” solo project. Since my last solo album “KillSmith & The Greenfire Empire,” I have been wanting to put together a compilation CD of my scariest and best “KillSmith” songs. I have chosen 11 of my songs plus a brand new bonus track called “Strychnine,” it’s a killer! Get your downloads or CD’s today! Happy Halloween to all of my sick things around the world! Play my “KillSmith Halloween” loud and let it scare the “HELL” out of you! – Neal Smith

Neal Smith is best known worldwide for his innovative drumming and outrageous stage antics with the original Alice Cooper Group. His solid drumming is the hallmark sound behind such classic 1970’s Alice Cooper hits as “School’s Out,” “I’m Eighteen,” “Billion Dollar Babies” and “No More Mr. Nice Guy.” Neal is also a prolific songwriter, who helped pen many of the groups best known songs. Alice Cooper was the first band to introduce theatrics to the rock and roll stage, the group has sold over 25 million records worldwide. Neal has six gold and five platinum records to his credit and has performed before millions on extensive grand world tours from the late 1970’s to the present. Smith’s trademark drum style can be heard on additional albums, including the Billion Dollar Babies Band “Battle Axe,” The Plasmatics “Beyond The Valley Of 1984,” Buck Dharma “Flat Out,” Deadringer “Electrocution Of The Heart,” Bouchard, Dunaway and Smith “Back From Hell” and “BDS Live In Paris,” Cinematik “Cinematik” and “One Full Moon Away.” And Neal’s most recent critically acclaimed solo project KillSmith. Neal’s KillSmith CD’s “Sexual Savior,” “KillSmith Two” and “KillSmith & The Greenfire Empire,” garnered praise from fans and critics worldwide.

And year after year Neal, AKA The Rock n' Realtor, is also a consistent Multi-Million Dollar Realtor, Setting Records in Real Estate Sales with numerous awards throughout his 20 plus year career.

ORDER KillSmith Halloween,” the best of KillSmith

or amazon

2018 marks the 10th anniversary of legendary Alice Cooper drummer & Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame Inductee Neal Smith’s first “KillSmith” solo CD. To celebrate, Neal has created a new 12 song compilation CD called “Neal Smith – KillSmith Halloween,” the best of KillSmith. It has 11 previously released KillSmith songs and features one brand new song called “Strychnine.”

2018 not only marks the golden 50th anniversary of the original Alice Cooper Group, but it also marks the 10th anniversary of my “KillSmith” solo project. Since my last solo album “KillSmith & The Greenfire Empire,” I have been wanting to put together a compilation CD of my scariest and best “KillSmith” songs. I have chosen 11 songs plus a brand new bonus track called “Strychnine,” it’s a killer! Get your downloads or CD’s today! From the drummer of the band that made everyday Halloween…….Happy Halloween to all of my sick things around the world! Play my “KillSmith Halloween” loud and let it scare the “HELL” out of you!

– Neal Smith

Guest Category: Business, Entertainment, Music, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Attract Money Guru and Author
Guest Biography:

James Goi Jr., aka The Attract Money Guru™, is the bestselling author of How to Attract Money Using Mind Power—a book that set a new standard for concise, no-nonsense, straight-to-the-point self-help books. He condenses and simplifies abstract metaphysical concepts and powerful success principles, making this life-changing information accessible to everyone. James has thus far written ten books. You can see James in the groundbreaking docudrama, Think and Grow Rich: The Legacy

(Feel free to use or not use that last sentence as you see fit.)

Regarding questions/talking points: 

A great reference for talking points is to just refer to the table of contents of my book for subject ideas to talk about. Here are the titles of those 20 chapters for your easy reference: Desire; Belief; Expectancy; Money Mindset; Money Goals; Think End Results; Think and Feel As If; Speak As If; Act As If; Affirmations; Visualization; Environment; Organization; Laws of Money; Intuition; Plans; Right Livelihood; Self-Image; Personal Energy; Radiate Financial Increase.

And here are 7 possible questions 

1. Attracting money with mind power--that's quite a concept. What would you say to people who are wondering if that is really even possible?

2. Is this basically another form of "positive thinking?"

3. Belief seems to play a big part in what you teach. What is the importance of belief in the process of attracting money?

4. And can you explain what exactly you mean by the term "money mindset" as you use it in your book?

5. In chapter eight you write about the "speak as if" technique. What exactly does that mean, and how does the way we speak affect the way we attract money?

6. I think the "act as if" technique is one that students of metaphysics should be familiar with. How does that apply to the task of attracting money with mind power?

7. The use of affirmations seems to be popular these days. How does one use affirmations to create better financial circumstances?

Guest Category: Business, Investing and Finance, Education, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Personal Development, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Activist Author Tai Chi teacher
Guest Biography:

Activist, author and Tai Chi teacher Ethan Indigo Smith was born on a farm in Maine and lived in Manhattan for a number of years before migrating west to Mendocino, California. Guided by a keen sense of integrity, humanity and justice, Ethan’s work is both deeply connected and extremely insightful, blending philosophy, politics, activism, spirituality, meditation and a unique sense of humor.

You can connect with Ethan on Facebook, check out his author page on Amazon, or visit his new websites, Geometry Of Energy and Meditation 108, where Ethan offers lessons on individuation, meditation, the conceptualization of energy, and the metaphysical significance of 108.

Ethan’s books include:

  • The Complete Patriot’s Guide to Oligarchical Collectivism, an insightful exploration of history, philosophy and contemporary politics.
  • 108 Steps to Be in The Zone, a set of 108 meditative practices for self-discovery and individual betterment, including techniques to develop balance, transmute sexual energy.
  • The Little Green Book of Revolution an inspirational book based on ideas of peaceful revolution, historical activism and caring for the Earth like Native Americans.
  • The Geometry of Energy: How to Meditate: Simple and profound, this book offers an empowering four-step meditation, focused through the sacred dimensions of geometry.
  • The Matrix of Four, The Philosophy of the Duality of Polarity on the subject of the development of individual consciousness.
  • The controversial book, Terra-ist Letters, a work that humorously contrasts two very serious issues: the prohibition of marijuana and the promotion of nuclear experimentation.
  •  New release The Tai Chi Pill 
  • author page on amazon
Guest Category: Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Spiritual, Meditation
Guest Occupation: Yoga therapist
Guest Biography:

Nine years ago, this October 28th, I finished treatment for iiic colon cancer. I was 47, and had been a Resource Specialist for over 25 years, mostly in San Diego. But my chances of recurrence were high, so I retired early, thinking that I had about five years to live (if I was lucky). Chemotherapy was devastating to me and not having a job was depressing and scary. I worked at home to rebuild my strength and my life’s purpose. Always a yoga enthusiast, I found I couldn’t do what I was used to doing. Others must be having the same issue – trying to find a way back to a ‘new normal’? I became a yoga teacher and yoga activist. I am a listserv consultant on many cancer sites and made a yoga cd, gave away over 3,000. The YCS cd is now available for free download, and in Spanish, too. Russian is the next language and I hope to have it translated into as many languages as possible. I speak at cancer symposiums and teach YCS yoga in San Diego. I am putting a 45 hour teacher training on line by January 2013. We hear so much about yoga to rebuild and regain strength, but for me, it was about dealing with the emotional, physical and psychological effects of cancer where yoga has done its greatest healing. I specialize in teaching patients in therapy and long-term treatment.

Jean Di Carlo-Wagner, M.A., E-RYT500, yoga therapist is a 12-year colorectal cancer survivor (2003). She used yoga to help herself regain a 'new normal' and then became a yoga teacher to help other survivors. Her work is free to cancer patients at Jean attends cancer conferences and speaks on the benefits of yoga for cancer survivors. Survivor, advocate, activist, teacher and friend.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Yoga, Kids & Family, Self Help, Spiritual, Meditation
Guest Occupation: an analytical scientist, meditation expert and Raja Yoga master
Guest Biography:

Hi, I’m Janine, an analytical scientist, meditation expert and Raja Yoga master. I help my clients clear the day-to-day fog of anxiety, lower their stress and reduce their pain through my 3 Minute Meditation Process. 

Do you ever consider meditating, but can’t find the time or inclination to get started?

Here is a common ailment of my clients:

"My frustration with meditation is . . . . that I never get started!  

It’s something I really want to try.  But I find that even three minutes feels like a lot when I’m also trying to: 1) do morning pages 2) exercise 3) get my child off to school.  (I don’t know why I think it has to be in the morning: I always wanted to do it in the morning!)

So I never did really give it a go.  Maybe someday.


I am the professional you’ve been seeking to get you started in your customized meditation practice. 

Areas of expertise include:

* Meditation

* Decreasing Anxiety

* Reducing Stress

* Pain Management

* Raja Yoga-stabilizing emotions & calming thoughts

* Kundalini Yoga-addressing fears & dissolving resistance to growth

* Online Course Creation

* Book Writing

* Podcasting and Blogging

* Public Speaking

* Business and Culture Integration

For more information on the products, services and online courses that I offer through ‘The8Gates’ 



Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Personal Development, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: a retired US Navy Commander and psychic and author
Guest Biography:

Tina Erwin is a retired US Navy Commander and psychic, enabling her to fully understand the “military mindset”. She has taken these skills and applied them to a deep-rooted dedication to learning how the unseen world really works and the role karma plays in all we do. Her perpetual desire for service has led her on a life-long mission: Explaining the Physics of Metaphysics®. Tina lives in San Diego with her husband of over 40 years and enjoys spending time with her children and grandchildren. 

We all have a karmic path, whether we are aware of it or not. Each action or reaction creates a karmic ripple effect. Laura and Tina show you how karma can change your life. They will teach you how the karmic dynamic gives you your power back. Laura and Tina show you how walking your karmic path with intention empowers your very soul. Each week Laura and Tina discuss topics from light hearted elements like parking karma or what church do ghosts attend, to the more serious in nature: relationships, healing, and even suicide. Their passion is to help others to create Better Karma for Better Living®.

Tina Erwin and Laura Van Tyne, that charmingly disarming dynamic duo are laying down the logic trails and offering helpful tools of walking your spiritual path with courage and confidence. The knowledge and wisdom they share with you is where psychology and spirituality intersect.™ Join them as they help you integrate the physics of metaphysics into your own life: how karma, spiritual law and psychic ability all combine to awaken the light of the Divine in YOU.

Guest Category: Education, Courses & Training, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: chiropractor, occupational therapist
Guest Biography:

Hello everyone!  My name is Dr. Michael Lord and my wife’s name is Nikeesha (Nikki) Lord. We are healthcare providers in the Long Beach, Seal Beach, Southern California area. My wife is an Occupational Therapist and I am a Chiropractor. Together we have opened the New Energy Healthcare Center in Seal Beach, CA. This center provides the ability to join natural healing with the formal medical attention that the body needs to heal. Please consider coming  to our center it you desire the top and upmost physical/mental/emotional care. We are here to serve you. (We do accept most insurances)

Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Psychology, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Lab Scientist, EMF/sunscreen lecturer
Guest Biography:

Dr. Elizabeth Plourde is a licensed Clinical Laboratory Scientist (C.L.S.) with degrees in both Biological Science and Psychology.  Her training in the fields of both medicine and psychology is augmented by invaluable experience gained while working with cutting-edge medical laboratories specializing in the cancer and DNA research.

She is using her expertise to focus on the hazards of Electromagnetic Frequencies  (EMF) and sunscreens and how they are impacting our people and their environment.  Her information brings to light what has been clearly proven in studies for decades regarding the harm sunscreen chemicals and EMF cause.

She has appeared on ABC's 20/20, Berman & Berman: For Women Only on the Health Channel, Good Morning America, George Noory's Coast to Coast AM, The Gary Null Show, and numerous television network news and radio programs. Dr. Plourde has conducted health lectures in 34 states and internationally and has presented a 5 Lecture Series in Irvine, CA,

She has also written several books including Sunscreen-Biohazards: Treat as Hazardous Waste, EMF Freedom-Solutions for the 21st Century Pollution, you’re your Guide to Hysterectomy-Ovary Removal and Hormone Therapy  What All Woman Need to Know.  

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Psychology, Science, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Founder and Social Enterpreneur
Guest Biography:

Jameela is a beautiful soul. She is the designer and co-founder of Alora Boutique and the the proud mother of two beautiful girls. Giving back to the community has always been an important part of Jameela's life. After serving her community on the Pineridge Community Association Board of Directors for 5 years and earning a Bachelor of Business Administration at Mount Royal University, Jameela decided to start a business, and opted for a social enterprise: Alora Boutique was born.

Alora creates jewelry that adds beauty and meaning to lives while giving back to the local community. Alora has been in existence for almost 4 years. In that time, Jameela and her team have grown Alora to be sold in over 80 stores across Canada and the USA. It is a lovely story of success built on a mission-inspired business.

At Alora, a percentage sales go to local charities that transition women out of poverty. In addition to that, Jameela uses Alora Boutique to bring the community together. Jameela enjoys using Alora as a tool to empower other women. Most recently, Alora organized an International Women's Day Event that saw 200 people come out to support female-run businesses and celebrate the contributions of women in Calgary. That event turned into an all-female entrepreneur summer pop-up market in downtown Calgary.

Jameela believes that the path to female equality is economic empowerment and that we can all support each other to make the dream work. To learn more about Jameela, you can find her online or @aloraboutique on all social media channels.

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Kids & Family
Guest Occupation: Paranormal investigator
Guest Biography:

Christopher is a 31 year old investigator with over 10 years in the field of the paranormal. After a fascination with TV he started investigations on Oklahoma ans surrounding areas in 2011 with well known investigators such as Ron Cross and others that have consulted on many movies and TV around the world thus beginning his journey with family and friends. since then he and his team has investigated the old plantation in Madison park, Oklahoma, residential cases, The Canadian County Historical Society, The Ranch Room known as The Vernost Winery, The Tidewater Winery, Palmer Inn bed and breakfast, and much more. "i take pride on doing a legitimate and precise investigation. As such often we find both the logical and beyond!"

Guest Category: Paranormal, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Park Ranger Deputy Superintendent
Guest Biography:

Dr. Reginald M. Tiller is Deputy Superintendent at Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park in Atlanta, GA. 

Before joining the park service, Tiller served as assistant director of Tennessee State Parks. That job, his national park experience and his education, including a doctorate in strategic leadership, helped prepare him for the task he now faces: building two parks from the ground up. And it isn't his first park to build.

Before accepting his current position, he was acting superintendent at Charles Young Buffalo Soldier National Monument in Wilberforce, OH and Superintendent of William Howard Taft National Historic Site in Cincinnati, OH. 

A Gulf War veteran, Dr. Tiller served in the Army National Guard during Operation Desert Storm. 

Dr. Tiller began his National Park Service career at the Rocky Mountain National Park, as a law enforcement ranger and manager of camp ground operations for the Thompson River District.

Dr. Tiller has worked at several other National Park Service sites as a superintendent for Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, Florissant CO and George Washington Carver National Monument in Diamond MO.

He completed is M.A. in organizational management Trevecca Nazarene University and completed his Doctorate in Strategic Leadership at the Regent University. 

He teaches online courses for Wilberforce University (OH) in organizational management and at Bethel University (TN) in criminal justice (Ethics Organizational Development & Diversity) and MBA program (Leadership, Business Strategy, Ethics, & Diversity). He is a student of leadership and the affects human interactions has on the success of organizations.

Prior to completing doctoral studies at Regent University, Dr. Tiller served as a YMCA executive director in several States (Nashville, TN - Portland, OR - Chattanooga, TN and Charlotte, NC) and as an internal investigator for Tennessee State Parks.

Guest Category: Education, History, Kids & Family, Society and Culture, Travel & Leisure
Guest Occupation: Jeff is a licensed therapist, addiction counselor, interventionist and family recovery coach.
Guest Biography:

Jeff Jones provides Addiction Navigation for Families. Jeff is a licensed therapist, addiction counselor, interventionist and family recovery coach. Jeff has been featured in Psychology Today and has a mission to change our conversation in the addiction/recovery space with professionals and family members. Jeff says that the bottom line is that healthy family members allow healing to happen in the short-term and continue to heal far into the future. With the creation of a 3-phase family program & online community, he has both challenged and complemented best thinking about addiction & recovery. Jeff’s vision is to collaborate with addiction professionals, therapists, and treatment facilities to empower family members to engage in a process of recognizing the structural problem around the addiction, resourcing themselves so they can best create a family environment that’s inhospitable to active addiction and sets them up to realize how they want to be a family together in the future.

Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual, Variety
Guest Occupation: Vocalist
Guest Biography:


Voted as the 2016 Best Male Vocalist, by the Las Vegas Black Music Association, William originates from Elizabethtown Kentucky, were he was raised in a Southern Baptist household full of Gospel and Blues influences. He developed his vocal talents while singing in the church choir at First Baptist Church of Elizabethtown, and traveling with his family as guests at several area churches and community events.

Since coming to the west coast, William has been blessed to be the opening act for H-Town, Andre Crouch, The Clark Sisters and sing background for the great Stevie Wonder, Chante Moore and Christopher Williams.  He’s also shared the stage with Whitney Houston, Patti LaBelle and Marc Nelson.

William has been a member of an inspirational group called “Light”, an R&B group called “Serenade”, the gospel group “Higher Calling”, and a lead vocalist for the Los Angeles based KJLH Performance Choir. He is currently the lead singer for an R&B band called Rhythm Nation; sings with a couple Temptation tribute groups; and is the featured artist in various casinos in the Las Vegas area.

Along with his singing, William also is an actor and has had leading roles in USC’s production of “The Wiz” and “Cotton Comes To Harlem”. More recently he has been in several Gospel plays, including “Can A Woman Raise A Man” and “A Man Who Finds A Wife Finds A Good Thing”.  He also played Nelson Mandela in a Rock Opera called “Visions”.

In addition to receiving the Best Male Vocalist award, William has received several other awards for his vocal talents and was the first ever recipient of the “Zeola Gaye Take The Stage Mic Award”.  He has also been voted as the “Long Beach Jazz Male Vocalist Of  The Year” multiple times. He believes that his talent comes from God, his family and the experiences that have come his way.  Listening to him is a positive and emotional experience you will not forget.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Wine Maker
Guest Biography:

Kurt Giusti – Vintner – Via Giusti Wines

In 2009 Kurt Giusti felt a call to honor and preserve the Giusti Family’s 140-year Sonoma County farming tradition and continue the family legacy, which has transcended into Via Giusti Wines. Wine making was a part of the family heritage, but only for personal use, Kurt would help and work in the family orchard, and at their apple juice plant, Giusti Apple in Sebastopol. To this day, Kurt splits his time between the family ranch, running the winery and managing overall ranch operations. Kurt takes pride in the fact that he is continuing the family tradition in Sonoma County agriculture, and is also growing the family brand by expanding into the wine industry beyond farming. “We take pride in our heritage and the efforts we put into each part of the ranch operations and the wine produced. I Know that the attention to each detail makes all the difference in the quality of everything we do, especially the wines!” Salute!

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, History, Kids & Family, Society and Culture, Technology, Travel & Leisure
Guest Occupation: Accomplished pianist, singer, arranger, and songwriter
Guest Biography:


Peter is an accomplished pianist, singer, arranger, and songwriter, and his career has flourished on both coasts. Originally a New Yorker, Peter has lived in Los Angeles since 2005. He is especially in demand as an arranger and musical director for singers, in various musical genres. He is co-creator of “TOO MARVELOUS FOR WORDS: a celebration of Nat “King” Cole.” Peter performs in the show alongside Keith David. Peter is also musical director for Ty Taylor’s project: “The Nouveau Mid Century Romance Songbook,” which debuted at the Wallis in LA. Peter is co-producer, pianist and MD of the album of the same title, which was released worldwide in 2018.
Peter had just started working with Natalie Cole as her primary accompanist (just prior to her passing), and he has been traveling the world as Molly Ringwald’s pianist/MD, and served as co-producer and arranger on her Concord Records release: “Except Sometimes.”  He has played on major stages large and small: Iridium (NYC), Jazz Alley (Seattle), Yoshi’s (SF), Blues Alley (DC), Montreal Jazz festival, Vector Arena (NZ), Melbourne Recital Centre (AUS), and many, many more.
Peter was an associate Music Director for both seasons of THE FOUR on Fox, working directly with contestants and in conjunction with Music Directors Rickey Minor and Adam Blackstone. He was also the associate Musical Director on DUETS, the hit singing competition show on ABC. Peter worked directly with Kelly Clarkson, Jennifer Nettles, Robin Thicke and John Legend, not only accompanying them and their contestants in rehearsal, but collaborating with them on the musical arrangements for the show.
In 2009, Peter released his debut jazz album: HERE IT COMES, which featured a mix of original material and standard repertoire. The musicians on the album are Allen Mezquida, Charles Owens, Trevor Ware, Clayton Cameron, and both Patrice Quinn and Molly Ringwald are featured vocalists. This album was well received, and he followed it up the following year with an ambitious live project: BLUES AT ALVAS.  This recording branched out into some different repertoire (Otis Redding, Van Morrison, Leonard Cohen) as well as familiar standard material and Jazz originals.  This album features most of the same musicians (Allen, Trevor, Clayton, Patrice) and adds Kamasi Washington, Nick Mancini, and Jacques Lesure.  Apart from these two albums (and both Molly Ringwald’s and Mark Arthur Miller’s releases), a sampling of Peter’s discography includes: Laura Harrison’s CD, NOW HERE; Lisa Donna’s and Kristina Pradd’s self-titled releases; GIMME GIMME GIMME (Reinterpreting Black Flag), and Janet LaBelle’s BLOSSOM AND BLUE.
Peter’s composing career is merging with the Industry in Los Angeles, and his compositions can be heard on numerous TV shows (MINDY PROJECT, CSI, BENCHED, HOW TO LIVE WITH YOUR PARENTS, etc) as well as in commercials and in the films HOTEL NOIR, MYTH OF FINGERPRINTS, and BLEACHED. He has a growing repertoire of original pop/soul music, which is finding it’s way in the singer/songwriter rooms of Los Angeles as well as the hands of some major artists.
Peter attended Columbia University, majoring in literature but studying classical piano with Michael Skelly and entering an extended mentorship with Jazz great, pianist Mike LeDonne.  Peter also was a DJ at the acclaimed radio station at Columbia, WKCR, where he interviewed many of the great pianists in New York and attended the “Jazz University” of historian Phil Schaap.
A short list of additional musicians/vocalists with whom Peter has played, performed and/or recorded includes: Roy McCurdy, John B. Williams, Anthony Wilson, Stephon Harris, Edwin Livingston, Gary Wang, Stevie Wonder, Brenna Whitaker, Laura Mace, Maiya Sykes, Gilbert Castellanos, Melissa Morgan, Janis Mann, Ben Harper, John Beasley, James Tormé, Terron Brooks, Kenny Burrell, Bobby Watson, Dwight Trible, Keith David, Alexys Schwartz, Michael Beardon, and many of the best sidemen in Los Angeles.
An accomplished actor as well, Peter’s career has brought him many roles on the small screen in shows like “Law and Order,” “24,” “Scandal,” “Weeds,” “CSI,” and many more.  Peter has also performed on Broadway, Off-Broadway and Regional stages.  Combining his experiences in acting and music, Peter has written a screenplay about jazz pianist Bill Evans during his time with Miles Davis.  The script, “Blue in Green,” has received much acclaim in the industry and is slowly inching it’s way towards production.
Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Executive Movie Producer, former VP of Business Development and Securities Trader
Guest Biography:


Sean Lydiard comes from the world of finance.  He was formerly the Vice President of Institutional Business Development at MBT Institutional, a division of MB Trading.  Prior to joining MBT Institutional, Mr. Lydiard was a securities trader for the Electronic Trading Group in New York.  And he began his finance career in the “30 year Treasury Pit” at the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT). 

Mr. Lydiard was an active member of the Securities Traders Association of Los Angeles. He received his BA in Finance from the University of Colorado at Boulder.  And has held his Series 3, 7, 24, 55 and 63 industry licenses.

Because of his strong financial background and connections, Mr. Lydiard transitioned from Wall Street to film finance.

Sean has earned Executive Producer or Co-Executive Producer credits  for the following movies: Daniel Alfredson’s “BLACKWAY”, starring Anthony Hopkins, Julia Stiles, Ray Liotta and Alexander Ludwig. Robin Swicord’s “WAKEFIELD”, starring Bryan Cranston and Jennifer Garner.  “DAISY WINTERS”, starring Brooke Shields, Iwan Rheon, Carrie Preston and featuring Sterling Jerins.  And “STEALING CARS”, starring Emory Cohen, William H. Macy and John Leguizamo.  

“OFFICE UPRISING”, Sean’s first “produced by” feature film is now featured on Sony Crackle.  OFFICE UPRISING stars Brenton Thwaites (Pirates of the Caribbean, Maleficent), Jane Levy (Don’t Breath, Monster Trucks), Ian Harding (Pretty Little Liars) and many others.   

“CUT THROAT CITY” directed by Rza (of Wu Tang Clan) and produced by Sean Lydiard and Starring Wesley Snipes, Terrance Howard, Eiza Gonzales, Shameik Moore, Kat Graham, Joel David Moore, Isiah Washington, Denzel Whitaker, Isiah Washington, T.I., and many more.  Will be distributed Theatrically by Well Go U.S.A. in the 2nd quarter of 2019.

Mr. Lydiard’s calm and stable nature, combined with his detailed knowledge of the financial side of film-making, has made him a valuable consultant on dozens of other features. 

Guest Category: Arts, Business, News, Investing and Finance, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: retired public school educator and psychic
Guest Biography:

Tina Erwin is a retired US Navy Commander and a psychic. Laura Van Tyne is a retired public school educator and psychic. Together, they are a psychic team with a spiritual mission. As co-hosts of The Karmic Path, they unite spirituality, science and psychology to help people to gain unique, down to earth insights into the world of karma. As professionals, they have had challenging experiences that forced them to learn how to cope with psychic/spiritual issues.

They lay down the logic trails of life (and death) and offer useful tools and resources to enable people to learn how to take their power back. Bad things seem to happen to good people. They offer logical explanations and practical solutions and insights into spiritual problems, such as:

  • Why did my dad beat me?
  • Why was I raped?
  • Why did my mom leave me?
  • Why is my brother handicapped?

Talking Points:

(If you have other ideas, we are open to suggestions to what will benefit your audience.)

  • What is karma?
  • What is a karmic ripple effect?
    • What happens when we begin to understand this?
  • In a world out of balance, the best we can do is to learn how to best help our sphere of influence
  • The microcosm: (We can use you as an example, if you like about how your accident forced you to change your karmic path and lead you into a new direction or we can use an example from Tina or Laura)


  • The macrocosm: Corporate influence
  • Georgia Pacific replanting to keep the earth in balance VS Loggers in Siberia who have decimated the permafrost, which will have a global impact.
  • Skype name:

  • Firstlight11
  • Back up Phone Number:

  • Landline: 619-466-6918
  • Mobile: 619-517-7824
  • Current Email:

  • Questions@TheKarmicPath
  • Or

  • Laura Van Tyne is a psychic and former public-school teacher. One morning she discovered her daughter could see and talk to ghosts and other beings. Many of these beings were nefarious and soon their home turned into a “house of horrors” with sleepless nights and many events they could never share with family and friends. Psychic ability, spirituality and karmic laws are tied together. She shares that when we begin to understand how they work, we gain insights that are crucial to our soul evolution and spiritual paths.
Guest Category: Psychology, Mental Health, Personal Development, Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Musical Ensemble
Guest Biography:


Soloist JENNIFER LINDSAY – Soprano


Soloist – MARINA MANUKIAN – Violin

Soloist – FILIPPO VOLTAGGIO – Bass/Baritone

ALAN BUSTEED – 1st Violin





Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Musical Director, Teacher and Composer
Guest Biography:


Jeremy Gilien was a founding faculty member of the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts, and served as musical director of the music theater program until 2006, when he became director of music for the department of dance. He is the composer of three operas: The Magician, The Happy Prince, and Calcutta Rose (about Mother Teresa).

His Symphonice Suite from The Happy Prince was the winner of the 1997 Valley Symphony Composition Competition and received its premier under the baton of maestro Robert Chauls. His latest work for the stage is an operatic/political/circus farce entitled Civicus Dutius, which was premiered by the Cal State L.A.department of Theatre Arts and Dance.

He has been nominated for a Lester Horton Award for outstanding achievement in music for dance for his work with the choreographer Rudy Perez. Mr. Gilien has been director of music at Lynwood United Methodist Church, and currently serves as director of music of Downey United Methodist Church. He also serves on the music staff of University SDA church. He is currently staff accompanist at the Trudl Zipper Dance Institute of the Colburn School, the Colburn Dance Academy, and has played summer intensive training programs for American Ballet Theatre (ABT), Joffrey Ballet, and Cecchetti U.S.A..

Mr Gilien received an MA degree in composition from California State University, Los Angeles, where he studied composition with Byong- Kon Kim and served as a repetiteur for the opera workshop.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Music