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Navigating Addiction
Guest Occupation
Jeff is a licensed therapist, addiction counselor, interventionist and family recovery coach.
Guest Biography

Jeff Jones provides Addiction Navigation for Families. Jeff is a licensed therapist, addiction counselor, interventionist and family recovery coach. Jeff has been featured in Psychology Today and has a mission to change our conversation in the addiction/recovery space with professionals and family members. Jeff says that the bottom line is that healthy family members allow healing to happen in the short-term and continue to heal far into the future. With the creation of a 3-phase family program & online community, he has both challenged and complemented best thinking about addiction & recovery. Jeff’s vision is to collaborate with addiction professionals, therapists, and treatment facilities to empower family members to engage in a process of recognizing the structural problem around the addiction, resourcing themselves so they can best create a family environment that’s inhospitable to active addiction and sets them up to realize how they want to be a family together in the future.