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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Guest Occupation: Police Lieutenant Firefighter Paramedic Chief Chaplain Captain Deacon Administrator
Guest Biography:

This episode features a group of guests:

  • Syd Henry, Deputy Fire Chief and Retired Police Officer
  • Samantha Cabrera, Police Lieutenant
  • Rick Lawlor, Fire Captain and Deacon
  • Dan Welch, USMC Vietnam Veteran
  • Matt Domyancic, Chaplain and Retired Police Officer
  • Nick Paproski, Paramedic and Administrator
  • James McLoughlin, Fire Administrator and Retired Police Officer
  • Joe Fawley, Firefighter and Paramedic
Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Military, Psychology, Emotional Health and Freedom, Mental Health, Religion, Self Help, Inspirational, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Artist, Songwriter, and Producer
Guest Biography:


Artist, Songwriter, and Producer TREVAN is a Universe all his own; blending and bending genres from all styles of music into an explosion of energy, rhythm and melody that has listeners singing along after just one listen. Building sonic hybrids that borrow from Rock, Pop, Hip-Hop, R&B, and more, TREVAN brings a fresh sound and voice to modern Pop.

Trevan’s love for music began long before he was even born; when his mother, Gail, would go to his father Charles’ concerts, while pregnant with Trevan. His father’s music would have the biggest impact on him; being the background of his parents’ wedding, where his mother was already pregnant with him, as well as his own birth (His father’s song ‘Spring’ was played seven times in the delivery room, while Trevan was being born). He also frequented his dad’s gigs as a toddler.

Showing instant signs of talent, Trevan was beat boxing and mimicking instrument sounds with his mouth before he was even a year old. His family still makes jokes about his first word, “Gunga.” His mom would give him pots and pans to play with whenever he had to stay with a babysitter or relative. He also loved to mimic his dad’s guitar playing with rakes and brooms.

His cassette walk-man was his most prized possession growing up. Dawning his headphones whenever he could, he listened religiously to his dad’s band and Joe Satriani’s ‘Flying in a Blue Dream’ tape. His mom would make custom mixtapes to listen to when driving to the beach or family get-togethers. These mixtapes introduced Trevan to artists like Alice in Chains, Oasis, Bush, John Mayer, and Deftones, to name a few. It was also during these car rides that Trevan would start visualizing himself on huge stages in front of massive crowds of people. 

Trevan also cites his family for his musical eclecticism; hearing artists like Alanis Morissette, Stone Temple Pilots, Earth Wind and Fire, Macy Gray and Pearl Jam at family pool parties. He also thanks his cousins for introducing him to the Spice Girls, Britney Spears, and N’sync.  Though Trevan wasn’t always allowed to go to his dad’s concerts, he relished the chance to ‘help’ his dad set up the afternoon before the gig. “Just the excitement of everyone there getting everything ready for that night. Even then, I could feel the anticipation and it was addicting.”

“It has always been my mission to let people know that it’s ok to be whoever they are, wherever they are, however they are. But until I myself truly own what that means for me, those words remain just words. This step, while still feeling somewhat insignificant or even unnecessary, feels incredibly liberating and freeing for me. I’ve wasted so much time trying to consolidate and package myself to fit the mold of what the world deems marketable or ‘proper branding.’ And it’s really just an obsolete methodology that’s long overdue for an upgrade. I pray I can be part of that upgrade and transcendence into a vaster level of artistry for both myself and others. I look forward to the day when we accept as a culture everyone’s natural versatility and not look at it as some sort of flaw or square peg that needs to be pounded into a round hole.”

Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Life coach, author, transformational speaker, TV host and avid traveler, with an MA in Spiritual Psychology
Guest Biography:

Lisa is a life coach, author, transformational speaker, TV host and avid traveler, with an MA in Spiritual Psychology.

Her fascination with people has taken her to over 60 countries, where she has worked in everything from boardrooms to yurts helping people Make Shift Happen in their lives.


Much of this humanitarian work can be found on her website

She is also the Chair(wo)man of Silicon Valley’s Pitch Global L.A. chapter and frequently works with entrepreneurs helping them manifest change.

In addition to private coaching and retreats, she’s interviewed and filmed dozens of movers-and-shakers and out-of-the-box thinkers to explore what makes them tick.

The Legacy series led to the Amazon Originals SoulBlazing with Lisa Haisha and the latest two seasons: Conversations with Master Teachers and Encounters with Metaphysical Healers. 

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Emotional Health and Freedom, Personal Development, Self Help, Motivational, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Attorney General for the District of Columbia in 2011
Guest Biography:

A fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers, Nathan co-chaired – along with recently confirmed Supreme Court Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson – a task force composed of some of the city's top litigators and jurists, examining "Jury Service in the 21st Century" sponsored by the prestigious Council for Court Excellence, in an effort to improve jury service in the age of the internet and social media.

Irvin B. Nathan has extensive governmental experience – in the executive and legislative branches of the federal government and in the DC government.

Nathan was appointed Attorney General for the District of Columbia in 2011. In this role, he supervised all civil litigation and appeals on behalf of the city, as well as juvenile and misdemeanor prosecutions. He announced his resignation the day after the November 2014 election, in which DC voters chose Karl Racine as the first elected Attorney General.

Before joining the Office of the Attorney General, Nathan served as General Counsel of the United States House of Representatives. He has also served as Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General at the US Department of Justice and Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Enforcement in the Criminal Division; Senior Counsel for the US House of Representatives Judiciary Committee; and Special Minority Counsel for the Senate Intelligence Committee.

For more than 30 years, Nathan practiced law at Arnold & Porter LLP representing clients in criminal and complex civil litigations, including securities fraud, civil RICO and corporate compliance matters. When he returned to A&P, he was a part of several practice groups – including Attorney Liability, Business Litigation, Legislative and Public Policy and White Collar Defense.
Guest Category: History, Kids & Family, Politics & Government, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Dr Anna Cabeca -triple-board certified, fellow of gynecology & obstetrics, author of integrative medicine wisdom.
Guest Biography:

Dr. Anna Cabeca, DO, OBGYN, FACOG, is triple-board certified and a fellow of gynecology and obstetrics, integrative medicine, and anti-aging and regenerative medicine. She has special certifications in functional medicine, sexual health, and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

For the past 20 years, she’s served 10,000+ women in her private practice— and millions more through her books, online videos and articles. 

When her own health took a troubling turn during menopause, she sought out the wisdom of healers around the world. She learned that modern medicine and time-tested natural remedies are not at odds. Working together, they create indisputable results and true well being. Using delicious, healing foods and simple lifestyle changes, Dr. Anna reclaimed her health and life.

Fueled by her belief that every woman deserves to be empowered and in control of their health and life, she developed the Keto-Green lifestyle, which has helped thousands of women opt out of menopause misery and experience a joyful transition to the next stage of their lives. With her methods, you, too, can breeze through menopause into your “second spring”, feeling the best you ever have.

Author of the new book (released April 12th, 2022 - "MenuPause" the hormone and food connection before during and after menopause.

Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Self Help, Sex
Guest Occupation: Nurse, Hypno Theraphist, Reiki Master, Healer, Personal Coach
Guest Biography:

Since Nori was born she has been dedicated to making a positive difference in the world. Nori has always been drawn to awakening consciousness in people, groups and communities across the planet. Her professional journey has been an exploration of realizing and grounding her calling through healing, entrepreneurship, innovation, writing, coaching and healing artistry. Nori has her RN degree and license, is a double certified Law of Attraction Coach, a certified Hypnotherapist and Reiki Master/Teacher. She constantly seeks a closer walk with God and to know God deeper. This—along with gifts, wisdom and spirituality have included her in the realm of Christian Mystic. Later in life Nori excelled in athletics as celebrated aerobic instructor, successful personal trainer and award winning body builder — Nori says, this was ALL law of attraction at work for this formerly obese girl from NY! Some of Nori’s mentors and teachers are: Feature Teacher in the movie the Secret, Bob Doyle and the great thought leader Christy Whitman! and unparalleled healer Evelyn Apostolou. Nori has studied and practiced Law Of Attraction since the late 80’s and had her whole life changed after being in the Hot Seat and working with Abraham though the legendary Esther Hicks.







Nori’s Website & Contact


+1 757 323 5558

She is a Hypno Theraphist - Reiki Master - and Healer.

@1NoriLove  · Personal Coach


Broadcast Team Alpha on Tuesdays at 8pm

Guest Category: Courses & Training, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Professor of Bioengineering, Speaker, Author
Guest Biography:

Gerald H. Pollack, PhD

Professor of Bioengineering - Box 355061

University of Washington

Seattle, WA 98195

Jerry Pollack is a scientist recognized worldwide as a dynamic speaker and author, whose passion lies in plumbing the depths of natural truths.

He received the 1st Emoto Peace Prize and is a recipient of the University of Washington's highest honor, the Annual Faculty Lecturer Award. He is founding Editor-in-Chief of the research journal WATER and Director of the Institute for Venture Science. Dr. Pollack's (award-winning) books include: The Fourth Phase of Water (2013), and Cells, Gels, and the Engines of Life (2001).

Gerald Pollack maintains an active laboratory at the University of Washington in Seattle. He is the Founding Editor-in-Chief of WATER: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal; Executive Director of the Institute for Venture Science; co-founder of 4th-Phase Inc.; and founder of the Annual Conference on the Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Water.  He has received numerous honors including: the Prigogine Medal for Thermodynamics; the University of Washington Annual Faculty Lecturer; the NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award; and the 1st Emoto Peace Prize.​  He is recognized internationally as an accomplished speaker and author.

Guest Category: Literature, Earth & Space, Education, Health & Lifestyle, News, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: Show Host
Guest Biography:

An internationally renowned expert in the field of health and nutrition, Gary Null, Ph.D is the author of over 70 best-selling books on healthy living and the director of over 100 critically acclaimed full-feature documentary films on natural health, self-empowerment and the environment. He is the host of ‘The Progressive Commentary Hour” and “The Gary Null Show”, the country’s longest running nationally syndicated health radio talk show which can be heard daily on here on the Progressive Radio Network.

Throughout his career, Gary Null has made hundreds of radio and television broadcasts throughout the country as an environmentalist, consumer advocate, investigative reporter and nutrition educator. More than 28 different Gary Null television specials have appeared on PBS stations throughout the nation, inspiring and motivating millions of viewers. He originated and completed more than one hundred major investigations on health issues resulting in the use of material by 20/20 and 60 Minutes. Dr. Null started this network to provide his followers with a media outlet for health and advocacy. For more of Dr. Null’s Work visit the Gary Null’s Work Section or In addition to the Progressive Radio Network, Dr. Null has a full line of all-natural home and healthcare products that can be purchased at his Online Store. 

Guest Category: Literature, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Homeopathy, Nutrition, Kids & Family, Medicine, Philosophy, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Family Doctor, Medical Activist
Guest Biography:

Dr. Daniel Nagase: A Courageous Doctor Speaks Out

Dr. Daniel Nagase graduated from Dalhousie Medical School in 2004, is a registered member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Alberta where he has been a doctor for over 15 years, an emergency doctor for 10 years and has treated patients in rural under-serviced communities throughout Alberta since 2015. Dr. Nagase was fired after treating three Covid patients with Ivermectin at the Rimbey Hospital and Care Centre. Listen to him speak on the dangers of the injection from a microbiology perspective.

Dr. Daniel Nagase has been a doctor for over 15 years, he graduated from Dalhousie Medical School in 2004.

He has been an emergency doctor for 10 years and has been working in rural underserviced communities throughout Alberta since 2015.

He has a story he’d like to share with you about what happened after he gave Covid patients Ivermectin in a small hospital west of Red Deer.

Dr. Daniel Nagase said children are especially susceptible to having their DNA altered, since they have higher levels of reverse transcriptase than adults.

Dr. Daniel Nagase explained the mechanisms behind the dangers of the mRNA jabs during a discussion of Pfizer’s released jab trial data that showed at least a 30% adverse reaction rate to the shots “with no recovery,” including deaths, which accounted for 3% of jabbed trial participants, although they “were directly attributable to Pfizer’s COVID-19 injections.…

Nagase had previously highlighted Pfizer trial data showing that of 34 reported adverse events in children (this was before the shot was actually approved for children), 24 of those children had “serious” side effects, and 10 of those children had “non-serious” side effects.

Nagase further explained that because DNA can be altered via the reverse transcriptase, and the DNA will then program cells to create the spike protein, it doesn’t matter what dosage of the jab is given to children. Lower doses, he said, will only slow down the time it takes for the cells to be re-programmed.

“Once something is in the DNA, the only thing that will get rid of it is the death of that cell,” Nagase said.…

Guest Category: Kids & Family, Medicine, News, Philosophy, Politics & Government, Science, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Author, Psychologist, Pianist, Researcher, Healer
Guest Biography:

Mária Sági, a native of Budapest, began her career as a classical pianist and turned subsequently to the study of medicine and psychology, specializing in personality theory, deep psychology, social psychology and the psychology of music. She received her Ph.D. in psychology at the Eötvös Lóránd Science University of Budapest, and after seven years research she received her C.Sc. degree of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. She is a former Research Associate and Scientific Secretary of Institute for Culture and Sociological Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. A leading member of the Club of Budapest since its inception in 1993, Dr. Sági currently serves as Science Director of the Club. 

She is the author of twelve books and over one hundred of fifty articles and research papers published in Hungarian, English, French, German, Italian, and Japanese, on topics as diverse as social and personality psychology, the psychology of music and art, in addition to information medicine, her principal field.

She has done extensive research on the psychology of art: how music is reproduced through associations with color and form in painting, as well as on the Hungarian folk-dance movement, theatre, and cultural trends and values. Her books Aesthetics and Personality and Culture and Personality are frequently referenced in Hungarian research organizations. Creativity in Music, her book co-authored with Prof. Iván Vitányi, states the results of her experimental research work in a 9-volume treatise treating the investigation of generative ability in various segments of the Hungarian people.

​Mária Sági is a member of the General Evolution Research Group and is the former Managing Editor of World Futures, The Journal of General Evolution (now World Futures: The Journal of New Paradigm Research). She has been a close collaborator of Prof. Ervin László in his work on the new paradigm in science and society and has overseen the publication of the Hungarian edition of ten of László’s recent books.

Since the late 1980s Sági’s interests embraced natural healing, using the principles of  information medicine. She has developed the method of New Homeopathy pioneered by the Viennese scientist Erich Körbler as an encompassing method for diagnosing and treating human health problems whether in the presence of the patient and at a distance (“Holistic Information-Medicine”). She lectured on this method in seminars in Hungary, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, as well as Japan. She has worked with Ervin Laszlo in developing the theory of the Akashic field, providing examples of healing through that field and elaborating its implications for the new science paradigm developed by Laszlo.

The Luxembourg Peace Prize for ‘Outstanding Peace Activists 2017’ was awarded to the Club of Budapest (COB), its initiator Professor Ervin Laszlo, Chief Creative Director Anne-Marie Voorhoeve and Science Director Dr. Mária Sági, for their work of building bridges among cultures, and for their promotion of a ‘Planetary Consciousness’ on the theme of ‘Unity in Diversity’, and of supercoherence between human beings. This is the highest European acknowledgement awarded every year to persons, groups and organizations worldwide for tangible actions towards Peace.

Guest Category: Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Energy Healing, Kids & Family, Music, Philosophy, Psychology, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: philosopher, systems scientist, author
Guest Biography:

Ervin Laszlo

Ervin Laszlo is a philosopher and systems scientist. The author, co-author or editor of 106 different books that have appeared in a total of 25 languages, he has written over 400 articles and research papers. The subject of the one-hour PBS special Life of a Modern-Day Genius, Laszlo is the founder and president of the international think tank The Club of Budapest and of the prestigious The Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research. The recipient of various honors and awards, including Honorary Ph. D.s from the United States, Canada, Finland, and Hungary, Laszlo received the Goi Award, the Japan Peace Prize in 2001, the Assisi Mandir of Peace Prize in 2006, and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 and 2005.

Ervin Laszlo

Ervin Laszlo spent his childhood in Budapest, Hungary. He was a celebrated child prodigy on the piano, with public appearances from the age of nine. Receiving a Grand Prize at the international music competition in Geneva, he was allowed to leave Hungary and begin an international concert career, first in Europe and then in America.

Laszlo received the Sorbonne’s highest degree, the Doctorat ès Lettres et Sciences Humaines in 1970. Shifting to the life of a scientist and humanist, he lectured at various U.S. Universities including Yale and Princeton. Following his work on modeling the future evolution of world order at Princeton, he was asked to produce a report for the Club of Rome, of which he was a member. In the late 70s and early 80s, Laszlo ran global projects at the United Nations Institute for Training and Research at the request of the Secretary-General. In the 1990s his research led him to the discovery of the Akashic Field.

The author, co-author or editor of 106 different books that have appeared in a total of 25 languages, Ervin Laszlo has also written several hundred papers and articles in scientific journals and popular magazines. He is a member of numerous scientific bodies, including the International Academy of Science, the World Academy of Arts and Science, the International Academy of Philosophy of Science, and the International Medici Academy. He was elected member of the Hungarian Academy of Science in 2010.

Ervin Laszlo was awarded the state doctorate (the highest Ph.D) from the Sorbonne, the University of Paris in 1970, and received honorary Ph.D’s from the United States, Canada, Finland, and Hungary. He was the recipient of the Peace Prize of Japan, the Goi Award, in 2001, of the International Mandir of Peace Prize of Assisi in 2005, and of the Luxembourg World Peace Prize in 2017. He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 and 2005. In 2019, Ervin Laszlo was cited as one of the "100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People in the World" according to Watkins Mind Body Spirit magazine. In 2020 he was cited as 28th of the OOOM Magazine's Top 100: The World's Most Inspiring People” list. 

A native of Budapest and a U.S. citizen, he lives with Carita his Finnish-born wife in Tuscany.

Guest Category: Literature, Business, Education, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author, Motivational Speaker
Guest Biography:

Gordana Biernat

Dream Your Life, Live Your Dream!

I am an Author, Motivational Speaker, Thinker and Change Architect. I am also a Super Soul 100 Teacher and a part of Oprah Winfrey's SuperSoul 100 Team.

I hold a Master of Arts degree in Art History and I have also studied Psychology, Communication and Media at Lund University in Sweden.


Author of "#KnowTheTruth - Why Knowing Who You Are Changes Everything", published by Hay House Publishing and available in all online bookstores. Featured on, Huffington Post, Psychology Today, The Sunday Paper, Times of India and many other major international news aggregators and blogs as well as printed magazines and publications.

Motivational Speaker

I talk about the Perception of Reality, Leadership, Consciousness, Creativity, Change and more.

Guest Category: Literature, Courses & Training, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Inca Shamen
Guest Biography:

Santos and Augstine Maccha

Inca Shamen from Cusco, Peru

They come from a village 13 hours from Cusco that did not expose themselves to Western civilization until 1947.  They still maintain their culture and world view.

Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Spiritual, Access Consciousness
Guest Occupation: Ethics Scholar, Author
Guest Biography:

Dr. Julie Ponesse

Pandemic Ethics Scholar

Dr. Julie Ponesse has a PhD in Philosophy (Western, 2008) with areas of specialization in ethics and ancient philosophy.

She has a Masters in Philosophy with Collaborative Specialization in Bioethics from the University of Toronto and a Diploma in Ethics from the Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University.

Dr. Ponesse has published in the areas of ancient philosophy, ethical theory, and applied ethics, and has taught at universities in Canada and the US for 20 years.

In the fall of 2021, Dr. Ponesse saw her academic career of 20 years fall apart after she refused to comply with a Canadian university's COVID vaccine mandate.

In response, Dr. Ponesse recorded a special video directed to her first-year ethics students. That video went viral. 

Since the release of that video, Dr. Ponesse has joined The Democracy Fund as the Pandemic Ethics Scholar focussing on educating the public on civil liberties. 

My Choice: The Ethical Case Against Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates

In December 2021, Dr. Ponesse released a book, published by The Democracy fund, titled My Choice: The Ethical Case Against Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates. 

This is her account of the battle and its aftermath, written with passion and intelligence. But Dr. Ponesse's story travels beyond the personal and examines the ethical and philosophical dimensions of our pandemic response.

If there is anyone out there who feels alone in the struggle to preserve personal choice and freedom, this book offers some very human advice on how to move forward and makes it clear that your voice deserves to be heard.

You can learn more about the book and order your very own copy at


Dr. Julie Ponesse is the Pandemic Ethics Scholar for The Democracy Fund and author of the new book: My Choice: The Ethical Case Against Covid19 Vaccine Mandates. Dr. Ponesse's focus is on educating Canadians about civil liberties.




Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, News, Philosophy, Politics & Government, Society and Culture, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Angelic Healer, Reader, Channel, Medium
Guest Biography:

Judy Cali has been doing Intuitive Healing work with The Ascended Masters & Angels from 3 years of age. She was asked by Hilarion, the Ascended Master of Healing of The Emerald Ray, to go public with her gifts, over 18 years ago. Honoring his request, her Clarion Call, working with people all over the World has been a JOY! Intuitively, thru her Sacred Heart & I AM Presence, she receives a whole picture of you by seeing, hearing, feeling & knowing about your Soul.

Her readings bring forth what is most important for you to know at this time in your life. Messages from your Guardian Angels, Guides, Family in Spirit & details from other lives you are living that are most relevant to this life, is what may come forth. Judy is a Crystal Reiki Master, Spiritual Minister, Teacher, Life Coach, Workshop Leader & Guest Speaker. In 2005 she channeled Mikos, Lemurian Telosian of Inner Earth for The Wesak Festival in New York City. Also, she was hired by NBC, as a Psychic, for a documentary on Atlantis & the Bermuda Triangle, still shown today on the Sci Fi Channel.

Guest Category: Energy Healing, Kids & Family, Paranormal, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Angel Communication, Medium & Channeling, Mystic & Seer, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Lawyer
Guest Biography:

Jake Warner serves as senior counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom’s Appellate Team.

Since joining ADF in 2017, Warner has focused primarily on protecting the freedom of Christians to freely exercise their faith in the marketplace without fear of government punishment. He has served on the litigation teams arguing cases such as Masterpiece Cakeshop Inc. v. Elenis and Telescope Media Group v. Lucero.

He has also defended religious freedom more broadly. In A.H. v. French, Warner successfully represented a Christian high school student on appeal at the Second Circuit, where the court entered a preliminary injunction that stopped state officials from discriminating against a student based on her religious status. This ruling ensured that the student could access a publicly funded educational program on the same terms as her peers.

Prior to joining ADF, Warner served as a judicial law clerk to Senior U.S. District Judge Malcolm J. Howard in the Eastern District of North Carolina. Before that, he engaged in private practice with the firm of Perry, Perry, & Perry, in Kinston, North Carolina, where he primarily represented criminal defendants in both federal and state courts.

Warner earned his J.D. at Regent School of Law, graduating magna cum laude in 2011. He obtained his B.A. in history and political science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2006.

Warner is admitted to practice in Arizona, North Carolina, and the U.S. Supreme Court, as well as many federal district and appellate courts.

Guest Category: Business, Legal, News, Philosophy, Politics & Government, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Website Maker, Graphic Designer and Creative Marketing Consultant
Guest Biography:

Lorie Smith

Creative Director of website, graphic design and interactive marketing strategies for businesses.

For the 10+ years I've had the privileged of working in a variety of environments providing marketing, advertising, graphic design, branding, strategy, and social media consultation services to businesses and organizations large and small. My specialties are many and large scale because I truly love what I do. 

303creative operates on the belief that a deeply personal relationship with our clients is essential to providing services that exceed your expectations. Larger firms require big teams to accomplish the same services that 303creative provides. These large operations typically result in an impersonal approach, which places priority on their bottom line, instead of on you, the client. With 303creative, you can rest assured that we are experienced in providing a customized, dedicated, and one-stop experience for every client, for every project.

Specialties: Marketing consultation, social media strategy and implementation, branding, advertising, graphic design, website design, website redesign & business development.

303 Creative company

Free speech vs. LGBT rights: Website maker seeks Supreme Court hearing on anti-discrimination law…

Guest Category: Arts, Design, Business, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Author, Lawyer
Guest Biography:

Dr. Marcel Polte from Germany

He is the well-known author of several UFO books in Germany

Marcel Polte holds a doctorate in law. He worked for around 15 years in leading international law firms as a company law expert. In addition to his work as a lawyer, he acquired basic knowledge in theoretical and experimental physics and since then has been dealing with fundamental questions of reality and consciousness. 

Guest Category: Literature, Legal, History, Military, News, Paranormal, UFOs, Physics & Metaphysics, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Life Coach, Psychic Medium, Intuitive Healer, Mystic Seer
Guest Biography:

Susan Rowlen is a Native Chicagoan, Raised on Chicago’s Northwest side as a child. Susan did not have a conventional childhood. From the age of 6 Spirit singled her out and set in motion her journey to provide healing, clarity and guidance. Blessed with the gifts of seeing the Past, Present and Future, Susan has been in constant contact with spirits, voices and visions in order to help others make sense of their lives. In her early life, Susan chose to use her unique gifts selectively to help those close to her as well as local officials and businesses in need of direction. However, she soon became aware that she possessed rare and valuable gifts which should be used for the greater good. Not only has she used her unique abilities to provide spiritual guidance and healing to people of every age in every walk of life throughout the world, but on a personal level, her gifts also enabled her to defeat her own daughter’s Autism. As a professional Psychic Medium, Susan uses her abilities to help clients gain deep insights into their life journey and gain spiritual growth, shining light on relationships, love, career, and business.

Guest Category: Courses & Training, Health & Lifestyle, Love & Relationships, Paranormal, Personal Development, Inspirational, Access Consciousness, Mystic & Seer, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: 2NDGO, a veteran owned and operated company, is teaching military veterans and first responders how to be more resilient in their everyday lives.
Guest Biography:

Nick Nunnally began a life of service at 16 when he became an EMT after a car accident. He joined the National Guard to pay for college tuition, and went active duty in the Coast Guard. Nick retired after 20+ years and tried to transition into the civilian sector. After working 2 different civilian jobs, Nick grew increasingly confused about his life direction. Ultimately hired by Danbury Fire Department, Nick Realized there was a need for services not addressed by current resources. Nick and his partners Jason Culbreth and Paul Laedke Started 2NDGO with the mission:

to serve veterans and first responders that are transitioning from one purpose to the next, with the ultimate goal of identifying, supporting, and implementing that newfound purpose.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Military, Psychology, Emotional Health and Freedom, Mental Health, Personal Development, Inspirational