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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 18 May 2021

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa
Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

Join wisdom teachers Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa on 'Sri and Kira LIVE! The Voice of Passionate Action' airing every Sunday at 12:00pm PST / 3pm Eastern. Their mission is to open the authentic path of self-ascension through the sacred union of the soul. Experience laughter, wisdom and what they call the practice of 'Passionate Action'. They offer spiritually deep, articulate, and intelligent views . . . opening a nourishing dialog with all and boldly answering the tough questions with wisdom, compassion and reassurance! Each week they give spiritual guidance and information on a specific topic at hand and open the phone lines to take your calls and offer mini-soul readings. The phone lines are always inundated with callers so…keep trying! Hang up and call again - Call 517-208-1500

Internationally acclaimed for “walking the walk” of authenticity and on the cutting edge of soul evolution, Sri is a gifted Psychotherapist, Skilled Medical Intuitive and Master Avesa Quantum Healer. Kira was born clairvoyant, and declared clinically dead of cancer in 1989. She is now widely accepted as the most prolific and accurate Oracle of modern history. Tune in for the fun, discover fascinating information and guests while enjoying visionary perspectives!

Talk Show Program Archives for Podcasting

Sri and Kira Live , February 28, 2021 with Sri Ram Kaa and Master Lady Kira Raa
Sri and Kira Live , February 21, 2021 with Sri Ram Kaa and Master Lady Kira Raa
Sri and Kira Live , February 14, 2021 with Sri Ram Kaa and Master Lady Kira Raa
Sri and Kira Live , February 7, 2021 with Sri Ram Kaa and Master Lady Kira Raa
Sri and Kira Live , January 31, 2021 with Sri Ram Kaa and Master Lady Kira Raa
Sri and Kira Live , January 24, 2021 with Sri Ram Kaa and Master Lady Kira Raa
Sri and Kira Live , January 17, 2021 with Sri Ram Kaa and Master Lady Kira Raa
Sri and Kira Live , January 10, 2021 with Sri Ram Kaa and Master Lady Kira Raa
Sri and Kira Live , January 3, 2021 with Sri Ram Kaa and Master Lady Kira Raa
Sri and Kira Live , December 27, 2020 with Sri Ram Kaa and Master Lady Kira Raa
Sri and Kira Live , December 20, 2020 with Sri Ram Kaa and Master Lady Kira Raa
Sri and Kira Live , December 13, 2020 with Sri Ram Kaa and Master Lady Kira Raa
Sri and Kira Live , December 6, 2020 with Sri Ram Kaa and Master Lady Kira Raa
Sri and Kira Live , November 29, 2020 with Sri Ram Kaa and Master Lady Kira Raa
Sri and Kira Live , November 22, 2020 with Sri Ram Kaa and Master Lady Kira Raa
Sri and Kira Live , November 15, 2020 with Sri Ram Kaa and Master Lady Kira Raa
Sri and Kira Live , November 8, 2020 with Sri Ram Kaa and Master Lady Kira Raa
Sri and Kira Live , November 3, 2020 Guest, Jess Juntunen, certified Self-Ascension Intuitive Counselor, a Master Avesa Quantum Healer and Channel
Sri and Kira Live , November 1, 2020 with Sri Ram Kaa and Master Lady Kira Raa
Sri and Kira Live , October 25, 2020 with Sri Ram Kaa and Master Lady Kira Raa
Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa
Talk Show Hosts, Authors, Columnists, Quantum Healers, Keynote Speakers, Psychotherapists, Medical Intuitives, Oracles, Wisdom Teachers, Self Ascension Facilitators, Archangelic Realm Messengers, Mystics, Visionaries, Enlightend Living Masters

Sri & Kira boldly answer the tough questions and offer fresh perspectives that capture the essence of NOW! Experience laughter, wisdom and experience Passionate Action that is “refreshingly articulate, intelligent and downright funny”. A well known spiritual power couple, they consistently pour forth healing love & laughter in a way that touches the authenticity of your being, ignites your soul, and touches your heart.

Publicly active since 2003, Sri & Kira arrived at the forefront of the higher consciousness movement due to the wisdom, clarity and accuracy of the information they share with the world. With five best-selling books, a top rated radio show and popular YouTube channel, combined with consistent delivery of timely teachings, the couple presents extraordinary insights about our human origins, divine destination and the global healing value of Passionate Action as an alternative for aggressive activism.

Known and acclaimed for their visionary accuracy, integrity, and pure stream of Divine Connection, they are also monthly columnists for Sedona Journal Magazine. Featured in many publications, including numerous feature covers, it was Newsweek that stated: “Sri and Kira are offering reassurance and uplifting the consciousness of the world.”

Sri & Kira have brought forth what many have referred to as the GOLD STANDARD of affordable home-study materials for Self-Ascension Consciousness studies. They currently reside in Ecuador having made the choice to demonstrate the value of world citizenry. Their profound work is uniquely different and life altering.

Internationally acclaimed for “walking the walk” of authenticity and on the cutting edge of soul evolution, Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa is a gifted Psychotherapist, Skilled Medical Intuitive and Master Avesa Quantum Healer. Angelic Oracle Kira Raa has been clairvoyant since childhood, and was declared clinically dead of cancer in 1989. She is now widely accepted as the most profound Oracle of our time due to the consistency and incredible accuracy of the messages she delivers. She is also a Master Avesa Quantum Healer and Vedic scholar. Her connection with the divine essence of Shiva in combination with her rare ability to “speak with the angels” has birthed extraordinary healing for 1000’s worldwide.

Long time confidants of the Mayan Elders who remain hidden from mainstream attention, Sri and Kira honor indigenous traditions and the mystical core of religious teachings.  Their Self-Ascension teachings bring an ascended perspective to time-honored wisdom.

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Dear Kira and Sri,

Thank you so much for my reading on air after reading my email.  I'm comforted by such wise and loving guidance and will move forward now with a vibration lifted into greater integrity and beauty.

Thank you,



Dearest Kira

Sending you so much love and gratitude to you on your Birthday. How lucky the planet is to have your beautiful presence and your  big bright light shining here at this time. And thank you for coming to be in a dream recently, you told me you were healing my left leg. Interesting as over a year ago just after I discovered you and Sri I had shared my success re blood clots on left leg. Maybe energetically there was still some healing needed there. Am enclosing an old Irish prayer as Birthday blessing which you might enjoy.

May God give you for every storm a rainbow

For every fear a smile

For every care a promise

And a blessing in each trail

For every problem life sends, a faithful friend to share

For every sigh a sweet smile

And an answer to each prayer

Many happy returns



Dearest Sri and Kira, 

Thank you so much for reading my email! After yesterday's show the capacity within me to Trust has increased immensely. I also feel this resurgence of inspiration towards taking on a greater level of responsibility in my life and my actions which I think I've been avoiding for some time. Wow, you are both such a gift. Thank you so much and Happy, Happy Birthday Kira! Sending you lots of love and hugs, Sheena


Dear Sri and Kira,

I just wanted to send a personal note of thank you

for reading my email on the radio show yesterday.

The whole show was so very powerful-every letter you read

was addressing concerns I have,

I was really moved by the letter of the woman who had two readings which left her

feeling defeated. I am so glad she had the courage to ask you two for help-

and your answer was an answer for myself as well. A very long time ago

I had a comment made to me by someone I looked up to and trusted, under the guise of a spiritual balancing session. What he said to me has been in my

consciousness all this time and I am afraid I have given it power by believing it. Even when I decided not to believe it I still couldn't disempower the thought.

I can't help but think it was a part of my "identity theft".

I am so grateful you addressed my email - I went and read Lesson 5 of the Lost Books of the Essene as you suggested. I saw the energies the lion meets when it walks out of the woods. To have the visual of the lion is so helpful-

I am at times in fear as I work through the identity theft- I have felt everything from nausea to anxiety to cold fear. It is that I don't want to stay locked into those energies which I have done in my past.

Thank you so very much-I will listen to the show again (and again) as soon as it becomes listed in the archives.

I am giggling at the idea of being the most exotic person in my area- I love it!

And I hear you.

Thank you so very much.

Much Love and gratitude,



Thank you so much for my beautiful mini soul reading! I was so excited when I heard you read my mail and give me the reading on the show. I actually had tears in my eyes it was so beautiful:) thank you!!! I'm super amped for the next four years to unfold as I step into my true self and let go of fear- thank you :) it was so perfect! As you spoke of roses I looked next to me at my bottle of rose geranium oil and couldn't help giggling- I will now wear it with even more intention! 

Sending all my love and blessings!

Olivia xxx


My Dearest Loving Spiritual Family Shepherded by Sri & Kira,

Namaste wishes above and beyond words ...

We will all get through this time together ... in bigger and better ways than one can imagine at this time because the One was already imagined it.

My truth that I wish to address at this time may seem nit-picky, but it won't stop bugging me.  Perhaps writing about it will de-bug it.  My concern appears to be a world-wide occurrence at least online not just on your website.   I, personally, can be both an auditory and a visual learner ... but not everyone else can be both.  I can make automatic adjustments when needed ... but not everyone else can.  My mind keeps racing beyond today ... to tomorrow, "the future today" for so many others.  Being impeccable with our words especially in writing, i.e. closed caption /cc, is of paramount importance for both our present and our future todays.  Please excuse any  grammatical or other faux pas on my part in this email ... and in general.  Boy this hole is getting deep ... it's time to  lightly lovingly laugh at myself to float up and out of the mess I seem to be making of this message.

Love & Light ... Joyce ... Always & in all ways


P.S. I am in complete awe of the awesome things you do and the ways you do them.  I especially appreciate your archived materials and your diversity of presentation ... Thank You for all you do!!!


Namaste Kira,

Thank you so much for the beautiful gift of your loving response...I so appreciate the way you radiate love and joy and kindness!

Big hugs back to YOU!

Love, Susan


Namaste  Kira and Sri,

Thank you, thank you, thank you for so kindly giving me answers to my questions regarding my mini soul reading on air last night.

I am so blessed and so grateful.  I love you both, you are truly awesome, inspirational and dedicated. Thank you for the beautiful answers and for giving me the time. Your radio shows, courses and videos are pure bliss. You are both such a gift to everyone.

I greatly look forward to participating in your course in a couple of weeks. I already know it will be magical.

Much love and infinite blessings to you both,  :)

Rebecca (UK) 


Dearest Sri and Kira,

    I just wanted to take a moment and thank you SO much for your mini-soul reading on yesterday's show.  I just had a chance to listen to it again (I got on around 36:00 minutes in) and tears began to stream down my face with so much love and gratitude for the beautiful affirming messages.  You have both been such a potent, positive influence in my ascension and have been the greatest mentors in my life.  I am deeply honored to connect with your energies.  Whenever I listen to the both of you, I am instantly uplifted and I can feel your warmth and wings around me encouraging me on my path of mastery and healing.

  Thank you for attesting for my previous trip cancelation as the trip was a HUGE week long event (which I have gone to for the past 2 summers) that brings together my friends from all around the world.  I love how you mentioned the ego because in that cancelation decision, I really put my ego aside, went into my heart-space and there I found the choice to not go this year.  After I officially canceled, the Cards of Clarity really put me at ease with my decision. Instead, I will be spending intimate time with my husband on a trip and then we will be attending a retreat together for this upcoming weekend.  I am looking very much forward to all the inner work and transformation that will take place not only for myself, but for my husband.  This also made me feel at peace with my choice as it will expand the sacred relationship I hold dearly with my husband in ways that will bond us even further into oneness.  At the end of the day, friends may come and go, but the sacred union with my partner extends beyond the cosmos and this lifetime in a very profound ways. 

   The footprint in the sand analogy was extremely touching for me and I really, really needed to hear that from someone outside of myself.  I do try to remind myself of that daily as I hold a big audience through social media advocating the importance of nourishing our light bodies with raw, plant based foods and how they can act as a catalysts to awaken us back into our Divinity.  It was really such a blessing to hear from you Kira that my intentions and energy are impacting others even if I am not always fully aware of who it is.  So thank you!

   Your words about waking up in the morning thinking about how would a queen talk and handle certain situations allowing the ego to drop and be of service was so incredible and so spot on, I've been trying to do this daily from the divine goddess perception but again, hearing it from you is just so encouraging and inspirational and I just wanted to take the time out of my day to thank you again with so much love and appreciation.

Again, thank you so much and I love you both with my whole-being!  Thank you for all you do and for all the AMAZING courses you put on regularly as it is so needed on the planet and you are both hold such an incredible radiance of crystalline light.  I LOVE YOU and THANK YOU again!   Namaste

Much Love & Many Blessings,

Jenna Davila

Spiritual Guidance, Health and Wellness Coach

Photographer & Food Blogger


Thank you so much Kira ans Sri for the encouragement and insight for me to return to Los Angeles! It was a brutal first go around where I stayed at 33 different Airbnb's in 6 months but I know I was adding light to the grid all around LA. It's no surprise that I'm being aligned with Elon Musk to find backing for this cosmic insight that I'm being downloaded with since he's "obsessed" with I am not to patent the cosmic insight but to open source it and make it affordable for all those who are of the Light. It is time for miracles again. People need hope when their reality is falling apart.

Here's to a peaceful n loving paradigm!


"Ellie Arroway"

----- Contact Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa -----

TOLL FREE: 877-344-TOSA (877-344-8672)






The Mystical Couple of Our Time:

Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa

& Angelic Oracle Kira Raa

Sri Ram Kaa and Kira RaaOur greatest blessing is to offer the gift of Universal Spirituality know as "Self-Ascension". Simply stated, it is the recognition that all Beings have the full nature of the sacred inside themselves and the ability to live a life of abundance through this gift. We recognize that dogmatic traditions are a supportive starting point that assist to bring the spiritual seeker to that glorious moment where the journey must transcend the dogma and become a Direct Mystical Experience. Self-Ascension is the recognition that you already have everything you need inside your heart to reconnect. We live a life of Bhakti* as Universal citizens while recognizing that each person is sovereign. We welcome you to re-discover the Magic within and to embrace your direct mystical experience. Welcome home to your divine self, beloved one!

*Bhakti: The gift of linking the soul to god as a personal experience of direct and conscious communion.

Our World Service Declaration:

"To open the Authentic Path of Self-Ascension through Sacred Union with the Soul."

Our Sacred Intention for Being:

"To Listen, Love and Hold the Space for Enlightenment."

Best selling authors, columnists, radio personalities, Master Avesa Quantum Healers, and sought-after keynote speakers, Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa and Angelic Oracle Kira Raa are internationally recognized for lovingly “walking the walk” of authenticity.

On the cutting edge of the Soul Evolution, they are considered the foremost authorities on 2012, Archangelic communications, Self-Ascension, and Atlantis. Sri and Kira boldly answer the tough questions and offer a fresh perspective that is a rare treat in our chaotic and ever changing world.

"Two of the Best Examples of Open-Mindedness!" George Noory, Host of Coast to Coast AM

Eight years ago, Sri and Kira came together in Sacred Union and accepted their mission. They gave up a “normal” life to spread the message of the Archangelic Realm to the world. In the course of their journey they founded the TOSA Center for Enlightened Living, the Avesa Quantum Healing™ Institute, and TOSA Publishing in Tijeras, New Mexico, created a curriculum of Self-Ascension, and traveled the world speaking to thousands on the evolutionary perspective on 2012, Earth changes, the soul mission of each being, and assisting other in claiming and reconnecting with their mastership.

"It is our joy to be the bringers of such profound love and practices directly from the Archangelic Realm to the planet at this time, and to touch the lives of thousands of people to offer a new perspective on life." Sri Ram Kaa & Kira Raa

Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa is a gifted psychotherapist, medical intuitive, and quantum healer. Angelic Oracle Kira Raa is widely accepted as the most profound Archangelic Oracle of our time. Together they are internationally recognized Mystical teachers known for their profound visionary accuracy (99%), integrity, and pure stream of Divine Connection.

For Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa, authenticity is not only about being present and awake 24/7, it is a way of living that encompasses the whole being. As such, they offer the world ideas, profound tools, and a transformational approach to life that is like nothing else offered before, and includes programs and teachings to support people on every level of their being such as Sacred Yoga for Everyone, Navigating the Inner Matrix, and the Soul Nourishment program and book.

The world, and humanity, is at a crucial choice point, as we soar toward 2012. Many ask "How can we possibly prepare for what we cannot even imagine?" Sri and Kira KNOW that we have the power to create a future that is evolved, awake, and full of joy. This is the Path of Self-Ascension.

"Sri and Kira are offering reassurance and uplifting the consciousness of the world." Newsweek

Sri and Kira are the authors of several best selling books including Sacred Union: The Journey Home, The Path of Self-Ascension, 2012: You Have a Choice!, 2012: Atlantean Revelations, Becoming a Mystic in a 9 to 5 World, and their newest book, 2013: Mayan Sunrise Already flying off the shelves, this book has been described as the next step in human evolution. They are also regular columnists for Awareness magagine UFO Magazine. Sri and Kira and have been published widely and appreared on TV and radio shows throughout the world.

"Sri and Kira are bringing forward important work for these times. I encourage everyone to read their books and pay attention!" Dannion Brinkley, Author Saved by the Light & Secrets of the Light

Sri and Kira host their own weekly radionshow, 2012 Higher Love, one of the longest running and most popular mind/body/spirit programs on the air today. New shows are available every week and the archives are rich with intriguing topics and guests. Click here to listen.

They are also frequent guests on radio and television shows including Coast to Coast AM with George Noory and Good Morning America, and have been featured in Newsweek and other major news outlets.

"Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa and Angelic Oracle Kira Raa leave no stone unturned with their latest publication, 2012 Atlantean Revelations. They cover every aspect of modern human existence including romance, life lessons and preparation for the current global shift. Their unique voice expands his or her concept of reality. In the end, the reader is gifted with a different perspective of our earth, the universe and our place within it all." Visions Magazine

"Joy is not just for the few. Bliss and serenity are not just for the spiritually accomplished. They are your birthright!" Sri Ram Kaa