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Article by sri ram kaa and kira raa January 26, 2016

Living Peace: The Four Steps to Self-Ascension

By Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa and Angelic Oracle Kira Raa
â¢What is Self-Ascension and Authenticity?

By Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa and Angelic Oracle Kira Raa

  • What is Self-Ascension and Authenticity?
  • How are they different from what we have experienced

    or heard before?
  • How can one embrace true freedom while living

    in the habit of fear, or stand in liberation while clinging to judgment?
  • Is it possible to break free of these habits,

    and live in Authenticity?

Have you ever asked for a moment of Peace?

Peace in your daily life, in the lives of those around you, and on a global scale is your birthright! Living that Peace within a fear-based paradigm is what presents the challenge.

Your Divine Connection lovingly places everything in perspective and lifts the soul into bliss regardless of what the external world may present. Archangel Zadkiel shares this gift so beautifully:

“The state of integrated successful spiritual living is known simply as: Self-Ascension.”

Self-Ascension is a gift we give ourselves by embracing our Authentic Peace, Love and Joy.  Self-Ascension transcends the habit and belief

that Peace, Love and Joy are emotions. They are a way of life, an Authentic pathway attained through the navigation of Four simple steps.

  • Surrender
  • Release Judgment
  • Unconditional Love
  • Be in Union

These steps are a circle and presented in no particular order, however it is the consistent and loving tenacity to allow them to become ever-refining that anchors greater peace in our lives!

Surrender means the Surrender of what surrender looks like! Stop making deals with the Universe!

Release judgment by starting with judgment of the self. Allow the gift of who you are to be fully appreciated.

Unconditional love: What if, just for today, you allowed yourself to simply appreciate all the billions of souls on this planet; embracing your freedom to love ALL paths; to know that each path does not need to be the same as yours, and may indeed be radically different. THIS is the experience of Unconditional love. Free yourself from believing that you are anything other than Unconditional love, and the door of your true soul opens wide.

When we boldly completely accept Union with our Soul authenticity, then we are ready to be in Union with a partner. Just for today, allow yourself to say “thank you” to your soul for holding the space of Union for you. Step into the divine embrace of your sacred heart, and breathe the truth of your Authenticity.

This is when you will know the freedom and Abundance of living in Peace, Love and Joy. This is where you were born to return.

Welcome home to Self-Ascension!

Sri and Kira