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KickAss Radio with Jo Sainsbury

KickAss Radio with Jo Sainsbury

Episode #6      

Topic: Authenticity – Learning to be completely Authentic

Every woman and every situation is different, if you don’t stay authentic and try to fit in and please others, keeping up the façade will be the cost to you.

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa

Topic: Thriving or Surviving?

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa

Topic: Authenticity and Safety!

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa

Topic: EYES WIDE OPEN!  Seeing through the veil!

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

Sri and Kira Live with Sri and Kira

Authenticity!  What is it Really and How do I KNOW my truth?

Authenticity, it is innately appealing and charismatic.  How can we learn to live more authentic lives?

What if we were truly ‘transparent” with ourselves?  That is, are you ready to know your truth without fear or denial?

Transparency can turn a relationship into a true partnership.  It is a form of intimacy based upon self love and a willingness to share ones’ self with another.

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

Whether you are feeling the "Bern" or noticing the vast rise of Positive and Negative energy, this is the moment to PAY ATTENTION to the TRUTH of what is means to be Authentic!  We have arrived at a moment where the "word" Authentic has found its way into the mainstream, yet is this a good thing or yet another manipulation of Ascension Consciousness?

By Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa and Angelic Oracle Kira Raa

  • What is Self-Ascension and Authenticity?
  • How are they different from what we have experienced

    or heard before?
  • How can one embrace true freedom while living

    in the habit of fear, or stand in liberation while clinging to judgment?
  • Is it possible to break free of these habits,

    and live in Authenticity?

Have you ever asked for a moment of Peace?

How often do you have a conversation with someone and after it ends you feel tired or drained? Too often? ! Do you ever have conversations where you feel tension building in your abdomen and experience a sense of frustration? These signs, fatigue and frustration, are two signals that your interactions were lacking in Authenticity.

Admirable Friends with Buddy and Carol Fichera (and guest ALEX)

Join us this Tuesday Evening at 7pm Central Time

The subject is AUTHENTICITY and HABITS... 

Please share your thoughts on any of the following:

My Habits
1-Which of your habits are troubling to you?
2-What is the hidden allure that precedes the habit?
3-What is the downside to the bad habit?
4-What is an alternative strategy to overcome the bad habit?


Admirable Friends with Buddy and Carol Fichera