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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Guest Occupation: Author and Meditation Teacher
Guest Biography:


Jonathan grew up in Concord, Massachusetts. For Masters, the backdrop of history was never far away, as Concord was home to the start of the American Revolution, Walden Pond, David Thoreau, Louisa May Alcott and Ralph Waldo Emerson. His family enjoyed a semi-rural life and a dramatic changing of the seasons. From the backyard, Jonathan, his Dad and his telescope could often be found there gazing at the clear night sky.

His physicist dad played Dixieland music, and loved of classic and contemporary cars. One of Jonathan’s early memories was seeing the first ruby laser – (which filled a room) – shoot a coherent beam of red light onto a piece of paper. For Jonathan, it sparked a life-long quest to understand the nature of life and the universe.

After graduating with an MBA from Northwestern and a stint in NYC in consulting, Jonathan lived in a spiritual community in Fairfield, Iowa for several years, and meditated in the golden domes twice a day. There, he worked with a master healer – who carried the vibration of Madhu-chhandas, or embodiment of bliss. As he began working with her and with the principles of Right Use of Will, Masters says “My understanding and experience of reality was expanding quickly – and limiting, mostly unconscious beliefs, or samskaras, were being dissolved. This included beliefs that; we couldn’t be or live as we want, we limit ourselves for a reason, and we really don’t deserve or know how to use our power. My experience was that essential elements of myself were brought back, including learning how to bring them back. These experiences gave me a sense of integrated, expanding wholeness that really is the basis for the book.”

God Has Infinite Frequency: Aphorisms for Our Fractured Age has also had its own process of evolution and refinement, finally arriving in the current form. Blending art and insight, this beautifully crafted book takes us on a tour of many of our dearly held beliefs – challenging them, and giving us the precious opportunity to reconsider, feel, and to see things anew. Jonathan says of the book:

I feel like the steward of this book as much as its author, and although I am a fairly private person, let me share a perspective. We all have inward and outward journeys, and for me, the book is a meeting point between the two. The markers of my inward journey include learning and teaching meditation, being under the guidance of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the Right Use of Will, and working with other people and guides to expand awareness and develop inner light and stability. My outward journey is perhaps more traditional; husband, father, entrepreneur, inventor, amateur musician, professional consultant. But I also want to tell you, dear reader, that the story of me is deeply embedded in the story of us. The beginning of Earth as a crystal planet – from light and rocks to flowing life – and the long journey to now. And of course, the many times we tried. Tried to heal, tried to find balance and connection with ourselves and with love – tried to come to the point of silence and knowing within ourselves and our community. And how we seemed, so often, to be set back by our own limitations and fragmentation. And yet – how we emerged each time – maybe more condensed, but also more humble and grounded and wise, and knowing we belong to the vast totality – our small individualities like so many spots on the leopard, vanishing in the grass, hidden in the Savannah on Earth, rounding the Milky Way, in our tiny corner of space – and an integral part of the whole cosmos.

Jonathan lives with his wife in Zurich, Switzerland near a forest with great trails where he loves his daily bike ride. They also enjoy trips to the Alps, and when possible, an annual sojourn to the azure Mediterranean Sea.

Guest Category: Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Self Help, Spiritual, Meditation
Guest Occupation: Multi-instrumentalist and songwriter
Guest Biography:


Born and raised in an Atlanta suburb, Amanda Gunnels always had a passion for music. She began taking classical piano lessons in elementary school, and quickly evolved into a multi-instrumentalist and songwriter by the end of high school. Though piano is still her main instrument, Amanda is proficient on bass guitar, acoustic guitar, drums, and vocals.

After moving to Los Angeles and attending Musician’s Institute, Amanda decided to upgrade her music and create My Dear Wendy, a songwriting project that continues to be the focus of her musical career.   Her latest album, The Apple Falls Far Pt 1, is available everywhere now!

In 2018, she relocated to Nashville, Tennessee to continue songwriting and record her next album in Music City. It was there that she landed an endorsement with Warm Audio, a British microphone and gear company. You can also hear her songs “Man Down” “I Can’t Wait”  and “Enough (Single Version)” on a few episodes of The Young and the Restless.

Amanda has followed her dream all around the country, and now has settled back in her favorite State, California. My Dear Wendy continues to release new music, and Pt 2 of The Apple Falls Far will be released this Fall.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Life Coach, certified in Neuro Linguistic Programming and The Satir Method of Transformational Systemic Therapy and author
Guest Biography:


Krista Nerestant is the author of the memoir, Indestructible. She is also a practicing life coach, educated and certified in Neuro Linguistic Programming and The Satir Method of Transformational Systemic Therapy to heal family dynamics and trauma, and an advocate for women and children.

She hosts a podcast, “Self-Care Tuesdays,” that is dedicated to encouraging, empowering and elevating the journey of self-care. She’s teaching women it’s OK to be “Self-ish!” 

Her book, “Indestructible: The Hidden Gifts of Trauma,” is out now! to learn more go the books section.

“Indestructible” spotlights the unbroken spirit of the woman survivor. Through the power of perspective, archetypes, courage, self-love, resilience, and more, Krista rose and faced every obstacle to champion the life she wanted for herself and her family, and in the process fell in love with the journey. “Indestructible” inspires, teaches and represents survivors from all backgrounds and cultures so they too may heal and discover their very own hidden gifts of trauma.

(F)ocus (A)cknowledge (C)ommit (E)xecute

F.A.C.E. any situation by focusing your mind, acknowledging the spirit, commit to your self-development, and execute specific techniques with the highest and best energy you have now attained after the session. you will leave with an expanded awareness of your(self) and the world around you.     

“I am passionate about my mission to inspire, motivate, and teach individuals practical & intuitive techniques to implement in their everyday life to live their best life.” 

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Emotional Health and Freedom, Mental Health, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Writer, Producer, Journalist
Guest Biography:

Justin Merkin was born in Palo Alto and raised in Los Angeles. He began his professional life as a Journalist writing for such diverse publications as Progressive Architecture, Reuters, and Entertainment Weekly. He is a Writer/ Producer of several TV and Movie Projects, the latest of which, Devolution, is being brought to market September 2021. He works in Communications for Conscious Vitality, a media startup. He currently lives in California.

Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Entertainment, Kids & Family, News, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Author, keynote speaker, trainer
Guest Biography:

A former engineer, Debra Fine is the author of bestselling books, the Fine Art of Small Talk: How to Start a Conversation, Keep it Going, Build Networking Skills -- and Leave a Positive Impression (Hachette) and the Fine Art of the Big Talk (Hachette) along with her recently released third in the Fine Art series: Beyond Texting: The Fine Art of Face to Face Communication for Teenagers (Canon) all translated and published in two dozen countries across the globe.  A 25 + year member of the National Speakers Association, Fine presents on stage and virtually as a keynote speaker and trainer to hundreds of audiences around the world that include National Electrical Contractors Association, Google, Iowa Bankers Association, American Bar Association, Hyatt Hotels and the International Spa Association.  A regular Huffington Post blogger, Fine's recent media appearances include The Today Show, NPR Morning Edition, Fox Business News, New York Times and CNN.  View additional information about Debra at  

Guest Category: Literature, Business, Philosophy, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: We do not train, nor do we consult, we are RESULTANTS – we facilitate your unique desired outcomes. In our 30 year track record of successes, we bring an all-new level of awareness for the importance of, and need for... unLearning.
Guest Biography:
Christine Kahane
Change Management, Leadership Development, Executive Coaching.
Christine builds on 25 years of experience working with organizations wanting to effect sustainable growth by building brands rooted in cultural core values. Witnessing the seismic shift in corporate cultures through values-driven change, Christine has worked to develop facilitation techniques that integrate EQ mastery, communication skills, and culturally-based business modeling.
Her company, The Institute for Unlearning, focuses on a company’s cultural health, guiding teams to engage through mindful self-leadership.
Her work in the U.S. and internationally has given her extensive experience in co-creating what individuals and teams need to thrive: uncovering the unique qualities that bring lasting relevance to business, through harnessing people’s innate  genius.
Her experience in leadership development and culture shift includes internationally recognized brands, among them, R.H. Macy & Co., Shearson Lehman Brothers, American Express, Barneys New York, Microsoft, Federated Department Stores, TLR Eclectic, The Landmark Group, and Mercy Health Systems. In the public sector, her shift work with government agencies includes EPS, NAVAIR, and numerous city and county police departments across the country.
Guest Category: Arts, Business, Education, Entertainment, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: clinical massage therapist, energy healer, intuitive consultant, Lecturer
Guest Biography:

Victoria Liljenquist's special message inspires a joyous, beautiful “remembering” of who we are, how we are all connected to the Universe. Timely preparation is important as we witness a great unfolding of our future, as the New Earth merges with Gaia.

As an award-winning documentary film producer (Encounters with Angels, UFOs, and Divine Messages), Victoria received awards at the 2005 Los Angeles and New York City International Film Festivals.  

She has received worldwide recognition for her message of Love, peace and galactic awareness.  

Victoria is an Angelic and Galactic Contactee of Benevolent Worlds, and a guest lecturer, featured on numerous international TV and radio programs, since 1997.

She was a clinical massage therapist for 36 yrs, and now shares her gifts of energy healing, intuitive consultation, and grief healing. She has been blessed from her near death experience in 1981, as a Healing Conduit of Light, for those in need.  

Victoria has been featured on numerous internet shows, including the Soulogy Network with Todd Medina, the Xpansion network with Kasey Speers and Brad Wallis, Radio Canada, BBC LONDON, TV News for Norway, TV Italy, Coast to Coast AM Talk Radio, the World Puja Network Radio, “As You Wish” with James Gilliland; “Abundance Alley” with Laurie Carty, “Harbor of Light Ministries” with Jason Shields, “Cutting Edge TV,” “UFO AZ TV ,“ and numerous television and radio shows dealing with UFOs and the paranormal.
Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Kids & Family, Paranormal, Philosophy, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Psychic
Guest Biography:

Anthony Teresi is a renowned clairvoyant, master astrologer,

psychic visionary, sound healer, and empath, highly respected for his

compassion and integrity. Ever striving to grow into complete alignment with

the highest states of consciousness, his soul mission has been the

development, refinement, exploration, and mastery of his intuitive and psychic


He has to lead a life dedicated to extensive study and experience, through

which he has attained a remarkable capacity to access and embody the worlds

of vibrational healing, clairvoyance, psychic phenomenon, metaphysics,

cosmology, mysticism, theosophy, ontology, eastern and western philosophy,

Gnosticism, a flower of life physics, psychology, and beyond. Through the

attainment of this vast knowledge, his passionate desire to realize full

self-discovery and enlightened transformation grew, leading him to even more

esoteric studies.

Longing to go even deeper, he gained further spiritual insight through the

the practice of single-point meditation, which revealed a new sensory gift; the

ability to communicate directly through consciousness the unspoken language

of the heart. Upon the activation of this heightened awakening, he began

hearing and feeling the voices of those in need on a global scale, and felt

compelled to rise to that call, for now, was the time to share these gifts in

a greater way. While Anthony’s true path has always been grounded in

commitment and service to humanity, the totality of these experiences had

become greater than the sum of their parts. As a new consolidated vehicle of

expression emerged, he became compelled to reach out as a beacon of

understanding and hope, helping humanity and all those seeking a deeper truth

to find and follow their own true path.

Recently, Anthony has passionately studied the emerging fields of neural

plasticity, epigenetics, heart-mind coherence, and the wondrous concepts

relating to The Field. The blossoming of Anthony’s natural born gifts bore

the unique capacity to tune in to the realm of universal knowledge and the

hidden mysteries of the cosmos. This knowing empowers him to see, hear and,

most importantly, interpret messages from spirit, revealing profound inner

truths. This revelation was made possible as he has been granted passage

through multidimensional portals of consciousness that link humanity with the

realm of infinite possibility, both here in this plain of existence and


Choosing to travel the path of the mystic visionary, Anthony’s journey

simultaneously flowed into cosmic attunement, musical revelations,

multifaceted creativity, and artistic expression. Bridging both the physical

and celestial forces giving him a pure connection with the realms of the

cosmic and divine, his expanded perceptive sensitivity is intimately attuned

to a chorus of heavenly guides and the eternal beings that watch over us all.

Born with expanded awareness, Anthony has always been touched by and

connected with the divine presence that surrounds and flows through every

living creation. This is a precious blessing that has given him untold

insight into the limitless nature of Being.

Anthony is a multidimensional traveler who fuses his innate gifts with

intelligence and the wisdom born of heart-centered intuition. He has taught

and administered spiritual healing and guidance to thousands from around 

the globe as they search to experience and understand the unseen forces that

shape and transform all of our lives.

With his remarkable new book Rippling Waves: A Spiritual Journey Through the

Heart of the Universe, Anthony brings us along with him on one of his

journeys back to the source of our creation.

Guest Category: Physics & Metaphysics, Access Consciousness, Medium & Channeling, Tarot & Other Cards, Astrology, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Second Tenor Sax, composer, vocalist, and founder of the legendary soul /funk/ R&B/jazz/group Tower of Power… EMILIO CASTILLO to Interviewing the Legends
Guest Biography:

E M I L I O  C A S T I L L O



Legendary soul/funk/R&B/jazz/group 

T O W E R  O F  P O W E R





When sax player Emilio Castillo put together the band that would evolve into Tower of Power in 1968, he had no grand expectations. “We were hoping to get good enough to play the Fillmore,” Castillo said. “I started the band in Fremont, at John F. Kennedy High, with my brother Jack, who was the original drummer. The band moved up to Oakland and took off, packing clubs with their horn-driven sound. “Oakland is our sound,” Castillo said. “I always say, ‘You can take the boy out of Oakland, but you can’t take Oakland out of the boy.’ Looking back on the band’s history, Castillo said he’s satisfied with what they’ve accomplished. “We’re not a band that reinvents itself every time we go into the studio. We sound like Tower of Power and there’s nothing we can do about it. At first, I thought it was a curse but, as we kept evolving, I realized it was a blessing. We kept chipping away at the sculpture we were creating. The aim is to arrive at a masterpiece. You have to tell us if we’ve succeeded.” 

The groups latest release is TOWER OF POWER 50TH ANNIVERSARY 50 Years of Funk & Soul: Live at the Fox Theater captures Tower of Power’s storied career with no-holds-barred victory lap concerts in Oakland, CA on June 1 & 2, 2018, performing their full spectrum of life-affirming funk and soul hits.

Available as a 3-LP set, 2-CD/1-DVD package, standalone DVD and digital audio configuration, these historic performances include special guests Lenny Pickett (musical director of the Saturday Night Live band); keyboardist Chester Thompson (Santana); guitarist Bruce Conte and former vocalist Ray Greene, who shows off his trombone prowess. TOWER OF POWER 50TH ANNIVERSARY is available now at





50 Years of Funk & Soul: Live at the Fox Theater captures Tower of Power’s storied career with no-holds-barred victory lap concerts in Oakland, CA on June 1 & 2, 2018, performing their full spectrum of life-affirming funk and soul hits.

Available as a 3-LP set, 2-CD/1-DVD package, standalone DVD and digital audio configuration, these historic performances include special guests Chester Thompson, Lenny Pickett, Francis ‘Rocco’ Prestia, Bruce Conte and Ray Greene.

Available at

Here’s the full track listing for the live album:

1. Stroke ‘75

2. Ain’t Nothing Stopping Us Now

3. You Ought to be Having Fun

4. Soul with a Capital “S”

5. Stop

6. You’re So Wonderful, So Marvelous

7. On the Serious Side

8. Just When We Start Makin’ It

9. Soul Vaccination

10. What is Hip? / Soul Power

11. Do You Like That?

12. Drop It in the Slot

1. Can’t You See (You Doin Me Wrong)?

2. Maybe It’ll Rub Off

3. Don’t Change Horses

4. Squib Cakes

5. On the Soul Side of Town

6. Diggin’ on James Brown (Medley)

7. So Very Hard to Go

8. Knock Yourself Out

9. You’re Still a Young Man

10. Souled Out

For more information


Emilio Castillo




official website




Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, Music, News, TV & Film, Variety
Guest Occupation: Operations
Guest Biography:

Dustin oversees operations for all Paradigm Treatment locations, including day-to-day programming, treatment content and quality, growth management and strategy, and team support to all therapeutic and operational staff. Having previously worked at Paradigm in the roles of Therapist and Program Director, Dustin is also a skilled clinician with an emphasis on family systems who continues to provide direct support both to Paradigm families and youth. Prior to joining the Paradigm team, Dustin served as Program Manager at Arizona Child and Family Support Services in Flagstaff, an agency providing community-based wraparound services for youth and family treatment. At CFSS, Dustin also built, facilitated and oversaw an Intensive Outpatient Program. He also served as an individual and group therapist for Northern Arizona Substance Abuse Services working with the Drug Court; as a therapist for youth in juvenile detention; and as a wilderness therapist for a program that worked throughout Northern Arizona.

Dustin holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling and Psychology from Northern Arizona University and has over 15 years of experience working with adolescents in a variety of settings. He is also trained in EMDR and Parent Effectiveness. Dustin’s motivation as both a therapist and a manager exemplify his deep desire to provide the insightful support and guidance that youth need to make the changes that will profoundly improve their well-being, relationships, and their futures.


Guest Category: Emotional Health and Freedom, Mental Health, Personal Development, Inspirational, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Author, Entrepreneur and Podcaster
Guest Biography:

Athalia was born and raised in Chicago, IL, and is a mom of two young adults. Last year, during the Pandemic, she self-published her first book “Why the Secrets”, a story about a family secret that caused a lot of hurt, confusion, frustration, and division. There are multiple messages here, which include the importance of open, honest communication, and how having it in this situation, could have alleviated all of this. The book can be purchased online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Google Books.

She also launched her online business, "Pouches By ALAHTA", during the Pandemic, using a stylish hairbrush pouch she uniquely designed for traveling needs, which accommodates different sizes and shapes of hairbrushes and combs. Pouches are available at

"I’m a firm believer of working hard at your passion, living out your dreams, and just never giving up. Being able to help people in whatever way I can has always been a part of my life. With this Podcast, I’m hoping to do just that, help as many people as possible with the conversations and information shared. Hopefully, someone will experience personal or professional growth, maybe both".

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Energy Healing, Sound Healing, Inspirational, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Certified International Hado Instructor, PhD in Molecular Cellular Biology, radionics practitioner, certified Theta Healing Practitioner
Guest Biography:

Dr. Libby Rutledge, certified International Hado Instructor. Libby has PhD in Molecular Cellular Biology and she uses Hado (vibration) devices to help people with Energy balancing.  She makes a remedy called Magic Potion, and she uses Hado water with magic potion. Dr. Rutledge has published research in peer reviewed journals, and holds a patent as a result of her research.  She is also a radionics practitioner, a certified Theta Healing Practitioner, and a Certified Hado Instructor.  She started her own molecular biology laboratory in a motorhome and she carries out her own research.  She can be reached at Mobile DNA Elements at and, 406-871-5736.

Libby Rutledge started Mobile DNA Elements because she always wanted to have her own lab.

She also has a passion about plants and the effects GM plants have on health and the environment.

Libby has expertise in genetically engineering plasmids for use in basic research in mammalian tissue culture cells, and engineering viruses for gene therapy.

She earned a Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Biology at The University of Texas at Dallas, completed postdoctoral positions at Oregon Health Sciences University and University of Washington, and managed a core facility at University of Washington Diabetes Center.  She taught at Salish Kootenai College and Flathead Valley Community College in western Montana.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Kids & Family, Science, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Technology, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: NFL and former USC Academic All American and 2 sport athlete
Guest Biography:

Zach Banner is a 2012 Watkins Award Honoree from Washington.  He was a 2 sport high school star who attended the University of Southern Cal aka USC Trojans.  Zach was a 2 year All-American at USC and was drafted in the NFL 4th round by the Indianapolis Colts.  He currently plays offensive tackle for the Pittsburg Steelers.  Zach is very committed to community service where he lives, works, and grew up.

Guest Category: Business, Education, K-12, Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College
Guest Occupation: For Authors: Joint Venture & Affiliate marketing
Guest Biography:

Chris Van Buren is the Founder of LaunchMoxie and VanBurenPublishing, Chris Helps Authors, Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Personal Trainers, and others get a Better ROI on their Marketing investments.

Chris’s background is in Online advertising, Affiliate Network building, and Campaign Management. Prior to Founding Companies, Chris Held Senior Positions in a boutique ad agency, specializing in CPA offers.

Christ has Also Published 15 books and numerous articles in many languages and helped many authors and specialists publish and market their work.

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Education, Games & Hobbies, Health & Lifestyle, News, Psychology, Self Help, Technology
Guest Occupation: Personal empowerment coaching that transforms people from the inside out, allowing to break free, break barriers and get leverage!
Guest Biography:

Looking to power up your life, space, and businesses? My guest is Tandy Pryor who shows entrepreneurs how to increase their income by using a powerful combo of Feng Shui, coaching and intuition. She empowers them to use their home or office space as a vehicle for making radical shifts in their lives and increasing wealth, productivity, and peace of mind. Her intuitive advice and insights on how to set clearer boundaries, rediscover personal power, and heal past experiences and fears that have stopped you have been called "raw, transformative, hilarious, honest, refreshing, innovative, spot-on, and spookily accurate."

Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Variety
Guest Occupation: Award-winning historian and a Distinguished Lecturer for the Organization of American Historians.
Guest Biography:

Karen L. Cox is an award-winning historian and a Distinguished Lecturer for the Organization of American Historians. Her first book, Dixie’s Daughters: The United Daughters of the Confederacy and the Preservation of Confederate Culture, won the 2004 Julia Cherry Spruill Prize from the Southern Association for Women Historians for the Best Book in Southern Women’s History, and was reissued in 2019 with a new preface. She’s also the author of Dreaming of Dixie: How the South Was Created in American Popular Culture, and Goat Castle: A True Story of Murder, Race, and the Gothic South.

A successful public intellectual, she has written op-eds for the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, TIME, Publishers Weekly, and the Huffington Post. Her expertise on southern history and culture has led to numerous newspaper, radio, and television interviews with media outlets from around the world. She appeared in Lucy Worsley’s BBC Production of American History’s Biggest Fibs and the PBS documentary Reconstruction: America after the Civil War, produced by Henry Louis Gates.

Her most recent book No Common Ground: Confederate Monuments and the Ongoing Fight for Racial Justice will be published by UNC Press (a Ferris & Ferris Imprint) in April 12, 2021. It examines the long history of Confederate monuments from those first built after the Civil War to the protests against them in the summer of 2020. Pre-order No Common Ground from IndieBound, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, or Park Roads Books in Charlotte, North Carolina.


Guest Category: History, Kids & Family, Politics & Government, Self Help, Society and Culture, Variety
Guest Occupation: Architect
Guest Biography:

Mr. Yumang, is the first and only practicing Regenerative Architect in the Philippines and probably the whole Asia. A licensed Environmental Planner and a property Developer and native tree enthusiast. He was conferred Asean Architect with specialization on Regenerative Architecture systems thinking and gain recognition for it’s timely significance. His creative thinking uncovers new world of possibilities for architects and ecopreneurs alike. Currently developing his own Regenerative communities that best exemplify his methodical systems Thinking, converging with competitive sustainable business model will surely benefit the Earth’s life form. Join me July 20th 2021 at 12 Noon as I interview one of Manila's  greatest architecture experts worldwide :) 

Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Liz Wendling is a nationally recognized speaker, sales consultant, and author of 6 books. Her two most recent are The Heart of Authentic Selling and Sell Without Selling Your Soul.
Guest Biography:

Liz Wendling is a nationally recognized speaker, sales consultant, and author of 6 books. Her two most recent are The Heart of Authentic Selling and Sell Without Selling Your Soul.

Liz is driven by the mantra, It's not WHAT you sell, it's HOW you sell that matters. Liz understands the sales challenges that professionals face when selling in today's competitive environment and shows them how to make a profound difference in their sales approach, language, and process —online and offline.

Whether it's for her one-on-one consulting, group coaching, multiple-day training, or workshops, Liz will customize programs around the specific needs, challenges, and objectives a business is facing.

Liz has coached thousands of professionals to build solid business skills, develop a success mindset, exceed their sales expectations, and prosper in any economy.

Guest Category: Business, Education, Entertainment, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Medical Journalist, Editor of both Lower Extremity Review, (LER, celebrating its 12th anniversary), & MVP Parent Magazine
Guest Biography:

Janice has been developing and packaging medical content for more than 20 years both in print and digitally. A journalist by training, she has written and edited for professional and patient audiences as well as for regulators and policymakers. While her sweet spot is periodicals (newsletters, magazines, journals), she also has extensive experience in books, multi-part projects, oral presentations, and training materials. Past positions include Editor-in-Chief of the journal Geriatrics, Managing Editor of the ADA’s Diabetes Forecast, Senior Publications Manager for Healthy People 2010, and Editorial Director of a medical communications firm. In addition to serving on the local university-affiliated Institutional Review Board for 4 years, Janice served as a patient/caregiver advocate on the Advisory Panel on Clinical Effectiveness and Decision Science for the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) for 4 years.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Multi-decade President of Bruce Merrin Celebrity Speakers
Guest Biography:

Bruce Merrin’s Celebrity Speakers & Entertainment Bureau is celebrating its 46 year anniversary!

We have been a top ten grossing firm in Los Angeles and Las Vegas. In 1973, Bruce booked his PR client, actor Michael Landon, on the “Tonight Show” starring Johnny Carson. Bruce credits Carson for inspiring the idea to launch a celebrity speakers bureau. After the show at NBC in Burbank, Johnny Carson invited Michael Landon and Bruce to his Malibu home for dinner. When Carson suggested to Bruce that he create Bruce Merrin’s Celebrity Speakers Bureau, Landon offered to be Bruce’s first client. Carson became his second client. Then, Johnny’s world famous executive producer, Freddie deCordova, became client number three!

Early on, Bruce was told that the IBM meetings and conferences were so boring that their executives were falling asleep! So Bruce responded to the IBM meeting planner, “Are you tired of hearing the sound of one hand clapping at your sales meetings, management meetings, conferences and corporate parties?” The IBM meeting planner replied in one word: “YES!” Bruce began booking speakers and entertainers for IBM, and 34 years later, we still work with IBM.

Bruce has served as vice president on the Board of Governors of IASB (International Association of Speakers Bureaus), the worldwide leading speakers bureau organization. We regularly book clients with Fortune 500 companies, custom tailoring the speakers and entertainers for each event. We recently booked Bodine Balasco, famous business motivational speaker, for FedEx. Bodine presented his award winning speaking presentation in the afternoon. Then he dazzled the FedEx top executives with his close-up magic performance that evening. The FedEx event was so successful, that they re-booked Bodine for the next year. We work with each client based upon their budget, the location of the event, the theme and their wish list. We take great pride in our ongoing work with top companies like Microsoft.

We are based in Las Vegas, the entertainment capital of the world. Our personal contacts are unparalleled. Bruce can make your special event even more special. As FedEx has said, “You truly represent the best in the business.” Or consider famous comedian Phyllis Diller’s comment: “Bruce could book a leper with a hair lip!”

Bruce Merrin stands ready to assure you that you will NEVER HEAR THE SOUND OF ONE HAND CLAPPING AT YOUR EVENT when you work with Celebrity Speakers & Entertainment Bureau in Las Vegas. Let us help you find the perfect keynote speaker for your next event.

Guest Category: Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Variety