Serena Bufalino is a force of nature. She is rooted in service to others and hauls herself over every obstacle using the pitons of hard work, dedication, and determination. What began as a career as a teacher under the Section 23 program with Toronto’s at-risk youth, has evolved into a lifetime of service work empowering and inspiring people across the globe. Serena has taught in detention centres, mental health hospitals, and group homes.
In 2011, the Haiti School Building Project was born, when her Section 23 students, insisted “Miss B, you say we can do anything, so let’s build a school.” In partnership with John Callaghan of Third World Awareness over $100,000 was fundraised and a school in Canaan, Haiti for one hundred students was constructed.
Today, Serena, alongside a group of global movers and shakers, runs Help Heal Humanity and intends to change the world one “yes” at a time. Serena holds a BA from McMaster University
- 2015 winner of the McMaster University Alumni Arch Award.
- 2017 Excellence Award for Teaching from the Toronto District School Board.
- Nominated as one of the top 100 teachers in Canada by the Toronto Star and won an honourable mention in 2015 and 2016.
- Ranked third overall in Toronto for putting in more community service and hours than any other volunteer in the GTA.
- Won the Ontario Heart award in 2015 for displaying courage and strength in working with at risk populations and caregiving for those most in need.
- Nominated one of Toronto’s Best Influencers by Elle Magazine
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