Headlined Guests
Headlined Guests that have appeared on BBS Radio TV
I’m Darren Jenkins, a composer living in Edinburgh Scotland. I’ve always been intrigued by sound design, programming and of course building the best home studio allowing the freedom of creativity.
I have had a passion for writing music from a very early age. I began this wonderful journey in production music in late September 2018 when I was introduced to Michael John Mollo here at Velvet Green music. We collaborated on over 40 tracks in my first 14 months since being signed.
I have gained so many new skills which include: improving track layouts and instrumentation, reading and understanding briefs, communication in the business and writing lots of genres that VGM has to offer. Michael has an abundance of knowledge, What you can learn from him and from the material we are provided with is truly priceless.
If I could sum up library production music I would say, it is a wonderful and educational journey, having the freedom to be able to write many different genres of music from all regions across the world. This brings with it the ability to meet amazing, talented people, learning about their cultures and the culture of traditional instruments and most importantly making friendships that will last a lifetime. For this very reason I will continue to write and enjoy what I do.
I have multiple albums and tracks available across the world of library production music and I continue to grow my catalog. I am truly blessed to work with so many great publishers.
Some labels I have worked with include: Gargantuan, Velvet Green Music, APL Publishing, Earmotion Audio Creation, Hollywood Trax music, BMG production music, Warner Chappell US, Warner Chappell Elbroar, Warner Chappell Color TV, Fantasy music, Lovely music, Bart music library, Amadea production music, Sonoton Gargantuan, Velvet Green Music, APL Publishing, Earmotion Audio Creation, Hollywood Trax music.
My name is Olivia and I am known primarily as a death midwife, but am also a dedicated student of the Mystery, a teacher, healer, inter-faith minister, mother, grandmother, friend and Mystic.
Every since my mother died in 2005 I realized that at the moment of death and for a few days following there is a profound opportunity for healing. I turned my ministry toward the goal of inspiring and empowering others to reclaim the lost art and healing ritual of home-based after death care. When we lean consciously into this liminal space, allow ourselves to feel the depths of our fear, love and sorrow we are re-arranged and never the same.
The work is tender, raw, honest, gentle, real, alive and deeply satisfying. I fall in love over and over again and become more and more aligned to my true purpose – to help change the culture of death and dying from fear to love.
I feel the expansive field of work with the dying and their families is Death Midwifery and includes the role of Spiritual end-of-life counselor, death doula, home funeral guide, funeral planner, celebrant and even funeral director and care giver. The Art of Death Midwifery training program was designed to cover all aspects of the work.
Death is life’s greatest teacher – it is time for us take this skeleton out of the closet once and for all, to lay her gently on the table and allow her wisdom to gently penetrate the depths of our psyche till we are free from fear, free from attachment, free from conditioning, free to truly live.
– Olivia Bareham
I’m speaking with Anita Sirene, who is a 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗰𝗵, a 𝗣𝘀𝘆𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗰 𝗠𝗲𝗱𝗶𝘂𝗺, 𝗖𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗿𝘃𝗼𝘆𝗮𝗻𝘁, 𝗧𝗮𝗿𝗼𝘁 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿, and a 𝗦𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘂𝗮𝗹 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿. Anita is an oracle for those on a hero's journey. An astrology enthusiast and tarot reader, Anita’s spiritual video content has earned the attention of more than 877,000 subscribers. Learn more: YouTube: @AnitaSirene
L.A. Conscious Life Expo, February 10th-13th, 2023 event https://consciouslifeexpo.com/?ref=debbidachinger1
I’m speaking with Matthew LaCroix, an ancient civilizations expert, author, and researcher at Gaia, who has appeared on shows such as Ancient Civilizations, Open Minds, and Beyond Belief. He is a frequent guest on numerous podcasts, radio shows, and panel discussions and is currently co-writing his third major book with Billy Carson entitled: The Epic of Humanity, which will focus on uncovering the mysteries of the human origin story, the timeline of lost civilizations, and ancient catastrophes.
Chief Bobby Halton is currently editor-in-chief of Fire Engineering magazine, editorial director for the Clarion Fire Rescue Group and education director of FDIC. A native New Yorker, he began his career in structural firefighting with the Albuquerque (NM) Fire Department and rose through the ranks to include chief of training.
Bobby was chief of operations until his retirement from Albuquerque in 2004. He then became chief of the Coppell (TX) Fire Department, then Bobby left Coppell to assume the duties as editor-in-chief of Fire Engineering Magazine.
Martin Mawyer began his career as a journalist for the Religion Today news syndicate and as the Washington news correspondent for Moody Monthly magazine, resulting in his position as the Editor-in-Chief of Jerry Falwell’s “Moral Majority Report.”
In 1990, he founded the Christian Action Network (CAN), a non-profit organization created to protect America’s religious and moral heritage through educational and political activism efforts, both on the national and grassroots levels. He is the author of four books and has directed three documentary films.
During his career as a journalist and an activist, he has appeared on the top television and radio programs in the country, including Larry King Live, The O’Reilly Factor, The Hannity Show, Pat Robertson’s 700 Club, Tucker Carlson, Entertainment Tonight and many others.
Mawyer has been married 47 years to his wife, Bonnie. Together they have four children and eight grandchildren.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/martin-mawyer-7a18653b/
Substack: https://martinmawyer.substack.com/about
Leon Lee is part of the prominent Lee baseball family. His brother, Leron Lee, played in the major leagues and also overseas in Japan. His son, Derrek Lee, also played in the major leagues and came within a whisker of winning the triple crown while playing for the Chicago Cubs in 2005. Leon played in the St. Louis Cardinals chain and also overseas in Japan.
Leon is the CEO and founder of the non-profit company Dream Alive Vision. Dream Alive Vision is committed to supporting existing non-profits that are geared towards helping African Americans overcome the race-based economic disparities found in the United States today. Leon is committed to financially assistingboth the development ofnew business ideas, as well as existing ones, that address critical needs in the African American community.
The mission of Dream Alive Vision is to fundamentally change the status quo where African American communities find themselves on the short end of critical resources that are necessary to thrive. Leon’s strategy is to create partnerships with like-minded organizations in an effort to concentrate these resources in a manner that powerfully impacts lives.
Leon has been married to his wife, Pamela, for 47 years and has three children and five grandchildren.
I’m speaking with renowned channel Darryl Anka, who for over 40 years, has been in front of individuals all over the globe, who make the journey to experience Darryl as he channels the remarkable quasi-physical being from the future known as Bashar. Along with Edgar Cayce, Seth, and Abraham-Hicks, the Bashar material has been proclaimed as some of the most relevant, compelling, and dynamic information delivered to the planet to date. In addition to channeling Bashar, Darryl expresses his creative talents in the forms of writing, directing, and producing films through his own production company, Zia Films. Darryl is also the author of several books.
See Darryl Anka and Bashar, get tickets here -
L.A. Conscious Life Expo, February 10th-13th, 2023 event https://consciouslifeexpo.com/?ref=debbidachinger1
40% of first responders suffer from mental health issues. It's no wonder that one of the greatest complaints is lack of fulfillment on and off the job. It's a daily emergency, but is anyone listening? Scott Medlin is, and he is guiding, inspiring, mentoring, and equipping these professionals with powerful tools that enable them to immediately make self-care and life fulfillment a priority - even when your constantly being called to serve. Scott's 20 years of personal experience in the Marine Corps and Law Enforcement makes him relatable and empathetic to balancing your call to duty and the call to taking care of self.
What is consciousness? It is what gives meaning, significance and value to life. If we were not conscious the human existence would not matter, because there would be no one there that it would matter to. In this sense, consciousness is the most important phenomenon in our universe. Yet, it is a mysterious phenomenon that according to both Max Planck and Erwin Schrödinger, pioneers of quantum theory a hundred years ago, is fundamental and cannot be accounted for by physical means. Hence, as obvious as the existence of consciousness may be to any sane human being, it could never be studied directly by means of physical instruments or our own senses and it seems we would forever to be at a loss to understand its origin. Yet, and this is a key point, we can study its evolution based on the cosmic time plan as this is outlined by the Mayan calendar system and this is the reason it is after all possible for us to vastly expand our understanding of consciousness and then ultimately also who we are. This is all discussed in my most recent book: The Living Universe: The New Theory of Origins, Explaining Consciousness, the Big Bang, Fine-tuning, “Dark Matter”, the Evolution of Life and Human History https://www.amazon.com/Living-Universe-Explaining-Consciousness-Fine-tuning/dp/…
Calleman | LinkedIn
Carl Johan Calleman was born in Stockholm, Sweden in 1950. While as young
his main interests were in the humanities and history, the first phase of his scientific career was training and practice as a natural scientist in the years 1974-93. He got his Ph.D in Physical Biology under the mentorship of a member of the Nobel Committees and have later also written a number of widely cited articles especially in the fields of Environmental Science, Chemistry and Cancer Research. He was been invited to lecture among many other places at the MIT, Cornell, the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine and the WHO.
During a backpacking trip to Mexico and Guatemala in 1979 he became aware of the enormous hidden potential of the Mayan calendar for helping us understand the meaning of the human existence. This insight led to the second phase of his research career, which has been dedicated to understanding the Mayan calendar. It has included writing books on topics ranging from consciousness shifts to a new theory about biological evolution. He has helped the modern-day Mayan elders bring their message to the world. His three books on the topic have been translated to a total of fourteen languages and he has held courses and lectures in some twenty different countries.
The shift in 2011 deepened his understanding of the connection between on the one hand Mayan science and on the other Quantum Theory develop first in The Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization and then The Nine Waves of Creation both published in 2016. Quantum Science of Psychedelics brings the insights provided in these earlier books to fruition and help us understand, maybe for the first time in scientific terms, how psychedelics actually work. The solution to how psychedelics work calls for a profound paradigm shift of our entire world view influencing all aspects of evolution including that of human civilizations. It also provides a deepened understanding of how healing takes place from a macrocosmic quantum perspective. In order for humanity to move through the current difficulties it has to align itself with the ninth wave and to do so many forms of healing, including that provided by psychedelics may be supportive. All of these methods, including psychedelics are variations of the theme of decompartmentalizing the human mind. He is convinced that rigorous science is needed to bring about a paradigm shift, which allows humanity to live up to its spiritual destiny.
About Karen Simmons
– CEO & Founder of Autism Today
– Autism & Special Needs Expert and Speaker
– Passion for Helping Children, Families, Parents, Educators, Teachers, and Doctors Worldwide
– Mother of 6 Children (1 Autistic / 1 Special Needs)
– Organizer of Over 50+ Children’s Conferences
– Author of 7 Books
How to live longer and feel better is the subject of David Bernstein, MD latest book: “I’ve Got Some Good News and Some Bad News You’re OLD: Tales of a Geriatrician What to Expect in Your 60s, 70s, 80s and Beyond."
“You’re Old” uses real patient experiences to explore what happens as we age—physically, mentally, and socially. The book also examines the tremendous abilities of medicine today as well as its limits and the social issues that adults in America face as they age.
Using the acronym G.R.A.C.E. he describes the five life choices to age GRACEfully with each chapter concluding with Notes on Living Longer, and a vast resource section, that can help the reader better understand and prepare for the prize of surviving youth and middle-age; becoming old.
Dr. Bernstein is an upbeat speaker with positive and powerful messages. His 30 years of experience as a board certified physician in both Internal Medicine and Geriatrics has provided him with opportunities to observe and empathize with thousands of adults as they age. He uses genuine patient examples and experiences as a physician to motivate others while describing the traits he has discovered in his patients who have lived longer, healthier, and happier lives.
Dr. Bernstein often speaks to healthcare professionals, senior groups and baby boomers. He shares with them a message that focuses on healthy lifestyle choices, healing, resilience and personal and professional success.
Dr. Bernstein's Topics Include:
◦ Aging GRACEfully: A geriatrician's secrets to a healthier and more fulfilling life
◦ But Doctor I’m a Good Driver: Driving and the Aging Adult—taking the car keys away
◦ Addressing End of Life decisions without fear
◦ "Begin with the End in Mind" —making health decision in a complex medical system
◦ The Adventure begins: Riding the roller coaster with your aging parents
I’m speaking with Susan Slaughter, a well-known paranormal expert on Travel Channel's Paranormal Caught on Camera, Ghost Hunters International, and The Dark Zone who started investigating professionally when she was 18 years old. Aside from her spiritual endeavors, Susan is known for her roles in multiple horror feature films (Slay Belles, The Dawn, Bliss, Ouija House). Her duality in both acting and the paranormal have launched her amongst the “horror elites.” In a spiritual sphere, Susan openly identifies as a Witch. She uses her clairempathy, clairsentience, and claircognizance to help guide her in her rituals, paranormal investigations, seances, and message channeling. She speaks on these metaphysical and supernatural subjects at conventions across the nation (L.A. Comic Con, Stan Lee's Comikazee, Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo). Instagram- @Susanthedragonwitch
L.A. Conscious Life Expo, February 10th-13th, 2023 event https://consciouslifeexpo.com/?ref=debbidachinger1
I’m speaking with Sarah Hudson who is a Grammy Nominated Multi-Platinum songwriter, artist, starseed and muse based in Los Angeles, CA. Sarah co-wrote a portion of the Dua Lipa album “Future Nostalgia” including singles “Levitating” (#1 song of 2021 in US), and “Physical.” This year she has written some of the most acclaimed songs of the year including the Top 5 Dua Lipa & Megan Thee Stallion single “Sweetest Pie,” Noah Cyrus’s single “Mr. Percocet,” Maneskin’s single “The Loneliest,” Illenium’s single “Worst Day,” 5SOS’s single “Bad Omens,” Leah Kate’s single “Hot all the Time” and many more. Sarah has written the diamond certified #1 song by Katy Perry, “Dark Horse” as well as the UK #1 song “Swish Swish” by Katy Perry and the Top 5 hit “Black Widow” by Iggy Azelea & Rita Ora. Sarah is also a tarot reader, intuitive and public speaker. She offers a series of workshops including this year’s “Manifesting in the Matrix" at the Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles and has an upcoming workshop called "Success in Matrix." Instagram: @sarahhudsonxx
L.A. Conscious Life Expo, February 10th-13th, 2023 event https://consciouslifeexpo.com/?ref=debbidachinger1
Cristian Hinojosa has served the Dallas community as a public servant for 17 years. He currently serves the Dallas area as a Battalion Chief.
He has led the second largest DFD employee association, representing over 450 firefighters. This role has carried substantial political and administrative responsibilities and has included extensive interaction with DFD Command Staff, City Council, and the City Manager on a regular basis.
Dylan Ladd is a music educator and vocalist from the northwest suburbs of Chicago. He is the Founder and Executive Director of Academy of the Arts, an arts school in the Western suburbs of Chicago. Dylan has taught choir and musical theater in grades 6-12 as well as college. Additionally, he is a Vocal Director for Royal Caribbean Productions. Dylan earned his Bachelor of Music Education and Master of Arts & Entertainment Administration degrees from Valparaiso University. He also holds a Graduate Certificate in School Administration & Supervision from Johns Hopkins University.
Melanie Peacock, PhD, MBA, FCPHR, SHRM-SCP
Dr. Melanie Peacock has over 30 years' experience as a Human Resources Management professional and is an Associate Professor at Mount Royal University and past President of the Faculty Association. Dr. Peacock was the first woman of colour and the first woman in over 28 years to hold this position. As well, Dr. Peacock is the President of Western University's Alumni Association Board.
Due to her extensive knowledge and competencies, Dr. Peacock is a sought-after media contributor and commentator at the municipal, provincial, and national levels. As well, she has authored books regarding training and development and change management.
Dr. Peacock was presented with HRD's 2020 Lifetime Achievement Award in the HR Industry at the Canadian HR Awards and was recognized with the FCPHR designation last year.
More about Dr. Melanie, and to keep in touch:
She has lived a life from Limitation to Liberation. I’m speaking with Blu who is here with host, Debbi Dachinger, to get raw, unscripted, and unapologetic in sharing her own personal journey of awakening into her truth with the intention to help others come home into their heart. She’s a mystic, medicine woman, musician, artist, and storyteller. Blu’s curiosity of maximizing the human potential has taken her deep into the studies of The Gene Keys - a technology which has supported her to activate dormant parts of her own DNA while guiding others into their own genetic blu-print. She has been endorsed by Richard Rudd, the Founder of the Gene Keys, in her teachings of this profound lineage. Blu also spent 7 years being a student in the shamanic world - studying the Shipibo lineage in the Amazon jungle. She is a devoted student and facilitator of The Earth Temple - Center of Prayer and School of Shamanic Arts. Blu is committed to learning the ways of the plant teachers and understanding how we can work together to heal some of our deepest wounds. Blu is also the host of Dejá Blu Podcast with over 1 Million unique downloads worldwide interviewing some of the most brilliant minds on the planet today. Blu utilizes the art of storytelling to take people on a journey into their own consciousness and to activate media as medicine.
Adam A. Meyers was a Police Officer and Detective in Wisconsin for 21 years, starting his Law Enforcement career in 2001 and prior to that, he was a five year active duty United States Army Military Policeman.
Adam was a Field Training Officer and an Instructor in Firearms, Professional Communications, Vehicle Contacts, Scenario, and Officer Wellness.
Adam is a Mental Health Advocate and takes every opportunity to speak about his personal and professional challenges with mental health, after his 2016 on-duty, deadly shooting. Adam is currently employed as an Emergency Mental Health Crisis Worker in Wisconsin.
At Columbia University, he got his Master's Degree in International Affairs, with a Concentration in Security Policy. He studied Presidential Campaign Management directly under Professor Karrine Jeanne Pierre, who just joined the Biden administration as the Deputy Communications Chair.
Before Graduate School, Logan cut his teeth in American politics both in D.C. and around the country. He worked in President Obama's White House as an intern for the Department of Scheduling and Advance. In addition to assisting the President's Scheduling Team, he designed a series of Domestic Policy lectures for other interns to get to meet with Deputy Advisors to the President and learn from their expertise.
Logan organized for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Presidential Run in South Carolina, and Connecticut Governor Dan Malloy’s Re-Election. On both campaigns, he recruited, trained, and mobilized a team of volunteers to win the state election. He also worked on the political team for the American Institute of Architecture. Finally, his undergraduate degree was at Gettysburg College, where he studied political science, with a focus on presidential decision-making.
Today, Logan has designed the election forecast and interactive features published at RacetotheWH. He is also responsible for the digital marketing strategy aimed at attracting more viewers to the site. You can contact him at racetothewh@gmail.com.