Dr. Khalsa holds a bachelors degree in biology from the University of Colorado, Boulder; and a doctor of chiropractic degree from Cleveland Chiropractic College, Los Angeles. He is currently a Holistic Chiropractor with Beneveda Medical Group in Beverly Hill, California.
With over 30 years in the Holistic Health field as one of its leading innovators. Dr. Khalsa has been the personal physician to some of the leading personalities in Hollywood including (Academy Award winner) Forrest Whitaker and to the top Spiritual leaders of our age including Yogi Bhajan who he personally studied advanced yogic healing techniques for over 25 years. Dr. Har Hari also has been a practicing Holistic Chiropractor for over 21 years and has help thousands attain to greater health and wholeness. In addition Dr. Khalsa also has mastered the art and science of Sat Nam Rasayan an ancient healing art using the transcendent meditative awareness to create profound healings.
Dr. Khalsa's extensive experience includes working with top Hollywood stars on and off the set as well as back stage at concerts with major music industry performers. In addition, Dr. Khalsa hosted a local cable television program from 1997 to 2000 called "Radiant Health" that featured top experts in all forms of Holistic Healing.
Dr. Khalsa has had feature articles about his work in Allure, Maxim, Cosmopolitan and Who magazines and has been featured on local Los Angeles News Shows. Dr. Khalsa has had extensive training in many fields of healing including Contact Reflex Analysis (CRA), Body Restoration Techniqe (BRT), and the Brimhall 10 Steps to Wellness method. Dr. Khalsa specializes in Zone Healing to correct all imbalances; physical, mental, and spiritual.