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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Guest Occupation: Ph.D. Clinical Psychology
Guest Biography:

Elizabeth started her professional career as a Physical Therapist after getting her Master’s degree at Duke University. It was then that she realized that every goal we have, whether it is related to our bodies, relationships, work or life, requires a significant mental edge in order to achieve it.

In her quest to help people actualize their dreams, Elizabeth went back to school to get her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. Wanting to help people “before they need a couch,” Elizabeth now coaches, consults, and speaks to groups about how to achieve their desired results.

Elizabeth is a highly sought-after speaker and media consultant. She has been honored by giving a prestigious TED-x talk. Elizabeth is frequently interviewed by today’s top media outlets including Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Money Magazine, Health, MSNBC, USA Today, CNN and National Public Radio. She has made multiple appearances on The Today Show.

Her book, “A Happy You: Your Ultimate Prescription for Happiness” is a national bestseller. Shaquille O’Neal says, “Dr. Lombardo is my head coach for happiness.”

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Psychology, Mental Health, Motivational
Guest Biography:

“I was born Mark Block in Boulder City, Nevada on September 20th 1953 at 4:35 a.m. with conscious memory of being aboard a Starship. I knew I was from a more advanced planet and had many conscious memories that I did not want to share with anyone until I was older. My parents moved shortly after my birth to Vista, a small sleepy town in southern California just 7 miles from the ocean where I grew up testing my father’s “Parasails” along with my older brother on the beach. My parents Paul and Arlene Block provided for the most part a pretty normal childhood. My mother was a schoolteacher and my father in addition to designing and inventing the “Parasail” and appearing on the cover of LOOK and LIFE Magazine in the 1950′s, was a professional Stage Hypnotist, pilot and a follower of the famous Channel Edgar Cayce.

When I was a child I began to have many spiritual experiences that are compiled in my book, Prepare For The Landings: Are You Ready! The interesting thing about the book is when I was a young child I had a vision showing me I was going to publish a book much later in life, as well as knowing the title. It would not be published until several years before the events described in the book would actually happen. I finally published it in early 2009 and it does appear that the events described are indeed about to occur right on time. My father knew that Cayce was activated by a hypnotist that Cayce had gone to about a problem he was having. So when I showed signs of being a Channel, my dad began working with me and helped me develop into the Channel that I was destined to become today.

At age 15 I was doing Readings for people up and down the west coast of the US by word of mouth. At first my Readings were much like Edgar Cayce’s, in that they were Karmic in nature. Then in 1979, I was physically beamed aboard for the second time (my first contact occurred at age 6) to one of the Spiritual Hierarchy’s spacecraft known as a Merkabah Lightship. During this visit I was “activated” as a “Direct-Voice Channel for the Spiritual Hierarchy.” From then on I began exclusively doing Readings for the Lightworkers or Star People.

I have also been a guest and interviewed on thousands of radio, TV and newspapers as well as spoken at many Universities, Churches and Centers throughout North America and Great Britain.

Since 1979 I have done thousands of Readings for people all over the world, helping many to achieve a Greater Destiny. Meanwhile assisting Lightworkers help Mother Earth finish up the Planetary Ascension that is now underway and ultimately bring in the Golden Age. I have had the privilege and honor to Channel many Key Members of the Spiritual Hierarchy. Lord Ashtar is a higher inner dimensional being in charge of the Ashtar Command that oversees the Volunteers in Earth embodiment’s Missions. These higher beings come through during your Reading to bring insight into some of your relevant Past Lives of importance now, your present Mission and Purpose, along with Future Opportunities so that you can more consciously take advantage of these opportunities when they come your way.

During the Reading special ‘Higher Light Encodements and positive Cosmic Subliminals”, that are unique to each Light Worker or person are “harmonically interfaced” onto the CD by the Masters. This is designed to open-up the neuro-pathways and synaptic centers of the brain along with activating and restoring the original 12 strand DNA each time it’s played. This also helps activate the new 24 strand DNA and new information will be heard each time the CD is played.

Guest Category: Music, UFOs, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Environmental Engineer
Guest Biography:

Dr Edward Close is a PhD Environmental Engineer with 40 + years experience, a Distinguished Fellow, and Senior Research Fellow with two International organizations, He is one of the nation’s foremost experts on environmental engineering and hazard mitigation and a favorite guest on many radio shows including Coast to Coast. He and his wife, Jacqui,  are recognized pioneers in the elimination and prevention of toxic mold, and have co-authored a book, Natures Mold Rx, and produced a video, Toxic Mold, A Breakthrough Discovery.

Pursuing an active research program in environmental remediation, Dr Close has made a series of breakthrough discoveries in using non-toxic compounds in mold research that have benefited millions. He is a charter member of the internationally known Integrated Health-Care Professionals Council. He has authored numerous technical papers and five books, including the groundbreaking "Transcendental Physics, Integrating the Search for Truth". He also developed the mathematical "calculus of distinctions", and described a brief (several pages), but never refuted first published proof for the famous Fermat's Last Theorem 3. . He has also developed several new theorems of consciousness, and contributed important engineering applications.

 Memberships include: A Charter member of the USGS WRD Systems Analysis Group. A Charter member of an Integrated Health Professionals Council, Senior Research Fellow of the International Society for Philosophical Enquiry (ISPE), Distinguished Fellow of the Exceptional Creative Achievement Organization (ECAO), Degrees in Mathematics, Physics and Environmental Engineering, Registered Professional Engineer, Kappa Mu Epsilon, Honorary Mathematics Society, ECAO, and other high IQ organizations and several professional organizations.

 His Current positions include:Director of Research and Environmental Engineer at EJC Enterprises, LLC and Physical Sciences Consultant to the Pacific Neuropsychiatric  Institute, Seattle, WA.   Current Research includes”  Elimination of Toxic Mold and other harmful micro-organisms, The Mind –Body Connection, Transcendental Physics and related Mathematical Methods, Quantum Physics and Brain Dynamics,  and The Origins of Life and Consciousness.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Science, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Healer, Psychic, Life-Coach
Guest Biography:

Luisa Rasiej’s aspiration as a child was to become either a pirate or an explorer. She has achieved both by travelling many seas around the world and exploring the inner workings of human beings, that connection between the inner world of thoughts and their outer manifestation.

Raised in Italy and Switzerland, she is fluent in 6 languages and founded the Inner Contessa to specifically mentor women to get out of their own way and reach their goals in record time. She is gifted at unearthing subconscious belief systems, identifying how they are interfering with the achievement of desires and guiding clients to break-throughs.

Luisa brings a unique blend of expertise, culture and life experience to her work. She combines careers in the diplomatic service and in corporate America with 15 years as a body psychotherapist, mentor and facilitator and has worked with hundreds of women around the world. She is affectionately called “the Contessa” by her clients who say she creates magic in their lives.

Luisa has been leading workshops in Japan, Europe and throughout the United States for the past 10 years and has been featured on radio shows and magazines nationally. She is the author of "The Contessa Journey: Seven Simple Practices for Experiencing a Luscious Life," a contributing author to the bestselling book “Celebrating 365 Days of Gratitude” and the author of the upcoming book “Just Ask! The Contessa Code for the Modern Woman: Confidence, Influence and Abundance.”

Luisa is dedicated to supporting women to step into their power confidently, break through fears and limitations and find the courage to say “yes” to their feminine strength, passion, leaderships and grace each and every day. This is a joyful life she calls “La Dolce Vita!”

Guest Category: Education, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: 10 year old philanthropist
Guest Biography:

Vivienne Harr:

Lemonpreneur, Child-Anti-Slavery Activist, Philanthropist, Author, Organic Product Creator, Twitter Star and Subject of a New Documentary Sweeping the Country

"You don't have to be big or powerful to change the world. You can be just like me!"

After seeing a photo of two enslaved boys her age—and learning that "slavery did not end with Abraham Lincoln"—then 8-year-old Vivienne Harr decided to help. She said: “Compassion is not compassion without action.”

So, since children have done since time immemorial, she went with “the only business experience I had”: a lemonade stand. But, little Vivienne had a big vision. She wanted to raise $100,000. She "made a stand" at her lemonade stand for 365 days straight, rain or shine, to “end child slavery.” The world stood with her.

On day #52, New York Times, Pulitzer prize-winning columnist Nicholas Kristof retweeted Vivienne, and her moment became a movement. The New York Times, Bloomberg TV, The BBC World News, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, The New York Daily News, The Huffington Post, FOX, MSNBC, Yahoo News, MSN, AOL, Food & Wine, Town & Country, O Magazine, Time for Kids, Parenting, Real Simple—and media outlets across the country and around the world from Australia to Brazil to France to Hong Kong—have covered the

Make a Stand movement.

On day #173, Mayor Michael

Bloomberg welcomed Vivienne

to Times Square to sell her famous lemonade. It was there that she reached her goal—donating $101,320 to Not For Sale, a leading anti- slavery organization. When her parents said: “You did it, honey. You’re done,” Vivienne said: “Is child slavery done?" They shook their heads. "Then, I am not done.”

Vivienne continued her daily stand for a full 365 days, at which point she decided to bottle her organic, Fair Trade “lemon-aid”—becoming the first child in American history to bottle her lemonade-stand lemonade. She and her team raised over $1 million to start Make a Stand, Inc. - one of the first Certified B Corps in the world. Five- percent of all sales go to leading organizations that do the most documented work in eradicating child slavery in the U.S. and around the world. (While 5% may sound small, it's not. That's because it's 5% of gross revenues, not merely 5% of profits. If all U.S. companies gave 5% of all revenues, not just profits, that would be roughly $1 trillion dollars...every year.)

Vivienne has won numerous awards for her work, including the George H.W. Bush “Point of Light Award” and the “Crowdfunding Campaign of 2012.” Town & Country recognized Vivienne one of the "50 Most Influential Philanthropists in America” along with Leonado DiCaprio, Michael Bloomberg and Laurene Jobs. She is the youngest to make the list—by 10 years. Vivienne is also an honorary member of the World Affairs Council after having introduced Twitter CEO Dick Costolo at his award dinner. As of December 5, 2013, Vivienne Harr was the youngest-ever featured speaker at a Tedx Talk. (Click here to see Vivienne’s Ted Talk.)

Make a Stand became a new way of doing business: A for-profit B-Corporation that shares the vision of its founder: "a world where all 18 million children are free and safe."

On November 12, 2013, The New York Times article “In a Lemonade Stand, The Transformation of a Corporation” positioned Vivienne’s company as the poster child for social impact brands in America: “If done right, [Make a Stand] could not just raise money to end child slavery, but create a role model for nonprofits and all businesses.” Make a Stand is served in 165 stores across the West Coast and at the foodservice programs at Twitter, Microsoft, Oracle, Intel, Netflix and others.

The children's book she illustrated with her mother is now available. It encourages children with the message

"You don't have to be big or powerful to change the world. You can be just like me!"

A feature length-documentary film titled: #standwithme about Vivienne's story is now airing in theaters across America and will be available for home viewing in late April. Vivienne will also host a new network TV series tentatively-titled "Kid MissionPossible” (produced by Endemol, the world's largest independent production company). She was tapped as a keynote speaker at Wisdom 2.0 Summit in February, 2014.

Of their roughly 230 million users, including A-list celebrities, humanitarian organizations and heads of state, Twitter gave Vivienne the honor (and it was a profound honor) of ringing the bell at its IPO in New York on November 7, 2013—because executives believed Vivienne is a symbol of how Twitter can be used to change the world.

The Make a Stand Foundation ensures "impeccable impact" of the for-profit brand. The Foundation shares the vision of its founder of a world where the 18 million children in slavery and are free and safe. Vivienne has become a leading global voice in the fight against child slavery. She says: "If we all stand together, we can end child slavery."

#standwithme Brings Vivienne Harr’s Story to the Big Screen

#standwithme explores modern slavery through a young girl trying to make a difference. When Vivienne Harr took a stand, her community stood with her, as did a group of filmmakers. When these filmmakers stood, their community stood with them and submitted crowd-sourced footage from places as far away as Nepal, Singapore, and Peru.

Emmy-winning Stillmotion Originals has teamed up with Vivienne to bring this film straight to communities across the US and give them a chance to stand together. Using social media and new platforms such as, they are renting theaters in 30 cities and selling tickets online.

“This story matters. When people see the power we all have in our daily decisions, they will be empowered to become a part of the solution,” says Co- Director Patrick Moreau. “What could take a traditional Hollywood theatre several years to produce, direct, edit, and then deliver to an audience has been greatly accelerated.”

#standwithme attempts to change the way documentaries are made and brought to the public. Production began in May of 2013 and the 72-minute film hits theaters less than a year after the filmmakers first met Vivienne. In that span the production has travelled to Nepal, Ghana, Namibia, and Dominican Republic to bring this story to life by talking to children who are or were enslaved. With volunteers in every city where the film is screened, Vivienne and this team of filmmakers show there is a new way to stand for the world you believe in through direct connection to communities and inviting them to get involved.

  •   February 8 - Phoenix, AZ - Attend Phoenix Premiere

  •   February 11 - Denver, CO - Attend Denver Premiere

  •   February 13 - Kansas City, MO - Attend Kansas City Premiere

  •   February 16 - Dallas, TX - Attend Dallas Premiere

  •   February 18 - Austin, TX - Attend Austin Premiere

  •   February 20 - Houston, TX - Attend Houston Premiere

  •   February 22 - New Orleans, LA - Attend New Orleans Premiere

  •   February 25 - Tampa, FL - Attend Tampa Premiere

  •   February 27 - Atlanta, GA - Attend Atlanta Premiere

  •   March 1 - Nashville, TN - Attend Nashville Premiere

  •   March 3 - Raleigh, NC - Attend Raleigh Premiere

  •   March 5 - Washington, DC - Attend Washington, DC Premiere

  •   March 7 - Philadelphia, PA - Attend Philadelphia Premiere

  •   March 9 - New York, NY - Attend New York Premiere

  •   March 11 - Boston, MA - Attend Boston Premiere

  •   March 14 - Toronto, ON - Attend Toronto Premiere

  •   March 16 - Detroit, MI - Attend Detroit Premiere

  •   March 18 - Wilmington, OH - Attend Wilmington Premiere

  •   March 19 - Cincinnati, OH - Attend Cincinnati Premiere

  •   March 21 - Chicago, IL - Attend Chicago Premiere

  •   March 23 - Madison, WI - Attend Madison Premiere

  •   March 25 - Minneapolis, MN - Attend Minneapolis Premiere

  •   March 28 - Winnipeg, MB - Attend Winnipeg Premiere

  •   March 31 - Calgary, AB - Attend Calgary Premiere

  •   April 3 - Vancouver, BC - Attend Vancouver Premiere

  •   April 5 - Seattle, WA - Attend Seattle Premiere

  •   April 8 - Portland, OR - Attend Portland Premiere

10-Year-Old Authors Children’s Book about Child Slavery

“Make a Stand, when life gives you lemons change the world!”

While 10-year-old Vivienne Harr and her social purpose company Make a Stand, Inc. SPC are bottling lemonade, New York publisher Chocolate Sauce is printing books, all for the cause of ending child slavery.

The Story: Last year Vivienne saw a photo that changed her life. Lisa Kristine’s photo of child slaves Vivienne’s own age in Nepal inspired her to take action.

Helped by her family, Vivienne sold lemonade every day in

front of her house, rain or shine, to raise money for those

children. “No price, just pay what’s in your heart,” she would say. In four months she reached her goal and wrote a check to anti-slavery group Not for Sale for $101,320. Read the story of how she turned her lemonade stand into a social purpose corporation with a mission of ending child slavery.

“It’s not a business, it’s a ’Giveness,’” says Vivienne, who partnered with Chocolate Sauce in creating the book about her lemonade stand. “Join us and help sweeten the world one story at a time!” says Shelley A. Lewis, Founder of Chocolate Sauce. Lewis says they are working on an interactive, WeJIT-enhanced, e-book version to allow children to enter an online forum and hold discussions about the book and about making a stand in their own lives.

This 48-page book, written by Vivienne and illustrated with

her mother, offers children an important life lesson about

their power to make a difference. As Vivienne writes: "You

don't have to be big or powerful to change the world. You can be just like me!"

Five percent of the proceeds for each “Make a Stand” book will be given to anti-slavery organizations. Online shoppers can also donate books to kids in need of extra inspiration. The “Make a Stand” Book, Limited Edition is now available.

Make a Stand Foundation

At the Make a Stand Foundation, we share our 10-year-old founder, Vivienne Harr's, vision of a world where all 18 million enslaved children are free and safe. Make a Stand has already contributed more than $1 to fight child slavery around the world, but this is only the starting point.


Make a Stand started as a promise—in the heart of then 8-year-old Vivienne Harr, who wanted to “make a stand” for all children in slavery. Her moment became a movement. We’re proud of our pure and wholesome roots: Stand-on-the-corner-and-flag- down-a-car lemonade sales. While our beginnings are humble, our ambitions are grand. We can only achieve so much impact through lemonade sales.



As Vivienne says: “Sometimes we can feel small and

insignificant. But, it’s not how small you are. It’s how

big you think you can change the world.” Vivienne's

authentic and audacious thinking is what drives us to

do more. It’s why it made sense for us to open up a

fund – the Make A Stand Fund – at the Marin

Community Foundation. [Read the recent feature in MCF's Imagine Magazine here.]

Having a fund allows us to:

  •   Go beyond bottle sales and accelerate the rate of change we can make in ending child slavery

  •   Adopt a sophisticated and rigorous approach to our giving strategy

  •   Leverage a recognized giving vehicle – the donor-advised fund – which provides many administrative

    and financial benefits

  •   Work with other funders and maximize our efforts

Most importantly, it provides our supporters with a way to get involved with Make A Stand in a more significant way. Donors can write a check (as large as they would like), and it is received as a tax-deductible gift into the fund. We’re thrilled to be able to offer this capability through our friends at MCF. Our partnership with them offers many benefits:

Lisa Kristine’s Photo That So Moved Vivienne Harrr

  •   Global reach;

  •   Enormous depth of expertise when it comes to grant-making;

  •   A talented research and evaluation department, to ensure we’re making smart decisions and

    understanding the real impact of our giving;

  •   A rock-solid infrastructure to take care of all our administrative work, which allows us to focus on our


  •   Access to an amazing community of like-minded people.


    Our giving strategy can be aptly summed up by our founder, Vivienne: “Every dollar counts, because you never know which dollar will free a child who will change the world.” We spent a great deal of time vetting the finest organizations across the globe, that do the most documented work in eradicating child slavery. Together, they represent the gold standard—a “mutual fund” of sustainable change—on the fight against child slavery, through four key phases: liberation, education, empowerment and safety.

    Our recipient organizations are:

  •   Free the Slaves;

  •   Not For Sale;

  •   UNICEF;

  •   Nepal Youth Foundation;

  •   The International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labor, and

  •   GEMS: Girls Educational & Mentoring Services, an organization that focuses on this issue right here in

    America. (According to a 2005 report from the U.S. State Department, between 14,500 and 17,500

    people are trafficked into the US each year. Many of them are children.)

  •   The International Justice Mission


    We are a creative and innovative foundation that strives to set a new standard of impact reporting, using real- time updates, social media and mapping technology where possible to show that the Make a Stand Foundation—and its recipient organizations—are in fact “making every dollar count.”

Make a Stand Lemonaid

Vivienne Harr is the first child in American history to bottle her lemonade-stand lemonade. Vivienne’s organic Make a Stand Lemonaid is now sold in nearly 200 grocery stores around the Western U.S. and at such food service counters as Twitter, Microsoft, Oracle, Intel, and Netflix. For every bottle sold, a contribution is made toward alleviating child slavery. Make a Stand Lemon-aid is a lovingly-crafted lemonade. The product is as pure and authentic as its origins. It is:

  •   all-natural

  •   certified organic

  •   U.S. grown/fair-trade

  •   nonGMO

  •   carefully-crafted with the finest available ingredients.

  •   It comes in a beautiful custom-designed bottle

On Air Introduction

What would you have done as an 8-year-old had you seen a photo of other children enslaved, having to carry huge burdens up a mountainside? Probably not what Vivienne Harr did.

Moved by the passion to end child slavery, she set up a lemonade stand on her street corner—for 365 days rain or shine! On day #173, NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg welcomed Vivienne to Times Square to sell her famous lemonade-- which had already been covered in The New York Times, Bloomberg TV, The BBC World News, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, The New York Daily News, The Huffington Post, FOX, MSNBC, Yahoo News, MSN, AOL, Food & Wine, Town & Country, O Magazine, Time for Kids, Parenting, Real Simple and media as far away as Australia, France and Hong Kong.

It was there that she reached her goal—donating $101,320 to Not For Sale, a leading anti-slavery organization. When her parents said: “You did it, honey. You’re done,” Vivienne said: “Is child slavery done?" They shook their heads. "Then, I am not done.”

That was the real beginning of her movement and her organization Make a Stand, Inc., which has raised more than $1 million to end child slavery, inspires youngsters around the world to join the campaign with their own stands; bottles and sells her organic Make a Stand Lemonade in nearly 200 grocery stores and such food service counters as Twitter, Microsoft, Oracle, Intel, and Netflix; AND has made her the subject of a remarkable new documentary film "#Standwithme," premiering here. The movie coincides with Vivienne’s newest venture, a colorful and moving 48–page children’s book proclaiming that "You don't have to be big or powerful to change the world.”

Now 11, recognized by Town & Country as one of the "50 Most Influential Philanthropists in America,” the youngest-ever featured speaker at a Tedx Talk, and Twitter’s choice to ring the bell alongside Patrick Stewart at its IPO, Vivienne continues to spread her message, contribute to dozens of child anti-slavery organizations and bask in the fun of being the star focal point of a movie rolling out in 32 markets across the country.

So would let me introduce you to the "The Little Lemonpreneur" who says, “When life gives you lemons, change the world!”

20 Questions for Vivenne Harr

  1. What did you think of when you saw those two boys carrying those big rocks?

  2. How many children are slaves in the world today?

  3. What made you decide that starting a “lemonaid” stand was the right path for you?

  4. How many days did you set up your lemonaid stand?

  5. What was your goal and how much did you raise?

  6. Who are your heroes?

  7. Whose recipe is the lemon-aid?

  8. Do you really believe we can end child slavery? If so, why do you believe that?

  9. How many stores are you in now? Do the big stores like Whole Foods and Safeway have it?

  10. What would you tell people who don’t think they can make a difference?

  11. How was it to ring the bell for the Twitter IPO?

  12. How many people are now following you on Twitter and Facebook?

  13. Were you scared when you did your Ted Talk?

  14. What have you learned?

  15. Tell us about your new book.

  16. Where can they buy the book or the lemon-aid?

  17. Where can they see the movie about you StandWithMe?

  18. How can people help you make a stand?

  19. What are you going to do next?

  20. What’s been the most exciting thing about all this to you?


  •   Make A Stand, 48-page book, written by Vivienne and illustrated with her mother, offers children an important life lesson about their power to make a difference. As Vivienne writes: "You don't have to be big or powerful to change the world. You can be just like me!"

  •   Five percent of the proceeds for each “Make a Stand” book will be given to anti-slavery organizations.

  • Movie

  •   #standwithme explores modern slavery through a young girl trying to make a difference. A unique fillmaking approach that shows Vivienne Harr’s considerable impact around the world. Includes submitted crowd-sourced footage from places as far away as Nepal, Singapore, and Peru

  • Lemonaid

    •   Make a Stand Organic Lemonaid is now sold in nearly 200 grocery stores around the Western U.S. and at such food service counters as Twitter, Microsoft, Oracle, Intel, and Netflix. It comes in two flavors Lemonaid and Lemonaid Kick.

    •   Locate stores or buy online - Foundation/How to Support Make a Stand in its Mission to Eradicate Child Slavery

      •   Donors can write a check and it is received as a tax-deductible gift into the fund.

      •   The Make a Stand Foundation supports the following organizations in an effort to eradicate child slavery:

o Free the Slaves;

o Not For Sale;


o Nepal Youth Foundation;

o The International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labor, and

o GEMS: Girls Educational & Mentoring Services, an organization that focuses on this issue right here in

America. (According to a 2005 report from the U.S. State Department, between 14,500 and 17,500

people are trafficked into the US each year. Many of them are children.) o The International Justice Mission

Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family
Guest Biography:

Rajiv Parti, M.D., is a knowledgeable and experienced resource in the areas of eastern and western healing modalities, near death experience, past life regression, and spiritual transformation, bringing a unique and innovative approach to wellness, uniquely synthesizing modern wisdom and ancient tradition.

His book, ‘The Soul of Wellness’, Dr. Parti presents twelve insights on what it takes to achieve total well-being – gained over his 30 years of experience as a practicing physician, and his own seven-year journey to overcome cancer and manage chronic pain, stress and depression. (NDE) in 2010, Dr. Parti was given his life back specifically so that he could help others.
Guest Occupation: Seattle Times Sports Writer
Guest Biography:

Percy Allen has covered the Seattle sports scene for many years.  From working the former Sonics beat, to now covering the University of Washington Men's Basketball team, there isn't much Allen hasn't seen in Seattle!

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College
Guest Occupation: 12-year NBA Veteran
Guest Biography:

Bobby Jackson graduated from Salisbury High School in 1992.  He attended Western Nebraska Community College and the University of Minnesota before being selected by the Seattle SuperSonics with the 23rd pick in the 1997 NBA Draft. As a Golden Gopher, Bobby Jackson led Minnesota to the Final Four, where they lost to the Kentucky Wildcats. He was traded to the Denver Nuggets prior to his rookie season where he played 68 games before moving on to a more familiar place in Minnesota where he donned a Timberwolves jersey for two seasons. He had his best years in Sacramento where he played for the Kings from 2000 to 2005 where he was known as "Action Jackson" and a crowd favorite. A former Sixth Man award winner, Jackson suffered an abdominal strain early in the 2004–05 season that forced him to miss 51 games.

On July 29, 2008, it was reported that Jackson would be traded by the Rockets back to the Sacramento Kings along with Donte Greene, a 2009 first round draft pick and cash consideration in exchange for Ron Artest (now Metta World Peace). The trade was completed on August 14, due to Greene's rookie contract signing on July 14.

Bobby Jackson retired on October 24, 2009.  He later became an assistant coach for the Sacramento Kings.

On June 5, 2013, new Kings coach Michael Malone announced that the 2012–13 assistant coaches would not be retained for the 2013–14 season.

On September 9, 2013, Jackson was hired by the Minnesota Timberwolves as a player development coach.

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College
Guest Occupation: Meditation
Guest Biography:

Dina Proctor, best-selling author of “Madly Chasing Peace: How I Went from Hell to Happy in Nine Minutes a Day” joins the School of Human Potential to share her course “Transform Your Life 3 Minutes at a Time.” 

As creator of the 3x3 Meditation method (3 minutes, 3 times a day), Dina teaches how to use small increments of time throughout the day to change thought patterns and beliefs to experience tangible results in your life. From overhauling your perspective on food and your body to healing relationships and improving communication to increasing your ability to draw abundance and fulfillment into your life, most anything you want to transform can be done three minutes at a time.

Dina is one of our featured experts for the School of Human Potential and course will teach how exactly your thoughts and emotions affect your reality and how to use thought-interrupt techniques and 3-minute focused meditations to improve your thoughts and gradually rewire your way of thinking so you can create extraordinary results. 

Guest Category: Meditation
Guest Occupation: 2014 President, Florida Association of REALTORS®
Guest Biography:

Florida Realtors is a 127,000 member organization; The Voice of Real Estate in Florida.

The purpose of the Florida Realtors is to serve the Realtor community by providing, promoting and delivering programs, products and services that will enhance members' skills and ability to operate their business profitably and ethically; to advance the real estate industry; and to preserve and extend the right to own, use and transfer real property. 

Guest Category: Business
Guest Occupation: Writer, Painter, Blogger, Artist, Musician, Mystic
Guest Biography:

This is Inelia’s first incarnation on any planet, born free from self-importance, attachments, personal agendas, personal evolution, or a desire for soul advancement. She arrived knowing only that the planet needed to vibrate at a higher level in order to undergo a global ascension. What she did not know was how to assist in raising the vibration and how to communicate the need for a higher vibration to others. Initially, Inelia tried emulating other people’s actions by getting married, having children, and learning about human suffering. Although this gave her a deeper understanding of what others considered important, it did not assist in reaching the aim of global ascension.  

In January 2010, she received a request from Source to “go public as a person” in order to promote the message of empowerment and sovereignty to the masses. Emerging from anonymity, she became a messenger of personal and global ascension. Over the next three years, she worked tirelessly to explore, investigate, develop, and disseminate tools, including meditations and exercises, that were quick, mystery-free, and highly effective — tools used by hundreds of thousands of people to achieve personal ascension and, in so doing, to contribute to the goal of global ascension.

She has written several powerful works of fiction; The 13th Mage, Interview with an Alien, Interview with A Psychic Assassin, Interview with an Angel, and just out:  The Return!  Inelia has gatherings at her home in Washington, and teaches through her websites.  For more personal interactions exercises and support, visit her website,  You can also find her on Facebook!


Guest Category: Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Animal & Plant Communications, Meditation, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Mystic & Seer, Shamanism, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: President and CEO for CSP International, International Speaker, Author
Guest Biography:

Christine Rae is known as the leading expert and trend setter of the Real Estate Staging Industry. In her role as President and CEO for CSP International™ she steered the company to the top of the excellence chart for her industry. The CSP International™ Academy is known as a successful incubator for would be entrepreneurs with a decorating flair who want control over their own destiny, while building successful, profitable businesses of their own. CSP International™ provides a safe haven for learning, support, knowledge, best practices and leading market trends. Graduates from the Academy benefit from a reputation of excellence, helping them gain credibility and recognition as they market and develop their own business.

Christine is recognised as the World’s leading authority on staging from her global experience, and through her work in developing standards, examinations, professionalism and trend forecasting. She is the author of Home Staging for Dummies® (Wiley press), editor of the world’s only Staging Industry Magazine and is co-authoring two new books in the works for release this fall, “Trendsetters” and “Sold.”

She developed and trademarked EcoStaging®, is an Industry Expert Blogger for REALTOR® magazine, a regular contributor to Real Estate Magazine and is the Green Staging Expert for HomeGain®  

Guest Category: Business
Guest Occupation: Healer
Guest Biography:

Dr. Rebecca (Roczen) Carley received her Bachelor’s degree in Diagnostic Ultrasound, attended medical school (and received the Samuel L. Kountz award for clinical excellence in surgery at graduation), and trained to be a general surgeon at State University of New York at Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn.

Dr. Carley also worked as an attending Emergency Room physician at Kings County Medical Center in Brooklyn (which is the primary training affiliate for Downstate students), and is the largest hospital (and busiest trauma center) in the United States.

Dr. Carley left the practice of General Surgery and “allopathic” medicine after realizing that no one was actually being healed of their diseases, and she started researching “alternative” medicine while taking time off to start a family. After Dr. Carley’s only child was brain damaged as a result of inoculations he received, Dr. Carley learned how to reverse the damage with homeopathy and other natural supplements, and subsequently realized that inoculations of disease are causing the corruption in the immune system which leads to all autoimmune diseases and cancer. Dr. Carley has developed the Hippocrates Protocol which has successfully reversed all autoimmune diseases (including autism) and cancer in over 2,000 clients (including pets) over the past 9 years. She has written the definitive paper explaining the mechanism whereby inoculations with disease are causing VIDS (Vaccine Induced Diseases), which has been featured in multiple publications all over the world and is available under the title “Inoculations: the True Weapons of Mass Destruction” on her website

She has offered a $10,000 reward for any vaccine promoter to come on her internet radio show and refute the documents she has authored. No one has stepped forward to do so. Dr. Carley has been qualified in court as an expert witness in VIDS, Legal Abuse Syndrome, Vaccinology, and child abuse. Dr. Carley no longer “practices medicine”, but instead teaches clients nationally and internationally how to reverse their diseases using the Hippocrates protocol she developed. She also goes into the hospital as a patient advocate for clients who are not satisfied with the care their loved ones are receiving.

Besides being a guest on over 200 radio and television shows, for over 9 years Dr. Carley had her own weekly public access television show in Long Island, followed by a weekly internet radio show now on (Station 2) on Thursdays at  8:30 PM EST and on republicbroadcasting on Wednesdays at 12 noon EST, all entitled “What’s Ailing America” (archives are also available for both internet shows). Dr. Carley is also available to give talks to interested groups to teach what she has learned about vaccine induced diseases, and how they can be reversed; and has developed a course through the “Hippocrates Academy” where interested students can learn and be certified how to do the Hippocrates Protocol developed by Dr. Carley, which reverses all autoimmune diseases and cancer in people and in pets using natural therapies.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Former NFL QB and currently owns Doubleback Winery
Guest Biography:

Former NFL quarterback Drew McQueen Bledsoe was born on February 14, 1972. Drew Bledsoe attended Walla Walla High School in Walla Walla, Washington, where he excelled at varsity football and basketball. He was the starting quarterback at Washington State University, where as a junior he was named Pac-10 offensive player of the year. He skipped his senior year to enter the NFL draft and was the #1 overall pick in 1993. Bledsoe began his professional career with the New England Patriots.

By Drew Bledsoe's second year with the Patriots, he led the league in passing attempts, completions, and touchdowns. For nearly eight years, he was the starting quarterback for the team and the face of the Patriots franchise. In 2001, an injury sustained after a hit with New York Jets linebacker Mo Lewis forced Bledsoe into the sidelines, and he never regained his starting position with the team.

In 2002, Drew Bledsoe was traded to the Buffalo Bills.  In 2005, he reunited with head coach Bill Parcells by joining the Dallas Cowboys. He was the starting quarterback for Dallas until he was replaced by Tony Romo mid-season in 2006. Bledsoe announced his retirement from the NFL on April 11, 2007. He finished seventh all-time in yards passing, 13th in touchdown passes and fifth in completions.

Today Bledsoe owns Doubleback winery in Walla Walla, WA.  Bledsoe’s vision is to create a premium wine experience completely focused around quality. They are committed to using only the best viticulture and winemaking practices to ensure that Doubleback will be one of the best bottles of wine you will drink.

Drew Bledsoe is married to Maura Healy; the couple has four children.

Guest Category: Professional, High School, College
Guest Occupation: Holistic Wellness Institute CEO/Medical director/holistic physician · Honokaa, Hawaii
Guest Biography:

Mystic Awakening of an American Physician tells the story of a woman’s journey through transformative healing. Spirit teaches her through natural means, and as she becomes more aware, she receives multiple messages from nature and dreams. This leads her to embark on a life changing journey to the ancient Andes mountains in Peru, the home of the Q’ero, where she encounters the vibrational healing of unconditional love, ‘munay’, culminating in her shamanic initiation on the death stone at Macchu Pichu, and the awakening of the mystic inside. Bringing that healing home, her life is transformed and a healer is awakened.

Guest Category: Education, History, Medicine, UFOs, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Akashic Records, Astrology, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: A Historian for the modern Spiritual Movement
Guest Biography:

A nationally known writer, speaker, and publisher in alternative spirituality, Mitch Horowitz is the author of One Simple Idea: How Positive Thinking Reshaped Modern Life (“Brilliant” –Deepak Chopra; “A tour de force” –Washington Times) and Occult America, winner of the 2010 PEN Oakland/ Josephine Miles Award for literary excellence. He is vice-president and editor-in-chief at Tarcher/Penguin, the division of Penguin books dedicated to metaphysical literature. Mitch frequently writes about and discusses alternative spirituality in the national media, including CBS Sunday Morning, Dateline NBC, NPR’s All Things Considered, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, BoingBoing,, and 

Guest Category: Education, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Director of Business Development for NuView IRA
Guest Biography:

As the Director of Business Development for NuView IRA, Ryan presents keynote speeches, workshops, and seminars on Self-Directed IRAs and Alternative Investments throughout the tri-county area.

Drawing from his experience in Financial Services, his background in Consumer/Commercial Banking, and 12 years as a Real Estate Investor, Ryan provides a unique insight into the Self-Directed IRA and how this underutilized tool can be a Retirement ‘Game Changer’. Ryan graduated Cum Laude from the Univ. of South Florida with a degree in Finance.

Guest Category: Business
Guest Occupation: Boxing Promoter & Entrepreneur
Guest Biography:

Through growing up in the world of sports, direct marketing, and retail sales, George Foreman Jr. has developed an extensive working knowledge of these industries, along with strong relationships with the key players of each respective industry by way of the overarching presence of his mentor and father George Foreman. Marketing consumer products was a natural for the Foreman family and George Jr. continues to operate in this arena.

George Foreman, Jr., has served as Senior Vice President and member of the Board of Directors of the Foreman Enterprises, Inc. since 2005. Prior to joining George Foreman Enterprises, Inc., Mr. Foreman worked as a senior marketing executive for Salton, Inc. (George Foreman Grill). Mr. Foreman earned a Masters degree from Louisiana State University.

Family Foreman
Negotiated and partnered with Newline TV to executive produce an original family reality show based on the busy life of George Foreman, Sr. The show documents the pressures of George Foreman III managing 10 business, and his father (George Foreman Sr.). It also focuses on George Sr. raising 10 kids, while being king of the grills, but still not king of his house. The show was packaged and sold to TV Land for its first season. George Jr, wrote and co-wrote six of nine episodes.

American Inventor
Served as executive producers on ABC’s summer hit show “American Inventor” in 2007. American Inventor is a reality television series based on a search for America's best inventor. It was conceived by UK entrepreneur Peter Jones, who appears on the British version of the somewhat similar program Dragons' Den. It is produced by Jones alongside Simon Cowell, the Foreman's and the producers of American Idol. Airing on ABC, it premiered on March 16, 2006. On March 20, 2008.

Structured a four-book deal with Thomas Nelson Publishers on behalf of George Foreman, Sr. Title’s released under this deal: God In My Corner, Going the Extra Smile, The Knockout Entrepreneur, and Fatherhood by George Foreman.

The Learning Annex
(2005-07) Negotiated multi-year speaking engagement deal with The Learning Annex to headline along with Donald Trump.
(2007) Structured license/joint venture with Learning Annex to market a “Get out of Debt” program.”

Peter Lowe’s Get Motivated
(2002-2008) Negotiated multi-year contracts with Peter Lowe’s Get Motivated on behalf of George Foreman, Sr.

Instride by George Foreman
JV with Instride footwear to produce prescription shoes for people suffering primarily from diabetes and other diseases associated with poor circulation, in order to lower the amount of amputations performed in the US every year. The products are sold to consumers at no cost to them, as they are covered under major insurance companies, Medicare, and Medicaid. The venture launched in November of 2007 and is rolling out slowly from retailer to retailer as they streamline the process of fittings to fit the structure of different pharmacies.

George Foreman’s Life Shake (Joint-venture with Vitaquest)
"Life Shake” is an advanced complete nutraceutical product formulated by our partner, Vitaquest through George Foreman Enterprises, and their leading chemists in conjunction with George Foreman. The shake provides a comprehensive dietary supplement that can help improve health, wellness and overall energy while also helping to fight off various diseases and boosting overall immunity. The "Life Shake," includes a comprehensive weight loss program called "SHAKE OFF THE POUNDS," and as of January 2008 is being marketed to consumers through direct response television. Currently the "Life Shake" is in GNC stores and in the process of a retail roll out in national retailers through Vitaquest’s subsidiary, Windmill Health Products, a distributor to over 30,000 retailers.

Ufood Grill
Negotiated an equity stake in a start up franchise called UFood Grill (previously named Knowfat) started by George Naddaff, (founder of Boston Chicken) in return for the services of George Foreman as a spokesperson. Ufood is a concept centered on carefully crafted recipes that taste good and are good for you. 

Casual Male
Structured a 3 year licensing deal with Casual Male Big & Tall stores with a royalty on all goods manufactured for sale, endorsement fees for George Foreman’s time as a spokesperson, and stock options to participate in the upside of the public entity (CMRG). Share price increased 7 fold and sales increased by over 30%. In just under 3 years the brand sold over 300 million at retail while at the same time driving up the vast majority of same store sales for 3 years in a row.

Green: George Foreman Household Cleaning Products
2008 Started a company in partnership with Greystone Brands and (Leon Dreimann previously CEO of Salton, and Foreman Grill) to market environmentally safe cleaning products: Multi-Purpose, Glass, Stain Remover, and Automotive (wheels, body, interior).

George Foreman Cleaning Solutions are available at:
Canadian Tire

Family Dollar
Dollar General (since May 2009)
Safeway (select Houston stores)
QVC (Grills & More Concentrate Pack-Up only)

IMG-Foreman Direct Response Production (President) 2012-Present

IMG Media has teamed up with George Foreman Jr. to launch IMG-Foreman DRP, an infomercial business with a focus on sports marketing.

The new business will select and source products that are viable for sale through direct response channels and produce infomercials and testimonials for those products. IMG-Foreman DRP will also distribute or facilitate distribution of docummercials and testimonials through television platforms and other digital and interactive media.

IMG-Foreman DRP will capitalize on the strengths and resources of both IMG Media and Foreman. IMG’s unparalleled sports client base will provide a unique pool of potential sports celebrity endorsers, while IMG’s experienced and skilled production team, led by Steve Mayer, Senior Vice President of Production at IMG, will lend its services to the creative development and production of the infomercials. IMG’s existing infrastructure and long-standing relationships with television networks and media buyers will greatly facilitate distribution.

About IMG:

IMG Media is the world's largest independent producer and distributor of sports programming, and is a division of IMG Worldwide, a global sports, entertainment and media business, with nearly 3,000 employees operating in 30 countries around the globe.

Guest Category: Business, Marketing, Management, Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College
Guest Occupation: Conscious Matrix Communicator
Guest Biography:

Brad began his spiritual journey in August of 2008. With the idea of creating a fascinating science fiction novel  that was based around the presence of extraterrestrials and what would happen if they came upon Earth today, Brad wanted this novel to be very authentic and truthful when it came to this theme of story, so he began to do some intense research on experts, contactees and channelers to hear their viewpoints on life beyond our world. Brad's research on the extraterrestrial presence revealed some very extraordinary findings: many ETs are human in appearance, they are highly spiritual and base their existences on becoming one with an infinite creator. He also discovered that through meditation, many people are able to communicate with these beings beyond our world and receive profound galactic/universal insight.

This research was astonishing to Brad and he could feel an immense transformation beginning. These discoveries caused him to begin a personal journey that started with simple meditation. Brad decided to put his novel aside and devote his focus towards a pursuit that had been lacking throughout his entire life: re-gaining his spiritual connection to all things.

Brad began meditation by taking out a book from his local library called "Learn To Meditate: A Practical Guide to Self Discovery and Fulfillment". Brad read this book from front to back within about 5 days. He performed many of the methods contained within the book and for the first time in his life, he began his journey into meditation. Brad's discoveries through the meditative state were astounding. He could feel his entire body reacting to the centeredness of meditation. He could feel his energy field tingling, growing, expanding, spinning, tilting as well as feel every part of his body becoming enriched with divine universal energy.

Through his dream state, Brad was experiencing profound encounters with higher dimensional entities that were completely without any known form. He encountered what could only be explained as "non-physical classrooms" where he was being downloaded with astonishing information ranging from a variety of different topics: from the properties of oneness and universal mechanics to the understanding of self empowerment and the creation of all life. Brad had awoken with inspiration filling his being as everything relating to the expansion of humanity and reality that was not being commonly discussed throughout popular mainstream sources.

It was through these profound discoveries that Brad decided to create an online community that comprised of psychics, intuitives, healers and metaphysical experts/seekers. Throughout this community, Brad was able to get further involved through his exploration of expanded consciousness and began to learn through many others' techniques ranging from channeling, extra sensory perception development and energy healing. Throughout the weeks that went by, Brad was developing his skill through the process of automatic writing: the ability to communicate with an extension of one's own consciousness through the mediumship of writing or drawing. 

Throughout many of Brad's conscious contacts with other consciousnesses via automatic writing, Brad received advice from one of his channelingmentors to direct his energy towards the star known as Sirius A, otherwise known commonly as the dog star as there was a feeling of a message that was looking to come through. Brad tuned into the energies of Sirius A and this was the first contact he had with an entity known as Adronis.Adronis began his association with Brad under the means of a soul contract. This entailed that this other consciousness extension of Brad residing from the fifth density plane of Sirius would act as a mentor for him as he worked to expand himself further through his channeling ability.

Throughout the months ahead, Brad was able to channel Adronis further not only as a benefit to his own learning, but for the benefit of others asAdronis was willing to share his profound knowledge and inspiration with anyone who would be in resonance for contact. In the summer of 2009, Brad transcended his ability to channel from automatic writing into vocal dialogue channeling. Brad found this method to be much more convenient as it formed a personalized relationship between him, Adronis and others that were in resonance with Adronis' energies.

Between the years of 2009 and 2010, Brad was also expanding his knowledge in many different avenues alongside his ability to channel. In 2010, Brad founded his very own energy healing system known as Symbol Release Healing. Brad was also fascinated relating to methods that allowed him to connect directly to the akashic records. The process was somewhat similar to the nature of channeling, and within a short period of time, Brad became very proficient at accessing energetic data from the realms of the ether within an Alpha brainwave state.

Throughout the upcoming years, Brad was offered to join several seminars and conferences along the west coast of North America: from his local area of Vancouver, BC, Canada to Seattle, Washington, Portland, Oregon and many regions across the state of California. Throughout the span of December of 2009 to the approaching end of 2012, Adronis has shared a vast degree of knowledge and wisdom through Brad regarding a broad range of subject matter: personal and professional transformation, self empowerment, personal healing, history of mankind, our Earth, galaxy and universe, ET contact and disclosure, the power of paradox, evolution past polarity & much more.

Throughout Brad's ability to strengthen his connection as a conduit functioning as an ally of universal knowledge, Brad had reached the point where he is able to consciously connect to his own soul matrix and retrieve specific subject matter. This ability has been termed by Brad as a "Conscious Matrix Communicator." 

In December of 2012, Brad introduced his newest energy healing concept that was developed through his connection of Conscious Matrix Communication. This newest healing system is known as Body Regeneration Healing: the ability to work through one's soul matrix utilizing holograms and one's own natural intuitive state to repair the body and purify the flow of energy through the means of "4D healing".

Brad has mentioned on many occasions that there is really nothing special about what he does. It is an ability that everyone has access to. Whether one wishes to become a channeler or a conscious matrix communicator, it's all within our grasp. All it requires is the commitment to live all elements of what such a lifestyle represents. We are all gifted in our own ways and will express our gifts in the themes that best suit us. Brad's job has always been to awaken, inspire and expand, and this is what he aims for with dedication through every person he interacts with.

Guest Category: UFOs, Near Death Experiences, Ghosts, Access Consciousness, Angel Communication, Medium & Channeling, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Divination, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Health Scientist, Life Extension
Guest Biography:

“The country doctor with a city education,” that’s how Dr. Michael A. Smith’s many devoted fans describe him. Senior health scientist and online personality for Life Extension® — the world’s leading organization dedicated to extending the healthy human life span — Dr. Smith is an author and blogger, creates and conducts webinars and appears in informational health and wellness videos. His engaging ability to present complex medical topics, be it diabetes, migraines, food sensitivity or weight management, in a clear, conversational manner has won him a sizable following of anti-aging and disease-prevention enthusiasts.

Also known as “Dr. Mike,” for more than six years, he has worked at Life Extension in a variety of capacities, including as a health advisor, clinical information trainer and specialist and keynote speaker for the company’s monthly lecture series.

Dr. Smith was a recurring guest in 2012 on The Suzanne Show with Suzanne Somers on the Lifetime Network, appeared on Gem of the Caribbean, a television show dedicated to disease prevention and is currently seen in several regional infomercials as an expert guest. He is also heard on numerous syndicated national health radio shows. He hosts Healthy Talk radio on and is currently writing a book on the dietary supplement pyramid that is scheduled for publication spring 2014.

Most recently he contributed to Martha Stewart’s Whole Living website as well as health articles on,, and Expert Beacon. He has been a guest lecturer for numerous anti-aging organizations in South Florida and in his spare time, Dr. Smith manages several content-based medical websites that reach out to his legion of health-conscious fans.

Before joining Life Extension, Dr. Smith worked for the global pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca as a cardiovascular medical science liaison. A spokesman for AstraZeneca’s phase-3 clinical trial programs, he traveled throughout the U.S. presenting study results to cardiology groups and university centers.

A graduate of the University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, Dr. Smith completed an internship in internal medicine at the University of Utah and a residency in radiology at UT Southwestern Medical Center.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health