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Guest Name
Guest Occupation
Indigenous Wisdom Keeper, Star Being and Healer
Guest Biography

Itasha's teachers have been many. s she describes herself: The journey long and beautiful. I was born clairvoyant, telepathic, high empathic.  No veil was present-knowledge of past existence was present. Direct contact with Creator provided teaching from Star Beings and Angels from day one. My Earth teachers have been Lakota Medicine Men Martin High Bear, Frank Fools Crow and Devere Eastman {Brave Buffalo} of Eagle Butte, South Dakota. They made and presented me my pipe. I have completed my four year SunDance and am a Sacred Pipe Holder.

I spent 26 years in sacred spaces. Often for years at a time, isolated from mainstream society, while being taught by the Medicine, Holy people. These places were: Mt Shasta {in and on it}, the Klamath -Modoc , Lakota Bear Butte and Eagle Butte, the Blackfoot, Hopi, Navajo, and ten years the White Mountain Apache. My academic background is as a teacher. I am trained in Spanish, World Civilization, History and Anthropology. I have a B.A. and a Masters in Ed leadership. My degrees and certification are: A.S.U., Purdue and N.A U. I have taught on the reservation.

The Holy people explained to me that I was to come to the city to help teach and prepare people for this Spiritual special time. I was chosen by the Elders and Medicine People in 1980-81 at their gathering in Arizona, as a Wisdom Keeper, to represent the Spiritual Ones. It was a seven day test and ceremony, where we were intensely scrutinized. For one year I traveled representing them. Some of these Elders were Hopi, Navajo, Lakota,  Huichol, Taramahara, Pima and Apache. Present were Medicine People of other Nations. I am also an Azteca Dancer. I have performed on the Pima Reservation. I am a writer and Poet with Native Images, in the past, Presentations have been done across Arizona with A.S.U. English Dept under Dr.Lynne Nelson, in prior times. This is a special time of Great Peace and Love coming out. The Wisdom teachings are being brought to many so they may awaken and gain understanding and Love. Ultimately it can only be done through the Creator and Divine LOVE.