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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Headlined Guests that have appeared on BBS Radio TV

Guest Name
Try using the first name first
Guest Occupation: Basketball Coach/Mentor
Guest Biography:

Coach Benjamin Mireles is a professional all the way around. He owns a small Automotive Detailing Business (Ben's Elite Detailing), the Next Level Elite Training and Development basketball program, while having over 17 years coaching experience and 8 years as a professional coach and training and development coach. He currently owns the Central Basketball Development League and the South Florida Spartans professional basketball team out of Orlando, Florida. He owns a record of 24-3 in the minors and have sent several players overseas over the last 6 years. He has a passion for the game and even declined to accept a $400,000 coaching contract from a team in Ecuador which is a Division 1 league to stay here in the states to assist in building these young players and teaching them the basketball industry while training and developing players to the highest levels. He promotes professional basketball to the highest level and has coached in many professional combines and workouts as well as the Global Basketball Summer League in Las Vegas.

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College
Guest Occupation: Basketball Coach/Mentor
Guest Biography:

Lewis is a former high-level professional basketball player who played internationally in Chile, Venezuela, Korea, Poland, Cyprus and the CBA. He is a former star player for Weber State where he won two Big Sky championships. He has coaching experience in the ABA and was a featured coach in the Eurobasket Summer League (ESL) from 2008-11. Lewis is the founder of the Utah Sports Academy a program that has positively impacted thousands of youth through a variety of sports programs and educational platforms. Lewis serves as a mentor to aspiring professional athletes for the Global Basketball brand. Lewis is a dedicated father of four beautiful daughters and works hard developing sports programs in the Salt Lake City area.

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College
Guest Occupation: Researcher
Guest Biography:

Located in the back of Nice city (French Riviera), the plateau of the pass of Vence is the seat since long times of strange events of nature very diverse.

Pierre Beake was interested there since the end of the Seventies. A spectacular observation personally implying him at the beginning of the Nineties will lead Pierre to be even more strongly invested in the study of these strange phenomena, and to tie bonds of friendship with other investigators.

It is the starting point of a new period of investigation which will lead to a disconcerting form of interaction with what seems to hide behind these demonstrations.

Guest Category: UFOs, Near Death Experiences, Ghosts, Numerology, Astrology, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Shamanism, Psychic & Intuitive, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: National Speaker
Guest Biography:

Within a 5-year period, Joyce OBrien’s husband, Kevin, was paralyzed after a brain hemorrhage and both Joyce and Kevin were diagnosed with late stage cancers.

Faced with their devastating diagnoses, and fearing leaving their baby girl an orphan, Joyce, an Executive Vice President on Wall Street, left a successful 18 year career to begin her healing journey.

Ten years ago, Joyce and Kevin were blessed with healing stage 3b and stage 4 cancers, chronic fatigue, depression and more. Joyce’s life mission became clear and she invested years in training, research and studying with top doctors and experts in holistic health to discover many of the secrets of what makes us sick and how to heal.

Joyce, trained in Biological Medicine and Microscopy, is a national speaker empowering, inspiring and educating her audiences with the tools to improve their health – body, mind and spirit.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon
Guest Biography:

Dr. David Hanscom is a board certified orthopedic surgeon specializing in complex spine problems in all areas of the spine. He has expertise in adult and pediatric spinal deformities such as scoliosis and kyphosis. A significant part of his practice is devoted to performing surgery on patients who have had multiple prior spine surgeries. He works for Swedish Neuroscience Specialists in Seattle, WA with eight neurosurgeons and a physiatrist.

Dr Hanscom completed his medical degree from Loma Linda University in 1979, .a residency with internal medicine in Spokane, WA from 1979-1981, an Orthopedic surgery residency was at the University of Hawaii from 1981-1984, .a six-month orthopedic trauma fellowship in 1984 at UC Davis in Sacramento, CA. and completed his spinal deformity fellowship in Minneapolis, MN at Twin Cities Scoliosis Center in 1986.

He is the founder of the “DOCC” project. It stands for “Defined, Organized, Comprehensive, Care.” This is a structured rehabilitation protocol for chronic pain, which involves improving sleep, managing stress, engaging in long-term conditioning, obtaining adequate pain control with aggressive medication management, re-setting goals, and educating the patient so as to regain control of their decision making.

He is the founder of the Puget Sound Spine Interest group, which was formed in 1987. It is a non-profit educational group, which provides a regional forum for physicians to share ideas regarding optimum spine care.  “Awake at the Wound” is a process, which brings athletic performance principles into the operating room. He co-founded the program with his golf-instructor, David Elaimy, in 2006. David Elaimy is also a performance coach who has been giving golf-based performance seminars in the financial sector for over fifteen years.

He had written many articles and his latest book Back in Control: A spine surgeon’s roadmap out of chronic pain, publish in 2012 is still a top seller on Amazon.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Founder and CEO of Empowered Language Systems, Martial Artist, NLP Master Practitioner, Personal Empowerment Educator
Guest Biography:

Mark England has been studying methods and techniques for personal empowerment for the last decade. He has a Masters Degree in International Education, is an NLP Master Practitioner, has had a full time private language practice last eight years, and is the Founder and CEO of the Empowered Language Systems. In his spare time Mark likes to travel, dance, and practice martial arts, and have fun.

About The Empowered Language System

The Empowered Language Systems is an educational system that helps people use their language in a more intelligent and empowering way.

A vast majority of peoples fears and stumbling blocks stem from a lack of a quality education about how language works. There is a whole lot more to language than just its grammar. Language heavily influences our imaginations and our energy (emotions and feelings) and getting properly trained in that process can mean all the difference in your world.

“Education is the key that opens the golden doors of freedom” – George Washington Caver

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Mental Health, Self Help, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Photographer, Author, Native American Researcher, Lecturer
Guest Biography:

Connie Baxter Marlow, grew up in Pittsfield, Maine.  She graduated from Dana Hall School in Wellesley, Massachusetts. In 1968 she graduated from UC Berkeley with an honors degree in Economics.  While at Berkeley she studied photography in the West Coast style of black and white landscape photography. She is the great, great granddaughter of James Phinney Baxter, 6-time Mayor of Portland, Maine and great grandniece of Percival P. Baxter, Governor of Maine 1921-1925. She is a direct descendent of John and Priscilla Alden and Alice and William Mullins, Mayflower Pilgrims.

Her visionary, philanthropic and courageous ancestors inspire Connie to carry on their mandate to make the world a better place.  Her life's work has been to communicate information she feels she has discovered regarding the nature of the universe as it is held in the knowing of all people and carried in the "way of life" of the indigenous peoples of the world, and manifested in the evolution of the American Spirit through the literal application of America's Freedom Documents.

In 1972 Scrimshaw Press published Connie's book of photographs on Mt. Katahdin and Baxter State Park, Greatest Mountain: Katahdin's Wilderness.   Connie created that book to communicate the vision of her Uncle Percival, who gave the 200,000 acres and 50 mountains that comprise Baxter State Park to the people of Maine to be held "forever wild" , because she felt that if people knew of his vision and his mission they would honor the "Deeds of Trust " established by Baxter. 

Greatest Mountain:Katahdin's Wilderness was republished in 1999 by Tilbury House Publishers.  The new edition reflect s Connie's 10 year involvement with the Native Americans. It includ es the Wabanaki connection to their sacred mountain through writings by Arnie Neptune and Dennis Kostyk, as well as Connie's evolving worldview as her experiences with the visionary elders of the United States and Mexico influenced her life and her thinking.

In 2000 a photography exhibit entitled Greatest Mountain: Exploring the Mystical Nature of Katahdin evolved out of the Katahdin book.  In 2002 this exhibit hung in Concord, Massachusetts and a film series entitled The American Evolution: Voices of America evolved from the events held in conjunction with the exhibit.  The film series features Henry David Thoreau through interpreter, Richard Smith; top Thoreau scholar and editor , Bradley P. Dean, Ph.D.:   Arnie Neptune and Barbara Beckwith, Penobscot elders, Muslim Imam, Feisal Rauf, Greek/American sociologist Kyriacos Markides and Mt. Katahdin and discusses the profounder aspects of being American, bringing in the Native American perspective and Thoreau's life-long interest in the Algonquin Indian.  Information on the film series and copies of it are available for purchase.

Connie has spent extensive time with visionary Native American elders throughout the United States and Mexico and most recently the Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert of Africa.

She, her father Jack Baxter and daughter Alison Baxter Marlow and partner Andrew Cameron Bailey have a photography exhibit Rhythms of Creation: Impressions of Indigenous Peoples of the World which has toured New England, and hung in Mexico, Colorado and Utah and is currently on permanent exhibit in Sedona, Arizona at Page Springs Bed and Breakfast and Vacation Home at Rancho Feliz. 

Connie has a multi-media presentation entitled “Divine Discoveries at Ground Zero: An Uplifting Look at the Events of 9/11”  in which she presents substaniating evidence that indicates that the events of 9/11/01 triggered the opening of the human heart and the rebirth of America, with a significant Hopi Connection. She is currently working on an America History Course book and DVD entitled “An Expanded Look at American History” in which she traces the role of inspiration and trust in bringing profound freedom to the human condition through individual action and America's role in the process.

She has lectured throughout the country at high schools, colleges, peace conferences and other events on a variety of  inspirational topics.  

She is the mother of three grown children, Alison, Consi and Jonny whom she raised in Aspen, Colorado.  She currently lives with her partner Andrew Cameron Bailey at Rancho Feliz in Sedona, Arizona where they welcome guests to the Page Springs Bed and Breakfast and Vacation Home.

Andrew and Connie are working on a soon-to-be-released film entitled "In Search of the Future. Where have we Been? Where are we Going? What do the Wise Ones Know?"  This film features visionary elders, futurists and chaos theorists and questions the assumptions which drive the prevailing paradigm. They are also working on a book concerning the nature of the universe.

Guest Category: Arts, Visual Arts, Health & Lifestyle, History, Philosophy, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: President Natural Solutions Foundation
Guest Biography:

MAJOR GENERAL ALBERT N. STUBBLEBINE is a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy (West Point, class of 52) who enjoyed a distinguished 32 year career in the U.S. Army. He retired as the Commanding General of the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM). Prior to this assignment he commanded the US Army Electronics Research and Development Command (ERADCOM). During his active duty career he commanded soldiers at every level. After his retirement he served as the VP for Intelligence Systems with BDM, a major defense contractor. He has brought these experiences to leading-edge medical research and development in collaboration with his wife Rima E. Laibow, M.D

He is a long-term out-of-the-box thinker who redesigned the U.S. Army?s Intelligence Architecture while serving as the Commanding General of the U.S. Army?s Intelligence School and Center. This intelligence restructuring earned him his place in the Intelligence Hall of Fame.

Among his other accomplishments, he participated in a special task force which defined the requirements of the U.S. Army for future conflict. Many of the innovations he developed helped the U.S. to conduct the First Gulf War effectively and swiftly with a very low casualty rate.

Having defended his country for 32 years and having then worked for the remainder of his career to build better ways of being and becoming well, Bert is determined not to let the forces which are threatening American?s health freedoms prevail. Formerly a warrior for America's military, now he is a warrior for America?s health and personal freedom.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, History, Medicine, Politics & Government, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Medical Director of Natural Solutions Foundation
Guest Biography:

RIMA E. LAIBOW M.D. is the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation. She is a graduate of Albert Einstein College of Medicine (1970) who believes passionately in the right every American to choose a personal health path that is free of government or corporate interference.

She has practiced drug-free, natural medicine for 35 years by seeking the underlying cause of every illness and ailment. Over During this time, she has enjoyed remarkable success with a wide assortment of cataclysmic problems and health promotion efforts.

Like other healers who trust the innate ability to heal, she believes in using nutrients and other natural options to find, define and treat the problems which underlie degenerative, chronic diseases. The key is supporting the immune and other crucial body systems. Dr. Laibow has seen results from these techniques so often in her patients and in her personal life, that she believes the medicine of the future is the medicine of cooperation with nature.

Dr. Laibow is the President of the NeuroTherapy Certification Board which she helped establish in order to strengthen and develop the field of NeuroBioFeedback and bring it into wide-spread use as a powerful, non-toxic tool for modern medicine.

Because of Dr. Laibow's awareness of the wide variety of powerful natural, non-toxic options available to treat the underlying causes of disease, she is focused on maintaining these choices for all Americans. Based on her understanding of the impact of poor nutrition and chemical/pesticide toxicity on the declining health of America, Dr. Laibow is determined to help Americans maintain their right to choose health promotion rather than illness care in their efforts to protect themselves from disease and toxic harm.

Dr. Laibow wants our audience to check out the Ebola Protocol

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Science, Self Help
Guest Biography:

Jack Churchward served six years in the United States Navy and went on to earn his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of South Florida. Jack has over thirty years experience in the Aerospace and Defense industry. In addition to earning the rank of Eagle Scout and participating in archaeological digs as a youth, Jack is a fourth generation engineer and fourth generation patent holder and identifies himself as a Tibetan Buddhist. 

Jack Churchward's research into the life and theories of his great-grandfather James Churchward, author of the books about the Lost Continent of Mu, is conducted using his technical expertise, unique connections, special viewpoint and access to a portion of James' original source materials. Armed with his knowledge and capabilities, Jack seeks to create a more complete understanding of James Churchward's theories and ancient advanced civilizations. 

Jack Churchward's first book, Lifting the Veil on the Lost Continent of Mu, Motherland of Men, was published in 2011 and is the definitive edition of the 1926 classic. Jack's second book, The Stone Tablets of Mu, is due out in 2014 and discusses the rarely seen 1927 book by James entitled, "Copies of Stone Tablets Found by William Niven"

Guest Category: Earth & Space, History
Guest Occupation: Author, Researcher and Consultant in Anomalous Trauma. Offering Hypnotherapy, Coaching and Telephone Consulting Services.
Guest Biography:

Eve Lorgen, MA

Eve Lorgen is a dedicated counseling professional, UFO/alien abduction researcher, Anusara yogi and writer. She began her pioneering work with alien abductees while earning her Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology in 1992. She also holds a BS in Biochemistry and worked in the Biotechnology industry for 7 years. Eve started a support group in 1994 in San Diego County, CA for experiencers of anomalous trauma and continues to consult with anomalous trauma clients worldwide today while living in Western North Carolina. She was a close associate of the late Barbara Bartholic and is dedicated in continuing and expanding the work of the late Dr. Karla Turner.

Anomalous Trauma is defined as traumatic events that are out of the normal range of human experience. These experiences may include alien abductions, near death experiences, shamanic initiations, military abductions (milabs) mind control, spiritual warfare, demonic and psychic attacks, cult involvement and narcissistic abuse. Early on in her career counseling alien abductees, she discovered a plethora of unusual experiences that often accompanied those who reported alien encounters and milabs. The most prominent aspect of Eve’s counseling and support is with those who are experiencing some form of alien or paranormal orchestrated love relationship issues, or what she calls “the love bite”.

The love bite is a misunderstood and highly taboo aspect of the alien abduction experience: alien engineering of human love relationships and alien manipulation of abductees’ lives. However, as more people have come forward to share their unusual “orchestrated love relationships”, Eve discovered that this is not exclusive to the “alien abductee subpopulation” and is much more widespread.

Eve authored “The Love Bite: Alien Interference of Human Love Relationships”

(E Logos & HHC Press, 2000) and is a contributing author to all three volumes of the Universal Seduction by Angelico Tapestra. She is currently writing a self-help book on love relationships related to the paranormal themes discussed, so that seekers may be able to recognize, deal with and heal from these engineered “trauma drama” love relationships, and be able to discern between a true soul mate and a counterfeit one– orchestrated from questionable “otherworldly” sources.

Eve Lorgen has written numerous articles internationally on the alien abduction phenomenon in magazines such as X-Times, Nexus, JAR, MUFON Journal, Enigmas, Unknown Magazine, independent E-zines, newsletters, blogs and web sites. Many of her articles have been printed in Spanish, Italian, French and Croatian. Eve is also an excellent poet. She is a frequent guest of talk radio shows, independent film documentaries, and a former radio show host for NSPN Night Search Paranormal Radio Network of out Memphis, TN. She has publicly lectured across the US for MUFON groups, annual conferences, independent paranormal & UFO discussion groups and Brian Hall’s Conspiracy Conference.

Eve is also participating in a new venture, called RISE Multiversity.  Some of my favorite guests are participating in this new, educational process:  George Kavassilas, Tom Montaulk, Laura Lee Mysticah, Sienna Lea and of course Eve Lorgen.

Guest Category: Paranormal, UFOs, Ghosts, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Psychic & Intuitive, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Vocal Performer, Music Artist, Actress, Famous TV Voice
Guest Biography:

Although no stranger to the stage, Marsha, who won the top prize for best Vocal Performance in the International American Song Festival, which included hundreds of thousands of performers from all over the world, as well as steady live shows and recording, stepped away from performing to raise her daughter, Rachael, and pursue her voice-over and acting career (a SAG/AFTRA member with hundreds of national credits).

You may not realize it, but you have probably heard her voice before.. Marsha has been dubbed by the press as the Voicemail Queen ­ the voice for over 40 million voice mail system subscribers in this country at one time. “I’m sorry that’s not a valid password – please try your call again later.” And..” Are you Still There?” She was also the National voice for Safeway and Vons TV and radio spots, to name a few. She also started a company with her daughter 7 years ago called Just in Case, Inc. A socially conscious company with a mission to empower women to make positive choices for their personal health.(

The winds of change began a year ago  when she returned to her passion - singing.  ”I literally had to sing again. Music has a direct link to the heart – and when you are given the gift of song – and you don’t use it – it ends up in heartbreak.  It was time.”

After reconnecting with a former band mate she hadn’t worked with in 20 years, through Social Media, Marsha recorded her CD, It's Time in Nashville with Diskeyes Productions. At the helm of production was Donny Marrow, with his esteemed group of studio musicians from all over the country. Her songs range from Billie Holiday to Bonnie Raitt. “I’ve been known to cross genres for a great lyric. And do – often,” she muses. She recently recorded her 2nd CD in Nashville which is due out later this year and is planning a live recording session in November of this year.

After successful shows at Catalina Jazz Club, and an SRO show at Vitello’s Upstairs, she has been invited to return to Catalina’s on July 10th with her “Gentlemen of Jazz”. Featuring jazz greats, Llew Matthews is Musical Director/Piano, Kenny Dennis on Drums, Rickey Woodard on Sax, and Mike Gurrola on Bass.

From the moment she steps onto the stage, Marsha captivates the audience, has it in the palm of her hand and never lets go. She is a consistent, constant joy throughout her performance. How fortunate we are that she has revived her singing career after a long absence from the music scene. Betty Hoover, Jazz at the A Frame.

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Music Artist, Soloist, Performer
Guest Biography:

Shanna “Songbird” O’Brien has been singing since a young girl.  She was a featured soloist in her church choir.   Family and friends would insist that she sing at functions and gatherings.  Her wonderfully rich tone has always been “music to the ears.”

Shanna’s influences are traditional folk music as well as Elvis, Bob Dylan, The Beatles,  Annie Lennox, Ella Fitzgerald, Joni Mitchell, and many more.

The ’80′s found her living in the Bay Area playing her original songs at the Sleeping Lady Café in Fairfax, The Resh House in Mill Valley and many of Marin’s music festivals.

Eventually she recorded sessions with the “master synthesist,”Patrick Gleeson as well as Michael Cotten and Prairie Prince from The Tubes, Greg Douglass, former guitarist with the Steve Miller Band and Cory Lerios of Pablo Cruise.  Greg Douglass agreed to be featured on her first album of originals entitled “Timeless” produced by Terry Cano, released in 2005.

In the ’80′s she opened for Journey at the Old Waldorf in San Francisco and went on to have her own show at the MGM Grand in Reno as well as at the Mandarin Hotel in Singapore.

During the 90′s, Shanna’s path took a turn away from music and into film distribution as well as caring for a loved one who became ill.  She worked for Medallion TV Enterprises in West Hollywood for 10 years and was appointed president of the company.

Shanna went on to work for John Wayne’s film company, Batjac Productions, in Burbank.

Shanna is happy to announce that she recently left the corporate world and is now devoting herself fulltime to her music, currently performing in the LA area and working on her second album of originals produced by world renowned percussionist Steve Reid at Sonic Jungle Studios in North Hollywood.

Shanna is an example of someone who kept her dreams alive throughout all the twists and turns that life takes along the way.

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Publisher of the Sedona Journal of Emergence
Guest Biography:

Melody is the tenacious and decicated founder, publisher, and distributer of the Sedona Journal of Emergence. Her vision and insight has provided an accessible worldwide medium for channelers.

Guest Category: Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Medium & Channeling, Shamanism
Guest Occupation: R&B vocalist, Musician
Guest Biography:

With a sound reminiscent of Lelo Thomas mixed with the newstyle freshness of The Weeknd, JR is ready to represent for the new school of R&B vocalists. Jamaal Holmes also know as the artist J.R. was born March 14th 1983. Born into a musical family, JR is a talented pianist since the age of 7, saxophonist from the age of 10 and flutist from the age of 16.

Music has always been an important part of his life. He studied Jazz theory at North Carolina Central University. Growing up in a religious family, his exposure to the Church choir developed his love for singing. He was a member of the Chamber Choir in High School and on the collegiate level as well.

These experiences helped to season J.R. and contributed to his emergence as not just a talented singer but also a talented writer and producer. His live performances are dynamic and  engaging, qualities sure to enhance his touring appeal.  J.R. has all the right eyes on him, and Is sure to win over the hearts and ears of the world. He is fresh, multi-talented , unique and a breath of fresh air to the world of R&B and Pop music. 
Guest Category: Arts, Music, Variety
Guest Occupation: Soprano Opera Singer
Guest Biography:

Ms. Carmelita Bartholomew’s passion for opera started at a very young age. She started performing with the Baltimore Opera Company and Washington National Opera Company as a supernumerary member in the year 2000. Performances in some operas were Don Giovanni, Don Pasquale, La Sonnambula, Dead Man Walking, I Puritani, The Bartered Bride, Nabucco, Tosca, Maria Stuarda, Le Nozze Di Figaro, La Traviata, Carmen, and Aida. Ms. Bartholomew studies and sings opera in six different languages Italian, Spanish, French, German, Russian, and Hindi.

Other places Ms. Bartholomew has performed at include Loyola University, Coppin State University, Morgan State University, The District Court Of Baltimore, MD, Naval Academy of Maryland, Baltimore City School District, Mayors Office of Baltimore, MD. Reginald F. Lewis Museum, Union Memorial Hospital, C.M.L.S. Production, The Ricky Shackleford Show, First Christian Community Baptist Church, Shiloh Baptist Church, Heritage United Church Of Christ, New Southwest Baptist Church, Seventh Baptist Church, Greater Faith Hope Tabernacle Church, Faith Christian Fellowship World Outreach, NYC NO.1 Front Club and the Towson African American Festival, and other religious events, weddings and social engagements.

Ms. Bartholomew interviewed on The Coyote Man Show Fox 45, The Dann Glover Show on 1010 am radio, and The Style Chronicle Season Finals inter net radio show. Ms. Bartholomew also signed on with music artist Septimius The Great as a special guest Opera Singer. Opened up for Queen B. Lil’ Kim The Rapper at Club Love in Washington DC. She also performed international at the Barbados Music Awards Show with music artist Septimius the Great, The Ambassador Of Egypt, Germany, India, Calfornia, Virginia, Philadelphia, and New York City. Also performed at The National Cherry Blossoms Festival In Washington DC. for the United States President Barack Obama

Guest Category: Arts, Music, Variety
Guest Occupation: International Award-wining Urban Dance Music Recording Artist, Songwriter and Entertainer
Guest Biography:

Septimius the Great, a Maryland based dance artist, is an International Award Winning entertainer and creative innovator. Known around the globe for his dance music in domestically and abroad, he has worked with some of the industry’s biggest names including Fantasia, Chrisette Michele, Lil Kim, Lil Mo, Pat Benetar, Patti Labelle, Crystal Waters, and Ultra Nate’ just to name a few.

3x award winner at the Indie Music Channel Awards in Hollywood, CA USA for Best Dance Music Artist, Best World Music Artist and Best Rap Video.His recent chart topping recording, “Who's The Sexiest" earned him the International Music Award for Best Male Vocalist. Also in his song "I Am Fashion” garnered a nomination for “Best Dance Song” by the Hollywood Music in Media Awards. Most recently he has also been nominated for Best Music Artist by the Baltimore Music Awards and the RAW Music Awards. Septimius’ music is full of imagination and his performances have touched audiences in a brand new way. A hard worker, Septimius the Great has worked diligently to get his music across the airwaves and dance clubs of the world. He has single handedly pushed the energetic and powerful.

In addition to his music career, Septimius the Great is very active in front of and behind the camera. To date he’s produced four award worthy videos for his songs “Exotic Pleasure”, “I Am Fashion”, “Who’s the Sexiest”, and “When in Rome”. These songs and videos present the perfect fusion of dance music, fashion, and cultures.

From Opera to Rap, Dance to Hip Hop, Electronic to Pop, Septimius the Great’s music, magnetic personality, and flair for fashion, have announced his permanent presence on the music scene. He is here to stay!

Confident and Charismatic, with an infectious boatload of charm felt by his team all the way to his fans is the foundation of Septimius’ brand. Working with a multitude of producers, Septimius creates infectious beats and catchy songs that continually repeat through a person's mind that are inspired by ancient European style with a blend of dance, hip-hop, pop and rock.

With a style reminiscent of many the likes of:, Cee Lo Green, Michael Jackson, Prince, Madonna, Lady Gaga and Pitbull, Septimius the Great has performed in front of audiences in small lounges to large stadiums. In 2010, he launched his new music EP project called “The New Rome”. The first EP single “I Am Fashion” was released digitally all over world gaining huge recognition. “I Am Fashion” gained notoriety in Germany for his new creation of sound in dance music.

In January 2013, he began to release singles from his upcoming Debut CD “To Be Emperor” which has been well-received both domestically and internationally. The CD includes the original songs “Exotic Pleasure”, “Who’s the Sexiest”, “Command U 2 Dance” and the re-release of “I Am Fashion (remix)”. He is currently being featured on several TV Shows, Radio Stations and Magazines worldwide.

Septimius began as a performing artist in 1997 and that was when the former runway model realized his passion for music and singing. He soon started his recording career as a featured artist with the X9 records recording label, which led to a debut CD single with a local group (M.O.R.), which topped the dance music charts worldwide.

He is currently being featured on several TV shows (Keeping it Real..) , radio stations (KISS FM, HOT 97..), and magazines (Swerv, V-Rag - Canada, Don Diva Magazine…) worldwide. A conscientious performer, Septimius believes that it is important to inspire our youth. Stressing education, he constantly teaches the importance of fairness and honest and provides a worthwhile competitive opportunity through his Mr. and Miss International Pageant.

Like the Roman Emperor, Septimius the Great will leave his mark in music history.

MUSIC PLAYS: 500,000+ (Europe, Middle East & USA)
MUSIC VIDEO VIEWS: 520,000+ (Europe, Middle East & USA)
MUSIC PLAYS: 500,000+ (Europe, Middle East & USA)
MUSIC VIDEO VIEWS: 520,000+ (Europe, Middle East & USA)

FANS & FOLLOWERS: 71,000+ (Europe, Middle East & USA)

Guest Category: Arts, Business, History, Music, Variety
Guest Occupation: Soul Historian, Clairvoyant, Spiritual medium
Guest Biography:

Omena is a natural-born Spiritual Counselor, Spiritual Medium, and a Soul Historian. She is a certified Hypnotherapist, Rebirther, (energy breathing) REIKI Master Teacher. OMENA is witty, thought provoking, funny and truly gifted. She helps you to grow by providing you with a clear understanding of yourself, and your relationship with people, places, and things in your life.

What makes OMENA special is her ability to know things about you that only you could know.

OMENA will delight and surprise you with her ability to know, your inner personality, why you live life the way you do, and offer clear and meaningful solutions for resolving your real life issues.

Omena has a Master’s Degree in Human Services. For over 35 years, she has worked in the mental-health field as a counselor, therapist, manager, and mentor assisting people living with; Domestic Violence, Addiction, HIV/AIDS, Mental Illness, and Chronic Diseases.

When you experience OMENA, you’ll enjoy learning about yourself without feelings as if you are in Therapy.

Guest Category: Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Akashic Records, Angel Communication, Mystic & Seer, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Intuitive Toe Reader
Guest Biography:

I have always been a gifted intuitive. Stories of my childhood experiences circulate the family table with a sense of wonder (sometimes tinged with fear). Raised without strong religious ties, my experiences at parochial school were exciting - opening more doors than they shut. Through my education, I explored all religions and have incorporated collaborative spirituality into my life and business.

I work with toes as tools to show me how to engage my clients to break down barriers and to merge ideas from conscious thoughts into subconscious belief systems. Always the person people trust with their inner most challenges, I honor those stories and help light the path to a harmonious life.

Join me in my quest to "Increase Health: One SOLE at a Time".

Guest Category: Spiritual