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Guest Name
Mark England
Mark England
Guest Occupation
Founder and CEO of Empowered Language Systems, Martial Artist, NLP Master Practitioner, Personal Empowerment Educator
Guest Biography

Mark England has been studying methods and techniques for personal empowerment for the last decade. He has a Masters Degree in International Education, is an NLP Master Practitioner, has had a full time private language practice last eight years, and is the Founder and CEO of the Empowered Language Systems. In his spare time Mark likes to travel, dance, and practice martial arts, and have fun.

About The Empowered Language System

The Empowered Language Systems is an educational system that helps people use their language in a more intelligent and empowering way.

A vast majority of peoples fears and stumbling blocks stem from a lack of a quality education about how language works. There is a whole lot more to language than just its grammar. Language heavily influences our imaginations and our energy (emotions and feelings) and getting properly trained in that process can mean all the difference in your world.

“Education is the key that opens the golden doors of freedom” – George Washington Caver