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Brandon Pfeiffer Douglas Newsom
Brandon Scott Smith Douglas Newsom
Brandon Supernaw Douglas Newsom
Brayden Bell Douglas Newsom
Breaking Free From The Matrix, January 22, 2014 Dr Edwige Bingue
Breaking from the System, January 22, 2017 Rev Kevin D Annett
Breaking Global News, January 23, 2020: Historic Trial to Prosecute Canada's Ongoing Genocide Rev Kevin D Annett
Breaking ITCCS Global News: Top Government, Corporate and Church leaders in Canada are Indicted and issued Summons to Appear before Genocide Tribunal Rev Kevin D Annett
Breaking ITCCS News July 12 Pope Francis and eleven prominent officials are named and subpoenaed in a lawsuit exposing the Ninth Circle sacrificial cult Rev Kevin D Annett
Breaking ITCCS News, August 26 Bergoglio's Last Gasp Papal Double engages Dublin crowds as Francis evades arrest to meet Curia factions in Galway Ninth Circle covens disrupted in Toronto, Washington, Rome as cult leaders detained Rev Kevin D Annett
Breaking ITCCS News, July 23 (GMT): Assaulted Sheriffs seek Summary Judgement against Pope Francis in European Court - New arrest attempts to be made during August Rev Kevin D Annett
Breaking ITCCS News: Kevin Annett threatened with legal and police action by convicted United Church officials - October 8, 2018 Rev Kevin D Annett
Breaking ITCCS News: Mormon Leader who met with 'Pope Francis' accused of child rape and cult ritual killings by church insiders - Two year investigation releases explosive testimonies Rev Kevin D Annett
Breaking Money Silence, September 1, 2018 Paula Shaw
Breaking new evidence. Fate Catches up with Canada's Big Apple- Doing what comes naturally to Frankenstein Rev Kevin D Annett
Breaking News and Media Advisory, February 24: Pope Francis is stripped of authority as Ninth Circle ceremony is suspended Rev Kevin D Annett
Breaking News Communique from the International Tribunal for the Disappeared of Canada PLUS an Open Letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Rev Kevin D Annett
Breaking News Communique No 2 from the ITCCS Central Office June 24 The aftermath of the attempted arrest of Pope Francis and the shutdown of the Ninth Circle sacrificial ceremony of June 21 Rev Kevin D Annett
Breaking News Communique: ​Ninth Circle "Catholic Black Mass" halted in Geneva after Pope Francis confronted by Common Law Sheriffs Rev Kevin D Annett
Breaking News from the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) Rev Kevin D Annett
Breaking News from The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) FOR IMMEDIATE GLOBAL RELEASE May 15, 2018 Historic Grand Jury to Investigate Church, State and Corporate Terror in Ireland: Top leaders will be subpoenaed Rev Kevin D Annett
Breaking News Release. Wednesday July 31 Prime Minister Trudeau Challenged to Public Election Debate on Genocide in Canada by Republican Candidate Kevin Annett Rev Kevin D Annett
Breaking News this Sunday July 24 on Here We Stand Rev Kevin D Annett
Breaking News! Campaign News Update from the Republic of Kanata, September 8 Rev Kevin D Annett
Breaking News, April 15: A Global Criminal Collusion: Protestant church officials and Pope to unify at summer solstice ceremony – Pact will be sealed in blood Rev Kevin D Annett
Breaking News, June 20, 2021: Genocide Whistleblower nominated for Order of Canada - Kevin Annett named as "motive force" in exposing Genocide and mass graves of children Rev Kevin D Annett
Breaking News, March 9-10: Co-Conspirators in Genocide may be arrested and their assets seized by March 31 Rev Kevin D Annett
Breaking News, October 31: Covenanters post "spiritual eviction orders" and legal notices on Papist churches around the world Rev Kevin D Annett
Breaking News. Indigenous nations in Canada will aid in the arrest of Pope Francis Rev Kevin D Annett
Breaking News: Mass Graves of Indigenous Women and Children uncovered in British Columbia Rev Kevin D Annett
Breaking News: Operation Atonement: Ending the Reign of Criminal Churches Commencing on Child Holocaust Remembrance Day – April 15, 2018 Rev Kevin D Annett
Breaking News: Protests, arrests, teach-ins planned across the world Rev Kevin D Annett
Breaking Rules to Succeed, November 27, 2017 Ken D Foster
Breaking the Chains that We Forge: What is this Thing called the Prison Planet? Rev Kevin D Annett
Breaking the Chains: A Republic of Kanata Anniversary Message from Kevin Annett of the Provisional Council of the Republic Rev Kevin D Annett
Breaking the Silence Dr Gregory Williams