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Sometimes we have to get to the root of an issue before positive thinking can actually work!

We have three parts of us....subconcious, super concious and our conscious.  Therefore, all three have to work together for our production and Souls Journey to be exciting and forward moving.

If you are anything like I am, I used to think positive all the time, yet my subconcious had a mind of its own and was fighting my positive thoughts 24/7.

It took energy work of great magnatude to handle the constant battle going on amongst the different consciousness parts.  Working together in one direction on your individual soul's journey is the key.

Once they are all going on the same souls journey, then and only then can those positive thoughts really take action, yet remembering that your souls' journey takes control.  We made decisions with Spirit and our team for our souls path this life so we have an easier time going int that direction.

I will share a personal experience:  For 10 years I have attempted to sell my home in the mountains.  I have had contracts on the home, visitors who loved the home yet no sale. Even came so close that we were at the closing table yet it fell through.

Now, 10 years later, I realize, a bit long to get it but finally came to me that I am not supposed to move. I love my mountain retreat and really want to stay, but kept convincing myself that the home was too big, I needed a smaller place.  I have spent time, energy and money making it nearly brand new for the new owners, never for myself, but to sell the home.

Always having a dream of being able to counsel women in a safe, quiet and peaceful place, I never thought or realized that this home had it all.

So, no matter how hard we try to make something happen, if it isn't on our souls journey, it may not happen even with positive thinking.  We need to live our souls journey and live it with patience and faith thus creating freedom.

Hope this helps someone this beautiful July day. Dr. Vikke   Living Your Soul's Journey