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Many people are still not clear as to why we are in Syria. There are many summaries available on the Internet. The details of the following are not original with me, but the explanation is generally given as follows by those who do not follow the official US Government line that we are there to bring democracy to the poor oppressed people of Syria and rescue them from the tyrant Assad who gasses them (totally proven false) and who drops barrel bombs on them (which are somehow supposed to be more immoral than the US personnel fragmentation bombs). Anyway, it is all because Russia has natural gas that it wishes to sell to Europe.

Conversely, the US and Europe want to install a pipeline, instead, from Saudi Arabia into Europe. The problem is the pipeline would have to go through SYRIA and the legitimately elected government of SYRIA does not WANT it there.

Here we are at the long anticipated 4th of October - and while I have said  the expected convergence of the 10 threads of events are actually taking place - it is well that we observe them as they happen.

The last couple of days have been VERY eventful!

1. The US Secretary of State John Kerry has stated that the US is dropping all diplomatic relations with Russia over Syria.

2. The next step is war. Russia says that if that occurs it will be nuclear WW3.  (According to Scripture, Russia is supposed to begin WW3.)

3. Today (the 4th) Russia began a four day national civil defense drill. It's first ever!  In which it is having 40 million of its citizens (first responders, police, military, mayors, and all those in positions of authority) put aside everything else - and study/review/practice civil defense procedures.

4. Russia today, for the first time, has moved a series of ABM missiles outside of Russian borders and has placed them in Syria and has told the US if the US fires a cruise missile into Syria that it will be destroyed.

5. US Destroyers are sitting in the Mediterranean huffing and puffing but so far as yet not firing.

6. Russia has for the first time moved NUCLEAR ARMED missiles directly to its borders.

7. Numerous verified reports of greatly increased military movement inside the US.

8. Today, Russia scrapped its nuclear treaty with the US.

9. Shootings this week of several unarmed black men not reported in the US MSM (you have to search out local accounts) as news about the BLM movement is suppressed in favor of such things as jewelry robbery from a media star - in order to suppress the possibility of riots.

10. For today's list of ten I can only mention that the IMF implemented the SDR (Special Drawing Rights for China) and that gold today has taken a major dip perhaps because China has a new currency backed by gold.

I won't discuss now the potential Derivatives Disaster in this regards, nor the Two Major German Bank defaults that are possibly looming, tied into the refugee plight, Brexit and many other issues such as with the US economy. Ten is enough for people to try to wrap their heads around.

And oh yes, the UN took control of the Internet. All these things take awhile to sort out.

Here is a news quote about Syria:

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford, ... last week warned Congress that the implementation of a No Fly Zone in Syria as proposed by John Kerry recently, and a centerpiece of Hillary’s foreign policy strategy, would result in World War III.

During testimony before the Senate Committee on Armed Services last week General Joseph Dunford rang the alarm over a policy shift that is gaining more traction within the halls of Washington following the collapse of the ceasefire brokered by the United States and Russia in Syria saying that it could result in a major international war which he was not prepared to advocate on behalf of.

Senator Roger Wicker of Mississippi asked about Hillary Clinton’s proposal for a no fly zone in Syria in response to allegations that Russia and Syria have intensified their aerial bombardment of rebel-held East Aleppo since the collapse of the ceasefire.

"What about the option of controlling the airspace so that barrel bombs cannot be dropped? What do you think of that option?" asked Wicker. "Right now, Senator, for us to control all of the airspace in Syria would require us to go to war against Syria and Russia. That is a pretty fundamental decision that certainly I’m not going to make," said the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff suggesting the policy was too hawkish even for military leaders.

Many today, both in the US and Russia, wonder who is in charge in the US. Secretary of Defense Gates publically refuses to obey Obama, which in other times, with other presidents, they would have demanded that Gates' letter of resignation be on their desk, no later than 4pm.

Now this. So there does seem to be a tension between the elected political figures and the military leaders.

Why we are in Syria

Many people are still not clear as to why we are in Syria. There are many summaries available on the Internet. The details of the following are not original with me, but the explanation is generally given as follows by those who do not follow the official US Government line that we are there to bring democracy to the poor oppressed people of Syria and rescue them from the tyrant Assad who gasses them (totally proven false) and who drops barrel bombs on them (which are somehow supposed to be more immoral than the US personnel fragmentation bombs).  Anyway, it is all because Russia has natural gas that it wishes to sell to Europe.

Conversely, the US and Europe want to install a pipeline, instead, from Saudi Arabia into Europe. The problem is the pipeline would have to go through SYRIA and the legitimately elected government of SYRIA does not WANT it there.

The US and Europe DECIDED, since Bashar-al-Assad didn't want to give in to them, that HE NEEDED TO GO, a procedure they call 'regime change' and so they have been ARMING the REBELS who are opposing Assad --whether moderate or ISIS/Al-Queda.

Syria then called in Russia to help it- and since Russia doesn't want that pipeline competition either - it of course agreed.

Throw in the usual Muslim animosities regarding Syria's neighbor Israel, and the fight is on. Everybody around there and involved claims to read the Bible, but somehow they ignore the verses about Damascus.

Since all war is really only about money when all considerations are "boiled down" it stands to reason that it is of no benefit to eternally destroy that for which you wage your war from, not only those from whom you wish to take it, but from yourself as well. Massive areas of persistent radiation will undoubtedly deny access to land which will otherwise be capable of providing the wealth of food production which will be so valuable "AFTER". 

Thus, while I do believe such devastating weapons will be used, I think they will be used only in areas of dense population in order to preserve the wealth that is under contention and thus allowing the victor to win that for which he fights...or protects should that be the current owner of the land.

The events we imagine/anticipate really have at least three major periods/PHASES.  The first, a period called by many, "Survival", which to me is something that will be rather short in duration due to the severe and extensive destruction and nuclear fallout we anticipate.  However, this is only the early and probably shortest phase of what we expect.  Once (as they said in helicopter escape training") ALL violent motion has ceased, THEN you begin to make your exit from the vehicle/situation which in this case is the destruction of the infrastructure etc.  However, the extent of devastation and nuclear poison will by default shorten this phase, so that phase II which is termed "RECONSTRUCTION" can begin.  

I anticipate this phase being somewhat longer and possibly more complex should there continue to be hostilities that re-kindle the emotions that caused the first phase.  In the words of A. Einstein, "I don't know what they will use to fight the next war, but the one after that will be fought with sticks and stones."  He has a point.  Once all the "big weapons" are used, there won't really be any more produced unless there is a reserve arsenal with those who know how to use/make them are also "LEFT BEHIND".  

This then leaves PHASE II (Reconstruction) in some jeopardy for some period of time but not forever, opening the Third and subsequent phase which is "The New Normal"...a phase we hope will become a long and peaceful renewal of some form of social structure and time of peace for mankind.

While this is purely MY own theory, it in many ways mirrors what has happened in much of the past.  While we understand that much of the purpose of war (as described by Malthus) is to reduce the population so as to reduce the drain on the resources of the earth, it is also to encourage and bring about a "new beginning" or "Rise from the Ashes" which in this case might be quite literally interpreted.  

I write this to you at this time because as we currently see the "winds of war" beginning to blow, there still has to be a time after it is over and that is the essence of our mission while on this earth.  To bring Peace on Earth. At least, that is what I believe. Please gather in your prayer groups and Let the Prayers Begin.