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Redefining Ourselves In New Ways

Hello All,
We have been exploring identity in group. How current or not are our personal identities? There is a strong sense of redefining and relabeling ourselves these days. Our old behaviors and awareness of where we feel the old is blocking us in some way is apparent. Using Matrix Energetics and our other skill sets is very useful in these times. Some of us have been waking up in states of discontent. Some of us observe ourselves in disjointed references. Sometime we forget that we can question who we are as a state of natural evolution.
We get fixed in our definitions. We love our labels. In a linear fashion we might identify infant, child, teen, adult and death. Things can seem to stop after adult when you think in linear terms. We forget that all of that was as a result of maturation. Wisdom and grace can intercede along the way. Mutation and evolution can take place in the redefining of what has developed. What is interesting in a way is that with increasing dementia in our elderly they are reverting from what they have learned becoming adults and regressing to an age when life was simple and easy for them. To say life is challenging these days more so than others may have to do with we are living longer.
As we age environmental influences and other factors come into play but we still think of ourselves as the same even when we feel different, even when we act different.  Either through cumulative means or as an event that starts and stops time within, nothing is powerful enough to add new information to the patterns and whatever our judgment was, so it stands. We can reject new input. It doesn’t fit or support the defining criteria.
We are often finding ourselves offering updated language to students and clients in their references to themselves. The power in our verbal language to our ear is often unheard by the self and very apparent to those of us listening to it’s secrets. The silent conversation also doesn’t register. The critical voice continues on into the night. Living in realities that incorporate potential and possibilities as a way of life allow for the expansion of self. That expansion is an opening to more and can include a letting go or a going beyond and as a deepening. Language expresses our identities. It is funny how we can allow for more and yet nothing can seem to change, though, in our identity. Our language doesn’t change to reflect the opening up of self, the maturation, the evolution, the changing and shifting as energies in the cosmos.
We live longer these days. Our forefathers lived much shorter lives and there were fewer of us. So you didn’t have time to have a sense of evolvement. Physical maturity only meant you were now fertile and could bring forth the next generation and so you were useful and a hot commodity. These days there are many Morphic field influences we tangle in that maintain ourselves defined the same as by the collective critical voice. “You are a loser and will always be a loser” sort of thinking when you may have perhaps defeated this voice long ago but not changed your identity with it. Our cultures still can define who you are by your family and work title. For those of us who’s lives encompass more than one job title we have to develop or reorganize and redefine ourselves. Again. And we don’t get a lot of support for it. So often the outside label can influence the inner definition of self.
All serve to establish us as a particular place holder in consciousness. We need to remind ourselves that we can pick up and change our placement or we can turn in our positioning. Those who we define as successful figure out what works for them and use it and hone the influences. And the definition of success is going to be different to each of us. Some value material goods as successful where others define inner peace as the mark of success. I don’t judge. I know that for me It is nice when life encompasses harmony and balance in how I experience myself. That is the state of being I want to maintain.  
Take some time to access heart space and all that entails. Allow your Consciousness technologies skill sets space to play. Consider your identity. Notice how you hold it in awareness and ask for what is current and then is not. Notice how you experience the conversation and what happens when you add potential into the mix.