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Calling it like it is in the lead up to the Inaguration - don't be duped by the Lame Stream Media. It is time to take a deep breath, engage your critical thinking, forget about what you have been told and lead yourselves from your own heart and soul. - James Gilliland

This letter is directed to the people planning these events, Black Lives Matter, DNC backed and Soros funded provocateurs.  I want to begin by saying I have always been anti corrupt government and have a long history of fighting it. I know their ways, the psyops programs and how they work. I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt you are being duped. You are working towards the goals of the illuminati the one world government; which are presently laughing at your ignorance. Who do you think are funding these operations? I would read Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451 as well as watch the movie Time Machine. You are acting like the Eloi controlled by the Morlocks and the main stream news are the sirens. The ones funding these events are worse than the Morlocks; which are human flesh eating beings that raise the Eloi like cattle. At least the Morlocks did not engage in Satanic Blood Rituals involving human sacrifice, pedophile and other decadent activity.


Everything is not as it seems and many have been misled, lied to and duped into attacking the very people coming forward to put an end to this. The NYPD, the FBI has all of this information on file concerning the behavior of your leaders, those who in error you look up to yet they are being forced to cover it up. It will come out and those who follow these leaders are going to be shocked, embarrassed and angry once they find out the truth. The depth and numbers of those involved in these Satanic Blood Rituals along with those who are being blackmailed to do their bidding is almost unimaginable. My question to you is, “DO YOU WANT THIS TO CONTINUE AND DO YOU WANT TO SERVE THE BEAST.”  You are suffering from Stockholm syndrome, mind control and lack critical thinking. You are fighting in ignorance for your captors. Do you really think Black Lives Matter to these people? They own the plantation. They have used the injustices in the past they were responsible for and redirected them at the very people trying to right these wrongs and your playing right into their game. Why would anyone fight to maintain the status quo?


Do you really believe the Fake News coming from the main stream media who duped you into the endless wars. How many lives were lost, not just black but every color in between. They are doing everything possible to create WW3. Yes the very same people behind the domestic terrorism. What you do not understand is America has to fall in order for the New World Order to come into effect. Divide and conquer is the goal and domestic terrorism is the tool. Turning everyone against each other is the plan and it is time we wake up, unify and direct our energies towards the enslavers. Stop acting like ignorant sheep. You want freedom educate yourself as to who the real enslavers are. If you substitute the Morlocks for the illuminati and the Eloi for the ignorant masses you have exactly what is being enacted as we speak. The only difference is rather than passive sheep you have ignorant and misdirected people working towards their own total enslavement serving the very beast they are angry with. I pray to God, Great Spirit, Creator that someone flips the switch, the soul activator and puts and end to this nonsense. A great lesson was learned at Standing Rock. These wise and steadfast Elders knew their enemy. They knew they would be infiltrated. They knew the media would paint them as violent terrorist having no right to block progress. They tried to incite violence so as to bring in the troops. The Elders educated the people from all walks of life as to what to watch out for. Maybe it is time to listen to them. I believe the environment comes first. The people need to hold government accountable and the work is not done. The new incoming administration is not perfect but it is a bold step in the right direction when it comes to breaking the spell of the enslavers. We have to look at the big picture and also address with brutal honesty how well did the last administration serve humanity? Humanity was at the end of line. They were to busy taking bribes from Big Business, blackmailing, doing Satanic Blood Sacrifices and engaging in pedophile activity to administer to the needs of the people. So why fight for your enslavers?


It is time to take a deep breath, engage your critical thinking, forget about what you have been told and lead yourselves from your own heart and soul. Lets liberate ourselves first, then from the dark hearts and make course corrections as we go along steadfast and peacefully. The Earth is ascending. It is all about frequency. We have to release the past, heal our own wounds and traumas and steer clear of the anger, hate, violence or we will miss the boat. We all need to work together and put an end to the separation game, the divide and conquer programs created by the illuminati and their sirens the mainstream media otherwise known as the lame stream media and the real fake news. Stand up for the alternative media; which is exposing the dark hearts. All lives matter, the earth matters, Universal Law matters which in its simplest form is Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. How do your beliefs and actions align with Universal Law? In ancient times the enlightened ones believed God is within each and every one of us, the Creator is also omnipresent within all Creation. It was their goal to help those less fortunate to meet their basic needs and reach their highest potential.  This is the focus if we are to create Heaven on Earth. The original intent.