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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Headlined Guests that have appeared on BBS Radio TV

Guest Name
Try using the first name first
Guest Occupation: Teacher, Beekeeper, Honey Wine Hobbiest, Bee Researcher, Mead Producer, Apiarist, Honey Farm Co-Owner
Guest Biography:

Mike Campbell

As co-owner, with Judy Campbell, of  Campbell’s Gold Honey Farm and Meadery, we operate a diversified 8 acre farm operation, including an apiary, in south west Abbotsford.  We offer off-farm honey bee pollination services to local growers and focus on honey and honey wine producton.

As retired professionals we set out to have an active and healthy lifestyle in retirement.  We have certainly achieved this goal…and then some!

Mike, who retired from teaching high school after 35+ years, took up hobby beekeeping about 17 years ago, long before he retired.  As retirement approached and in consultation with Judy, the decision was made to combine Mike’s beekeeping and honey wine hobby activities, with Judy’s love of the outdoors, gardening and the arts, to develop what is today a thriving agricultural, agri-tourism business.  Mike has been active in both the Surrey and Langley Bee Clubs and served a term as second vice-president of the B.C. Honey Producters Association.  Over the last 3 years, Mike has participated in research to enhance honey bee health, and results have been submitted for review and publication.

Judy is a retired federal public service manager.  Fear of bees when we first started beekeeping was the biggest obstacle for Judy who reluctantly joined Mike in the beekeeping hobby at the outset.  Mike being the persuasive type, encouraged Judy to take the Ministry of Agriculture’s basic beekeeping course with him. Part of that course had a lab component where participants were a stung in a controlled environment to determine if they had allergies.  It is there that Judy realized that her fear of bees was due to the irrational fear of being stung, and once intentionally stung, she understood that her fear was unfounded.  Slowly Judy overcame her fear of bees, and focused on honey production, product development and sales.

Mike completed the Master Beekeepers Course and Judy completed this same course some years later, as she joined Mike in retirement.

Although Mike is the Apiary Manager and primary apiarist, we work together in our queen rearing and nuc production endeavours.  We are still playing, working, and learning together.

Our passion includes bee education and being socially and environmentally responsible. Both of us have graduate degrees in learning, so in retirement we wanted to continue to learn and facilitate the learning of others. We provide educational tours and activities, and participate in off-farm community events.  Our bee educational tours have involved all ages from 3 yrs to seniors up to 100 years old.  We started a junior beekeeper week-long, summer day camp for ages 10-14, 3 years ago.  In addition to the existing program, for 2012 we are introducing an additional week-long advanced junior beekeepers day camp for those who actually want to start their own hive.  We feel it is critical to encourage future generations to learn about apiculture, an often neglected aspect of agriculture.

The farm is a licenced  Meadery (honey winery),  producing a variety of honey wines, including ancient mead, melomels (honey/fruit wines), pyment (honey/grape wine) and more.

Our on-farm country store opened in 2007 and has provided a location for local consumers from which to buy honeys, honey wines, and other products from the bee hive such as beeswax soaps, candles, and polishes

We also strategically market our honey products to high end markets and stores in the Fraser Valley and in the Caribou.

The honey farm employs 5 employees throughout the year and we attribute much of our success to the group of committed staff, who assist in the apiary and who offer a warm old fashioned country welcome to all who visit the country store.

Guest Category: Business, Earth & Space, Hobbies, Health & Lifestyle, Nutrition, Science
Guest Occupation: Egyptologist, Lecturer, Teacher, Author, Air Force Vet, Archaeologist, Research Scientist, UFO Experiencer
Guest Biography:



Stephen  Mehler was born and raised in New York City, USA  His early education focused on the sciences and he received a B.A. in Physiology and Anatomy, with a minor in Chemistry, from Hunter College of the City University of New York in 1967.  After a four year hiatus in the U.S. Air Force, during the Vietnam War, Stephen came to California and resumed academic work.  He earned an M.A. in Natural Sciences from San Jose State University, specializing in Human Ecology.  Discovering a love for prehistory, Stephen worked on an archaeological excavation in France in 1974 with Professor Francois Bordes of the University of Bordeaux, then Director of Antiquities for southwestern France.  Returning to San Jose State University, Stephen earned a second M.A. in Social Sciences, specializing in Prehistory and Ancient History in 1978.

Since 1968, Stephen has intently researched material about ancient Egypt, particularly the era known as the Amarna Period and the King Akhenaten.  Becoming involved with the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC in 1977, exposed Stephen to the esoteric teachings about Egyptian Mystery Schools.  It was at this time Stephen discovered the writings of the French hermeticist and alchemist, R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, founder of the Symbolist School of Egyptology.  Stephen also cites the writings of John Anthony West, Murry Hope and Bika Reed as major influences in his pursuit into Egyptology.  Presently, Stephen specializes in synthesizing the theories of academic Egyptology with the arcane wisdom tradition known as the Sacred Science of ancient Egypt.

While working as a Staff Research Scientist for the Rosicrucian Order, Stephen experienced and researched with what has become known as the Mayan Crystal Skull.  Stephen has since worked with three other ancient crystal skulls: the Amethyst Crystal Skull, the famous Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull and the Texas Crystal Skull.  Stephen has been interviewed on radio and television concerning his crystal skull research and is featured in the book, Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls Revealed (Bowen, Nocerino & Shapiro, J&S Aquarian Networking, 1988).  Research into crystal skulls is ongoing.

In 1992, Stephen met Egyptian-born Egyptologist and Indigenous Wisdom Keeper, Abd’El Hakim Awyan.  It is Hakim’s teachings about the ancient Khemitian civilization, well over 10,000 years old, that now forms the framework for Stephen’s current research.  Having done field work with Hakim in 1997, 1998, and 1999 in Egypt, Stephen has written a book, THE LAND OF OSIRIS: An Introduction to Khemitology, redefining the field as Khemitology, not Egyptology.  This book also supports the work of Christopher Dunn, author of THE GIZA POWER PLANT.  Stephen’s research supports Dunn’s conclusions that the Great Pyramid was never intended to be a tomb for a king, but a machine to transform, generate and transmit energy. Stephen is currently Director of Research of The Land of Osiris Research Project and The Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association has been interviewed on the radio by Laura Lee, Jeff Rense and the Art Bell show. 

Since 1988, Stephen has also been active in the field of Astrology, and has done private natal and progressed chart readings.  He cites Barbara Hand Clow as a major influence in this area as well as his beloved teacher, Guy Dickinson.

Stephen has also maintained an active interest in the study of UFO/Extraterrestrial phenomenon for over thirty years.  Both as a researcher and experiencer, this interest is presently a part of Stephen’s research into previous prehistoric civilizations.  Stephen cites the works of Max Flindt and Otto Binder, Immanuel Velikovsky, Erich Van Danikan, Zecharia Sitchin and Dr. Arthur Horn as major influences in the possible connection with ancient human civilizations and extraterrestrial contacts.  This research is presently ongoing.

A popular lecturer and teacher, Stephen has had articles published in The Rosicrucian Digest, World Explorer magazine, and Atlantis Rising magazine.  Stephen currently resides in Colorado.

Guest Category: Divination, Earth & Space, History, Science, Technology, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Crop Circle Researcher, Photographer
Guest Biography:

Steve Alexander has been photographing the crop circles for twenty years. During that time he and Karen Alexander have provided an important service to the crop circle world by supplying professional quality photographic imagery of the circles to researchers, the media and the general public. Since 1999 they have produced an annual Year Book showcasing the very best formations of each year along with a written commentary researched by Karen Alexander. The Crop Circle Year Book books are beautifully produced and they contain some of the best crop circle photography you will find anywhere.

Guest Category: Visual Arts, Earth & Space, Paranormal, Science, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Crop Circles Researcher, Commentator, Speaker, Writer, Organiser, Crop Circle Interpreter
Guest Biography:

Karen Alexander is a long time circles researcher and commentator (1990 - to present day) who has for many years brought a thoughtful and introspective touch to researching the crop circles.

A respected and influential speaker and writer, her work seamlessly fuses sacred art, spirituality, psychology and philosophy - the scholarly and the intuitive. Karen is perhaps best known as the writer behind the annually published Crop Circle Year Books (1999 - 2010) and the popular Crop Circles: Signs, Wonders & Mysteries (Arcturus 2006 & 2009). Karen is also organizer of the annual crop circle conference, The Summer Crop Circle Lectures, held in England.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Paranormal, Science, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Actress, Comedian, Writer, Television Producer, Director, 2012 Peace and Freedom Party Presidential Nominee, Stand-up Comic, Political Activist, Celebrity, Author, Speaker
Guest Biography:


Roseanne Cherrie Barr (born November 3, 1952) is an American actress, comedienne, writer, television producer, director and 2012 presidential nominee of the California-based Peace and Freedom Party. Barr began her career in stand-up comedy at clubs before gaining fame for her role in the sitcom Roseanne. The show was a hit and lasted nine seasons, from 1988 to 1997. She won both an Emmy Award and a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress for her work on the show. Barr had crafted a "fierce working-class domestic goddess" persona in the eight years preceding her sitcom and wanted to do a realistic show about a strong mother who was not a victim of patriarchal consumerism.[1]

The granddaughter of immigrants from Europe and Russia, Barr was the oldest of four children in a working-class Jewish Salt Lake City family; she was also active in the LDS Church. In 1974 she married Bill Pentland, with whom she had three children, before divorcing in 1990 and marrying comedian Tom Arnold for four years. Controversy arose when she sang "The Star-Spangled Banner" off-key at a 1990 nationally aired baseball game, followed by grabbing her crotch and spitting.

After her sitcom ended, she launched her own talk show, The Roseanne Show, which aired from 1998 to 2000. In 2005, she returned to stand-up comedy with a world tour. In 2011, she starred in an unscripted TV show, Roseanne's Nuts, that lasted from July to September of that year, about her life on a Hawaiian farm.

In early 2012, Barr announced her candidacy for the Presidential nomination of the Green Party.[2] Barr lost the nomination to Jill Stein.[3] She then sought the presidential nomination of the Peace and Freedom Party, which she won on August 4, 2012.[4] Barr received almost 50,000 votes in the general election, placing sixth overall.[5]

Guest Category: Performing Arts, News, Politics & Government, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Audio Engineer, Video Director, Producer, Writer, Voice Identification Expert, Forensic Investigator
Guest Biography:

Ed Primeau began his career in multimedia in 1979. As an engineer in the music industry, Ed has worked with renowned recording artists like Anita Baker, Bob Seger and Barry Manilow.

In the early 1980s, Mr. Primeau developed a music industry marketing niche, hosting album release parties for major label record companies.

In 1984, Ed founded PrimeauProductions a full-service video production and Internet marketing company specializing in creative video and social media marketing campaigns.

Ed volunteers for charities and organizations throughout the world including the national Speakers Association Foundation

Ed is also an ongoing presenter to Notre Dame University on social media and Internet marketing.

In addition, Ed is also a respected audio visual forensics expert engaged in many law cases throughout the United States and Canada.

Ed is the author of Art of Production, a book about multimedia production including techniques, pre to post production time and money saving ideas and techniques as well as packaging and marketing multimedia products.

He is also a contributing author for “Advance Selling for Dummies”. He has been published in many newspapers and magazines including the Wall Street Journal

Primeau Productions, LLC is working with The Napoleon Hill Foundation restoring films of Dr. Hill for future release. Primeau Productions, LLC is actively involved with production, publishing and promotion for Digital Internet campaigns for clients throughout the world.

Guest Category: News, Politics & Government, Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: Molecular Biologist, Bioregenesis Researcher, Scientist
Guest Biography:

William Brown is a molecular biologist based at the Institute for Bioregenesis Research at the University of Hawai’i in Manoa, Honolulu. His mentor, Dr Frederic Mercier, discovered an extracellular matrix protein complex within the brain that he named fractones, after the fractal patterns of the Mandelbrot set. Their research is focused on elucidating the primary role of fractones and other elements of the connective tissue network in creating neural plasticity, tissue architecture, bioregenesis and the stem cell niche. The Institute’s research is focused on the process of development and pattern formation within the organism and how that can be applied to regenerating damaged tissue and organs within humans. Brown conducts directed research into anything that can be considered strange, and he spends most of his time enjoying nature and music and becoming more aware of the inner source that connects each of us to the Infinite.

William's independent research has been focused on investigating the quantum mechanical nature of biological systems, which was largely inspired by the work of Dr. Mae Won Ho and her amazing book The Rainbow and The Worm – the Physics of Organisms. This has coincided to some degree with his academic research as he has been investigating the connective tissue and extracellular matrix, which William quickly realized forms a vast network that connects all 100 trillion cells of the body together in a coherent system capable of nonlocal communication through macroscopic entanglement of quantum superpositions. The most exciting aspect of these new insights is the use of resonant frequencies for modulating biomolecular functions, or what WIlliam calls bioactive frequency modulation. This has the capacity to not only ameliorate all diseases, but to prevent the formation of illness in the first place. It could even be used to reverse or stop the ageing process. The possibilities are very exciting.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Sound Healing, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: Comedian, Actor, Stand-up Comic
Guest Biography:

Kyle Cease is currently one of the most in-demand young comics, selling out over 200 shows last year from coast to coast. His Comedy Central 1 hour special “Kyle Cease: Weirder. Blacker. Dimpler. premiered in 2007 to extremely high ratings. Hís half hour special, “Comedy Central Presents Kyle Cease” was the most played half hour special on Comedy Central in 2006. The same year his CD/DVD “One Dimple”, was one of Comedy Central Records highest debuting releases. Last year he won the 2009 Comedy Central Stand-Up Showdown, competing against the 100 best comics in the business.

Since his memorable appearances as the ’slow clapper’ in “Not Another Teen Movie” and as Bogey Lowenstein in “10 Things I Hate About You”, Cease has had numerous TV, film and radio appearances. He is a frequent guest of the hit syndicated radio show, “Bob and Tom”, He has appeared on “The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson”, “Jimmy Kimmel Live”, “The Martin Short Show”, and has performed in several national commercials.

Kyle began his stand-up career early. By the age of 21 he had toured nationally and won the International Giggles Comedy Competition, placed in the finals of the prestigious Seattle International Comedy Competition, and completed his first major movie role.

His original take on life, fresh perspective, and absolute freedom on stage will get you saying, “Man, that boy had an original take on life, fresh perspective and absolute freedom on stage. I am so much happier and thanks to Kyle’s comedy, I now have a million dollars.”

“One of the best hours of comedy you will ever see.”
- Frank Kelley Manager at Improv Comedy Clubs, co owner Jon Lovitz comedy club.

Guest Category: Comedy, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Author, Religion Blogger, Researcher, Writer, Reiki Master, Bioenergetic Healer, Chi Healer, Columnist
Guest Biography:

Jonathan Talat Phillips is the author of “The Electric Jesus: The Healing Journey of a Contemporary Gnostic.” Talat co-founded the cutting edge web-magazine Reality Sandwich and The Evolver Network, coordinating 50+ regional Evolver communities. He is a religion blogger for “The Huffington Post,” creator of “The Ayahuasca Monologues: Tales of the Spirit Vine,” a Reiki Master and Connecticut Healing Institute certified Bioenergetic Healer.  He does Skype sessions for clients around the world and has a healing practice in Brooklyn, NY.


Jonathan Talat Phillips is the author of The Electric Jesus: The Healing Journey of a Contemporary Gnostic, to be released by Evolver Editions (an imprint of North Atlantic Books) on Nov. 1. Jonathan worked for The September 11th Fund, served as a columnist for Music for America, and spearheaded the activist media group Greene Dragon, where he appeared in international media such as CNN, MSNBC, ABC, Time, and on the cover of New York Magazine. He is one of the co-founders of and Reality Sandwich, and coordinates the Evolver Spores program with 40+ regional chapters hosting monthly events. Jonathan is an initiate of the International Sufi Order, founder of the NYC Gnostics, and creator of “The Ayahuasca Monologues: Tales of the Spirit Vine.” He is a Reiki Master and certified in Chi Healing and Bioenergetic Therapy from the Connecticut Healing Institute. He has a private healing practice in New York City and does Skype and phone sessions for those outside of the city:

About The Electric Jesus

When Jonathan Talat Phillips experiences a devastating loss as a countercultural media activist, he unwittingly starts on a mystical journey marked by underground ayahuasca ceremonies, kundalini awakenings, prankster spirit guides, extraterrestrial encounters at the Burning Man festival, and miraculous energy healings that reshape his skeptical worldview. Along the way, he chronicles the rise of an international movement that is trailblazing visionary ways to address our current planetary crisis through raised consciousness.

To better understand his spiritual journey, Jonathan delves into his own Christian background, discovering the lost rites of the mystery schools. Uncovering secret “electric” meanings behind biblical symbols like the serpent, dove, and tree of life, he reveals how early Christians utilized a radical initiation process for harnessing divine energy in order to achieve gnosis, direct knowledge or experience of the divine. Jonathan suggests that these mystical symbols, which appear in spiritual traditions across the globe, offer a profound energetic roadmap and alchemical message for personal transformation, as well as a potential evolutionary shift for our world.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Energy Healing, History, Religion, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Neurosurgeon, Nutritional Product Formulator, Neuroscience Researcher, Writer, Author
Guest Biography:

Dr. Larry McCleary is a Board Certified Neurosurgeon trained in physics. He has actively researched human health and formulated specialized nutritional support products for over two decades.

As an honors science graduate of Dartmouth College, and later as a Ph.D. Candidate, Dr. Larry McCleary studied and did comprehensive work in theoretical physics.

After graduating from medical school, Dr. Larry McCleary completed his neurosurgical residency at New York University-Bellevue Medical Center, and earned his Board Certification in neurosurgery. At Denver Children’s Hospital Dr. Larry McCleary was a recognized leader in neurosurgery and established a multi-disciplinary neuro-oncology program, a human gait and tone clinic and a pediatric neuroscience research program.

The keen clinical interest taken by Dr. Larry McCleary in how nutrition supports brain, bone and body healing and health has resulted in a significant body of scientific knowledge, as evidenced by his books and publications. In particular, Dr. Larry McCleary has been recognized for his work regarding the brain and its metabolic pathways to minimize and even preclude cognitive fall-off and memory loss.

Dr. Larry McCleary’s in-depth research and medical analysis has resulted in the creation of highly innovative and result specific nutritional combinations - each of which is patented. The major and positive health results achieved from taking Dr. Larry McCleary’s formulations on a regular basis is well supported by documented clinical studies.

Dr. Larry McCleary is also the award-winning author of Feed Your Brain Lose Your Belly and The Brain Trust Program. He is currently completing a cutting-edge book – The Fracture Cure - on how in only a number of weeks bone health can begin to be dramatically improved.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Professor, Chair, Inventor, Reviewer, Doctor, Nutrition and Weight Loss Researcher, Editor, Writer
Guest Biography:

Kai-Lin Catherine Jen, PhD, who is Professor and Chair of the Department of Nutrition and Food Science at Wayne State University and currently has a grant for over 5 million dollars to study “Intervention Procedures for Adherence to Weight Loss Recommendations in Black Adolescents.” She has 104 publications, 31 patents and has applied for several others. She is a reviewer for 12 journals including Physiology and Behavior, International Journal of Obesity, Obesity Research, Nutritional Research, and the Brain Research Bulletin. Dr Jen has held positions on several professional boards including the Chinese Association for the Study of Obesity, North American Association for the Study of Obesity, and the Editorial Board of the Journal of Cancer Survivorship. She has also been interviewed for many media events such as on FoxTV, Channel 2, Detroit: Detroit News; Raleigh News and Observer; Canadian Obesity Network; WWJ AM 950; WGPR FM 107.5; WCHB AM 1200; WZAX 99.3 FM; KNXV Channel 15; WILS 1320 AM; and others.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Nutrition, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Doctor, Sister, Priest, Bishop, Author, Dean
Guest Biography:


Bridget Mary Meehan, RCWP, a Sister for Christian Community, serves Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Communities in Florida and in Virginia. She presides at liturgies, officiates at weddings and offers sacramental ministry in both communities.

Meehan is author of eighteen books including Living Gospel Equality Now: Loving in the Heart of God, a story about her journey to priesthood in the women priest movement that is rocking the foundation of the Roman Catholic Church, a holy shakeup that is bringing new life, creativity and justice to the church and beyond.

Dr. Meehan is currently Dean of the Doctor of Ministry Program for Global Ministries University. Her work in communications media include programs about womenpriests on google and youtube and articles on BridgetMary's Blogspot.  She serves on the media committee for RCWP Association.  Bridget Mary was ordained a priest in the first USA ordination in  Pittsburgh on July 31, 2006 and was ordained a bishop in Santa Barbara, California in the historic ordination of  four bishops in the United States on April 19, 2009.

Guest Category: Religion, Christianity
Guest Occupation: Air Force, UFO Lecturer, Woodworker, Deep Sea Diver, Pilot
Guest Biography:

Edgar Fouche and many generations of his relatives have historically been involved with the government and military in fields of intelligence, black programs, crypto, secure communications, and classified development projects.

This is true as far back as the French revolution. Joseph Fouché was the Prime Minister under Napoleon, the head of his secret or national police force and a direct ancestor of Mr. Fouché. Joseph Fouché started and controlled the world’s first professionally organized intelligence agency. The CIA, KGB, MI 5, Mossad, etc., used and expanded on his methods of intelligence gathering, networking information, and political survival. Some French historians consider him a scoundrel because he survived many of his leaders, including Napoleon and the King of France, instead of going down with the ship, so to speak. The current Fouchés are proud of being descended from the Free French who opposed slavery, at great financial and personal expense, before and during the Civil War.

The Fouché family moved from city to city frequently during Edgar's childhood. After leaving Americus Georgia, they settled for a few years in San Antonio, Texas. Yes, the move to S.A. from Georgia in "Alien Rapture," that little Joe Green experienced really happened as written. Go figure? Edgar's mother's family, the Rothschilds Russells, are of French German heritage and his grandfather Russell was a Nazarene preacher. All of the Rothschilds on my mother’s side were poor farmers. I know, STUPID PEN NAME.

Edgar graduated from Longview high school in East Texas, where he was a Thespian, an National Honor student, head of the Debate Team, a member of the Student Council, and on the football team as Captain of the Defensive Team. The Vietnam war was escalating and many of his friends and peers were sucked into the tragic political vortex. In February of 1968 while attending Kilgore College and working as a machinist making bombs for R. G. Le Tourneau Industries. That month the military drafted a record high number of young men into the services, one of which was Edgar Fouché.

Edgar went to Lackland AFB for Air Force basic training where he volunteered for Pararescue Training. Pararescuemen jump out of helicopters to rescue downed pilots, usually under fire in a hot zone. He fractured his ankle during jump school at the Fort Benning and was then shipped off to Keesler AFB, Mississippi. Edgar initially went through a year of electronics, communications, intelligence, and cryptological schools. During the years 1967 1974, Edgar was stationed or worked at many Tactical Air Command (TAC), Air Training Command (ATC) bases, and Pacific Air Command Air Forces (PACAF) bases. He was at Kadena AFB Okinawa; Udorn AFB Thailand; Ben Hoi AFB Vietnam, and spent anywhere from a day to a month at many other South East Asian military bases. (A total of 3.5 years in Asia – 67-80).

He attended several universities, including the University of New Mexico, the Air Force College, and the University of Maryland. He received degrees in Electronics and Avionics Engineering from the Air Force and a BS in Business. Somewhere along the line he became a licensed deep sea diver (with many PADI certificates) and was trained by Rosteslov Jukov (Georgian - Russian Defector) , and received pilot training (Edwards AFB) and became an avid woodworker.

Edgar Fouche came out and ‘Disclosed What he knew about certain Black Program aircraft in 1998 to the IUFOC, MUFON, BBC, and many other media in the same week. In the year 2000 he and his wife walked away from the UFO/alien lecture circuit and from all the Network media that wanted to interview him.

Among his many experiences the BBC-Chanel 4 brought over a crew of 6 people to interview him in NV. John Purdie and Tim Shawcross took pictures of Ed’s documents that showed Ed’s SSN which they were forbidden to take. Ed was outraged It took Ed a couple of years to get a NEW SSN.

Then they used only several minutes of the interview. Ed said I wish to God that they had showed the whole 6 hours.

This was the ‘Riddle of the Skies’ video. Ed became very jaded and skeptical that anyone wanted to listen to his ‘Disclosure and Truth.’ He got many calls from the UFOlogy media and lecture circuit (UFOs-Aliens) that flat out asked him just to make up more stuff. Ed was extremely upset and astounded by this.

For TWELVE years Ed was silent, silent because his hotel room was broken into at Laughlin, silent because his home and new Cadillac in San Antonia were broken into and also because they had myriad death threats via phone and internet.

Ed silently watched all those years when thousands of people misquoted him and made fun of him. Then at about the age of 60 he had eight grandchildren who all called him Poppy. Ed realized they would be looking him up on the internet at some time in their lives. It was an awakening for him. He came on OMF Forum for almost two years and started posting his military and DoD documents. He wanted to raise the bar for so-called fakers and liars.

So now Ed Fouche is on Forum answering people’s questions.

Guest Category: UFOs, Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: Transcendental Meditator, Mystical Experience Doctor, Professor, Teacher, Writer, Workshop Facilitator, Researcher, Doctor in Comparative Religions, Humanitarian, Editor, Lecturer, Trainer, Author
Guest Biography:

Dr. Robert K.C. Forman is uniquely qualified, both personally and professionally, to re-imagine the spiritual goal and the path to it. Personally, Dr. Forman hasn’t missed a day of meditation in 40 years. He broke through to the first major life shift he sought during a nine-month meditation retreat, just two years after beginning Transcendental Meditation. Further developments have continued through his gaining of a Ph.D. in mystical experience from Columbia U and his 20 years as a Professor of Comparative Religions, through his lifetime of yearly solo meditation retreats, self-reflection, 18 years of psychotherapy and psychotherapeutic training, his marital work, his teaching, writing and leading of workshops, and his research into and national leadership role in the "spiritual but not religious" community.

His curiosity and confusion about his early spiritual breakthroughs led him to a Ph.D in Comparative Religions (Columbia U), where he specialized in the nature of and philosophical issues around mystical experiences and the spiritual life. He has often been called “one of the leading voices in the academic debates on mysticism," because of his work in the international scholarly debate about mystical experiences, which came to be known as “The Katz-Forman debates,” the work for which he has been awarded numerous grants and, just last year, an honorary doctorate. A tenured professor of religions at Hunter College of the City University of New York and a professor at Vassar College, Union Theological Seminary and the New School for Social Research, he often taught courses on mystical experiences and spiritual goals in every tradition, and his books are used in classes around the world.

Many of his insights about the spiritual path and goal came from his work as founder and Executive Director of the Forge Institute for Spirituality and Social Change and the Forge Guild of Spiritual Professionals, a non profit dedicated to helping people from any religion or spiritual path live “soul to soul.” He routinely gives lectures, trainings and workshops around the world. He was the co-founder and is executive editor of The Journal of Consciousness Studies , which has become the principle journal in the field. He is also the author of ten scholarly books on spirituality, mysticism, consciousness and world religions.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Religion, Science, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author, Traveler, Dancer, Flower Essences Researcher and Developer
Guest Biography:

Elizabeth Sheehan - author of, The Trail: A True Tale of the Camino

How does one move forward in the turbulent decade after college? What happens when community evaporates, a job ends and relationships crumble? And what’s a girl to do when all three fall away simultaneously??? This was the crossroads that faced Elizabeth as she set off on the ancient Camino de Santiago de Compostela. Following the intuitive nudge from a recurring dream, she embarked on a six-hundred mile trek across Spain. The thousand-year-old pilgrim route carried her from high in the Pyrenees in France to a place on Spain’s Atlantic coast known as the end of the world. Along the way her solo journey would transform itself into a communal life filled with a cast of international characters, a group that would give her the chance to lay the past to rest and find new love.

Elizabeth Sheehan was born and raised on a farm in rural New Hampshire. She attended Bennington College where she trained as a modern dancer with Terry Creech and Dana Reitz. A particular focus of her dance work was on the evolving field of emergent improvisation. Her interest in this field led to a post-graduate year working for Bennington College. After Bennington, Elizabeth danced in New York City before taking a one year teaching internship at the Putney School in Putney, Vermont.

After Putney, Elizabeth decided to walk the ancient pilgrimage route from St Jean Pied de Port in the foothills of the French Pyrenees to Santiago de Compostela on the west coast of Spain. Begun as a solo trek, this journey became an exuberant experience of community. Her abiding love for the Camino led her to walk the five hundred mile Camino three times and write a memoir about her first Camino called, The Trail: A True Tale of the Camino.

At present, Elizabeth works in research and development as well as in the main office at Green Hope Farm Flower Essences. During her trips on the Camino, she created three different Flower Essence collections for Green Hope Farm: The Camino Collection, The Healer’s Toolbox and Camino Tres. Her Flower Essences are sold worldwide.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Plant & Animals, Health & Lifestyle, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Doctor of Medicine, Hospitalist, Writer, Author, Consultant, Researcher
Guest Biography:

Dr Mark Davis received a Doctor of Medicine Degree (MD) from State University of New York, Syracuse (1978), and hundreds of postgraduate credits in medicine, nutrition and other sciences and 33 years in medical practice with concentrations in nutrition, internal medicine, bariatrics, geriatrics and as a hospitalist. He has written hundreds of articles on health care, nutrition, weight control, politics, government intervention in heathv care and writes for the Baltimore Examiner and other media outlets. His book The Millenium Diet, The Practical Guide to Rapid Weight Loss evolved with the help of thousands of patient’s input. It is a protein based diet that has been used extensively and peer reviewed. His second book Demons of Democracy describes how lawyers are undermining every tradition and institution in America. He publishes approximately four articles a week on various topics. His third book in the works describes the challenges and pitfalls of socialized medicine and how the new American health legislation will interplay in peoples lives. Dr Davis is the president of a research firm called Heathnets Review Services which provides consulting services to the media, government, industry, the legal profession and private individuals. He has three adult children, and has been married 38 years. His wife is a dentist.

The Millenium Diet: The Practical Guide for Rapid Weight Loss

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Wellness Coach, Nutrition Educator, Culinary Expert, Author, Entreprenuer
Guest Biography:

Jackie Keller, Founding Director of NutriFit, LLC, is a licensed and certified wellness coach, nutrition educator and Le Cordon Bleu-trained culinary expert. She is also the author of Body After Baby The Simple 30-Day Plan to Lose Your Baby Weight Fast (Avery/Penguin Group; May 2007), and Cooking, Eating & Living Well, a cookbook and guide to nutrition-related lifestyle change.

Jackie and her partner/husband Phil Yaney, formed NutriFit LLC in 1987. NutriFit specializes in fresh, gourmet, customized and delivered meal programs that are tailored to accommodate an individual's health and lifestyle needs. Their goal is to promote long-term health by providing full service nutritional support, including delicious, gourmet meals, wellness coaching, and health-related products.

NutriFit manages hundreds of clients' personal preferences and health issues. With over 2,200 NutriFit recipes, "we are far from your standard catering company," says Jackie. "Ours is a comprehensive approach to understanding the needs of each client - taking into account their goals, nutritional needs, allergies, likes and dislikes, exercise regimen and family health history."

Jackie's father passed away from a heart attack when she was just a teenager. She has made it her mission to help people live longer and healthier lives. "I have a personal commitment to help people circumvent heart disease and other chronic ailments," she explains. "It drives almost everything I do. It is my passion."

As a certified wellness coach, Jackie conducts one-on-one sessions both in person and virtually, during which clients set achievable goals in six "wellness" areas: fitness, weight, nutrition, stress, health, and the life issues that impact health. Over the course of three months, she reports that clients typically reach 80% of their first priority goals and more than 70% of second priority goals.

Jackie holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Southern California, and received her culinary training from Le Cordon Bleu in Paris, France.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Fitness & Exercise, Nutrition
Guest Occupation: Fitness Expert, Video Workout Series Developer, Fitness Trainer, Casting Director, Choreographer, Writer, Proucer, Violinist, Vocalist, Songwriter, Aerobic Instructor, Entrepreneur
Guest Biography:

Marina Kamen aka MARINA who has lost 100 pounds and is the winner of the People’s Choice Award for her catalog of over 1,200 Musical Fitness audio & video Workout Programs, 400 Original songs and 50 albums Online for Download

Marina is also a 53 year old mother of 3, a Certified Fitness Trainer, Casting Director, Choreographer, Billboard Charting writer/producer/violinist & vocalist. Infomercial Television products call on Marina to actually find those people and transform them into those beautiful before & afters we see on TV. She gets them to lose weight, teach them about fashion & styling and transforms them into shape! Marina has worked closely with some of the country’s hottest photographers, makeup artists and designers.

She has written hundreds of songs we hear everyday in our fitness classes and on runways for over 25 years charting in Billboard and charts around the world. Marina has pioneered the health & fitness industry as one of the original aerobic instructor at BodyDesign by Gildas in NYC 1979. Her roster of celebrity clients have included Faye Dunaway, Madeline Kahn, Lauren Hutton, Liza Barbara Feldon and countless others. Marina pioneered the Reality Television industry starting in 1999 appearing on PBS”-In The Mix”, Noggin’s “A Walk in Her Shoes” The Discovery Health Network “I Lost It” The Tyra Banks Show” in addition to having a Pilot shot of her in NYC back in 1999.

She has co-owned Kamen Entertainment Group since 1987 together with her husband of 28 years, Roy Kamen, which has received 150 Television, Radio, Commercial, Music and Fitness production awards over the past 30 years. Marina’s music and voice has been heard on numerous commercials including Verizon, Poptarts, Exxon Mobile, Equinox and Tourneau.

She has worked with a multitude of celebrity talent including Liza Minnelli, James Earl Jones, Patti LaBelle, and Carnie Wilson. Marina has also choreographed for companies including Columbia Records, BMG Records, and The Naras Foundation. Marina has been covered in Prevention Magazine, Woman’s World, Billboard and The New York Times. Marina’s charting music has been heard in health clubs, retail stores, runways and gyms around the world in addition to being used by various fitness clients including Jazzercise, Dynamix, Jackie Chan’s Cabel Flex. Marina’s latest projects have been The Firm Express Get Thin in 30/Gaiam, Jillian Michaels/Gaiam, Ab Shake/Ab Coaster/Tristar Productions, The Rack, Cardio Karate/Urban Group Exercise and Michael’s Olajide’s Aerobox for All Star/ Script to Screen

Guest Category: Design, Fashion, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Fitness & Exercise, Nutrition, Self Help, Sports & Recreation
Guest Occupation: Author, Most Documented Extraterrestrial Contactee, Orion Channel, Hypnotic Regression Channel
Guest Biography:

Stan Romanek, International Bestselling Author, may be the world's most documented extraterrestrial contactee. The multitude of unexplainable events involving Stan Romanek and hundreds of witnesses continue on a near monthly basis. The sheer volume of trace, video and photographic evidence is astounding. Aside from any individual interpretations or opinions about these experiences, there is much for humanity to learn on these very important matters. Stan Romanek's case has created a stir in the scientific and UFO communities. He has received national news coverage, including a guest appearance on Larry King Live.

Stan Romanek’s hypnotic regressions, transcribed in The Orion Regressions, provide a dramatic explanation of why some of the ETs are here, their goals and purposes, and the far-reaching changes on the earth we may expect in the near future. The equations Romanek received during sleep and hypnosis suggest the involvement of an advanced ET intelligence. They have deep physical meaning, and convey new ideas far beyond Stan’s ability to fabricate. The regressions provided the chance to interact directly with this intelligence, to pose questions and receive answers

Stan Romanek books released this year:

Answers is more than the sequel to the bestseller Messages. When Stan Romanek walks into a UFO conference, he brings more than his whole life with him—he also brings the concealed story of our inseparable connection with extraterrestrial beings and celestial guides. Answers is his new conversation with all of us about how the universe is far more brilliant and beautiful than our fondest hopes. It will change everything you believe to be true at a quantum level.

The Orion Regressions, a companion volume to Answers, contains the full transcription of five regression sessions conducted by Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle to explore Stan Romanek's contact with extraterrestrial beings. During Stan's regression sessions it became apparent that something other than Stan was using his body to communicate. The Orion Regressions contains messages given through Stan Romanek by beings claiming to be True Orions. These beings brought forth a wealth of information vital to humanity. Shared by an Orion who calls himself Grandpa, the richness of this amazing information could only be realized fully by compiling the transcripts word for word in a book worthy of the information.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Paranormal, UFOs, Medium & Channeling, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Physician, Metaphysician, Author, Psychologist, Minister, Editor, Writer, Musician, Farm Worker, Philanthropist
Guest Biography:

Rev. Dr. Todd Michael is a retired board-certified physician, a metaphysician with books in seven languages, a degreed psychologist, and an experienced minister.  He now lives in his home town of Ames, Iowa, where he makes his living giving Evolution Angel Life Readings and editing others writing projects.  If you are interested in booking a reading with him, it is suggested you read the page about readings on this site, and also read his first book The Evolution Angel, A Physician’s Lessons with Death and the Divine, easily available on


Rev. Dr. Todd Michael
board-certified physician, metaphysician, psychologist, and experienced minister

BIO - Rev. Dr. Todd Michael is the author of 15 self-help and spiritual books. He had addressed over 5 million people via radio shows like the Art Bell show, the Uri Geller show syndicated to 50 countries, and countless personal appearances at New Thought churches and conferences around the country, including a three day workshop at Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. in Virginia Beach.

He spent the bulk of his career as an ER and Trauma physician, logging over 25,000 hours over twenty years and being elected as the the medical director of a level three trauma center for three years--before he retired permanently from medicine to pursue his writing and speaking and ministerial activities, and giving personal readings via the Evolution Angel, a group of wise souls that have taken an interest in working with him.

He has degrees in both medicine and divinity, is an initiate of the Mensa society, and a dual-degreed psychologist and philosopher from Iowa State University. He did not go to medical school until age 32, and was a blue-collar worker, musician, and farm worker before that. This period of incubation, so to speak, is something he is very proud of, and formed the basis of his personality in his early years.

He is the single father of Julian Michael age 16, an honors student and captain of his high school football team. His interests are golden retrievers, fitness, mountaineering, oil painting, photography, and multitrack recording. He has lived most of his adult life in Boulder, Colorado and is now building the Twelve Conditions of a Miracle Children's Foundation with his friend and colleague Lama Thubten Rinpoche. His ultimate goal is to become a successful philanthropist and feed and clothe as many needy children around the world as he possibly can through the sale of his books, audio books, and readings. He counts himself a proud and enthusiastic member of the New Thought Center for Spiritual Living, with Rev. David Alexander, which he now calls home

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Religion, Self Help, Spiritual