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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Guest Occupation: Researcher, Best Selling Author, International Speaker
Guest Biography:

Richard Gordon Discovers Proof of Energetic Interconnectivity and Impact on Matter Through Experiments Anyone Can Do

When Richard Gordon was evolving the acclaimed Quantum-Touch healing technique that today is practiced by 1,400 certified practitioners around the globe in 50 countries, doctors were saying it was impossible to permanently align the occipital bone at the base of the skull and “pelvic torsion”—twisted hips where one is higher than the other. Let alone do it without manipulating the patient! Yet, it became readily apparent that Gordon’s Quantum-Touch methodology could do just that.

Now, that easy-to-learn, seemingly-miraculous correction has opened an astonishing doorway on the Nature of Matter. Gordon demonstrated he could pass this healing energy from person to person or from object to object, using a series of simple experiments that anyone could do by following the directions in his newest book The Secret Nature of Matter.

Richard Gordon is considered a pioneer in the field of energy medicine, with more than 40 years of experience. He is the author of four best-selling books, now published in 17 languages. Gordon attended the Christos School of Natural Medicine, had been on faculty at Heartwood Institute and the Holistic Health Institute. With certified practitioners of his work in over 50 countries, Richard’s work was praised by Dr. C. Norman Shealy (founding President of the American Holistic Medical Association) as “The first technique that may truly allow us all to become healers.”

Richard is the bestselling author of Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal, now published in 17 languages, and Your Healing Hands – The Polarity Experience, available in 10 languages.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Psychology, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Publisher, National Veterans Magazine
Guest Biography:

Mark Field, a US Navy veteran, is the editor and publisher of "National Veterans Magazine." 

Mark served in submarines for eight years in the Navy (1981-1989). He has worked in the mortgage banking business for two decades, and won the award as Mortgage Loan Originator of the Year for 2017 from the Arizona Real Estate Journal.

He is active in supporting many programs for veterans in Arizona as well as the entire country. As just a few examples of his many achievements:

In 2015, Mark was selected as the Veteran Small Business Champion by the US Small Business Administration for both the State of Arizona and the entire 11 state western region.

In 2010, he started a Homeless Veterans Clothing Drive which resulted in a tremendous amount of clothing donated to both US Vets and The MANA House.

In 2011, he established a Veterans Job Creation Program to give former homeless veterans work delivering door hangers. He put over 20 former homeless veterans to work from The MANA House.

In 2012, he created a Veterans Hiring Program for Tiffany Construction and the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station to hire veterans for security work. He hired, trained and managed 10 veterans to work at numerous construction sites. Tiffany Construction and APS received an award from the Arizona Department of Veterans Services.

Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Military, News, Politics & Government, Self Help
Guest Occupation: bestselling author and CSP™ (Certified Speaking Professional)
Guest Biography:

Charmaine Hammond has been in the business of transforming lives and raising dreams for more than 25 years.   This former Correctional Officer (yup!  She worked in jails) and Corporate Dispute Resolution Expert now travels the world teaching the principles of collaboration, partnership and sponsorship. Her clients are having tremendous success securing their own partners and sponsors as a result of Charmaine's teachings and programs. 

As a bestselling author (of 5 books & featured in 6 others), and CSP™ (Certified Speaking Professional) she has had tremendous success in finding corporate sponsors to fund her speaking and book projects/events/tours including her printing, graphic design, venues, travel, media, technology, hotels, even  her pet food and dog poop bags!  She has developed sponsorship relationships with more than 40 sponsors and 60 business partners.

Her recent speaking and book tour, Million Acts of Kindness, involved a 14,000 KM tour in a 32 foot sponsored motor home, hotels sponsored for the team, and more than 40 businesses and retail chains raising funds in their stores/businesses to support  this movement…..A Million Acts of Kindness.  She has helped her clients secure cash sponsorship, get their clothes, travel, event needs and more sponsored through the power of relationships and collaboration.  

Today Charmaine will teach you how to find corporate sponsors to fuel your business and raise your dream!

Guest Category: Business, Courses & Training, Philosophy, Personal Development, Self Help, Inspirational, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Teaching, Education, Wholistic and Macrobiotic Counseling, and Energy Medicine
Guest Biography:

Maresha Donna Ducharme is the founder and resident teacher of The Sanctuary, a non-profit, charitable organization. Her commitment to help each individual realize peace, health, and well-being in life, are the foundation of her teaching. She has been inspiring people to realize the sources of healing and peace, which exist within each one of us for over 35 years. Her vision to help people become empowered by living in conscious connection to the Divine, and to create health and joy in living is expressed in the creation of The Sanctuary.

Maresha holds degrees in Teaching, Education, Wholistic and Macrobiotic Counseling, and Energy Medicine. Her background and experience in spiritual and theological training is diverse. She has held a teaching ministry for the last 30 years. Maresha is a keeper of the sweat lodge, has trained extensively in Eastern Medicine, and in 1984 she was initiated into the Kundalini Shaktipat tradition. In 2000, she established The Sanctuary. The Sanctuary is ecumenical and open to all faiths and traditions and which finds the common bond of universal truths held at the heart of all faiths, and traditions.

Maresha is the founder and resident teacher of The Snow Dragon Sanctuary, a non-profit, charitable organization. Her commitment to help each individual realize peace, health, and well-being in life is the foundation of her teaching. For more than 35 years, she has been inspiring others to realize the sources of healing and peace which exist within each one of us. Her vision is to help people become empowered by living in conscious connection to the Divine, thereby create health and joy in living as expressed in the creation of The Sanctuary.

Maresha holds degrees in teaching, education, holistic and macrobiotic counseling, and energy medicine. Her background and experience in spiritual and theological training is diverse, and she has participated in a teaching ministry for the last 30 years. Maresha is a fire keeper of the sweat lodge, has trained extensively in Eastern medicine, and, in 1984, was initiated into the Kundalini Shaktipat tradition. In 2000, she established The Sanctuary, a mountaintop retreat open to all faiths and traditions and dedicated to the healing of humankind’s body, mind and spirit.

The depth of experience within The Sanctuary is truly unique. Whether you attend a Sunday Service, go on a healing retreat, or have an individual consultation, as you step through the door you will enter the Sanctuary of your soul.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Bio-Energy Bodyworker, Conscious Channel for The Reconnections
Guest Biography:

I am Daniel Jacobs, a native of S. California, currently residing in the Greater Seattle area of Washington State.  

For 25 years, I worked as a Bio-Energy and Rehab Bodyworker---owning and operating two Multi-Therapist Clinics on the Eastside of Lake Washington.  My main focus during that time was treating personal injuries, chronic stress, and working with people who were going through intense life transitions. Throughout that career, I built a healthy interface with the Professional Healing Community - clearly articulating the benefits of Hands-On and Bio-Energy Techniques as bold, innovative modalities for healing and personal wellness.    

In 1991, I opened myself to the Spiritual Process of Conscious Channeling---having encountered a Soul Group of Energies who called themselves “The Reconnections.”  I bought a small laptop computer and began focusing my innate writing talents on bringing through a host of Articles and Transmissions dealing with the New Paradigm of Universal OnenessMultidimensionalityPlanetary and Physical Body ChangesAscensionAstral Travel, and a number of other subjects.  You can find my work at the link below, and am also on Facebook!

Guest Category: Cosmology, Physics & Metaphysics, Inspirational, Access Consciousness, Medium & Channeling, Meditation, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Mystic & Seer, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Psychic Medium Healer Radio Show Host
Guest Biography:

Toni has memories of channeling from early childhood, although at that time she had no idea that she was channeling or what channeling was. One of the houses Toni grew up in had earthbound spirits in it, or as her mother would say, "There are ghosts in this house." Toni wasn't really sure exactly what that meant, but she know she would not reach into one of the closets because there was "something icky" in there.

Throughout Toni's life she continued to Channel, unknowingly. She would tell someone something, usually a warning, out of the blue. She never questioned or really even thought about the fact that some odd and random statement would just come out of her mouth, but neither did anyone else?

During Toni's careers her intuition helped her a great deal. She always knew what to say and when to say it. How to guide people and answer their questions. While helping friends with their new businesses she could give them pages of ideas, even if she didn't know anything about that type of business.

In 2002 Toni moved into a house with a lot of earthbound spirits, I mean a lot! This is when it gets interesting as Toni purchased this house and couldn't just move. Toni could see the spirits as well as the Angels and Light Workers that helped her. Toni was guided on how to "Free Spirits" or help them go home. Some of the spirits, not so eager to go home, needed healing before they could go. This was part of the beginning of the journey for the rest of Toni's life.

Toni suffered another near death experience and as a result had to change careers. The first step was when a message therapist introduced her to Re-connective Healing, The massage therapist said "I do this healing work" and Toni blurted out "I'm supposed to do this work, tell me where I can learn it". The next step was when Toni was watching Oprah and Brien Weiss was on, she instantly knew she was supposed to become a hypnotist.

During healing and hypnosis sessions Toni would channel messages to her clients. These messages would just come out. Most of the clients came back with more questions.

Toni's Healing abilities improved and became stronger, she is able to heal simply by looking at clients. She uses this gift often when she is out and sees people distressed or struggling. She also uses this healing with some clients when she is channeling, As the Light beings/Angels come in and Toni is answering questions, she is looking at the client and healing is taking place.

Guest Category: Alternative Health, Physics & Metaphysics, Personal Development, Inspirational, Motivational, Medium & Channeling, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Psychologist/Author/Speaker
Guest Biography:

Dr. Nekeshia Hammond was raised in Orlando, Florida and now resides in the Tampa Bay area with her spouse and 5-year-old son. When not working, she greatly enjoys spending time with her family and learning about the joys of life through the eyes of her young son.

Dr. Hammond is the owner of Hammond Psychology & Associates, a private practice designed to help children, teens, families, and adults. She has over a decade of experience working in the field of psychology. She has also been featured in various TV, radio, and magazines throughout the country, and she is the TV host of Parenting Explained with Dr. Hammond. The show features parenting experts who provide their knowledge about different parenting issues, such as education, mental health, family bonding, and self-care, to name a few, and episodes will begin airing in early 2018. To learn more about the shows, please visit:

Dr. Hammond is the author of The Practical Guide to Raising Emotionally Healthy Children; Finding Balance in a Stressful World: A Short Guide for Today's Busy Mom; as well as ADHD Explained: What Every Parent Needs to Know (to be released on May 8, 2018).

In her spare time, she enjoys reading, yoga, traveling, and serving on boards to help the community. She is the 2018 Immediate Past President of the Florida Psychological Association. It has been her honor and privilege to serve as the FPA president in 2017 and give back to a profession that gives so much to people. Additionally, she serves on the Board of Directors for the Ryan Nece Foundation, where there are many programs that help community members through "the power of giving."

Guest Category: Kids & Family, Psychology
Guest Occupation: Lynne McTaggart is an American lecturer, journalist, author, and publisher.
Guest Biography:

Lynne McTaggart is an award-winning journalist and the author of seven books, including her forthcoming book, The Power of Eight, and the worldwide bestsellers The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Bond, all considered seminal books of the New Science and now translated into 30 languages. She is consistently voted one of the world’s top 100 spiritual leaders for her ground-breaking work with consciousness and the power of intention, and she’s chiefly known for the quality of her writing and in-depth research. Lynne is also a dynamic speaker, who regularly gets standing ovations from her worldwide audiences for her inspiring speaking style. She has spoken and held workshops before diverse audiences in most continents around the world from Kuwait to Kuala Lumpur, and everywhere in between.  She’s also architect of the Intention Experiment, a global ‘laboratory’ involving thousands of readers around the world testing the power of group thoughts to heal the world. Lynne, her book and the web-based experiment were prominently featured in Dan Brown’s book The Lost Symbol, and Brown even created a character partly based on her.  As co-founder and editor of the world’s No 1 health magazine, What Doctors Don’t Tell You, now published in 14 countries worldwide, Lynne is a tireless campaigner for consumer rights in health care.  Most recently, she has discovered the Power of Eight, phenomenon – the fact that intention magnifies and rebounds in a small group, which is presently being studied by a major university.  Lynne has won a number of international press awards, including the NY Women’s Press Club Award of Merit (presented to one journalist per year for a story involving personal risk) and a London Times Business Press award (Columnist of the Year). She’s also been awarded Spiritual Writer of the Year and Science Book of the Year (for The Bond). In 2015, her company WDDTY Ltd was named Ethical Business of the Year.  A member of both the Transformational Leadership Council and the Evolutionary Leadership Council, Lynne has been a featured speaker in a host of movies, including What the Bleep: Down the Rabbit Hole, The Living Matrix, I Am and the Abundance Factor.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, News, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Self Help, Spiritual, Technology
Guest Occupation: Ancestral Clearer
Guest Biography:

Helena Ryan is an Ancestral Reader and Clearer. We are influenced by the previous 7 generations of ancestors that have gone before us and Helena's work tunes in, reads and heals the belief systems that are being passed down the line impacting us today in our finances, health, relationships and our connection. Then she heals it 7 generations forward. She calls herself an accidental ancestral clearer because she never intended on this happening. It just happened one day and ancestral work was born. She works with clients all around the world and at the end of 2018 will launch her practitioner training and teach others how to clear the lineage for their clients. When she's not channeling ancestral lineage Helena is playing with her 3 year old son, hiking and camping and reading books.

Guest Category: Arts, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Holistic Tooth Fairy, Quantum Teeth Reader
Guest Biography:

Meliors Simms is known as the Holistic Tooth Fairy. She helps people heal tooth decay and gum disease with natural, intuitive and self help strategies. She offers Quantum Teeth Readings to explore and understand the emotional, psychological, spiritual or ancestral influences underlying your oral health.

Guest Category: Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Astrologer | Integrative Colour Priestess | Intuitive Mindset Coach
Guest Biography:

Bio : Kelly Joy Star The Modern Mystic | Astrologer | Integrative Colour Priestess | Intuitive Mindset Coach. Inspiring JOY in Living Authentically You. Colour your Life with the Stars.

I am a Certified Intuitive Astrologer and Integrated Colour Mirror Healer/Channeller - My focus is helping guide women through their life transitions more gracefully and with Joy - as life is a constant transition it itself I am so inspire healing from within as we as the mind. I use Colour, Planets, Numbers, playfulness, compassion and intuition in teaching these women to cultivate SELF LOVE in Conscious Relationships.

Guest Category: Arts, Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: professional tennis coach
Guest Biography:

Adrian was born in Santiago, Chile and moved to the United States when he was three years old. Initially, his parents had only intended to live in Miami for five years so that they could work and save enough money and ultimately return to Chile. However, after years of assimilation, Miami became their permanent home. Growing up, Adrian played competitive tennis while also achieving great academic accolades during his primary schooling. Adrian was also able to attend secondary schooling at University of North Florida and St. Thomas University as a student-athlete by playing on the men’s tennis team at both universities. Although undocumented, he was able to attend school with private scholarships and graduated Cum Laude Honors from St. Thomas University in 2011 with a Degree in Communications Arts and a minor in Psychology. It was a great accomplishment, but unfortunately he could not exercise his degree because of his undocumented status. Thankfully, when Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was passed in the summer of 2012, Adrian was able to acquire a work permit, social security number and a Florida Driver’s License. DACA changed his life because he finally felt like he was somewhat out of the shadows of his immigration status and felt like he could give back to American society. Today, Adrian is a professional tennis coach at the Biltmore Tennis Center and Salvadore Tennis Center.

Guest Category: History, Kids & Family, News, Politics & Government, Self Help, Society and Culture, Variety
Guest Occupation: Counselor, author and keynote speaker
Guest Biography:

Corinne Zupko, EdS, LPC, is the author of From Anxiety to Love. As a licensed counselor and keynote speaker, she has helped thousands of individuals through her one-on-one counseling, weekly meditation classes for corporations, and the largest virtual conference of ACIM in the world, through the organization Miracle Share International, which she cofounded. She lives in New Jersey. 

Author Corinne Zupko, a licensed counselor and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction teacher, undertook her study of psychology out of necessity when debilitating anxiety threatened to derail her life. Seeking ways to do more than temporarily alleviate her symptoms, Corinne began to study A Course in Miracles (ACIM), mindfulness meditation, and the latest therapeutic approaches for treating anxiety.

As Corinne healed her own mental anguish, she compiled the perception-shifting process she describes in the enclosed review copy of From Anxiety to Love: A Radical New Approach for Letting Go of Fear and Finding Lasting Peace (New World Library, February 14, 2018).

“In these pages, I describe the process I used to work myself out of terror and into an anxiety-free life,” writes Corinne. “And by working that process, I’m now doing things I never thought I would be capable of: taking plane trips fearlessly, and without medications, by myself; speaking confidently in front of large audiences; traveling into New York City by myself without feeling completely overwhelmed; sleeping like a baby instead of having horrible insomnia; and awakening without early-morning anxiety. If I can experience such radical changes in my life, so can you.”

From Anxiety to Love helps readers learn to undo anxiety-based thinking by internalizing the teachings of ACIM, fostering mindful shifts in their thoughts and actions, and connecting to their Inner Therapist, the deeply gratifying, enormously comforting inner voice that affirms our safe oneness with the universe rather than our ego’s perception of danger and separation. Whether struggling with everyday stress or near-crippling discomfort, readers will find that Corinne’s approach offers a new way of healing from — rather than just coping with — fear and anxiety.

“Inner peace is not an event: it’s a process. It’s not something we attain once and keep forever, but rather an experience that continues to deepen to the degree to which you’re willing to get out of the way and allow peace to move through you,” writes Corinne. “I promise that you are worth the effort. I’m imagining that we’re holding hands in our shared commitment to undoing anxiety. Let’s do this.”

Guest Category: Alternative Health, Psychology, Mental Health, Personal Development, Motivational, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Lawyer/Activist
Guest Biography:

Daniel Sheehan, Esq.

In 2004, a group of grandmothers in Lakota country—an area comprised of nine Indian reservations in North and South Dakota—asked us to investigate and help them prevent South Dakota's Department of Social Services from removing their grandchildren from their families. The investigation uncovered that drugging and routine patterns of physical and mental abuse of Native children in foster care were leading to high levels of youth suicide. These atrocities are in direct violation of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), a federal law put into place in 1978. In response, we formed The Lakota People’s Law Project (LPLP) to help put a stop to the cycles of injustice leading to the slow genocide of the Lakota.

Our first program, the ongoing Lakota Child Rescue Project, launched in 2005 to address the actions we discovered, and to assist in the return of Lakota children to their families, tribes, and communities. This mission has expanded to include the creation of a tribal foster care program funded with direct Title IV-E funds from the federal government, bypassing the state of South Dakota. 

It was natural for us to expand our mission when the Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL) threatened the Lakota’s sacred lands and water. The injustices perpetrated against the Lakota during the peaceful and prayerful resistance to DAPL further demonstrate the government’s blatant pattern of contempt and disregard for the Lakota and their sovereignty.

LPLP engages in ongoing efforts to reclaim ancestral lands, and to stop all threats to Lakota land and resources. We believe that Native peoples possess inherent sovereignty and the right to autonomous rule and self-determination. The Lakota flourished for centuries before Europeans arrived on these lands, and their tradition of living in relation to all things is more important today than ever before. We are committed to working with the Lakota toward the revitalization of their people and culture. Learn more about our campaigns and discover how you can get involved!

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Education, History, News, Politics & Government, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Josh Tickell is an American film director who specializes in movies with a social message
Guest Biography:

Josh Tickell’s movies have won more than 40 major awards, have been selected as a NYTimes Critics’ Pick, shortlisted for an Oscar, and shown in the White House. He has spoken at more than 100 colleges and Fortune 500 businesses globally. Josh has been a guest on The Tonight Show, Good Morning America, Morning Joe and on the Today Show. He recently co-directed the Lionsgate release, GOOD FORTUNE. Tickell’s new book, Kiss the Ground – How the Food You Eat Can Reverse Climate Change, Heal Your Body and Save the World is being turned into a movie from executive producer Leonardo DiCaprio.

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Earth & Space, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, News, Politics & Government, Society and Culture, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Successful entrepreneur, celebrity mentor, motivational speaker, and author
Guest Biography:


Kurtis Lee Thomas is a successful entrepreneur, celebrity mentor, motivational speaker, and author of the best selling book THE WORLD IS YOURS -The Secrets behind “The Secret”. You may have seen him in photos with people like Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, sir Richard Branson, Steve Forbes, Beyoncé, Kanye West, and Oprah Winfrey.

Kurtis is a business intuitive who adamantly believes that the harmonious communion of the body, mind, and spirit is the key to living a happy and healthy life. This thought pattern and diligent lifestyle choice are what eventually led Kurtis to becoming a certified Hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner, Reiki Master, certified Angel Card Reader by Doreen Virtue herself, as well as a International Sports Sciences Association fitness professional.

His mantra of “First you must LEARN, then you should EARN, so eventually you can RETURN,” led Kurtis to become a philanthropist and certified Life Coach.

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Spoken Word Artists
Guest Biography:


Jesse Brown lives in Costa Mesa, with his high school sweetheart, Reanna and their two teenagers, Deborah and Isaiah. At 32, he thought had everything he thought he wanted. Twelve years married; two kids, health, wealth, and then she left. Like over half of American families, they divorced. But what he discovered about himself not only brought them back together, but recently sparked in him a desire to share his “love vs lust” lessons with others through spoken word videos on his newly formed YouTube channel “Tough Love Talks”. He is also looking to publish his book “Love is Not for Pu**ies” by the end of 2018. A “Tough Love Talks” podcast may also be in the cards.

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Marketing and PR Consultant, Certified National Speaker, author and VIP of 20% Cash Back Club
Guest Biography:


Robbie Motter is a Marketing/PR Consultant, Certified National Speaker, author and a VIP Member of the 20% Cash Back Club as well as an Author.

She is also a monthly staff writer for the Menifee & Murrieta Buzz, and the Inland Empire Business Review.

She also writes articles as well as the Nafe pages for the E Magazine for Executive Female a beautiful 186 color global magazine where she also features a Nafe member each month and also a testimonial each month from one of our Global Nafe members.

Robbie serves on the Board of the Temecula Valley Symphony, is the PR Chair for the Menifee Valley Lions Club and the GFWC Menifee/Sun City Women’s Club and also is a member of the Menifee Valley & Wildomar Chamber of Commerce.

Robbie has been featured in numerous chapters of books across the country and has written forwards in many published books.  She is currently working on her book “It’s All About SHOWING UP and the POWER is in the ASKING.

Robbie served a year ago as the part time events coordinator for the Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce in Menifee, CA   and for many years chaired their Annual Anniversary event and the also their So Strategies for SuccessWomen’s Conference. She also did several events for the GFWC Menifee/Sun City Women’s Club. She has a passion for doing events and every event she has done has been a big success.

She continues to each year chair the Nafe Western Regional Conference SUCCESS UP which is held in April. The 2017 conference will be April 22nd Sat from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm at the Corporate Room in Wildomar, CA. She has already lined up some dynamic speakers and this year will add ten vendors, so if you are interested in being a vendor contact Robbie.

Robbie also hosts her own radio show “Diva Strategies for Success” on  Blog Talk Radio, here she gets to interview dynamic guests from all over the world.

For over 19 years Robbie has served as the NAFE Western &  Mid Atlantic Regional Coordinator and last year  became the Nafe Global coordinator where she gets to interact with Nafe members all over the Country. Nafe is the largest Global network for women, and is headquartered in New York on Park Avenue, they recently celebrated 45 years of serving women.

Robbie is also the Director of three  Nafe Affiliate Networks in Southern CA, they are in Menifee, CA,  Murrieta CA and Temecula, CA. Check out  for the list of Southern CA Nafe Networks, and the times and locations of those networks. More networks are being added for Nafe networks in other areas  and you can check them out on the same page.

Robbie also serves on many boards of directors across the country.  As a speaker she has spoken the last 18 years for many organizations and corporations and has a variety of topics that she can speak on.

Prior to being an entrepreneur Robbie spent many years in Corporate America in top positions in New York, Washington DC and other states.

Guest Category: Business, Marketing, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology
Guest Occupation: Singer, songwriter, actor, poet and storyteller
Guest Biography:


During Michael McGinnis’ long career as a singer, songwriter, actor, poet, and storyteller, He directed the music for, and performed with, the internationally popular New Christy Minstrels, a group that spawned Kenny Rogers, The rest of the First Edition, Kim Carnes, and Barry McGuire. He has also toured extensively with his own band, the Rodeo Gypsies. Michael has six major label recordings to his credit, Besides It’s All Good, and was the first artist ever to produce a full-length music video for EMI Video. Many major artists, including Kim Carnes, Don Henley, Michael McDonald, Wayne Newton, and Captain Kangaroo have recorded his songs. He is a published poet, and contributes to several literary magazines. He and his friend the legendary David P. Jackson, have collected Michael’s best ever performance pieces on It’s All Good, producing a compilation of material which showcase his experience, strength and hope in a sensitive, funny, and altogether delightful way. Featured on this album are Stephen Geyer, (Great American Hero, and Hotrod Hearts) and Danny Wheatman (John Denver Band, and Marley’s Ghost).

More About Michael Mc Ginnis…

Born in February of 1942 in Peoria, Illinois, the third and last child of Francis and Dr. Clifford McGinnis, Michael spent his early years riding his pony, Star, and fantasizing about being a cowboy movie star. When he started school, the reality that hardly any of the other children in his class acted this way was quite startling to him. Often he wore his pajama top to school, because it was the closest thing he had to a pirate shirt. He never quite understood why that didn’t completely bowl the girls at school over, when it worked so well for Burt Lancaster or Kirk Douglas in the movies.

His parents were quite musical, and Michael started taking piano lessons from his mother at the age of five. This was disastrous, because he already knew all the beginning piano tunes by ear from listening to his older brothers play them, so he didn’t really bother with learning how to read the music, he just played them from memory. This of course displeased his teacher greatly, subsequently, Michael could often be found hiding behind the chicken house when it was time to practice or take a lesson.

Sometime around the age of seven, Michael’s dad took him to a nighttime rodeo at the Peoria motor speedway. This was a particularly special event for several reasons. They did not take the rest of the family; it was at night after dark, and past his bedtime; and something life changing occurred in the middle of the whole thing. The McGinnis family owned lots of horses, and Michael had already been to many horse shows and rodeos in his young life, but at this one, during the intermission, the lights went down, and the spotlight came up and out of the shoots on a big white horse, and dressed in a burgundy cowboy suit trimmed in rhinestones, rode Tex Ritter, the singing cowboy movie star. Tex rode to the center of the arena, and strumming his rhinestone-decorated guitar, sang, “Blood on the Saddle”. The story goes that upon completion of the tune, Michael leapt to his feet, and screamed, “Daddy, I want to do that!”

Michael bugged his folks for a guitar, until they finally bought him a ukulele. With a little help from his mom, he taught himself to play it, and began entertaining his family, and performing in school variety shows. Eventually he graduated to a four-string guitar, and by the time he entered high school, he was playing a full- sized electric guitar, and had formed a Doo-wop group called the ‘Six-teens’. The group had a rehearsal policy which said that if a member heard a song during the week that they thought would be good for the group, they should bring it to rehearsal, and the group would vote on it. It is important to note that in those days, radio in the Midwest was still segregated, and it was very difficult for young white boys to hear, let alone get their hands on real black rhythm and blues. But dauntless, Michael pursued several avenues and emerged on one occasion with a copy of “Daddy Cool” by the Cadillacs. He was sure that when he brought this record to the group they would be overwhelmed with excitement to learn it and perform it. Another member of the group came to that rehearsal with a record by an unknown trio of white Ivy League college students who played acoustic guitars, and banjos called the Kingston trio. The record was called “Hang down your head Tom Dooley”, and little did the boys realize at the time that this was the beginning of what was to become known as the Urban Folk Revival. The group elected to sing the folk song much to Michael’s chagrin. Soon after that experience he gave up on that group.

Synonymous with the Six-teens, Michael also played guitar in a Dixieland band which featured a trumpet player who sang folk songs just like Harry Bellefonte. He did not, however play the guitar, so Michael became his accompanist. When that boy graduated, Michael was left with an entire solo folk repertoire, which he continued to perform. This became the basis of the repertoire that he perfected in college, and eventually took on the road in the summer of 1962.

By 1962, Folk music in America was a viable popular art form, and groups like Peter Paul and Mary, the Kingston Trio, the Limelighters, the Brothers four, and the New Christy Minstrels were touring nationally. Similarly, on the East Coast, Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, Judy Collins, Josh White, and of course Bellefonte. Pete Seeger and the Weavers, were making a big noise with songs of the people. So having failed his French class at De Pauw University, which put his academic endeavor in question, Michael took his guitar, and one suitcase of clothes and stuff, and went to St. Louis to Gaslight Square, where he was hired for fifty dollars a week, at a club called “Jack’s or Better”, which was a steak house catering to a mostly Jewish clientele. Michael strolled through the tables singing folk music for tips, and immediately had to learn standards like Hava Nagila. At the end of six weeks of this he got a raise, the owner built a stage with lights and sound, stopped serving meals, and turned the place into what became known as a “Folk House.”

The next two years were spent touring America’s cities playing in coffee houses, and folk clubs. The Viet Nam war was in full-tilt Boogie, so the draft was looming. Michael joined the Army Reserves, and spent 7 months of 1964 at Fort Knox, Kentucky as a Battalion Talent Director. Following this he returned to College at Bradley University in his home town, and one night at about three o’clock in the morning he received a phone call from Michael Settle who was in town at the local hotel with the New Christy Minstrels. He told Michael that Berry McGuire had left the group, and they needed a replacement. Long story short, four days later, Michael was out of school, out of the army reserve, out of Peoria, and on the road. The rest, as they say, is history.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Author, Producer, Director and Public Speaker for social good, CEO and co-founder of GWEN
Guest Biography:


Tess has been a writer since an early age, while growing up in Des Moines IA.

Her first poem “The Red, White, and Blue” won an award and was sent to Washington DC, when she was just 8 years old. At the age of 11, even though she was stricken with fear of speaking in public, her short story was shared as her first public speaking experience talking about her passion for the Native American communities. 

Tess loves living “in the zone” of writing, which has spanned over the decades, ranging from poetry and short stories, to full feature scripts, hour long drama, animated series, speeches for the United Nations, animated children’s series, children’s books and more.

Check out  “Homeless to the White House” & “Bella Wishes”

Author/Producer/Director/Public Speaker for social good. Check out the links and be a part of a global movement that educates, motivates and inspires. Join Tess and take part of a fast-growing movement, to help change national and international laws through creative expression.

Tess has been a public speaker on behalf of women and children for the past 20+ years. Appearing before thousands of people on any given stage, to millions of viewers and listeners during interviews on television, radio, print outlets.

Tess spoke at a TEDx conference on April 14th, 2014 – revealing her vulnerable story of financial abuse that led her to the path of being without a home for seventeen months. This event, along with many other milestones in her life led for her to write her autobiography “Homeless to the White House.” 

Tess is the CEO and co-founder of GWEN, which began in 2012.

GWEN is a for-profit international entertainment production company rooted in human rights activism, with the goal of empowering people to live to their highest potential, and where possible to change international laws.

Global Women’s Empowerment Network is a 501c3 not-for-profit organization that is bringing awareness and activism around topics such as sex trafficking, human rights, early child marriage, domestic violence and other topics that fill our world with atrocities to the human spirit.

GWEN transforms lives by producing feature films, and television & multi-media programming to inspire advocacy and activism on topics that are relevant today – such as, early-child marriage, human/sex-trafficking, and the importance of education for young women and girls. GWEN believes that it is critical in today’s world to create content that supports human rights issues and gender equality.

Please visit Global Women’s Empowerment Network (501c3 not-for-profit arm). Its mission is to inspire the lives of every woman, man and child on the planet through the power of media and technology.

GWEN Alert is an award-winning app that serves people in times of emergency. A simple click of a button alerts your GWEN 5 with a GPS to send help to your location.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family