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Guest Name
Adrian Salbuchi
Adrian Salbuchi, Author, Political Analyst, Speaker, Media Commentator, Consultant, Researcher, Strategic Advisor, Writer, Blogger and Talk Show Host
Guest Occupation
Author, Political Analyst, Speaker, Media Commentator, Consultant, Researcher, Strategic Advisor, Writer, Blogger, Talk Show Host
Guest Biography

Adrian Salbuchi is an internationally-renowned Argentine author, political analyst, speaker and radio/TV commentator. His articles are widely published and translated in different countries and he regularly appears on such TV channels and Russia Today and Press TV to comment on a variety of international issues. He is a regular contributor to the Montreal-based Center for Research on Globalization and the New Dawn magazine. He is also founder of the Second Republic Project in Argentina, which is expanding internationally.

Adrian Salbuchi is an Argentine consultant, researcher, author and public speaker, specializing in New World Order power structures and their economic, financial, and monetary mechanisms.

He is a member of CREAR Consejo Regional Estratgico Argentino (i.e., Argentine Regional Strategic Council) and CEEMFRA Centro de Estudios Econmicos Mariano Fragueiro (i.e., Mariano Fragueiro Economic Studies Center).

He has authored several books and many essays on Geopolitics and Economics written in Spanish, notably, El Cerebro del Mundo: la Cara Oculta de la Globalizacin (i.e., The Worlds Mastermind: the Hidden Face of Globalization), Argentina: Colonia Financiera? (i.e., Argentina: A Financial Colony?), and Bienvenidos a la Jungla: Dominio y Supervivencia en el Nuevo Orden Mundial (i.e., Welcome to the Jungle: Domination and Survival in the New World Order).

Adrian is host to several radio talk-shows, notably, El Traductor Radial and Bienvenidos a la Jungla, and has spoken in hundreds of conferences, panels, congresses, and seminars at universities, schools, NGOs, the Argentine Army and Air Force War Schools, and political and economic centers throughout Latin America. He appears regularly on local television and radio programs. A series of his videos in English and Spanish on these subjects is available on YouTube. He is the founder of the Movimiento por la Segunda Repblica Argentina (a political project to found a Second Argentine Republic as a necessary initial step to overcome Argentinas present difficulties). Adrian lives with his wife in Buenos Aires and has four adult children. His web site is, where many of his English articles have been posted