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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Guest Occupation: Transformational Life Coach, Energy healer and Spiritual Guide
Guest Biography:


I’m a born and bred New Yorker, world traveler and Nature lover. I’m passionate about empowering people just like you to feel incredible and live a life you love!

Life is a grand adventure, especially when we live guided by our heart–I know this firsthand. The beautiful thing about life is that we can be ANYTHING we wish to be and create ANY life we desire. 

My journey in the healing arts began as a medical doctor. Degrees in Psychology, Nutrition, Chemistry and Medicine established my understanding of the human body and psyche, disease, health, life and death. 

By the time I was 25, I touched every continent except Antarctica. I worked with various healers, shamans and medicine people around the globe experiencing and learning about all kinds of healing modalities. Sometimes I found myself in pretty crazy situations, but the stories are well worth it! During this time my abilities as a natural born healer awakened. I discovered I trace back three generations to a lineage of healers from a native tribe in Colombia.

My time spent in foreign lands helped me understand that happiness means different things to different people. Ultimately it’s about discovering what happiness means to YOU and living authentically from this place. My work shows you how!

Based in Los Angeles I teach weekly classes and monthly workshops at Unplug Meditation in Santa Monica and at Ceremony Meditation in Venice. I also work one on one with people both in-person and online for coaching, mentoring and healing. My work is about healing AND optimizing the mind, body and spirit.

Many life experiences have prepared me for my work as a Transformational Life COach, Energy healer and Spiritual Guide, including:

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, Nutrition and Chemistry from New York University with Honors, Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa
  • Medical Degree from New York University School of Medicine
  • Medical Missions in remote parts of Honduras and Ecuador
  • Publications in Medical and Online Journals
  • Author of Raw Naked Truths–an inspirational E-book of wisdom for life.
  • 200 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Certification
  • Vipassana–10 days of Silence and Meditation–Twice
  • Three month Monk preparation
  • Pioneer on the FOX Television show Utopia–social experiment about creating a new society where they named me #DrLove
  • Speaker at Events and Conferences including New York Times Travel Show, Further Future, East Meets West Fest
  • Wellness and Spiritual Blogger and Guide with features on various mediaoutlets
  • Part-Time Resident and Student at Damanhur Community and University since 2016
  • Pranotherapy Healer Certification from Damanhur University Spiritual Healer School
  • Reiki Energy Healer Level 1 + 2 Certified
  • Co-Creator of The Art of Ritual–a 6 week ritual based, women’s support group
  • Creator of The Initiation Program–a transformational online coaching program
  • Co-Founder/Designer of Ravela, a conscious lifestyle brand of organic cotton jumpsuits

My purpose is to help people like you optimize your mind, body and spirit so you feel GREAT and live the life you desire. 

I guide you in finding your happiness now and empower you to live a life you love because you deserve it!

TARGETing THE MIND, BODY, SPIRIT AND HEART provides lasting changes and MAXIMIZEs RESULTS. My work INCLUDes:

  • Intuitive Life Coaching
  • Health and Wellness Consulting
  • Mental Health Counseling
  • Relationship Counseling
  • Meditation and Yoga Instruction
  • Nutrition Advice
  • Mentoring on your Spiritual Path
  • Conscious Living Guidance
  • Energy Healing

I love working one on one with people like you via online and in person sessions, as well as teaching and guiding groups around the world via my classes, workshops and retreats.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Biography:


Winner of the 2018 Guinness World Record

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Transformational Coach, International Speaker, Published Writer & Entrepreneur
Guest Biography:


Connie Costa is a Transformational Coach, International Speaker, Published Writer & Entrepreneur. She graduated from Antioch University with a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology with an Applied Community Psychology Specialization.

Connie was personally mentored and coached by legendary life-coach, inspirational speaker and best-selling author, Alan Cohen. She received her coaching certificate from the Foundation for Holistic Life Coaching. Her clients are mostly women, LGBT, and celebrities.

She produces inspirational/networking/foodie events and leads workshops and retreats in Beverly Hills, Ojai & Italy.  She is the author of, “I Give Myself Butterflies”, coming out in 2019. Join her on her next Exclusive & Unique Food Tour in Italy.

Guest Category: Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Author
Guest Biography:

Ani Anderson (MS, OT, LMT, CEMP, SBMC) knows that you were born a success and have the capacity to make a meaningful impact in the world, you just need the skills to be able to do it. She is the #1 Bestselling author of Find Your Soul’s Agenda, co-creator of Sensation-Based Mindset, and CEO of NEW Health Inc. 

Through her own intense personal trials and working closely with clients, Ani has developed systemized ways of teaching people how to identify and eliminate dysfunctional relationship patterns. Her clients are soulful women who know they were meant for more love in their relationships and careers, but have been unable to access it.

Ani lives in a log cabin in the woods, nestled between the foothills of the Adirondack mountains and Lake Champlain. She, her husband, and their blended family can often be found swimming in the lake, skiing, playing a board game, enjoying the amazing local food, or riding the ferry boat back and forth to school.

Guest Category: Courses & Training, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Inspirational, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Serial entrepreneur, digital marketing consultant, business strategist, social media influencer, former TV host, author, public speaker, and investor
Guest Biography:


Known as Mr. Blueprint, Richard Krawczyk is a serial entrepreneur, digital marketing consultant, business strategist, social media influencer, former TV host, author, public speaker, and investor.

He is the Co-Founder and CEO of the tech startup Zenith Data and CEO of the digital marketing agency Blueprint Digital Media.

As one of the Top 1% of social media influencers globally, Richard assisted the world-class social media team on behalf of Access Hollywood and the Vanity Fair Social Club in covering the 2015 Golden Globe Awards and the 2015 and 2016 Academy Awards. His timeline deliveries on Twitter exceeded 1.4 BILLION during Oscars Week, which included the 2016 Academy Awards. During that week, his reach was the equivalent of 10 Super Bowl ads – at a time when each Super Bowl ad ran $5.5 million dollars for each spot.

He also co-starred in a follow-up movie to The Secret called Pass It On.

Richard is an avid supporter of youth activities, such as drum & bugle corps, where he was fortunate to perform in The Cavaliers from Rosemont, IL in 1984 and 1985, where he honed his disciplined lifestyle. He is also a die-hard Chicago Cubs and Chicago Bears fan.

Guest Category: Business, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Technology, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Guitarist, Singer and Songwriter
Guest Biography:


The Story Doesn't Have A Beginning…..

….as we experience the middle parts, we see that open doorways let us embrace the illusion of a new beginning……and that helps to make life fun.  Over and over again.  So open the door and BEGIN! 

My name is Colin.  I sometimes feel the need to BE AMAZING in life.  My head and my heart whisper things to me like “you can do anything you put your mind to” and “follow your dreams and never give up.”  And when I let my dreams form in my consciousness, they include music and community, family and compassion, Mother Earth and healthy people.  I grew up in the east of the United States near the Pennsylvania/Ohio/West Virginia area.  I’ve been with music my whole life and even chose to study it in university to further my understanding.  I have traveled the world through North and South America, Europe and Asia, always with a guitar on my shoulder or a saxophone slung around my neck.  

The journey has always been good to me and continues even on this day.  The consistent mystery of life tosses me into the wildest experiences.  Through those experiences I learn so many cool things that make me more prepared for this NOW MOMENT!  What am I doing now?  That’s what is important.  

Well I can tell you this, I am singing in my heart and paying attention to the world around me.  I have the responsibility to be amazing with my life.  Shining gratitude on all the wonderful blessings shown to me: my inclination toward music, my loving and patient family, my relationships, friends, collaborators, teachers, my girlfriend, my health and happiness and my ability to create and nurture those things every moment, is a practice every day.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Director of NJRope Paranormal
Guest Biography:

Frank is a New Jersey residence and has been attracted to the paranormal since a young age. His first opportunity to begin investigating the paranormal was under the guidance of Nancy Tursi and the now defunct Double Visions Paranormal Group located out of Palmyra, NJ. Dedicated and desiring to learn more, in early 2009 Frank founded and currently is the director of NJROPE, which operates throughout New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania, and Delaware. NJROPE currently consists of approximately 30 members, all of whom share his desire to learn about the paranormal world, but more importantly to assist people who are having paranormal experiences in understanding and dealing with their given situations.

He has written several classes, which are part of the intense NJROPE training process, with variations offered to NJROPE clients and the public through lectures intended to increase education and awareness about the subject. Frank has completed over 300 paranormal investigations and consulted for dozens more. Frank has recently founded and is the owner of the Online store, NJROPE Depot. The store has been created to provide assistance to clients of NJROPE, NJROPE sister groups and the public with building and maintaining a positive environment.

Guest Category: Paranormal, Ghosts
Guest Occupation: Holistic Coach and Healer, Personal Transformation Pioneer
Guest Biography:

Phillip Mountrose , with his wife and partner Jane, are coaches and energy-healing pioneers who help holistically-minded people tap into “the heart and soul of success” with holistic coaching and healing techniques. They include holistic EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), their signature GTT (Getting Thru Techniques) and Spiritual Kinesiology, a method they developed to heal and guide from the soul. They focus on helping people live fully, overcome blocks and reach their fullest potential. 

Co-Founder of the non-profit organization Awakenings Institute, he has devoted over two decades to exploring the fields of personal and spiritual development and helping thousands of people through his publications and trainings. His passion in life and greatest joy revolve around helping people to overcome personal challenges, discover their life purpose, and create tremendous success both personally and professionally.

Since 1992, Phillip has taught courses in holistic coaching and energy healing in California. He and Jane have written over a dozen books and manuals that are sold worldwide. These include the some of the most popular books on EFT, as well as books on Spiritual Kinesiology, manifestation and more.  They include Getting Thru to Your Emotions with EFT, Getting Thru to Your Soul, The Holistic Approach to Living Healthier Longer and The Holistic Life Coach "Get Started" Manual.  Their newest book is “The Ultimate Paradigm Shift: A Guidebook for Creating The Life You Were Born to Live.”

Phillip and Jane enjoy living in central coast California with their two dogs.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Personal Development, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Paranormal Victims
Guest Biography:

Lance Eberhardt and his family moved to the small rural town of Kearney Missouri 9 years ago and they currently live on a small horse ranch on 15 acres.  Lance was attracted to the area because of the rich Western history, as it was the birth & burial site of the outlaw Jesse James as well as many others who lived or passed through the area.  He & his wife, along with their 4 daughters thought that escaping the larger cities would be a better & safer place to live.  However, that proved not to the case as unexplained things starting happening and escalated to the point of violence; attacking the family from all angles. Seeking help was hard as some didn't believe or were too scared to help.  It wasn't until they sought the help from The Dead Files that they finally got control of their home and can finally live somewhat of a normal life.

Guest Category: Paranormal, Ghosts, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: anesthesiologist, musician and author
Guest Biography:

N  E  I  L    R  A  T  N  E  R   M  D






Neil Ratner quit college in the late sixties and traversed the Hollywood celebrity world as a successful road manager for names like Edgar Winters White Trash and tour manager for Emerson Lake and Palmer. He established a full-service production company (a pioneering approach at this stage) to support the artists on tour and worked with T-Rex, Genesis, Pink Floyd and many others. Later in his career he managed the successful songwriter Denise Rich and built Dream Factory studios in NYC. Denise was the wife of Marc Rich, (one of the world’s most successful commodities traders, indicted in the largest case of tax evasion ever brought against an individual in the US at that time) After his successful career in the music industry he decided it was time to follow his heart and pursue his other childhood dream of becoming an MD. Even though not a single American school wanted to take him, he didn’t give up and moved to Mexico to get his medical degree. He made it back into the American system and after many years of residency Neil became an anesthesiologist. Traditionally anesthesiologists worked in hospitals, but Neil had other ideas. He was the first to take the practice of anesthesia out of the hospital and into doctors’ offices in NYC. When Propofol became available in the U.S. in the late 1980 s Neil was one of the first to become expert in its usage as it was a perfect drug for office use. His relationship with the top plastic and reconstructive surgeons in New York allowed him to treat a number of high-profile patients. That is how Neil met Michael Jackson. He became his personal doctor and a close friend. They had a lot in common. Neil accompanied the star from late 1997 until his last performance in 2001. Neil became a trusted friend of Michael's from 1994 to 2002, periodically going on tour and spending time with Michael at Neverland.

Rock Doc is Neil’s remarkable journey about Rock & Roll and Michael Jackson, Nelson Mandela, a prison sentence with very unexpected results and how helping the poorest of the poor became a key part of his life.

Purchase Rock Doc the brand-new book by

Neil Ratner MD

 at amazon

ROCK DOC will take you from backstage at a Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon concert in the early seventies, where Neil's production company, Circus Talents, Ltd. was providing production services, to the office operating rooms of elite New York surgeons where Neil Ratner MD was Director of Anesthesia. Neil was an aspiring rock n roll drummer but ended up on the other side of the business working as both a tour manager for Emerson, Lake, & Palmer and providing production for the Pink Floyd. After a bad attack of kidney stones and a stint in the hospital, Neil had an epiphany and decided to pursue his childhood dream of becoming a doctor.

Guest Category: Entertainment, History, Medicine, Music
Guest Occupation: Head Soccer Coach, Chicago Fire Juniors Academy
Guest Biography:

Taip Beshiri is the Head Soccer Coach at Chicago Fire Juniors Academy in Chicago.

Guest Category: Kids & Family, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Award-Winning Author, Speaker, and Radio Show Host
Guest Biography:

A true inspiration, Judy Gaman is an award-winning author, speaker, and radio show host. She's helped everyone from teens to CEOs. Whether it's finding and developing their passion, or taking steps to live a longer, healthier life, Judy Gaman delivers.  A graduate of the prestigious George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences and the School of Professional Studies, Judy learned how to tie together her knowledge of health and wellness and her desire to educate and inspire others.  She is an award-winning author of four books and is currently working on books five and six simultaneously.  When she is not writing, you can hear her coast-to-coast on the airwaves as she co-hosts the nationally syndicated Staying Young Show with Drs. Mark Anderson and Walter Gaman of Executive Medicine of Texas. Her infectious personality and love of research keep audiences of all ages and backgrounds entertained and educated.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Entrepreneur
Guest Biography:

Ms. Lillian S. Cauldwell has interviewed numerous bestselling fiction and nonfiction authors on the national acclaimed phone group tour, PBP Playback Producers. She has also been a Media Adviser at The National Publicity Summit in New York City (Steve Harrison). In former years, Ms. Cauldwell participated in the International Miami Book Festival and interviewed selected authors in person and by telephone. Lillian Cauldwell is known in the Media Industry as ‘Passionate’ and ‘Getting Things done!’

Ms. Cauldwell Ghost-writes blogs for top business executives including inter-active e-books from articles, blogs, commentaries, letters-to-the-editors, and vlogs for top business executives and authors. She helps business individuals master the techniques of presentation and interpersonal skills.

Clients engaged Ms. Cauldwell for her honesty, integrity, passion, getting things done, 25 years of research skills, 10 years of audio streaming and interviewing, versatility, communication and interpersonal skills.


Nothing succeeds like success.
Start succeeding by hiring Lillian S. Cauldwell to coach you on becoming a great host and an even better interviewer. Eleven plus years of operating an internet talk radio station, and hosting her own interview show, Ms. Lillian Cauldwell has been invited to the International Miami Book Festival, in Miami, FL for the past four years. Her internet radio station was the first internet station to be invited. In addition, Steve Harrison of The National Publicity Summit has invited Lillian Cauldwell to give one minute advice to their authors to become successful on radio, tv, and internet radio.Get on board and quit stalling. Ms. Lillian a S. Cauldwell is here to get you started and on your way to becoming successful host and interviewer.
Remember, to become successful, one must place themselves in a path of a giant, Lillian S. Cauldwell!
Guest Category: Arts, Business, Education, Entertainment, History, Pets and Animals, Society and Culture, Spiritual, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: President, Bodymechanics Institute
Guest Biography:
Shari Aldrich, LMT, is the President for the Bodymechanics Institute, High 4 Marketing for Massage Therapy, and the Bodymechanics School of Myotherapy & Massage.
As a massage therapist, Shari has a personal goal to help relieve pain in 1 million people by 2025. A traumatic injury in 2013 could have derailed her plan, but instead became the greatest catalyst for change and creating more opportunity for growth.
Shari serves as the chief visionary for Bodymechanics and is excited to share her passion for creating massage school owners around the world.

Wake Up! How to use your personal story of perseverance to overcome obstacles and increase profitability.

Connect at:
Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle
Guest Occupation: BA, Dip Journ, BHSc, Podiatrist and Ballet Shoe Fitter
Guest Biography:

Georgina Barr started her podiatry career in response to the Christchurch earthquakes after working in the arts sector.

Georgina works full time at SportsMed in Christchurch. She also runs her own business, Barrina Ltd, where she provides a custom pointe shoe fitting service, lectures on anatomy and biomechanical physiology and engages in dance mentoring.

Georgina created the Podiatrist for Dancers Facebook page to allow open connections between dancers and the sharing of knowledge on managing dance injuries.

She also created pre-pointe and dance assessments for ballet dancers wanting to progress to pointe work, and works with the Juon Pointe System.

Georgina is an affiliated committee member of the Christchurch Ballet Society, a Friend of the Royal Academy of Dance, a member of the International Association for Dance Medicine & Science, and she has training in the Juon Pointe Shoe Fitting System.

In 2019 Georgina will be starting a Masters degree at Lincoln University in Applied Science with a focus on dance medicine.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: MPH, Holistic Lifestyle & Wellness Consultant & Essential Oils specialist
Guest Biography:

My passion for health came while I was in college based on my own health journey. I didn’t have a healthy relationship with food and didn’t like eating my veggies growing up. I was always trying to “diet” at a young age. Being overweight growing up provided its challenges back in the 80’s when it wasn’t the norm. My mother put me on diet before I transferred to a new high school so I wouldn’t be casted out. During high school I learned to love being fit and participated in extracurricular activities because I loved how it made me feel. Till this day exercise is for my mental and emotional health and wellbeing.  

After gaining the Freshman 10, I began to exercise and eat better (what was “better” in the 1990’s..aka fat free fad) and lost 23 pounds that second semester. My love for fitness grew and my major changed from nutrition to exercise science. During my first job after college I began suffering from migraines. I chalked it up as being a monthly thing. Then they began more frequently where I was getting them weekly. 

The stress of my first job caused a domino effect of my health from constipation, mild depression, fatigue, acid reflux and I was only in my late 20’s. I was put on meds for my reflux and migraines.  I had an adverse reaction to the migraine medicine that snapped me into wanting more for myself. I knew back then that it was not normal to feel tired and old before I was 30. After I turned 29 and my husband and I began to talk about starting a family, I knew I had to get myself healthy and well. A dietician suggested I see her naturopathic doctor for food sensitivities. I January of 2006, I was told I had to eliminate gluten, soy and dairy and decrease my intense exercise regimen. So I did, cold turkey. Within weeks my migraines and reflux were gone. I began to feel more energy and had my ah-ha moment. Food really is our medicine if we just listen to our bodies. That began my journey towards digestive wellness.

I don’t beat my body up anymore when it comes to exercise and ran my last marathon in 2003. Too much of anything has its price and not being smart about our fitness is not good either. I listen to my body, I take breaks, but for me, exercise improves my mood and my natural medicine of choice. We all have to find what works for us physically and have to make that time to be fit so we can have a better quality of life as we age.

During this time I’ve grown more into my faith and love to learn more about His word. In fact, I’ve been baptized three different times. I found what is working in my life and integrating it into my family. I’ve studied the Bible for health answers and amazed how He has provided it all in His great book. From parenting, to marriage, He talks about how to live healthy and honor our physical bodies well. It honors Him when we care for ourselves too.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Guitarist, singer, songwriter
Guest Biography:

R  I  C  K

L  A  M  B  E  R  T



'E M P T Y   T R A I L'

Austin, Texas has spawned a variety of world-renowned bands over the years that covered a wide variety of styles - Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble, the Sword, Scratch Acid, Dangerous Toys- and a band that one day may very well be mentioned in the same breath is the fast-rising/hard rocking Empty Trail. Comprised of members Rick Lambert (vocals/guitar), Shane Wallin (bass), and Rom Gov (drums), the band was started elsewhere. “The band essentially formed here in Austin,” recalls Lambert. “However, it has been a personal project of mine since the spring of 2013 while I was living in Los Angeles. I thought it would be better to start a band in Austin because of the highly saturated market in Los Angeles. I went through a couple of members, but eventually found the full live band in the summer of 2016. I decided to keep it as a 3-piece. It seemed a bit less expected.”

Empty Trail’s most recent single, “My World,” Lambert and company have already solidified their sound.  Lambert states … “I think Empty Trail’s sound takes bits and pieces of the most iconic hard rock/metal bands while maintaining authenticity. I’ve always wanted things to be relatable and believable. I don’t really want to be limited to a box. I’m sure every artist says this, but it’s true! I think the music fits the mold of catchy and even pop-y at times, which seems to be what’s going around, but it comes from a real place. I’m in music because this keeps me going. I have something I need to say, something that I need to let out, because if I bottle it up it is destructive. Yes, it’s rock, and it’s exciting and I want everyone to have a great time, but if you are listening, I hope it makes you feel understood. Somewhere where you can be free and not judged for who you are.”

Download the new single by Empty Trail entitled 'My World' at

For more information about Rick Lambert and Empty Trail

Visit …

Guest Category: Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: PhD, former Mr. America, Mr. Universe, Radio Host, Life Nutrition Coach & Fellow 2019 National Fitness HOF
Guest Biography:

At a very young age, Lance had an insatiable passion for health and fitness. He became fascinated with the body and passionate about bodybuilding. He competed against some of the greatest names in bodybuilding (yes, including Arnold), and won the titles of Mr. America (1981), IFBB Mr. Universe (1981), and Professional Mr. Universe (1986); among other awards.

Lance spent over 6,000 hours training with Bob Gajda, inventor of the phrase "core", and co-author of the seminal book, Total Body Training. After finishing his professional bodybuilding career, Lance pursued a PhD in Nutritional Counseling and Physical Education and along with his doctorates, became a certified Life Coach.  This training allows Lance to understand the key components to losing weight and the psychology behind why many sabotage themselves and have trouble with keeping their weight off.​

Lance has nearly 4 decades of experience as a personal trainer. As a Baby Boomer himself, Lance understands the aging body. He specializes in personal training and weight loss for Baby Boomers, especially those with medical conditions, such as diabetes.

To date, Lance has helped thousands of patients over a period of 30+ years lose a combined total of over 10,000+ pounds of fat.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Society and Culture, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: CEO of TPS Player Service
Guest Biography:

John Perna is the CEO of TPS Player Service, chicagoland's premier golf academy, specializing in developing golfers into players! After a successful college campaign at Florida Gulf Coast University and a stint of playing professionally, our founder, John Perna, decided coaching full time on the PGA Tour wasn't enough for him. He was ready to pursue is true passion, coaching and mentoring dedicated junior golfers. Since 2010, 5 of John's 6 original students have gone on to earn PGA tour affiliated status by the age of 24, cementing TPS Player Service amongst the golf community elite. TPS has developed the # 1 ranked boy or girl in Illinois in the class of 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017. Currently, TPS is training the # 1 ranked boy in the 2019, 2020, 2021, 2024 class and the #1 ranked girl in the 2020, 2021, and 2022 class. The 2010, 2014, 2015, 2016 IHSA State Champions and the IHSA all-time scoring record holder have all come out of our program. In the last 8 years, TPS has sent more than 75 players to Division 1 schools to play golf and more than 100 players to play golf collegiately. TPS students have racked up 500+ tournament wins worldwide. The success of our players has been unprecedented for a golf academy in the northernly geographic location of Chicago, Illinois, making us the #1 golf academy in the midwestern United States."

Guest Category: Games & Hobbies, Kids & Family, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: YouEQ Founder, Speaker, Game Designer and Facilitator
Guest Biography:

"To synthesize is to combine numerous things into a coherent whole" and that's Brenda's role on the YouEQ team. She is the visionary for YouEQ and has a skill for attracting the exact talent required and inspiring these people to connect and contribute their wisdom to the project. Combining brain science, gamification and emotional intelligence, the YouEQ platform connects & empowers people.

Calling on over 20 years experience as a finance executive, business strategist and an expert of whole life health and vitality, Brenda contributes to the strategic direction, business structure and content of the platform. 

In the spirit of accomplishing this—with a lot more fun—we have drawn on the latest in brain science and gamification to optimize the learning and retention of information delivered through our multi-faceted platform. Through gamification, we educate people on intrinsic motivation, whole-health and develop multiple levels of emotional intelligence—teaching them to apply this to build powerful relationships.

A powerful speaker on the impact of neuroscience and communications, Brenda  specializes in sharing her wisdom on: Empowering People, Employee Engagement, Enhancing Productivity, Creating Powerful Corporate Cultures, Leadership Development, Business Strategy, Financial Modelling, through Public Speaking and You-EQ games.

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Science