Frank is a New Jersey residence and has been attracted to the paranormal since a young age. His first opportunity to begin investigating the paranormal was under the guidance of Nancy Tursi and the now defunct Double Visions Paranormal Group located out of Palmyra, NJ. Dedicated and desiring to learn more, in early 2009 Frank founded and currently is the director of NJROPE, which operates throughout New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania, and Delaware. NJROPE currently consists of approximately 30 members, all of whom share his desire to learn about the paranormal world, but more importantly to assist people who are having paranormal experiences in understanding and dealing with their given situations.
He has written several classes, which are part of the intense NJROPE training process, with variations offered to NJROPE clients and the public through lectures intended to increase education and awareness about the subject. Frank has completed over 300 paranormal investigations and consulted for dozens more. Frank has recently founded and is the owner of the Online store, NJROPE Depot. The store has been created to provide assistance to clients of NJROPE, NJROPE sister groups and the public with building and maintaining a positive environment.