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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Headlined Guests that have appeared on BBS Radio TV

Guest Name
Try using the first name first
Guest Occupation: Seven time Emmy award-winning composer, producer, performer, public speaker and Experiential Strategist
Guest Biography:


Gary Malkin is a seven time Emmy® award-winning composer, producer, performer, public speaker and Experiential Strategist dedicated to making a difference in the world by creating music-driven media and experiences that inspire the heart and catalyze individual and societal healing.

As a keynote presenter, he is passionate about the vital role music, media, and the arts must play during these extraordinary times of change as an innovative tool to enhance our humanity, deepen our sense of meaning in our lives, and cultivate greater emotional/social intelligence in an increasingly complex world. As a composer for numerous award-winning television and film projects for nearly thirty years – as well as an immersive Experiential Strategist for conferences worldwide, Gary is known for participating in countless globally acclaimed projects that support environmental sustainability, spiritual tolerance, children’s health and welfare, cancer research, and cross-cultural healing.

Deepening the role that the arts and music can serve in addressing key challenges in our society, he is the co-creator (with music pioneer and award-winning filmmaker, Michael Stillwater) of the internationally acclaimed CD/book, Graceful Passages: A Companion For Living and Dying, released by his life-enhancing media company, Wisdom of the World, which offers aesthetic ways to help face life transitions with greater mindfulness, presence, and compassion.

In 2011, he co-authored another groundbreaking CD/Book called Safe in the Arms of Love, utilizing the power of music to raise awareness about a pressing social issue involving the ubiquitous digital distractions that threaten the essential bonding process for parents and newborns. Constantly reinventing new ways in which media can serve as a resource for a more positive purpose, he has just released a new genre called WisdomFilms™ – Media for Human Being, short-format films for stress reduction and heart/mind integration (available now on

In 2008, Gary was commissioned by the CEO and curator of TED, Chris Anderson, to create the opening and closing music for the global broadcast phenomenon, Pangea Day. He also has served as Artistic Director and Experiential Strategist for the Quest for Global Healing Conferences in Bali, Indonesia, (which featured Archbishop Desmond Tutu, among other Nobel Laureates) and was asked to present on the healing power of music on the stage of the Great Hall of China during the Beijing Olympics.

An in-demand public speaker, he has presented his vision of new ways to use music for life-balance and social intelligence at places such as Google, Harvard’s Conference on Spirituality and Health, Scripps Integrative Clinic, Google, Kaiser Permanente and UCSF Medical School. He was recently featured on the national PBS Series, Healing Quest, the Huffington Post, and countless radio talk shows promoting a greater understanding of the power of music and the arts as an essential resource for inspiration, emotional intelligence, enhanced creativity and life/balance integration.

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Music, Society and Culture, Technology, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Author and educator
Guest Biography:


Sarah McCrum is an author and educator who specializes in teaching people how to transform their relationship with money so they can grow their business and their inner peace. A significant part of her work is creating experiences for people that transform their energy through the use of words and resonance, or energy transmission.

This skill developed through 22 years of training with Chinese Masters and a deep connection with music since childhood.

When she met Gary Malkin their mutual love of resonance and subtle communication brought them together to develop a new genre called “transformance,” which is an improvised transformational performance combining words and music.

Guest Category: Literature, Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Energy Healing, Sound Healing, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Cellist and co-founded Resounding Earth
Guest Biography:


Gabriella Kapfer, born in Germany, trained in farming, psychotherapy, music and later forging metal sound instruments, created a new unique form of Sound Healing and co-founded Resounding Earth, an impulse to raise the vibration on this beautiful planet. She traveled the world as a Bard for Peace for many years from 2004 – combining her many skills creating music, sound and experiences for individuals and groups that facilitate people to access deeper parts of themselves, their connection with Nature and the greater whole.

In the late 1990s she lived with Louis and Sandra Bohtlingk in the north of Scotland for some years where the Care First money transformation impulse was received and applied in many ways – including a small retreat house on the edge of the wild. During this period Gabriella learnt much from Nature through inner attunements that invited her to work with sound in a new way – work that facilitates molecular change and realignment through what we now refer to as Sound Weaving.

Passionate about teaching and modeling co-creative partnership with Nature and the Earth, Gabriella has been co-facilitating vibrational healing workshops and alchemical forge retreats as well as transformational journeys and pilgrimages to sacred sacred sites working with sound and Nature for many years. As a creator and sound alchemist she brings the wider consciousness of co-creating with all of life towards facilitating others to be aligned  with their deeper nature and with the Earth. 

She knows that when we truly re-member our interconnectedness with all of Life, we will naturally move towards a state of being, where we act from Care as we see ourselves as part the whole.

She currently lives in Portugal and is involved with a wide range of regenerative projects that are working to create an Earth school. 

Guest Category: Arts, Earth & Space, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Music, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Intuitive and psychic counselor, certified bookkeeper, workshop leader and founder of World Finance Initiative and Care First World
Guest Biography:


Louis Böhtlingk, born in the Netherlands, trained intuitive and psychic counselor, certified bookkeeper, workshop leader and founder of World Finance Initiative and Care First World. Louis is the author of Dare to Care – a love based foundation for money and finance – written in co-operation with Hazel Henderson and of Care First written in Dutch.

Louis works internationally with facilitating the shift from a Money First to a Care First world. Care First means, that money serves the well-being of people and the Earth and is not used at their expense (Money First).

He works with a powerful transformational workshop Meeting the Mystery of Money since 2004 on and off-line. It addresses our relationship with money on a deeply experiential level, assisting us to move from fear to trust and from a victimized to an empowered experience in our dealings with money. It portrays the archetypal story behind our relationship with money, its purpose, challenge and outcome and sets a new tone for the future of economics.

Louis lives in Forres near Findhorn, Scotland with his beloved wife Sandra. They have become an active part of the Findhorn Community. Louis received the inspiration for Care First in 1997. It has inspired many worldwide since and made a further breakthrough Oct 2020. We are now pursuing an effort to see how we can communicate the message of Care First in the most effective and impactful manner and how to build a Care First World together.

Louis describes a Care First World as a world in which care for the well-being of people and our planet comes first. Money is used to make well-being possible. Everyone can provide for their basic human needs and develop themselves. We care for the Earth, who provides us with so much materially. We experience the Earth as a gift we can share with each other.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Biography:

Michael Gregg Michaud writes about Hollywood, and has contributed to numerous books about show business and the arts.  He is the author of the critically acclaimed, best-selling Lambda Book Award nominated Sal Mineo, A Biography.  The biography was a pick of the month in Los Angeles Magazine and by Turner Classic Movies, appeared on Leonard Maltin's recommended holiday list in 2010, and later adapted for the screen as a feature film, Sal by James Franco.  He edited and annotated, Mae West Between the Covers, (Bear Manor Media, 2018), which was nominated for the 2019 Next Generation Indie Book Award for Best Anthology, and wrote Mae West: Broadcast Muse (Bear Manor Media, 2019, which was nominated for the 2021 Next Generation Indie Book Award for Humor/Comedy.

Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Entertainment, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: intuitives, authors
Guest Biography:

Anne Salisbury, PhD and Greg Meyerhoff are internationally known intuitives and award-winning best-selling authors of intuition books including Journey to Heaven: An Insider’s Guide to the Afterlife. You can visit them at and

Today they will be sharing with us about their book Journey to Heaven: An Insider’s Guide to the Afterlife.

Over the last 30 years, they have helped tens of thousands of clients gain clarity, direction, and purpose in relationships, health, and work. They are clairvoyants who connect you with your pets and loved ones.

They also offer energy clearings for your home and your office. (See:

To increase your intuitive skills and live your passion, train with them and become a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist through their Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute. Become certified in past life regression, medical hypnosis, and intuitive skills. (See:

About Anne Salisbury, PhD, MBA - Go Intuition

About Greg Meyerhoff, CPC, CCHt - Go Intuition

Guest Category: Courses & Training, Kids & Family, Paranormal, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Founder of Hummingbird Sports, Best-Selling Author & Girl’s Lacross Helmet Advocate
Guest Biography:

As the father of four athletic daughters, I have always been disappointed with how little the athletic world cares about the "girls." I decided it was time for a change. I created the Hummingbird Headgear because I strongly believe we need to start protecting our female lacrosse players from potential head injuries from a fast growing and evolving game. I created Hummingbird Sports because there needs to be a sports company out there for the girls. We need apparel and equipment designed for the female athlete. The female athlete is built differently than the male athlete. She plays her sports differently. It is about time we started thinking about what she needs.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Owner of of PsychEdge, Licensed Counselor for Sport & Performance Psychology & Mental Skills Training
Guest Biography:

Motivated Licensed Counselor specialized in Sport & Performance Psychology and Mental Skills Coaching, giving student-athletes and weekend warriors their PsychEdge. I coach and counsel athletes, performers, and professionals, using mindfulness, mental skills, and mindset, to manage emotions for performance enhancement, moving forward post-injury, confidence, satisfaction, resiliency and success. My background in physical therapy, massage therapy, and extensive counseling psychology experience, allows me to coach clients on mental training skills for success, life transitions, anxiety, depression, and grief and loss, while attending to the mind-body-energy connection. I also have background in I/O Psychology, health and wellness, substance abuse/mental health counseling and organizational effectiveness consulting. Strong corporate background partnering with C-level leadership to spearhead continuous improvement initiatives. A passionate, positive, organized professional with integrity, a hunger for knowledge and self-growth, strong communication skills and an appreciation for science (especially neuroscience) and evidence-based application. Conflict management expert skilled in identifying, isolating, and resolving complex issues.

Highlights of Expertise:

● Integrated Care ● Mental Health Counseling & Education ● Expert Communicator

● Evidence-Based Application ● Mental Skills Coach & Consultant

● Project Management ● Training & Development ● Executive Collaboration

● Strategic Planning & Execution ● Organizational Development

● MS Office, Remote Tools ● Relationship Management

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: OB GYN Speaker Author
Guest Biography:

Dr. Anna Cabeca is triple board certified in Gynecology and Obstetrics, Integrative Medicine, and in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, as well as an expert in Functional Medicine, menopause, and women’s sexual health.

She specializes in bio-identical hormone replacement therapy and natural alternatives, successful menopause and age management medicine. Dr. Cabeca earned her medical degree from Nova-Southeastern University of the Health Sciences in Florida. Since completing her residency at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, she has maintained a private practice in Southeast Georgia through 2014.

Dr. Cabeca frequently lectures nationally and internationally regarding restorative health and women’s health issues. She is a consultant and trainer for other physicians in Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy and Functional Medicine Principles.

A mother of five, Dr. Cabeca is a native English speaker who is conversant in four languages. Growing up in a multi-lingual and cultural household nurtured her love for international medicine and travel, which she pursues to this day.

Her belief is that the advantages of creating health and hormone balance are that we not only improve our own health, but also improve the health of our generations to follow.

She is the co-creator of the Sexy Younger You! telesummit and the creator of the highly acclaimed virtual transformational programs:, and

Given her passion relating to medical research, she researched and developed Mighty Maca Greens, a powerful superfood, in 2010. This medically formulated drink contains over 30 natural, healing ingredients. Learn more at

And Julva® an anti-aging feminine cream for the vulva that has been literally saving marriages and enhancing lives! See more at

"I’m proud to have published two best-selling books: The Hormone Fix, a groundbreaking holistic lifestyle program for menopausal woman and Keto-Green 16, a comprehensive nutritional plan to staying healthy and slim, at any age."

Dr. Cabeca can be found at

For information about her products and programs, click here:

Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Science, Self Help, Sex
Guest Occupation: R&B/Soul/Rock/Music Artist/Producer/ and Nephew of the legendary Bobby Womack
Guest Biography:


"B  I  N  K  Y"

W  O  M  A  C  K





He is music royalty, there is no question about that. And there aren't many families that have had more of an impact on soul music than the legendary Womack family. And that talented family continues to make an impact through the emergence of Curtis "Binky" Womack. Binky is the son of the late Curtis Womack of The Womack Brothers and has made a career for himself as a top tier session guitarist.

Binky's career transitioned from backing his father and his uncle, Bobby Womack, to working with stars like Usher and Snoop Dogg. He has become a SoulTracks favorite, with every album displaying his killer guitar work and a sound that harkens on the best elements of blues, southern soul and R&B.

Binky’s latest release is called Mr. Womack 2021 and available at




His latest releases






For more information about




Official Websites



Bobby Womack Official Website

Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, History, Music, TV & Film, Variety
Guest Occupation: Content Writer
Guest Biography:

Jane loved designing clothes. With each new collection, she was expected to tell a memorable story. As a designer/entrepreneur, a part of her role was to pitch that story, engage the media and score some publicity for our design house. The clothes told a visual story, and the media wanted a story told to them with words that they could share with their audience.

Over time, she realized that she enjoyed the storytelling more than fashion, though she’ll always be a sucker for a great print or fun accessory.

Since leaving the fashion business, Jane has been helping other entrepreneurs and brands tell their stories more successfully – for greater visibility, thought leadership, and more profits.

Today, Jane and her team have successfully helped their clients drive more revenue, attract top-tier clients and partners, and get featured in:





        The New York Times

        Travel Weekly


        Mercury News

Guest Category: Careers, Marketing
Guest Occupation: Top Success Coach, NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Embodiment Expert, Speaker and Author
Guest Biography:

As seen on Fox, NBC, Thrive Global, Entertainment Tonight, and more, Alexis Artin is a leading success coach, international speaker, writer, trained in NLP, and a master embodiment teacher—fully immersed in the DeMartini Method.

She has spent the past two decades propelling people towards their personal and professional best. Alexis is a woman transforming women. She not only asks them tough questions that drill down to the root, but she empowers them with proven information, so they can confidently make new choices that dissolve the mind matrix of illusions constructed around their lives.

After working with many A-list celebrities across the board in television and film, Alexis transitioned her passion and skillset for fostering potential and obtaining results in the world of self-development and transformation. She worked side-by-side with many of the most revered thought leaders bringing personal growth to the global stage and was the driving force behind expanding one of the largest and most respected female empowerment companies, which inspired her to channel her expertise into creating a coaching practice serving clients across the globe.

Alexis teaches others to embrace their knowing; connecting mind, body, heart, and soul. Her powerful coaching gives her clients true and lasting transformation from the inside out. An ICF-certified professional coach and Energy Leadership Master Practitioner, Alexis is also co-founder of

FreeBody™ Practice and a hypnotherapist.

Guest Category: Energy Healing, Inspirational, Motivational
Guest Occupation: A French author, meditation teacher, singer, filmmaker, and photographer
Guest Biography:

Today’s show is a conversation on Meditation for Daily #Stress. A new way of #meditation that doesn't requires effort nor #breath #exercise.  My guest is Michel Pascal is a transformational and spiritual multi-talented artist, meditation teacher, singer, composer, photographer, film director, and author dedicated to supporting underserved populations - including LA’s hardened population of parolees. An author of 20 books on spirituality, including "Meditation for Daily Stress, 10 practices for immediate well-being," a book that describes all his new approach of Meditation. He is the director of the We are never alone film, one of the solutions of the Never Alone movement for Suicide prevention and Mental Health. As a singer Pascal has performed his “Medicine Voice” concerts several times at Carnegie Hall in NYC. This year he will perform the Christmas concert 2021. He has been singing with famous musicians like Myron McKinley, music Director of Earth, Wind and Fire, Verdine White Co-Founder of Earth, Wind and Fire, Paul Pesco, Mark Ledford (vocalist of Pat Metheny Group), and many more.

Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Executive Management
Guest Biography:

Jamal Rashad Patterson is a 2009 Watkins Award Honoree from McDonough, Georgia.  Prior to attending Stanford University, he played high school football at Henry County High School where he was an Academic All-American and maintained a 4.6 GPA while also running track.  Jamal Rashad was a 3X State Champion in the 300m and set the state record in 2009.  As a football player, he was a Gatorade Player of the Year Finalist, All-State, and Chick-fil-A Player of the Year.  Jamal Rashad was selected to play in both the Under Armour and U.S. Army All-American Games.  He was rated as a top player in all the recruiting services coming out of high school.

Guest Category: Business, News, Careers, Management, Education, Sports & Recreation, High School, College
Guest Occupation: Book super-agent Bill Gladstone
Guest Biography:

#BOOK Interview Highlights:

1. What is the power of publishing versus self-publishing 2. Writer’s block: how does an author get through it? 3. Book writing rituals?

QUOTES from Bill Gladstone:

"Don't destroy good for the sake of perfect."

"Every day do 5 different things to promote your book."

"Greatness consists of not getting in the way of what is meant to be."

Bill Gladstone founded Waterside Productions in 1982 and has personally placed more than 5,000 titles with dozens of publishers. Currently, Mr. Gladstone represents authors such as spiritual teachers Eckhart Tolle, Dr. Barbara DeAngelis, and Neale Donald Walsch, international peace advocate Dr. Ervin Laszlo, the Napoleon Hill Foundation, New York Times bestselling authors Gay Hendricks and John Assaraf, and musician Neil Young. Mr. Gladstone is also the author of his own best-selling novels, plus a co-author with Jack Canfield. His company, Waterside Productions is one of the most successful literary agencies in the world, generating more than $500 million in author royalties for their clients. They specialize in non-fiction and have a robust foreign rights division with placement of titles in more than forty languages. As a literary agency, they are focused on established authors with significant pre-existing audiences and track records of success. For More:

DARE TO MAKE YOUR DREAMS A REALITY. Debbi Dachinger puts the ‘inspiration‘ back into podcasts in an award-winning show that is your #1 transformation conversation. Award-winning "Dare to Dream" podcast, enjoyed by listeners for 14 years with host, Debbi Dachinger, offers strong conversation on metaphysics, quantum creating, law of attraction, healing, and extraterrestrials. Dare to do great things. Dare to shine by living a daring life! This cutting-edge program is filled with new, and fresh interviews. Subscribe! Leave a review; we read and appreciate them all!

Join me on Instagram: @daretodreampodcast and @debbidachinger

Debbi Dachinger is a certified coach whose expertise is Visibility in Media. She coaches people to write a page turner book, takes their book to a guaranteed international bestseller, AND pulls back the curtain, so clients have the system to be interviewed on media and podcast and get massive results. Debbi shows people how to find and use media exposure to locate their tribe, fill workshops, sell books, and gain exposure. Connect with Debbi: Get your free Template to learn what YOUR unique message is for your business:

Ready to challenge yourself and consider the possibilities? Join Debbi Dachinger, a long-time member of the make-your-dreams-happen influencers, as she interviews successful, brave, vulnerable, and spirit-based leaders’ powerful insights. What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? What would it take for you to feel completely free and bold? When we let go of our dreams we settle for the status quo and follow a path that doesn’t fulfill our deeper purpose and passion. If the status quo makes you feel restless and bored, then you have a bigger purpose to fulfill. If you know there is a fire within you, and you are searching for a way to ignite it -- “Dare to Dream” is the podcast for you. Subscribe and listen now.


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The show is sponsored by and Access Consciousness

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Guest Category: Arts, Business, Education, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Variety
Guest Occupation: Neimology Expert
Guest Biography:

Sharón Lynn Wyeth

International name expert Sharón Lynn Wyeth is the Founder and Creator of Neimology® Science, the study of the placement of the letters in a name, after 15 years of research followed by 3 years of testing in over 70 countries. She has evaluated thousands of names since 1995. Her bestselling book, Know the Name; Know the Person is the first in the sequence, followed by Know the Name; Know the Spirit and Know the Name; Know How to Connect. You may have seen her on Good Day LA, New York City’s Fox News, Good Morning Arizona, and in various other cities on NBC, CBS, & ABC or have heard her interviewed on any one of hundreds of radio shows. Today she is hired by Human Resource Departments in choosing appropriate candidates to interview, lawyers in how to present cases to judges, and individuals who wish to know themselves better and maximize their ability to connect with others. She also assists nationally and internationally in naming new businesses, new products, and when people wish to change their names. 

How Much Do You Think You Can Learn About Someone From Their Name? Way More Than You Think...A Person’s Destiny is Written in Their Name! Sharón Lynn Wyeth, Founder of Neimology® Science, Will Fascinate Your Audience How much do you think you can learn about someone from their name? Not their handwriting, but just their name? If you’re Sharón Lynn Wyeth, founder of Neimology® Science, you can tell their past experience, their future health concerns, their unique personality traits, their strengths, challenges and even their purpose in life. She can tell instantly how a person really thinks, feels and behaves—regardless of what they tell you! That’s because Neimology® is the science that discovers personality secrets hidden in the placement of the letters within names. Each letter in a name holds a key to unlock one’s true essence. A person’s name contains information about that individual’s gifts and challenges. Neimology® Science can even reveal the first and last impression people remember about us. That’s why companies around the world hire Wyeth to evaluate job candidates! And she does it without ever meeting them! She also helps lawyers choose their juries and how to present their cases, as well as individuals know their purpose and life plan. Neimology® Science also can compare two names and state what can improve the relationship. Many people call Sharón prior to naming their children, or even dating someone! Wyeth created Neimology® Science after 15 years of research done while an educator and principal of a high school, followed by three years of testing her theories in more than 70 countries, including Russia, India and China. Over the next 37 years, she continued refining the skill, which is why it is so accurate today. Wyeth is now beginning to teach this Neimology® Science to students eager to unlock the secrets within names. In an interview, Wyeth can address: • Using Neimology® Science for Dating-- Is He A Keeper or a Creeper? • Are You Being Judged by Your Name? • Does Your Name Determine Your Destiny? • Does the Name Determine How to Sell? • How do you Hire the Ideal Employee Utilizing Names? If you would like to have Sharón Lynn Wyeth on your show to fascinate your audience with a few name readings—or have her do a brief short-hand reading of your name for the interview, please contact me at....


Guest Category: Education, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Neimology Expert
Guest Biography:

Sharón Lynn Wyeth

International name expert Sharón Lynn Wyeth is the Founder and Creator of Neimology® Science, the study of the placement of the letters in a name, after 15 years of research followed by 3 years of testing in over 70 countries. She has evaluated thousands of names since 1995. Her bestselling book, Know the Name; Know the Person is the first in the sequence, followed by Know the Name; Know the Spirit and Know the Name; Know How to Connect. You may have seen her on Good Day LA, New York City’s Fox News, Good Morning Arizona, and in various other cities on NBC, CBS, & ABC or have heard her interviewed on any one of hundreds of radio shows. Today she is hired by Human Resource Departments in choosing appropriate candidates to interview, lawyers in how to present cases to judges, and individuals who wish to know themselves better and maximize their ability to connect with others. She also assists nationally and internationally in naming new businesses, new products, and when people wish to change their names. 

How Much Do You Think You Can Learn About Someone From Their Name? Way More Than You Think...A Person’s Destiny is Written in Their Name! Sharón Lynn Wyeth, Founder of Neimology® Science, Will Fascinate Your Audience How much do you think you can learn about someone from their name? Not their handwriting, but just their name? If you’re Sharón Lynn Wyeth, founder of Neimology® Science, you can tell their past experience, their future health concerns, their unique personality traits, their strengths, challenges and even their purpose in life. She can tell instantly how a person really thinks, feels and behaves—regardless of what they tell you! That’s because Neimology® is the science that discovers personality secrets hidden in the placement of the letters within names. Each letter in a name holds a key to unlock one’s true essence. A person’s name contains information about that individual’s gifts and challenges. Neimology® Science can even reveal the first and last impression people remember about us. That’s why companies around the world hire Wyeth to evaluate job candidates! And she does it without ever meeting them! She also helps lawyers choose their juries and how to present their cases, as well as individuals know their purpose and life plan. Neimology® Science also can compare two names and state what can improve the relationship. Many people call Sharón prior to naming their children, or even dating someone! Wyeth created Neimology® Science after 15 years of research done while an educator and principal of a high school, followed by three years of testing her theories in more than 70 countries, including Russia, India and China. Over the next 37 years, she continued refining the skill, which is why it is so accurate today. Wyeth is now beginning to teach this Neimology® Science to students eager to unlock the secrets within names. In an interview, Wyeth can address: • Using Neimology® Science for Dating-- Is He A Keeper or a Creeper? • Are You Being Judged by Your Name? • Does Your Name Determine Your Destiny? • Does the Name Determine How to Sell? • How do you Hire the Ideal Employee Utilizing Names? If you would like to have Sharón Lynn Wyeth on your show to fascinate your audience with a few name readings—or have her do a brief short-hand reading of your name for the interview, please contact me at....


Guest Category: Education, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, Self Help
Guest Occupation: CEO of Ledlow Security Group
Guest Biography:

Mark Ledlow is on a mission to put 10,000 veterans to work in the growing security industry. 

Mark is a Marine Corps Veteran, Law Enforcement Officer, and the CEO of Ledlow Security Group. 

As the host of the Fearless Mindset Podcast, Mark has interviewed experts in security from former FBI, CIA and independent agencies, UFC heavyweight champions and CEOs of cybersecurity firms.



Guest Category: Business, Management, Military, News, Politics & Government, Technology
Guest Occupation: practicing Otolaryngology-Head and Neck ( ENT) Surgeon
Guest Biography:

Dr. Francis Parnell, a practicing Otolaryngology-Head and Neck ( ENT) Surgeon for over 30 years is Chairman and C.E.O. of Parnell Pharmaceuticals a California based private pharmaceutical company founded in 1986.  The company develops, manufactures, and markets prescription and OTC drug products that maintain and restore mucosal and skin integrity. The pharmaceutical company he co-founded with his wife Dr. Diana Parnell. Diana Parnell is a board-certified dermatologist with extensive experience and expertise in cosmetic and laser surgery as well as general dermatology and head of Cosmetic and Laser Surgery Institute Kentfield, CA. They worked together to develop Cosmetic and Laser Surgery Institute and together the couple bring years of consumer health experience, treating patients and developing oral, nasal and personal care products.

 A successful ENT and a board-certified dermatologist Dr. Parnell, took These nasal sprays and mouth sprays…. are the must have products for consumers to arm themselves and combat viruses, bacteria and provide another layer of protection against COVID-19. Please join me  your host Pamela L Henderson, June 15,2021 as I have this exclusive interview at 12 Noon PS-Time with  Dr. Parnell, who will  explain how we could journey on with our lives overcoming Covid-19 with the products that are essential regarding our every day lives to overcome a decease we can not see.


Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Philosophy, Science, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Clairvoyant, master astrologer, psychic visionary, sound healer and empath
Guest Biography:

Today’s show is about Rippling Waves: A Spiritual Journey Through the Heart of the Universe.  My guest is Anthony Teresi who is a renowned clairvoyant, master astrologer, psychic visionary, sound healer and empath, highly-respected for his compassion and integrity.  Today we travel with Anthony as he reveals the infinite bliss and wonder of the oneness that awaits us, in the transcendent dimensions where our pure consciousness resides and ultimately returns to the origin from which all love flows. He is a multidimensional traveler working with the highest intuitive, psychic, and visionary forces. Anthony fuses his natural gifts with the intellect and wisdom born of many lifetimes of experience to create a special language that has inspired countless souls as they gain an understanding of the unseen forces that shape and transform all of our lives.

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The Dare to Dream podcast has been nominated for the PEOPLE'S CHOICE PODCAST AWARDS and a Webby Award. Dare to Dream is ranked as a top best podcast in Self Improvement on Apple Podcasts in the USA and a trending top podcast this week in Belarus, Uruguay, and Saint Lucia.



Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual