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Guest Name
Zen Gardner
Zen Gardner
Guest Occupation
Writer, blogger, author, raising the consciousness of humanity,making the invisible visible
Guest Biography

Zen Gardner began his online writing and blogging 9 years ago after a lifelong quest for truth and several major life changes. His focus is empowering humanity to reach its full potential in conscious awareness and its resultant activation.  He is the frequent guest on many internet radio shows, always striving to awaken and share his inner knowledge.  

He writes on a variety of subjects from forbidden knowledge and our manipulated spiritual and historical context, to current political events, in an effort to dismantle old mind sets in order to encourage the awakening of human consciousness and bring meaningful change to a world that’s under full frontal attack by powers that seek to deny humanity its health, freedom and ultimate discovery of who they truly are.

His new book, You Are The Awakening, is available on his website, as well as  

This first book of a series is a compilation of updated articles regarding the awakening to a more fully conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here. I’ve selected my more appropriate essays to help empower and encourage anyone who is on this wonderful path of realizing our infinite potential, highlighting the fact that any change we seek in the world around us begins with each of us individually.