Zen Cryar-DeBrücke is an internationally renowned inspirational teacher, speaker, author and coach. Her passion is teaching people to tap into their innate inner guidance to generate consistent, successful results in life. The result is replacing exhaustion, anxiety, fear and dread with ease, joy, flow and fulfillment.
Zen's programs have helped thousands of people all over the world transform their lives for the better, with sustained positive changes in their business and personal lives. Her compassion radiates through her work, and her style is down to earth, practical, humorous and wise.
She was a founder and CEO of one of the first Internet design companies in the world. The company, in a four-year period, quickly grew from $250,000 to $4,000,000. She is known for creating innovative online strategies that are simple and work for fortune 500 companies, including Applied Materials, IBM, Electronic Arts, BP and VISA.