Louis Böhtlingk, born in the Netherlands, trained intuitive and psychic counselor, certified bookkeeper, workshop leader and founder of World Finance Initiative and Care First World. Louis is the author of Dare to Care – a love based foundation for money and finance – written in co-operation with Hazel Henderson and of Care First written in Dutch.
Louis works internationally with facilitating the shift from a Money First to a Care First world. Care First means, that money serves the well-being of people and the Earth and is not used at their expense (Money First).
He works with a powerful transformational workshop Meeting the Mystery of Money since 2004 on and off-line. It addresses our relationship with money on a deeply experiential level, assisting us to move from fear to trust and from a victimized to an empowered experience in our dealings with money. It portrays the archetypal story behind our relationship with money, its purpose, challenge and outcome and sets a new tone for the future of economics.
Louis lives in Forres near Findhorn, Scotland with his beloved wife Sandra. They have become an active part of the Findhorn Community. Louis received the inspiration for Care First in 1997. It has inspired many worldwide since and made a further breakthrough Oct 2020. We are now pursuing an effort to see how we can communicate the message of Care First in the most effective and impactful manner and how to build a Care First World together.
Louis describes a Care First World as a world in which care for the well-being of people and our planet comes first. Money is used to make well-being possible. Everyone can provide for their basic human needs and develop themselves. We care for the Earth, who provides us with so much materially. We experience the Earth as a gift we can share with each other.