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Mark Eyre

Do you think that powerful people have no ethics while ethical people have no power?  Are you disillusioned and disenfranchised with the way things are in society nowadays?  Do you exist rather than live most of the time?  Does it seem like politics and voting are all a charade, and nothing will ever really change?

These feelings are widespread.  However, things are the way they are largely because we’ve signed up to the agenda of a fear-ridden society.   How have we allowed this to happen?  More importantly, what can we do now to change it?  Join Mark Eyre on a journey to find the key to transforming the society we live in, and change yourself in the process.

Most of us instinctively know things are wrong.  When people doing socially responsible jobs can’t make a living.  When the old are thrown out of work prematurely, and their pensions are axed.  When the young are in debt up to their eyeballs before they even see their first job.  When banks can bankrupt the country and get away with it.  We can see this is wrong, but – after all – what can we do about it?

It’s time to find out just what you can do.

It’s time to play a different game.

We have a gap that never gets talked about.  We have in one corner, politicians and business leaders who completely lack self-awareness, and in many cases any values or ethics base to their actions.  In the other corner, we have many self-help gurus who claim to passionately believe in human potential, but who stay silent on a society that is set up to stunt the very potential we are all born with.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could put the two together, and transform the world we all live in?

It has become increasingly clear that we are expected to 'play the game.'  However, if enough of us choose to play a different game instead, the game will have to change, and society - and each of us - will begin a process of transformation.

United Kingdom

I am a personal development consultant, running my own business called Brilliant Futures.  I am passionately committed to helping people to achieve their potential in work and life.  I previously worked for 25 years in a range of different organisations.  I specialise in helping people to make career changes, become more resilient, develop their own authentic leadership styles, and enhance their own influencing approaches.

Politically active during the 1980’s and 1990’s, I became disillusioned with how we are affected by the decisions of Government and big business, and withdrew from active involvement.  I am convinced that the time has come to put this right!  I was christened by others as the "Corporate Hippie."  I dress like a conventional businessman - but then I open my mouth, and everything changes!

As a coach, facilitator, trainer and presenter, I have worked with thousands of people in the last ten years.  The conversations I've had convince me of a massive hole right through the middle of society, from education and the media, through to how businesses run and how we are governed.  This hole punches right through our own sense of self-esteem and personal empowerment.  The result is an epidemic of modern dis-eases like stress, obesity, depression and abuse of self and others.  I have seen this in my work with people in career crisis, thinking about their future, and in building their own resilience.

Apart from 'Create your own revolution,' I am also finalising a second book called 'The Real Me' which focuses on building our own personal coherence and authenticity.  A third book, called 'Power Up Your Life', which looks at the nine steps to ethical self-empowerment, will be completed by the end of 2016.

Jonathan Goodman

Jonathan Goodman is the host of the weekly YouTube channel The Johno Show. The channel produces a video every Thursday focused on American political news and commentary.

United States

Jonathan Goodman is the host of the weekly YouTube channel The Johno Show. The channel produces a video every Thursday focused on American political news and commentary.

Alison Donaghey

There are a lot of problems in the world and the only thing that is going to fix them is critical thinking. We live in a world so inundated with disctractions that we have either lost the ability to think critically or just lack the time. We jump to conclusion, toss around poorly documented "facts" and if we just slowed down, thought about the ramifications of our choices and got in touch with who we were at 4 when we wanted to know things, we could create incredible positive social change.


Alison Donaghey has always been a critical thinker. She used to think that made her more of an annoyance than an asset. In the process of starting her house-painting company, Sonshine Girls Painting, she realized that critical thinking is an asset and used it more and more. That put her on a fast track to becoming one of the best-known companies in the area. In a few years, she went from a single mom on welfare to making over six figures.

Alison’s commitment to critical thinking prompted her to start another business, Domino Thinking, and write an international #1 Best selling book, Change Your Business, Change the World, which challenges people to think about what they think about. As an author, speaker, and strategist, she encourages people to question the status quo and apply their own critical thinking to improve not only their world but the world.

Alison has been fortunate enough to create a life that allows her to travel – alone or with her son – and learn from other cultures. She’s a big fan of trying everything once, be it skydiving, eating crickets, bungee jumping, white water rafting, or walking with lions. Not everything bears a second try, but it’s hard to have regrets if everything is tried at least once.

Alison currently lives on Vancouver Island, on the west coast of British Columbia, in a house she designed and living a life she is constantly redesigning. Life is good.

Joseph Holmes

My name is Joseph Holmes. I am a survivor of adolescent sexual, emotional and physical abuse. I have a very simple message I believe will benefit your listening audience, as it has done for so many others. In 1991 my life turned upside down. A nervous breakdown followed by a period of deep depression ushered in my “dark night of the soul.” Over time I became aware of the angels around me, and my life with Mother Mary, and most notably Mary Magdalene (“Maggie”) with her Love Notes For Your Soul, began in earnest. It’s a story of “Angel Interventions” and transformation available to all of us.

My story is everybody’s story. It’s about turning our lives around by listening to our hearts and intuition, by tuning into what our angels are telling us. Then faithfully acting upon that wisdom. Enthusiasm and inspiration are nothing. They come and go. If one believes, however, then miracles occur.

I would love to send you a complimentary digital copy of my most popular book, Love Notes For Your Soul---Loving Yourself Wealthy---The Power of Angels. It’s a short read. I would be happy to discuss whatever topic you feel is best, since The Power of Angels touches on many aspects of daily living and Success Principles, including the Law of Attraction. I’m sure there are many subjects to choose from in relation to your listening audience. Here are some sample topics:

Angel Intervention. How to listen to your angelic intuition and keep moving forward toward your Dream.

Embracing Your Sexuality: The ley to ending procrastination and living the life you deserve.

Motivation vs Inspiration: Your secret to success.

At the end of my interviews I always offer a free gift for your listeners as a token of my appreciation. It’s a How To PDF describing a simple but powerful technique that can be used to change one’s feelings almost instantly, thus helping to keep one’s vibration on par for success. If you prefer, I am also happy to provide you with interview questions to help make your busy life a little less hectic.

Please let me know how I may best serve you and your listening audience. It would be my pleasure and sincere honor.




My name is Joseph Holmes. I am a survivor of adolescent sexual, emotional and physical abuse. I have a very simple message I believe will benefit your listening audience, as it has done for so many others. In 1991 my life turned upside down. A nervous breakdown followed by a period of deep depression ushered in my “dark night of the soul.” Over time I became aware of the angels around me, and my life with Mother Mary, and most notably Mary Magdalene (“Maggie”) with her Love Notes For Your Soul, began in earnest. It’s a story of “Angel Interventions” and transformation available to all of us.

Escondido, CA USA (760) 522-0218

Amazon Author Page: Horses and Heroes is a Reality TV series, which combines the highly effective peer support with Equine Therapy

“I was enlightened and moved by the flow of energy from Joseph as he spoke about his life's journey thus far. His book, The Power Of Angels, is a source of light, love, and energy from his heart. Joseph puts the Love Notes all in perspective. His books are inspirational guiding lights for all women.”---Pat Galio-Bauer, Store Operational Manager, TJ Maxx, Allentown, PA USA

“It was a great pleasure to share the airwaves with Martial Arts Expert Joseph and author of the Loving Yourself Wealthy books on my radio show. Joseph is a compassionate, considerate and inspiring guest. His compelling story truly inspires souls to reach out and connect with unseen energy.”---Kimla Dodds of Austin, TX USA of "Kimla & Company" only on HarmonyRadio

"Wow, Joseph was amazing in this interview! He shared himself so deeply and honestly. He inspired me, uplifted me, helping me go within to find the kind of courage he has, and to learn from him, his books, his character and his love. Thank you. I am grateful.”---Jade Le, Los Angeles, CA USA, EFT & Reiki Energy Healer, LOA Coach & Mentor, Speaker & Trainer at Email:

“Joseph was so amazing to have on Spirit Therapy Radio!!! He brought a very unique and beautiful perspective to healing ourselves through his incredible wisdom and also through his beautiful connection with Mary Magdalene! We were so honored to have him join us and he is welcome back anytime!”---Tahsha Renee, Portland, OR USA, Host, Spirit Therapy Radio

Judge Michael Sage Hider

Recently, I was a guest on the Larry Stevenson Show, the Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers’ Show, the Sharpening Your Spirit Show (Cindy Sharp), the Alex Okoroji Show, the Creative Magic Unchained Show (Frederic Bye’), and the Sasha Talks Show (Sasha Laghonh). On my first appearance on his Show, Larry Stevenson skipped a break because he didn’t want to interrupt our conversation. He was so moved with the audience’s response that he invited me for a second appearance three months later. Cindy Sharp is so impressed with my message that she has taken it upon herself to personally contact a number people in the industry encouraging them to have me as a guest on their show. Alex Okoroji told me the show would be fifty minutes in length and we talked for 1 hour and 40 minutes! She stopped just short of saying that in all her years of broadcasting, it was the best show she ever had! She very enthusiastically recommended that I have any radio talk show host contact her concerning my being a guest on his/her Show. Sasha Laghonh informed me that, unequivocally, we were restricted to a 45 minute show. We talked for 1 hour and 10 minutes! She is very enthusiastic about my message. I beseech you to please, please contact those Radio Show Hosts for an assessment of me as a Radio Guest! I have been accepted to be a guest on David Cowdery’s Show, Different Strokes for Different Folks Show, the Tim Buendia Show, the Books for A better Life Show, the Catch A Vision Show, the Choke Point Show, the Dr. Tammy Post’s Show, the Say It Plain Show, the We Choose Respect Show, and the Unstoppable Frankie Picasso Show. I guarantee you have never had a guest on your show with my background and qualifications. I am Michael Sage Hider. I have a B.S. Degree in Engineering, an M.S. Degree in Philosophy with a strong minor in Psychology (graduating with honors at the top of my class), and a Juris Doctor in Law. I was a Trial Attorney for eleven years and a California Superior Court Judge for thirty years, having recently retired. For decades, I have toiled to bring Enduring Peace of Mind, the greatest treasure in the world, to people with troubled souls. I can do that for your listeners/viewers, regardless of what happened in their pasts, their present situation, and their prospect for the future. I authored “Spiritual Healing-Making Peace with Your Past,” now in its second printing by Tate Publishing. For the past twenty years I’ve made presentations throughout California and Arizona on “The Art of Thought Dwelling to Obtain and Maintain Enduring Peace of Mind.” I provide Healing Steps for those people who are agonizing over what that despicable person did to them, the stupid things they did for which they cannot forgive themselves, and what Fate did to them. The Healing Steps can restore souls who have been crushed by life’s turmoil to that coveted state of mind enjoyed by the world’s greatest peace makers. By utilizing the methodology set forth in the book, a person can keep her/his mind forever clear of negative, ugly, self-defeating Satan-I thoughts and dwell only upon positive, beautiful, self-enriching God-I thoughts. As proof of healing troubled people’s lives, I regularly receive letters and testimonials such as: “I am truly impressed with Judge Hider’s writing. He has successfully intertwined principles of cognitive behavior, therapy, Scripture, and human experience in a unique manner. I am certain this book will help and inspire many people” (Cynthia Hunt, M.D.); “Thank you for giving my life back to me.” Julie _____; “The truths contained in this book dramatically changed my daughter’s life! I intend to give as many copies of it as I can to other people in need of its truth.” (William Stephens, Th. D., President, Evangelic Christian College); The bottom line, which few people understand is, outside circumstances and conditions do not determine what your life is like nearly as much as the thoughts upon which you choose to dwell.

United States of America

I am Michael Sage Hider. I graduated from the University of Cincinnati (OH) with a B.S. in Metallurgical Engineering. Having been in the Air Force ROTC Program, I was commissioned into the United States Air Force as a Second Lieutenant. I was selected as part of a very elite group of engineers to participate in underground nuclear testing at the Nevada Test Site, performing tests which required the detonation of atomic bombs. After three years of active duty and some reserve time, I was Honorably Discharge from the Air Force with the rank of Captain I entered the Seminary for a period of time where I delved into the matters of Theology, Philosophy, Psychology, Latin, and Greek. It was during this scrutiny that I conceived of the concept of shaping one’s life by what I call Good Life Truths, an integral component of the discipline of possessing Enduring Peace of Mind, the greatest treasure in the world. After leaving the Seminary, I enrolled into the Master of Arts Program at the University of Toledo (OH), where I majored in Philosophy with a strong minor in Psychology. From these studies evolved the technique I call, “The Art of Thought Dwelling to Obtain and Maintain Enduring Peace of Mind.” Based on that effort, I was awarded an M.S. Degree in Philosophy with a strong minor in Psychology, graduating at the top of my class, with honors. Seeking more personal freedom, I entered Law School at Santa Clara University (CA). I graduated with a Juris Doctor degree in Law. After being a very successful trial attorney for eleven years, I ran for and was elected a California Superior Court Judge. During my tenure as a California Superior Court Judge, I presided over a plethora of murder cases, medical malpractice cases, legal malpractice cases, large personal injury cases, multimillion dollar breach of contract suits, etc. On several occasions, I was elected by my peers as Presiding Judge of the Court. I also received numerous other awards and honors including being selected as the 2010 Judicial Officer of the Year by the Southwest Riverside County Bar Association, an award I very much cherish. It was during my tenure as a judge, and using many anecdotes from the courtroom that I authored my highly acclaimed book, “Spiritual Healing-Making Peace with Your Past,” now in its second printing by Tate Publishing. After thirty years on the Bench, I recently retired and now spend my time as a sought-after motivational speaker throughout California and Arizona, promoting my book which clearly sets forth the principle of “The Art of Thought Dwelling to Obtain and Maintain Enduring Peace of Mind.” My presentations and my book have assisted innumerable lost and troubled souls, those crushed by life’s vicissitudes, to obtain and maintain Enduring Peace of Mind. I provide Healing Steps for those people who are agonizing over what that despicable person did to them, the stupid things they did for which they cannot forgive themselves, and what Fate did to them. I very much delight in observing these people return from a state of pain to a state of total contentment, serenity, and Enduring Peace of Mind.

Scott McMaster

My name is Scott McMaster, I am a Personal Development Coach and writer, specializing in Trauma recovery. 

I’ve been a consultant and business owner for over 30 years, many of those years in the corporate world. While I still work with businesses, my focus now (and my passion) is helping individuals survive and thrive physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, whatever “spiritually” means to them.

In addition to my coaching work, I’m also a writer. I’m currently writing my first book to help people understand in friendly, non-religious and non-technical terms, the basics of the Body-Mind-Spirit relationships and balance. The book has a special focus on the role of emotions (and untaken emotional journeys) on physical and emotional well-being.

I have recovered from intense emotional and physical trauma in my life, and have turned many “negatives into positives”, which is the direction my book takes.

I am passionate about helping individuals identify and remove the obstacles that keep them from reaching their highest potential.

United States

Scott has been a successful life coach and business coach/consultant for over 30 years. At an early age he built a strong work ethic, and developed excellent people skills working in his family’s business. He began his career as an agricultural accountant in Santa Cruz County, CA in the late ’70s, working with growers, food processors and growers coops. In the late ’80s he began working as a business consultant, coaching owners, managers and employees in many different multi-million dollar companies.

In the early 2000s Scott took a couple years off business coaching and consulting to seek the answers to life’s deeper questions. After multiple years of studying with dozens of enlightened and compassionate spiritual and life mentors, Scott combines a wealth of business knowledge and experience, with both compassion and an understanding of human nature and human challenges. His knowledge, experience and wisdom is evident to those seeking his services.

From business owners and corporate CEO’s, to individuals struggling to reach their potential, Scott has assisted and mentored people to master their lives. Whether struggling with what’s keeping them from living in joy and realizing their potential, or to help them unlock the doors and reach personal life goals or successful career goals, Scott is a powerful guide to assist on the path of life.

A successful entrepreneur, Scott is owner, founder, or part-owner in multiple, successful business endeavors. Personal coaching clients find him very successful at assisting those with past traumas or PTSD, to move beyond grief and hopefulness, and into well-being. Scott currently resides in Arizona with his partner of 18 years and their furry kids. Their daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren live nearby.

Melissa Aguirre

Recover Your Wellness - Fortify Your Health - Discover Bona Fide Independence

San Antonio, TX — It seems like health and wellness tips, suggested regimens, and products are marketed everywhere; Melissa Aguirre, coauthor of The Innate Design: Implementing Self Healing Techniques for the Modern Patient says that sustainable wellness doesn't come from external conditions but from listening to the wisdom of your own body.

If you’ve experienced feeling discouraged because you were unable to maintain a wellness routine, feel well, or stay committed to a ‘diet’; then you are not alone. A recent study showed that it takes over two months before a new habit becomes automatic, thus making lifestyle choice imperative in living well. Implementing holistic practices, self care, and nourishment creates the fertile ground for one to flourish and thrive in his or her health and life. Being healthy is independence. 

The Innate Design offers a comprehensive system to eradicate the imbalances that lead to disease while shining light on ways to to support our mind, body and spirit in living abundantly. This interdisciplinary book between a physician and yoga therapist is solution-oriented providing practical ways to create a new craving for feeling well, letting go of the things that no longer serve you, and implementing physical practices from the yoga tradition to achieve optimal mental, physical, and spiritual health. 

Utilizing the Chakra modality, Dr. Kyle Hoedebecke and Melissa Aguirre derail the vacuous descriptions of the Chakras by demonstrating how the Chakra blueprint plays a key role in our health and wellbeing through our neuroendocrine system and cognition. Each chapter is based upon a Chakra describing the role it plays within our lives and includes healing solutions for maladies caused by imbalance, yoga practices that help in the prevention, healing, and maintenance of the Chakra and much more. This book is an invitation for the reader to live inspired by their challenges knowing it is curriculum to grow. This book is to empower the reader to give him or herself the permission to relax and live well. Furthermore, this book is to serve as a sustainable motivator reminding the reader that we each hold the capacity to heal ourselves through the prevention, recovery, and maintenance of our wellness- we just simply need to remember our power in choice. 

Finally, do not let overwhelm or any other reason separate you from feeling well and healthy. The more you learn about your body’s physical, mental, and spiritual nature; the more you can react in ways to prevent illness and rise through ailments. All inspired by a holistic platform of intuition and choice; The Innate Design uses cost effective treatment and prevention practices such as yoga, the Chakras, and mindfulness to further healing and maintenance. 

Yoga and Mindfulness expert, Melissa Aguirre, offers a variety of practical tools to empower and educate the listener in finding balance within his or her life. Give self care a chance; we cannot serve from an empty vessel. It is time to come home to your wellness.

United States

Melissa Aguirre is a Nationally Registered Yoga Therapist, Certified Energy Medicine and MBSR Practitioner specializing in scientifically based holistic health practices and education. Her passion for serving those who serve has led to the creation of her mindfulness based yoga therapy programs that serve the military population along with multiple wellness workshops and classes in holistic healing to her national audience. Melissa is a wellness speaker and contributing author for yoga therapy case studies continuing to impact optimal patient care and sustainable lifestyle choice.

Mary Ann Burracco

My name is Mary Ann Burracco, Author of: Hi, My Name is Mary Ann and Remember Me. Both novels are real life stories about my life of love, addiction, and victory!

I have very important life changing experiences to share, that can save a life! I'll show your listeners how obstacles are just bumps in the road to challenge us, but we can overcome them with love. "A Path of Misfortune Can Lead To A Road of Success".

I am a funny and witty middle age, middle class Italian American woman born and bred in Brooklyn, New York. I married young with hopes for the future that came crashing down. My dreams for the future became a nightmare, but through strength and support I triumphed and came out on top!

After three years of a happy wonderful marriage I noticed subtle changes in my husband Eddie. His casual drinking quickly turned into addiction. Alcoholism, compulsive gambling and spousal abuse became my new reality. I lost myself in a world of gambling which put me in deep debt and wanting to kill myself.

Hitting rock bottom and nowhere to run I was lead to Gamblers Anonymous, and it saved my life. Through the grace of God, I showed courage, inner strength and came out with ultimate victory. And, your listeners can too! Woman's Radio Show with KC Armstrong named me as "Inspirational Woman Of The Year 2015".

Let's connect and schedule a date for me to be a guest on your show! I am EST; please let me know your preferred DAY & TIME to connect :)


Mary Ann Barrucco is a funny and witty middle age, middle class Italian American woman born and bred in Besonhurst, Brooklyn New York. She married young with hopes for the future that came crashing down. Her dreams for the future became a nightmare, but through strength and support she triumphed and came out on top!

Mary Ann had the wedding of her dreams marring her husband at the age of twenty two with great hopes for the future. After three years of a happy wonderful marriage Mary Ann noticed subtle changes in her husband. Eddie starting staying out late, drinking heavily and becoming nasty and abusive. His drinking become an addiction that went spiraling out of control and he had no intention of stopping.

Soon realty set in. Dysfunctions by the name of alcoholism, compulsive gambling and spousal abuse play their hands. Mary Ann lost herself in a world of gambling to get away from Eddie's drinking, which put her in deep debt and wanting to kill herself. Suddenly she found herself hitting rock bottom and nowhere to run. Then, she found Gamblers Anonymous and it saved her life.

Through the grace of God, Mary Ann showed so much courage and inner strength that an ordinary woman would have buckled, but she came out of it with ultimate victory.

She is the author of: Hi, My Name is Mary Ann and the sequel Remember Me. Both novels are real life non-fiction stories about Mary Ann's life. She shows us how obstacles are just bumps in the road to challenge us, but we can overcome them with love.
"A Path of Misfortune Can Lead To A Road of Success".

Mary Ann Barrucco is one of the longest woman members of Gamblers Anonymous in the New York area of 24 years. She is also a member Who's Who of American woman, and the Woman's Radio Show with KC Armstrong named her as "Inspirational Woman Of The Year 2015".

Gregory Meriweather

Gregory Meriweather is not the average everyday activist.  He is a man who fits in wherever he needs to fit.  He is credible enough to be in tough neighborhoods, yet savvy enough to speak with the best of the best in  boardrooms across the country.  Gregory Meriweather is a columnist for the Indianapolis Recorder, and a talk show host for his own show called Black on Black. Mr. Meriweather has dedicated his time and resources to creating his own online television and radio network called Black on Black Network. His goals are to Heal, Educate, Empower, and Develop the Black Community. He personally believes that when this can happen people will take H.E.E.D. of what Black people have done, and are doing.

Meriweather spends time speaking to people from all walks of life, while trying to uplift people with his powerful words.  He is a leader that will be recognized by the world in the future.  Be one of the people who get to meet this amazing talent NOW! 


Gregory L. Meriweather is an activist, public speaker, columnist for the Indianapolis Recorder, the host of the Black on Black Radio Show, and the founder, and Chief Executive Officer of Black on Black LLC.  Defined as “Us helping us,” Black on Black addresses relevant issues that are cancerous to the Black community. Some of those issues include Black parenting, Black relationships, Black church, Black education, Black health, Black community leaders, Black government, employment opportunities, the penal system and criminal injustice.

 Motivated by his passion and commitment to change the landscape of the Indianapolis Black community, Gregory Meriweather founded the Black on Black show and serves as its weekly host. Standing firm on the concept of “We are responsible for us” and subscriber to the notion, “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for,” first expressed by Barack Obama, Meriweather believes the strength of the Black community is in the muscle work of its people. 

Black on Black is changing the community one program at a time. To date, the show has been host to guests such as former Indianapolis Chief of Police, Rick Hite, current IMPD Chief, Troy Riggs, Your Life Matters Executive Director, Michael Twyman, Tavis Smiley, Rachel Dolezal, CEO of IBE, Tanya Bell, Indiana State Senator, Greg Taylor, Mayors Joe Hogsett (Indianapolis), Karen Freeman-Wilson (Gary),  pastors, mothers, fathers, and corporate professionals.

 Meriweather is an established leader in the Indianapolis community and has served as a mentor, consultant, executive coach, and strategic officer for local faith-based organizations and other corporate entities for the past 10 years. 

Meriweather is a graduate of Marian University in Indianapolis and holds a degree in Business Administration with a focus in management.   He is experienced in the industries of brokerage and financial services, specialty chemicals, corporate retail management and distribution, and staff relations management. His leadership and management profile consists of work with Fortune 500 companies such as Morgan Stanley, Eli Lilly, National Starch & Chemical, and Target Corporation.  Meriweather is a trained negotiator and has extensive study in organizational behavior. 

Prior to Meriweather’s college and professional career, he was a decorated two-sport athlete in high school, and a college basketball player.  He has coached youth league basketball and now provides image consulting services to amateur and professional athletes.

Meriweather’s passion and gift is public speaking.  He is a communications strategist and enjoys the opportunity to speak to churches, new entrepreneurs, inner-city youth, athletes, and college graduates.  Meriweather is often requested as a workshop speaker and builds his presentation on humor, relevant experiences, and strategic resolution. 

In his constant pursuit of excellence, Meriweather believes that a positive image is a model for success.  His company, Black on Black seeks to play a supporting role in building the image of businesses, communities, and individuals. Meriweather’s goals with Black on Black LLC., are to heal educate, empower, and develop the Black communities all over the nation.