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Rev Dr Kevin T Coughlin PhD

Rev. Dr. Kev. has been helping to change and save lives for over two decades. He just released three books in e-book and paperback on addictions for parents, spirituality, and the twelve-step process. He is the Director of a residential facility in the Poconos that he founded twenty years ago, CEO of a recovery Coaching Company, Program Director for a coaching Academy, he writes a column for a recovery newspaper, freelance writes for many recovery sites and magazines, and has helped to change and save thousands of lives in his career. He was a World Champion Powerlifter, a casino dealer and supervisor, a police officer, and restaurant owner. He is an internationally published poet and domestic violence advocate. Today he is in a wheelchair because of physical problems. His work on addiction awareness, education, and prevention is a daily priority.


Rev. Dr., Kevin T. Coughlin Ph.D., DCC, DDV, DD, IMAC, NCIP is an International Master Coach, trainer, best-selling author, writer, poet, speaker,  a Diplomate Christian counselor, and therapist, he is Board Certified in Family, Developmental, Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Grief Counseling, the Reverend is a NCIP interventionist, a Domestic Violence Advocate, Associate Professor for DCU, a Provincial Superintendent (to be consecrated a Bishop in 2016) and so much more; he is an expert in the field of Addiction and Recovery. He is also the Director of a Residential Recovery Facility New Beginning Ministry, Inc. and President and CEO of Phase IIC Coaching, LLC., The Program Director for The Addictions Academy, and the Editor in Chief for Addicted Minds & Associates. The Reverend has over forty-seven years of experience with the AA program. He has been working in the addiction recovery field for almost two decades, has helped thousands of individuals and their families overcome all types of addictions, substance abuse, alcoholism, process addiction, shame and guilt, relationship and communication problems, anger management, inner healing, self-image, interventions and much more. He is a published author and has published thousands of poems and articles published throughout the United States and other Nations, he has been interviewed on numerous radio talk shows, television, published in magazines, newspapers, books, and online publications; he has been featured on ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, and the BBC in the UK. Rev. Kev is a former State, National & World- Champion Powerlifter, and still holds several records. He loves to write, read, teach, listen to music, and spend time with people and dogs. His parents are his heroes.

Roni Rhonda Sheryl Lipstein

Please get in touch with " Events @ RhondaSheryl Lipstein . com" to request a Media / Press Package.

Thank you, I look forward to hearing from and co-creatively collaborating with you very soon***



Rhonda Sheryl Lipstein 

commonly known to most as Roni,

Founding Partner of Sanctuaire Soul's Sanctuary,

your Wisdom and Wellness Calmunity Home,

and her multi blossoming Lotus’:

Roni courageously chose to,

            “walk the path less traveled”.

As an Intuitive Mystic and Empathic Holistic Healer, Roni has consciously dedicated the last two decades of her life to imbuing all those so seeking with the gift of Love Consciousness. This dedication, a result of Roni welcoming the recognition of her "Personal Legend" {purpose in life}, by opening herself to, and accepting love from withIN self.

It was thus, she was blissed the awareness of her unique gifted tools, translated into the plethora of services she offers to and for the benefit of all.  Roni provides Holistic Enlightenment Guidance, Wisdom and Wellness Life Coaching, and Metaphysical Psychotherapy, as well as a Physical Fitness and Nutritional Consultation.  

She is the Founder of the Wisdom & Wellness Community Spa, Sanctuaire Soul's Sanctuary, and BEing LOVE T.V. where she co-hosts the online show, “Soul's Talking Brain”, and hosts “Radiating Love with Roni Lipstein”.

In tandem support of her “Personal Legend”, Roni has taken the word of Love Consciousness to ‘paper and screen’. An Ontological Literary Artist and Communications Specialist, Roni’s self directed literary artistry is expressed through two blogs; Fulfilled Destiny S3 and Souls Talking Brain. In addition to two Self Discovery Activity Guidebooks, published and available internationally in e-book format, through the Kobo Bookstore, Roni’s first book, “The Gardens of Life; Your Journey to Radiate Soul Light” which the above guidebooks were birthed from, is now available in a beayoutyfully presented print format, published by Motivational Press Publishing House.

Roni imbues her professional expertise with a degree in Psychology from McGill University, certification in Professional Personal Fitness Training and Nutritional Consultation, as well as, certification in Communications from McGill University.

Roni is committed to providing the utmost to her clients whom she calls “Angel Partners”. She expanded her whole-istic/holistic expertise with ongoing education in the Metaphysical Sciences, Ontological Philosophy, Theology, as well as various Native, Natural and Alternative modes of healing.

Some specific fields of discipline include: Emotional Freedom Technique to Neuro Linguistic Programming, Naturopathy to Massage Therapy, Energy based healing modalities to Brain Entrainment and Mindfulness, Yoga to Pilates, Tarot to Numerology, Shamanism to Wicca, Buddhism to Kabbalism, and many others.

Roni is available internationally to provide her wisdom and wellness services, including; Whole-istic Life Coaching Therapy, EnLightenment Guidance, Fitness Training, & Nutritional Consultation for:

* One-on-One * Couples * Families * Groups * Playshops * Speaking Engagements & * Interviews​

Keisha Lanell Merchant

My pitch is how to turn your lemons into lemonade by beccoming aware of your Astro Life. Understanding your power as an astronomical substance in a material body through using daily decisions to be a co-creator of change and a new future. 

The steps of becoming a higher conscious being is through giving yourself a meditation routine, which is your spiritual athleticism, to give yourself a financial ark which is your business athleticism and to give yourself a social networking system and social web to socially metamorphis into your potential which is the butterfly effect and that is called the social athleticism. I have created all these models to design the triple threat effect for change, adaptation and adjusting to life most difficult realities, build internal power to become a policy maker and self-government, which allows everyone to function on a win/win playing field, co-exist, and regenerative lifestyle. 

My chats is not just hang out with Coach Kay, and have coaching sessions to expand your horizons, but it is to see the universe as your inner SELF. The world we neglect daily. The government we fail to show up to court. The bills we fail to pay. The interactions we fail to participate in. The universe we fail to acknowledge. The internal stakeholder. Are You Ready and Fit? Means Are you Working in the WHOLE YOU? The astronomical You and the Material You. Forget Mind over Matter or Matter over Mind. How about Astronomical and Material You become Married. And become One, and Be A force among the galaxies. ~Coach Kay

I call this pitch, Are You FIT? The Chi from the Within.

United States

I am a Virtual Researcher Scientist and Virtual Professor for MIAA TIpX. I am a life and spiritual coach, trainer and educator. I always say Let's Chat because I do agree with the ability to make a difference through a conversation. Not just any conversation, but a comprehensive embedded conversation that starts in the soul, spirit and the energy that is part of the collective consciousness, our DNA, and our communication threading that happens daily without our awareness.

Our ability to collect data 24/7, and our SELF, do not have the experience, skills, or education to tap into that database system, and if we did. We would not know what to do with such mass and in depth intellectual properties formulated and entangled with the universe, and with our own planet of species. Having that comprehensive database of all communications from the world around us, and to organize such information and resources within who we are in the universe is the beginning of a new era.  I am here to touch base on the fundamentals of that journey. The fundamentals of that journey is compared to the fundamentals of an athlete who starts a race compared to an Olympian.  

The beginning of the race is different from the levels of maturity of training for a masterful race, and that is my goal, mission and vision to get everyone on that fundamental level to be Whole. and live in wholeness. And then we can move from that starting point. Until then, we have a commitment to building the world's consciousness of the malnutrition of knowing SELF.

The astronomical self and then the material self, and finally BOTH sides of Self working together as one transformative leader. And that is the Avatar's work in this age.

My life work is to get people to live on that level, and who knows maybe function on the Olympian level of their WHOLE SELF>and see the results from that relationship, awareness, consciousness, and action plan, mind map and lifestyle. ~Coach Kay

Matthew Fallon

The Missing Manual of Your Mind

Habit Change

Why we become addicted to?? 

The Conscious and the Subconscious Minds - The Ram and the Hard Drive

Wake up from your Trance

How to Un-hypnotize yourself


A fifth-generation San Franciscan and Colorado resident for 10 years, I received my diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy from The Robert shields College, Harlow, Essex, England, U.K. in 2006.  

I am a certified and registered Member of the American Board of Hypnotherapy and committed to continuing education to maintain my training at peak level.  I hold diplomas in Complete Mind Therapy and Practitioner of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) from The Mindcare Organization, Ltd., West Yorkshire, England, U.K.  As part of the MAEPH (Member, Association of Ethical and Professional Hypnotherapists), high ethics are imperative in all work that I do.  I hold a B.A. from California State University of Long Beach with emphasis in theater, event production and marketing.  

As a child, a teacher introduced me to visualization, guided imagery and goal-setting/achievement; all traits and skills of peak-performers. Learning these traits and skills were all accelerated through the practice of hyonosis, I utilized these disciplines and accomplished a childhood dream of an amazing career in entertainment; my wife as my partner, we traveled to all corners of the globe for 12 years.  

I feel very fortunate to have been able to achieve that dream.  Learning to shut off the voices that normally would say, "you're not good enough," "this dream will never happen," "this is too difficult.." and so on, I made that dream happen.  My experience, training and skills can help you achieve your dreams and goals.  

Blessed with two beautiful children, family is paramount to me.  I still travel -- much less than I used to -- and my work focuses on individuals and groups to help them achieve their goals, eliminate limiting beliefs and patterns, all to experience lasting change. 

If you desire change at a "must have" level, together, we can remove limitations and banish fears holding you back, giving you the opportunity to live the life you want, dream and deserve to live.

Together, we can achieve this easily, painlessly and effectively!

To your Success!

Matthew T. Fallon, CH.t

certified clinical hypnotist

life transformation coach


Matthew Fallon
An advocate for following dreams, making them happen and kicking to the curb all obstacles along the way, Matthew earned his Clinical Certification in Hypnotherapy in 2006 through the Robert Shields College, U.K. He was first introduced to Hypnosis at the age of 7 when his Mother set an appointment for him with hopes to improve his difficulty in falling asleep. (It worked wonders; Matthew has experienced no further problems falling asleep!).

While taking a Magic class at the age of 13, Matthew discovered his Magic teacher was also a Hypnotist and the interest swelled even stronger. Matthew set a goal at a young age to make Magic his career. He relocated to Southern California from the San Francisco Bay Area and graduated from California State University, Long Beach in 1996 with a degree in Theatre Arts. He married his wife, Mistia, in 1999 and together they formed FallonMAGIC, Inc. His childhood goal became a reality in 2001; since then, they have averaged 9 months per year presenting their premier creation: “Magic, Illusion & Aerial Arts show” on luxury cruise lines around the world.
Having never forgotten the inspiration and teachings of his childhood Magic teacher, Matthew continues to set goals with determination of their fruition. He is equally passionate about helping others reach their goals, break down self-limiting beliefs, obstacles and negative habits. Matthew obtained his Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification in 2006.

Since then, he has been working with clients one-on-one and in groups, spreading the positive effects of Hypnosis to as many people as possible. That was the genesis of HYPNO-tainment!™

Alannah Joy

As a Spiritual Health & Life Coach, Reiki Master, Animal Communicator, Certified Quantum Light Therapist, retired medical professional & ordained Minister Alannah Joy has over 30 years experience as an Intuitive Consultant. She can often see & understand the causes of diseases that may be present or manifesting for you your loved ones or your pets.

Alannah Joy uses her knowledge & innate training combined with powerful prayers to promote healing & offers suggestions for better health & well being on all levels.

With her Hospice background she is also gifted at helping individuals & their loved ones feel complete with their passing.

Treat yourself or your loved ones to the magic of a session with Alannah Joy it will change your health & your life for the better. Sessions are $120.00 per hour.


I would loved to be interviewed about my Spiritual experiences from a very young age that led me to the work I do today. While working in the medical profession in hospitals & at a Hospice Center I experienced many miracles and confirmations from very ill patients and their loved ones during their transistions or near death experiences.

I could also be interviewed about my abilities of how I hear, see & feel while working with Clients & have people call into the radio show for quick questions for me to tune into.

Cheryl Lynn Sherman

My favorite saying is, Find Your Bliss! That's what I've been doing as I write my Ocean Depths series. It's fun, like reading one of my favorite novels as it unfolds before me. I want to entertain my intended audience and take them out of their world into the fantasy fiction one I've created, and isn't that the hope of every author? As for me, I enjoy nature, the ocean, my family and animal friends and discovering new ideas. Educating myself in different disciplines is a joy of mine also. Life is interesting, hilarious, catastrophic, heartbreaking, heartwarming, and amazing and I'm glad to have a chance to live and learn. My hope for humanity is that we can find our bliss and be good to one another along the way no matter what belief systems we adhere too or what governments we live under. Is that simplistic? Yes, but often times the simpler an idea is, the easier to implement it. My Ocean Depths series will continue into five to seven books, and I feel very privileged to write it!


I enjoy life; people, nature, ideas and writing. Its pretty simple and profound all at once!

Andi Katsina

Hello to all at BBS Radio,

My name is Andi Katsina. I'm an interesting and entertaining guest and hope to fit your bill.

An Indie Author of almost twenty books, mostly epic fantasy, I grew up as an orphan, have travelled across forty percent of the globe, ridden motorcycles, solo, across the south of India, all over the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal, and around much of Thailand and am also a qualified computer engineer. 

As a single woman I have always had a mountain of obstacles in front of me, but have never stopped trying to climb over them.

I am hoping to be chosen as a guest for your radio show.

Capable of talking, expertly, on a variety of topics, including publishing and self-publishing, ideally I aim to promote one of my latest books;

Having written a book, Phat Girl & The Sankara Parasite, which Promotes the emotional and psychological health of young people, taking a firm stand against teen suicide, I would be honoured to be on your show and also grateful for the opportunity to work with you and answer questions from your listeners. We can also offer free give-away ecopies of my book.

My book, which is a gritty dark fantasy about a girl bullied to the edge of suicide, levels the school playing field;  turning the traditional approach to bullying on its head it empowers victims of bullying and enables them to claw back a decent standard of life. This book appeals to a wider demographic due to the fact that victims of teen bullying feel the effects of it for a great many years into adulthood.

I think my inspirational message would be well suited for your show. Truthfully, as an author, I am trying to connect with as many people as I can. I’m sure we would have a fun and informative interview.

Kind Regards

Best wishes

Andi Katsina 


Hello my friends. My name is Andi Katsina. I'm English, of rich Irish, African descent. Born in London, as an orphan I grew up in Manchester, England. 

I‘m a vegetarian and an environmentalist.

Throughout my school years I was a champion athlete and swimmer, going on to become an athletics coach, swimming teacher and youth leader. After which time I was trained as a Chartered Accountant. Interrupting my training, I branched out, working freelance as a trouble shooter in the field of accountancy. Six years of adding and subtracting, was followed by two years of trading as an international commodities broker. This led me to the sedentary position of ‘trader in antique, oriental carpets’.

It was at this juncture that I became completely inspired to become a writer. 

As a ‘school kid’ I very much enjoyed writing plays in English, Latin and French. Fortunately, for me, writing came naturally. I so enjoy writing stories that give people, especially young people and people young at heart, the chance to exercise their own imagination. 

I love taking my readers on fantastic journeys. The enjoyment and taste of adventure my stories give to my readers, warms me greatly.

Best wishes from Andi Katsina x

Danna Lewis

I educate people in the pragmatic energy and inspired action that improves bottom lines from the bedroom to the boardroom. Luscious Leadership is a courageously conscious and empowering kindness of always being willing to ask, what will this choice create and what will it take to create something greater?"  What if it is so much easier than you think and you can begin with a few simple tools of practical magic?


DANNA LEWIS, Conscious Leadership Expert, two-time best-selling author and hands on healer has 20+ years of business experience (including  VP for the world's largest financial institution and the Director of Marketing for a boutique exercise franchise tripling in size during her tenure). Her trainings in consciousness and empowerment coaching include certifications in the Access Consciousness® and the Joy of Business® modalities. Danna is a contributing author in “The Energy of Receiving” and “The Energy of Creativity” with a third book about conscious relationships due out soon.  Her business career and company were preceded by a childhood wrought with domestic violence. Her tenacity and awareness of much greater possibilities have fueled her pioneering of learning about consciousness, exploring her hands-on healing capacities and creating a different reality for herself 

Danna and her certified master chef spouse live in San Francisco, CA during the week and their Monterey, CA home weekends with his six year-old son.

Firefighter Alex Zielinski

Alex Zielinski is a firefighter running his first marathon for the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation. In his lifetime 3,632 firefighters have been killed in the line of duty and Alex has a goal raising $3,632 for the NFFF. Each hear brave men and women lose their lives protecting our communities. The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation supports survivors of fallen firefighters and works to prevent firefighter deaths.


Having worked and volunteered as a firefighter in Kentucky and southern Indiana Alex, former Toyota Fire Department Training Captain, now works as a professional firefighter in Hammond, Indiana. Always searching for new outdoor experiences and new music Alex is a former drummer and a current coach, with wife Kristina, of daughter Eleanor's softball team in Hammond.