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Charles Eduardos

You are the creator of your life experience. I would love the opportunity to show you what I mean. I'll help you discover the programs that are running in your background (subconscious). Just like a computer they are operating and you have no conscious awareness of them. Are they serving you? Are they producing the outcomes you want in your live?  Often there are thing that we say we want to change in our lives and yet we naturally resist anything that challenges our status quo.  

So, how much is it costing you to stay the way you have always been? You want to change your Life? - Then change your mind!

United States

I am an Executive/Corporate Coach, LifeTransformation Coach, Certified Hypnotherapist & NLP Practitioner, and Registered Corporate Coach (RCC). I am dedicated to helping you in your quest for a transformed life. I believe that you can have, you can achieve and you can be more than you ever imagined.

I'm a native of Cleveland, Ohio and an ordained minister with 39 years of experience in pastoral and evangelistic ministry. I'm Pastor at All Saints Lutheran Church in Olmsted Falls, and also serve on the Board of Cleveland Clinic's CPE Program and Chaplain for the Olmsted Twp Police Department and Rocky River Police Department. I'm an experienced Executive/Corporate Coach, trainer/facilitator (Registered Corporate Coach with the Worldwide Association of Business Coaches) Certified Hypnotherapist and Certified NLP Practitioner and I've worked with individuals and organizations (profit and non- profit) to support them in identifying and tackling their challenges. I absolutly love being a catalyst for transformed lives, and I look forward to talking with YOU!

Rev Linda and Dr Nick Martin

We are Rev. Dr. Linda Martin and Dr. Nickolas Martin, co-founders of EgoSpiritualism and authors of the trilogy: Ego Therapy: A Method for Healing Your Whole Self, EgoSpiritualism: Awakening to Your Human and Divine Self, and The Two Voices Within: Balancing the Energies of Ego and Spirit to Enhance Your Life. Our focus on a new, better, and comprehensive approach to uniting our ego and spiritual energies is both revolutionary and evolutionary. It represents the next step in cultivating deeper human and spiritual awareness enhancing the prospects for personal and world peace as we move forward in our humanity. The vision and message of ‘ego and spirit’ focuses on many areas of life that are negatively impacted by distance and polarization of these core energies impacting our humanity and divinity. Unfortunately, this impact is often occurring beneath one’s awareness in significant life areas such as forming close relationships, accepting and loving oneself, achieving one’s potential and knowing their life’s purpose, and experiencing genuine happiness, to name just a few. This also impacts recognition and use of “spiritual tools” available to us, such as meditation, prayer, mindfulness practice, yoga, healthy dietary practice, etc. When imbalanced ego energy is recognized, transformed, and healed with “ego medicine” we can unleash all of the power of our humanity and divinity to live the Great life we were meant to live! This is the essence of EgoSpiritualism. We are prepared to discuss many diverse, relevant, and current issues affecting your listeners. Our blog “Ego, Spirit & You” represents the need to connect our vision and message to the lives of people.

United States

Rev. Dr. Linda is a metaphysician, certified Reiki master teacher, spiritual healer, color/sound practitioner and spiritual medium. She is the founder of Dove of Light Healing Ministry and offers workshops, as well as individual healing and counseling sessions.

Dr. Nickolas is a licensed psychologist, social worker & certified school psychologist who has worked in clinical, university, public school and private practice settings as a therapist, diagnostician, educator and consultant for 30 years.

Susie Hayes

I help you access internal resources you never knew you had, to create what you never knew you could through psychotherapy, hypnosis, sex therapy and education, life and business coaching.

I help you access internal resources you never knew you had, to create what you never knew you could through psychotherapy, hypnosis, sex therapy and education, life and business coaching.

Bridgette Lyn Dolgoff

Was asked by Sonia at alternatives for healing to contact you. She said i would be an ideal guest for alternative medicine. Ceremony. Shamanism not the Walmart kind most people are doing. About curing ourselves and how....I have had my own radio show on bus could not afford it. Was called the urban farm project. 

You can also check out my you tube channel consciousness of economics & urban farm project. I was on 3 internet TV shows. CCN also project camelot TV network. And I have done in studio TV show locally in reno. Check out my TV shows on my you tube channel. Not looking to do my own show but being on some would be great. I know alot about food biodynamics farming.


Was asked by Sonia at alternatives for healing to contact you. She said i would be an ideal guest for alternative medicine. Ceremony. Shamanism not the Walmart kind most people are doing. About curing ourselves and how....I have had my own radio show on bus could not afford it. Was called the urban farm project. 

Dr Nimisha Walji

A Bespoke Yoga Practice Just For You

I would like to support you in your personal and professional endeavours by using yoga to improve your overall wellbeing and actually increase your productivity and effectiveness, allowing you to reach your full potential.

At your desk, in your hotel room or at home; each private, one-to-one session is tailored to your exact ability and needs, using yoga to enhance your performance and create a feeling of wellbeing that you can take out into the world with you and build into your personal and professional life. No yoga mat, specialist equipment or change of clothing needed if you don't have it at hand. 

Flexible and convenient; the timing, length and frequency of sessions can be adjusted according to your schedule and how it changes. We can make use of 15 spare minutes between meetings, layover time at the airport, 30min before breakfast or even dedicate an hour to some deep relaxation, stretching and strengthening. There are endless opportunities for an effective, tailored dose of yoga.

We will work together to find and build time in your schedule for yourself and to maximise the effectiveness of this time by giving your body and mind exactly what it needs.

Benefits:fast and effective stress relieftailored exactly to your ability and body's needsrelieve neck, shoulder and back painsignificantly improved mental speed, accuracy, ability to maintain focus and take in, retain and use new information (in a single 20min session*)avoid the frustration of having to keep up with or slow down for other people in a group classstrengthen and tone entire body
improve sleep qualitytime dedicated solely to your needslose weightimprove productivity and effectivenesstime saved by removing need to travel to the gym/studiomaintain your practice when you have to travel

We will improve your overall physical and emotional wellbeing at your own pace by using a vast combination of yoga styles in a focused way. I will also show you some simple yoga sequences, tailored for your exact needs, that you can do for a few minutes when you wake up in bed or at your desk; giving you access to moments of stress relief and relaxation whenever you need. And we will regularly update these with you progress.

I travel a lot, so i dont have a fixed location. At the moment i dont have a fixed phone number, but often have a local sim wherever i go.

I understand the pressures of pursuing personal and professional excellence and of wanting to make the most of your time and abilities.

I am a yoga alliance qualified 200hr registered yoga teacher. After obtaining a Masters degree in Computer Science from the University of Bristol, I spent six years living in London. In academia, obtaining a Masters degree and PhD in Nanotechnology from Imperial College London, and in senior management roles at internet start-up companies. Two years of which was spent doing both simultaneously. I have always demanded the best of myself and what I offer. What I have learnt along the way is that my physical and emotional wellbeing is the key to my success.

In 2012, I backpacked alone for a year through south and central america which prompted me in 2014 to leave my career as a management consultant to become a yoga teacher and start my own company. I understand the challenges of being a successful professional in corporate, academic, start-up and entrepreneurial environments; the lifestyle, the drive, the demands, the highs, the lows and the imbalances. It is extremely difficult to find time for relaxation and rejuvenation, however taking a simple hour out each week, if used effectively, can lead to increased productivity, efficiency and clarity. My personalised online yoga sessions offer convenient and effective relaxation, fitness and wellbeing that I wish I could have had access to before.

I am now the founder of my own company offering a service that I truly believe in and working in a way that is aligned with my skills and values. I have streamlined my business processes to maximise the effectiveness of my skills and work time. I love every aspect of what I do and have a great deal of free time to enjoy reading, writing, travelling, good company and healthy eating. I am a digital nomad. I have no permanent address. I travel to places that intrigue me, learn about cultures, enjoy natural beauty and have the freedom and flexibility I have always wanted to live the life that I desire.

I look forward to supporting and helping you, through the use of yoga, to reach your full potential. 

Charles Ascello

Anything about directing, script writing/pitching, producing, teaching, etc.


Please see our site.

David Low MS PhD


I’d like to be interviewed about my book Universal Spiritual Philosophy and Practice: an Informal Textbook for Discerning Seekers—how it came about, what it says, and why its message is important. Its intent is to bring the reader to a deeper understanding and experience of the profound truths at the heart of all faiths. Here’s a brief description of the book:

This 200-page book presents all the central insights of mystical experience, and relates them in a practical way to psychological understandings of spiritual maturity. Topics covered include the unimportance of belief, the “deep structure” of religion, rebuttals of orthodoxy, cosmologies and theories of enlightenment, types of spiritual teachers and groups, the mechanics of alternative healing and dreams as they relate to spiritual progress, and more. Over 20 different spiritual practices are reviewed, and 48 illustrations and lively, word-balloon graphics make for easy reading. The book is intentionally succinct, clarifying only the most important core truths in each chapter area. Readers who are sick of all the fighting and politics around religion, and who      long to experience something deeper, will appreciate USPP’s systematic approach, which takes them to a deeper experience by starting to dissolve the cultural and linguistic conditionings which confine us spiritually as we grow up. Short appendices are devoted to more detailed understandings of meditation, and crucial, usually overlooked philosophical understandings connected with the religions.

During the interview, I’d like to be asked the following questions:

1. So what gave you the idea for this book? How did it come about?

2. There are lots of books that talk about how all the religions say the same thing. What’s unique about yours?

3. Who did you write it for? What would the average seeker get out of reading it?

4. What do you mean by spirituality? That’s a really vague term.

5. So, I guess there are some things about the religions that really bug you. What are those things, and how did they motivate your writing?

6. So, you’re frustrated that people are so conditioned by their cultures.

7. Can you give me an example of an underlying similarity between all the religions?

8. You go over all these practices that people can do on their own to get in touch with God.

9. What can we do about the attachments we have to our own opinions about things? For example, a conservative might say, “I think everyone should own a gun so they can protect themselves,” or a liberal might say, “I think everyone should get an organic diet.” What do we do about that?

10. What have some of your own experiences been?

11. Do you think that you’re enlightened in some way?

Plus anything else the interviewer would like to ask that we have time for. I assume you will need a copy of the book; I can send you one.


DAVID LOW, MS (Community Counseling), PhD (Religious Studies) was an adjunct professor at Rutgers, Rowan, LaSalle and Holy Family Universities for 10 years, a drug counselor for 7 years, has taught meditation, maintains a small counseling practice and currently runs meetup groups involving dreamwork, recovery, and agnostic spiritual seeking. He lived in both eastern and western spiritual communities for a total of five years (one of them in India), and even worked for three years as a juggler our of college. Universal Spiritual Philosophy and Practice is his first book.

Neena Dayal

Mental Resilience* is my chosen signature subject, which I will keep working upon throughout my life. I am extremely passionate about it. I have identified the need for Mental Resilience* in all the functions of an organization namely, HRM/D, Sales, Marketing, Administration and R&D. It is mandatory for all influencing aspects like Leadership, Relationship Building, Communication extending to Vibrational Communication, Teamwork, Organizational Behavior and Culture Management, Organizational Development and Change, Image Building, etc. Mental Resilience* is - 1) Capability of exercising Mental Toughness and Mental Flexibility in the righteous way. 2) Capability of taking productive decisions in all professional and personal situations. 3) Capability of Emotional Competence. 4) Capability of control over Mental Forces. 5) Capability of solution-oriented thinking. 6) Capability of realizing changes in habitual behaviours. 7) Capability of Effective Leadership. 8) Capability of taking right action under most challenging situations. 9) Capability of on-going upward mobility. 10) Capability of creating desired enhancement in all professional and personal results. And much more...


My name is Neena Dayal.

Professionally, I am a Capability Building Specialist, Business Coach and Writer.

As a Thought Leader and Professional Public Speaker, my signature subject is Mental Resilience* attained through Critical Thinking.

I am mentored by some of the best Human Potential Enhancement Experts of the world.

I am Mr. Bob Proctor's Torchbearer. I am the only person in the Indian subcontinent privileged to be a part of Bob's Advanced Mind Camp.

I have a background of journalism, writing, content development, advertising and films. I have also been presenting my short stories on All India Radio.

I have been working with private and public sector companies as a Consultant, Trainer, Business Coach & Capability Building Specialist with the focus on my signature subject of Mental Resilience*, and its application in all the core business functions like HR, Administration, Marketing, Sales, R&D and subsidiary ones like Leadership, Organizational Culture, Organizational Behaviour, Teamwork, Communication, Change Management, Image Building and others.

I also work with executives from mid to apex levels, and entrepreneurs as a Mentor and Coach. I do counseling exercises also with individuals from diverse backgrounds.

I have more than 4000 hours of intensive coaching experience with a diversified and distinguished international clientele.

The sectors I have been active in are IT, Online sales, Textile, FMCG, Oil, Aerospace, Construction, Solar power, Healthcare, Travel and Tourism, Hospitality. Education, Public Service and Scientific Research.

I have a proprietorship company, Success Synergy Enterprises (SSE). It is an initiative to breathe a new life in the Human Potential Enhancement industry.

We undertake branding, advertising and content development assignments under our trademark, WordPep (TM).

We also conceptualize and facilitate several public and in-house events under our brand, Life Transformation Events (LTE).

Success Synergy Enterprises (SSE) is headquartered at Lucknow, UP; and has prominent presence at Pune in Maharashtra and Bangalore in Karnataka in India; and operates pan India and worldwide.

Kimberly McGeorge

Dr. Kimberly McGeorge is an Internationally Naturopathic Energy Healer. She has a client list of some of the world’s most talented healers as well as thousands of clients in person and remotely around the world.

Dr. Kimberly has practiced alternative and naturopathic medicine for over 25 years. She began as an herbalist and wrote as an herbal columnist for an international magazine, Open Arms. She created and distributed her own line of herbal organic products through an international mail order company. She also maintained multiple clinical practices in Columbus, Ohio before she began teaching all over the country. In 2010, she began the Secret to Everything radio podcast and the brand was born.

She has also participated in many large teleseminars and live appearances.  Dr.Kimberly speaks to groups and gives classes on topics of interest to her audience.  Kimberly’s outreach has connected to over 25,000 opt-in subscribers and 215,000 twitter followers. She has over 5,000 listeners a month to her own radio show. Her previous FaceBook page reached 17,000 before she closed it. The Secret to Everything also airs on Ztalk radio, iTunes and  Stitcher.

Thanks for your consideration. Many blessings and looking forward to hearing from you soon.  Please get in touch with me directly in order to schedule an interview as Dr. Kimberly’s schedule books up weeks in advance.

United States

Dr. Kimberly McGeorge is an Internationally known Frequency Master, Conscious Creation Expert and Naturopathic Energy Healer. She has taught conscious principles of harmonic living for over two decades. She has a client list of some of the world’s most talented healers as well as thousands of clients in person and remotely around the world.