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Bridgette Lyn Dolgoff
Your Pitch

Was asked by Sonia at alternatives for healing to contact you. She said i would be an ideal guest for alternative medicine. Ceremony. Shamanism not the Walmart kind most people are doing. About curing ourselves and how....I have had my own radio show on bus could not afford it. Was called the urban farm project. 

You can also check out my you tube channel consciousness of economics & urban farm project. I was on 3 internet TV shows. CCN also project camelot TV network. And I have done in studio TV show locally in reno. Check out my TV shows on my you tube channel. Not looking to do my own show but being on some would be great. I know alot about food biodynamics farming.


Was asked by Sonia at alternatives for healing to contact you. She said i would be an ideal guest for alternative medicine. Ceremony. Shamanism not the Walmart kind most people are doing. About curing ourselves and how....I have had my own radio show on bus could not afford it. Was called the urban farm project.