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Mary Schaefer

Hello. I’m Mary Schaefer. I co-authored the book “The Character-Based Leader: Instigating a Leadership Revolution...One Person at a Time,” writing specifically on making the most of human resources at work I believe that I would be a great guest depending for those in your audience interested in workplace culture and how to improve it.

Proposed Topic: Why would you want a pro-human workplace and what it takes to create one? Did you know that the most recent Gallup data indicates that nearly 70% of the U.S. workforce report being disengaged from their work. Organizations are looking for new strategies and ways to stay competitive by making best use of their human resources, or as I call them — human beings who happen to be employees. Organizations have good intentions and make promises, yet have a difficult time moving that number.

As a guest on your show, I would propose discussing the following key points:

• The value of human beings contribution at work.

• What companies that are successful at engagement do.

• Simple strategies for improving employee engagement as a manager or employee.

I have experience as a radio show guest and I can assure you that our time together will be well-spent and focused on delivering value to your audience.

I would also be happy to provide you with sample interview questions and a complimentary copy of my book at your request. Thank you very much for your consideration. I look forward to hearing back from you. Mary

United States

Mary started her career in HR on her family farm when she was about 14 years old. Her father was the lucky recipient of all kinds of unsolicited advice on labor relations, performance management, and talent development. Mary says she didn't know what HR was then, but looking back she realized she was developing the foundation for her approach today.

As a youngster she quickly realized that when she lagged, it affected how quickly the work got done, and how quickly employees would happily be on their ways home. Her impact on ROI was clear to her then. This understanding still serves her today.

In her corporate career Mary started out as a computer programmer. Computers were so new at work in the 80’s. She really liked helping people feel confident as quickly as possible, when they were worried about looking stupid or breaking the equipment. Mary decided the best place to help people this way was to go into human resources. Even before she got her first HR assignment she found people came to her for help with preparing for their performance appraisals, maneuvering office politics, navigating difficult conversations, or improving their chances of getting promoted.

Mary concluded her 20-year corporate career as an HR manager serving a constituency of over 550 employees. She keeps up with her former cohorts, and of course her clients help her keep her coaching and training grounded in the reality of the workplace. Mary is focused on making the most of what the human beings who happen to be employees can contribute to an organization through their energy and creativity, while at the same time meeting their specific needs for meaningful work.

Her clients include Fortune 500 companies, small businesses, non-profits and government agencies. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, a Master's in Human Resources and is certified as a human resources professional. Whether acting as a coach, trainer, facilitator, speaker or consultant, and HR professional, Mary helps you create a more productive and collaborative work environments through honest, direct interactions. This could involve planning for a tough conversation about work performance or strategizing on how to manage employees’ reaction to changes in their jobs.

Mary publishes on those topics and more at,, CIO Online, and other sites. She is a co-author of the book, "The Character-Based Leader.” In 2014 Mary presented the talks, “GPS Your Career: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Go” at the Inspiring Women in STEM Conference and also “Putting the Human Back into Human Resources,” at a TEDx event.

Shihan Carl Stedmond

In 2005 I had a mystical experience. I had a SHIFT in consciousness and have co-created my life with a knowing who I was at my essence. I became a singer/songwriter at the age of 46. Up until that point I had been teaching karate for 32 years. I still teach but from that moment my teaching methods have changed drastically. I now teach that indeed EVERY THING is ENERGY. I BELIEVE my story is living proof of who we are at what is possible. I have done many tv and radio interviews since that day. My first cd " The Diary of an Uneducated man" is my AWAKENING in song. I do a one man show with it. The cd was mixed by L Stu young (Sound mixer to Prince, Tina Turner, Guns N Roses) Dan Clancy (Lighthouse) My new cd "THE GREATEST ME" is for children and is full of affirmations and done at the FREQUENCY of 432


Carl Stedmond is an inspirational/motivational speaker, singer/songwriter, martial arts instructor, "serving" as a teacher of PEACE and Self empowerment. Born in Merseyside England in a small town next to Liverpool... you know, where John, Paul, George, and Ringo came from. It seems Carl was born to SELF EMPOWER and then do the same for others. In a wheelchair from the age of eight until eleven (Perthes Dis-ease) a rare hip disorder did not stop him starting a long hard path of Shotokan karate (Karate-do... The WAY of the empty hand), body building, boxing and running. He ran a marathon (26 miles) in 1983 in 3 hours 30 minutes. Also competed "drug free" in body building a year later. He also became an International body building and fitness judge in 2003. After seeing Bruce Lee in 1973 all he wanted to do was the martial arts. Achieving his black belt in 1984 from the prestigious K.U.G.B (Karate Union of Great Britain). He is now a 5th Dan (Shihan) and is still teaching to this day. His teaching methods have changed greatly since a huge shift in consciousness in 2005. Changing the name of his club from the Liverpool School of Martial Arts to The Harmony Center, which proclaims LOVE-PEACE-HARMONY on a 50 foot by 14 foot sign. Teaching the deeper meaning of life in his classes. He constantly asks the children what is the meaning of compassion, respect, peace, harmony. He tells them LOVE is the highest ENERGY and that indeed COURAGE comes from LOVE. Shouting out affirmations every few minutes, his classes are high ENERGY. At the end of each class Carl shouts to the kids "What is the most important thing in the world kids"... they all shout at once "LOVE Shihan". Carl became a singer/songwriter at the age of 46. With his unique voice he is often compared to Rod Stewart and does tributes to the Legendary rocker as well as weddings, singing many of the GREAT AMERICAN SONGBOOK. He recorded his first CD "The Diary of an Uneducated Man" with the help of Dan Clancy (Light house) and mixed by L Stu Young (Prince, Tina Turner, Guns n Roses, etc). He proudly tells his audience... it's his AWAKENING in song. He tours as a "one man" show, telling his life story through his songs and Scouse humour (Liverpool/Birkenhead speak). With songs such as "THE LIGHT", "THE SECRET", "OUR HEROES", "2012", "SINS OF THE FATHER", "I SHED A TEAR" to name a few. There is a very powerful story behind each one of his songs. He has appeared numerous times on TV and Radio teaching martial arts, singing and interviews, proof positive of what can be accomplished with a BELIEF in oneself. One show he is very proud of was a PEACE Concert to open for the famous scientist Dr. Emmoto who Carl gives a lot of credit for his own SHIFT in consciousness. His new CD produced and composed with Peter Nelson "THE GREATEST ME" is for children. It's produced with state-of-the-art 432hz FREQUENCY which will make your body resonate in a natural way, filling you with a sense of peace and well-being. Along with POWER FULL affirmations in every song it reaches the subconscious mind which will help children immensely. Carl will tell you that his INTENTION is too bring people together. No matter where you come from, what you do, or what faith you BELIEVE in, he BELIEVES we all have a "CHAMPION" inside, we all have a story. He just wants to INSPIRE "YOU" to go for "YOUR" dreams....and never EVER give up.

Darren Mellito

The body lives and dies at the cellular level. It does not matter what part of the body we discuss it is cells formed, i.e. our heart, heart cells, our brain, brain cells. A little discussed part of the aging, regenerative and diseasing process is Re-dox signaling molecules. A human or any living being for that matter can live longer without food, water and even air than without Re-dox signaling molecules. These are the byproduct of proper cell function and boost Glutathione levels (which low Glutathione levels are tied to at present 70+ diseases) and ATP. This is the aging process. I distribute a product that balances this out and enhances quality and even quantity of life.


Darren Mellito, born and raised in New Jersey with an extensive background in telecommunications, has found his passion in helping people achieve a greater state of health and wellness. Now an inhabitant of Montana, Darren enjoys all The Big Sky State has to offer, with his wife April while exclusively distributing ASEA and RENU28, 2 products that have changed his life. Darren is driven by the freedom that comes from a healthy body and a healthy mind. He invites all people of all ages to join him in feeling better than ever.

Carolyn Eberle

Stress, overwhelm and spiritual disconnect leads many Americans feeling empty and wanting something to "fix" their situation. Yet, what if their emotional pain and life hardship was the actual answer to their inner hardships? Come learn an integrated system connecting mind-body-energy systems so emotional pain transforms to wisdom, wholeness and positive manifestation. We live in a very Newtonian-meaning solid and limited reality. But what if there was a profound and deep method to awaken to the quantum reality where everything is simply particles of energy that can transform from insecurity and loss to positive creation where everything becomes possible? Come learn deep spiritual awakening and self-mastery tools where your negative events, and negative stress and emotions do not define your value! You are not the emotions, trauma or negative failures you have experienced. Come discover that you are so much more!


Carolyn is a pioneer and innovator. Former D.C. policy advocate for the underprivileged, Carolyn has been researching and exploring the world of healing for over 30 years. She lived and worked in Boulder, Cambodia, Nepal, Bangladesh and parts of Africa. She is founder of the Mind Energy Body School of Transformation and offers an integrated expert coaching certification program.  And for those not wanting to travel to Boulder, CO for trainings, she offers a broad array of online home study self-mastery courses.

Yet the role best suited for Carolyn is that of spiritual teacher and leader of the deep, profound and magical ways of helping others create true meaning and value in their life. Being an over achiever, she has all the degrees you would want from someone supporting you through those painful, difficult life transitions.

She has an MA, is a Licensed Professional Counselor, mindfulness therapist, EMDR practitioner, energy healer and a Certified Massage Therapist.  As a trauma expert, Carolyn has studied various forms of body-centered somatic work and is a brain science enthusiast that deeply grounds her work in science and evidence-based practices. She is certified in Chi Kung, Healing Touch, Reiki and for 6 consecutive years trained as a teacher at the world premier energy healing school – the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. Her first meditation class was when she was just 14 years of age and she has studied the healing arts ever since.

She is author of two books: Explorer's Mind-The Map to Freedom, and How to Transform Pain to Power.  She also has two other books at the editor waiting to be finished. 

Eight years ago Carolyn founded the Mind Energy Body School of Transformation and offers a sophisticated Certification Coaching Training Program like none other.

This is because her work bridges the once separate worlds of:

•             Psychotherapists

•            Body-centered trauma experts

•            Intuitive and holistic coaches

•            Mindfulness practitioners

•            Energy healers

Carolyn can open the unlimited quantum reality for you to experience directly for yourself- where everything is possible and everything is probable.

She works intuitively, yet grounds her orientation in neuro-biology, brain science, consciousness technologies, and evidence-based practices.

Students and clients of Carolyn develop unique inner gifts that allow them to actually transform painful:

•            Self-limiting beliefs

•            Negative emotions  (such as anxiety, depression, anger)

•            Past trauma

•            Health challenges,

•            Career stagnation

•            Relationship difficulties.

With her profound all-in-one orientation, you learn to connect all three mind, energy and body systems - creating deep and long-lasting change.

To do this, you embody 5 awakening skills, steps and universal spiritual laws.  She calls this system the “Secret Code.” 

If you long for self-mastery, then Carolyn’s work will more than fulfill your needs.  And, if you simply want to up-level your life, Carolyn can help you as well!

Once you embody these skill sets, you get what Carolyn calls the “super power” abilities to manifest your most passionate dreams into reality.

Your dreams may include changing your own life for the better and/or they may include helping others.  Either way, Carolyn can guided you to embody higher states of consciousness where, at a minimum, you get a deep sense of freedom, a place of home within, and grounded empowerment.

Carolyn offers:

•            Personalized Private Sessions

•            Home Study Programs

•            Certification Coaching Program – located in the foothills of Boulder, Colorado.

And, on a final note, Carolyn is also an animal lover.  Her cat and dog often help out in sessions and she also offers Horse Initiated Psychotherapy (HIP) where the healer horse helps clients, families and couples learn how to love again and stand in their power during adversity.

Dr Cathy Rosenbaum

I am concerned about the prescription medication and now even moreso the dietary supplement epidemics in the USA and want to help do something about them.  I have written a book, Don't Sweep It Under the Drug! Integrating Evidence-Based Body Mind & Spiritual Practices into Your Health & Wellness Tool Kit available on  Have traveled to China to study herbal research and global healthcare solutions. Less is more.  Very countercultural message about back to basics living and my eight balance point model.


Traditionally trained doctor of pharmacy and certified health coach with experience in hospital based practice, academia, the pharmaceutical industry, medication safety and quality, and holistic medicine consulting.   BS Pharmacy - Ohio Northern Unviersity, PharmD - University of Cincinnati, and MBA - Xavier University.  International speaker, award winning published author, national radio show host (Your Holistic Health). 

Michael Mullen

While working on Top Secret Papers from the President of the United States,

Something out of this world happened... Sports Executive Michael Mullen recounts chilling journeys to a Secret World of Angels at War.

"War of the Angels: The Dark World" is a TRUE story of supernatural encounters that warn of an escalating Middle East conflict that culminates into World War III and the coming reign of the Antichrist. Although the book was written a quarter-century ago, it was not released until August, 2001, a mere three weeks prior to the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. The final chapter was written in the year 2000, telling that Islamic terrorism was would to spread to every nation, including the United States. Ironically, Mullen wrote that chapter while living with Mohamed Atta, the mastermind of the WTC terrorist attack. He again crossed paths with Atta just prior to 9-11, an occurrence that drew the attention of the FBI.

In 1976, Michael Mullen was writing a book about the horrendous sinking of the WWII ship, USS Indianapolis (of JAWS fame), based upon TOP SECRET papers released exclusively to him by President Gerald Ford. Mullen had the interest of every major publishing house in the country, when suddenly, the Man on the Shroud of Turin commanded that he quit writing that book, and instead, write what would become War of the Angels. He told Mullen, "Write what you see."

War of the Angels was Divinely Inspired. It was written as commanded by the Man whose image is embedded on the Shroud of Turin. It is based upon first-hand encounters. Not only does it detail the world of angels, but also such phenomena as: the Star of Bethlehem; the Shroud of Turin; the Cloud World of the Rapture; the Bottomless Pit of the demons; and much more. Mullen saw SahTAHN being cast into hell, and he stood beside Jesus in the Great White Throne Room as World War Three was launched by Russia. War of the Angels "takes you there." War of the Angels is the most authoritative book on angel warfare ever written. It is based upon actual experiences, written by a very credible source.

Michael Mullen helped pioneer the NBA into the computer age. He was recognized as the top computer analyst in professional basketball, and was acknowledged by the White House and the U.S. Senate. He also had career stints in Major League Baseball, USA Olympics, was General Manager for the former Ringling Bros. winter headquarters, hosted Fox Sports TV events, and more. He authored, "How To Get A Job In Sports" and has chaired career seminars with teams from every major sport. He has authored multiple books, and is currently President of the Jerusalem Broadcasting Company--USA.


Michael Mullen helped pioneer the NBA into the computer age. He was recognized as the top computer analyst in professional basketball, and was acknowledged by the White House and the U.S. Senate. He also had career stints in Major League Baseball, USA Olympics, was General Manager for the former Ringling Bros. winter headquarters, hosted Fox Sports TV events, and more. He authored, "How To Get A Job In Sports" and has chaired career seminars with teams from every major sport. He has authored multiple books, and is currently President of the Jerusalem Broadcasting Company--USA.

Len Wright

I specialize in personal change work using NLP, Hypnosis, Accelerated Evolution and some other new powerful methods.  

It can be described this way - 

Sub Conscious Performance Enhancement - Leveling-Up in all areas of your life! I work with high level achievers, entrepreneurs, influential leaders and big dreamers in letting go of unresolved issues, breaking through barriers that hold you back and reaching bigger and loftier goals, faster!  Whether it's relationships, money, business, confidence, wanting more balance or setting and exceeding huge goals that literally transform your life, I do all this and more.  

I bring out your personal authenticity, help you see your unique gifts & express them to live a life full of passion, success & happiness!

Whew, that's a mouthful, lol :)  I help your listeners achieve their life dreams & goals faster than they think is possible...



I love seeing people shift, transform & change right before my very eyes!

I love seeing them shed and release what’s holding them back and watch the sparkle in their eyes when they feel the shift take hold!

I love sharing what I have learned and being the sherpa. Transforming the lives of those who are willing, committed and eager to evolve and tap into their true potential; it’s a complete rush for me! The energy of being a part of that monumental change process in a client’s life is very gratifying and fulfilling.

It’s a true act of passion and a deep privilege to walk alongside them in their journey, planning, strategizing and working with them to expand the success in their lives.

Just to name a few of the high performance tools in my toolbox of change, trainings and certifications that I have taken since the mid 1990’s which include;

Accelerated Evolution Neuro Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner Human Design Engineering with Dr. Richard Bandler Patterns of Persuasion with Dr. Richard Bandler Psycho-linguistics Practitioner Hypnosis, many various certifications Certified Hypnotherapist

Alongside my deep people morphing power experience and wide range of high level communication abilities, I also bring to the table over 24 years of experience in entrepreneurship & business with skill sets in sales, human behavior, communication, government, marketing, PR and creating joint ventures of all kinds. I’ve gained the unique ability to connect the dots and create massive leverage within the people & projects I works with.

I am a husband of 25 years, a father, Cane Corso owner and a rebel/non conformist extraordinaire. I like to push back on the conventional and explore the mystical and unrealistic – I love the magic of transformation!

It’s been over two decades of delving into the mysterious realm of higher consciousness and I’m just as enamored now as I was back when I began my search for higher meaning. For me, it’s a subject of vast interest and joy that expands as I do.

I am an eternal student, always growing, ever evolving and always learning.

Poetic Lace

Good Afternoon!

My name is Le'Serone Smith. My artist name/DBA is Poetic Lace. I would love to get interviewed on your networks to speak along the subject lines of my 4 musical singles and music videos (Man Down, Unconcealed, Clap It Up, and Soul Therapy), and the mission I'm on as a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Poetic Lace, real name Le'Serone Smith, is a young man who God called while he was dealing with homelessness. Far from perfect but striving for perfection, Poetic Lace was born in Compton, California and raised in Jacksonville, Florida. He majored in Business Management and minored in Psychology at Florida International University before dropping out of school to fully give himself to the Lord Jesus Christ. Now a full-time man of God, Recording Artist, Film Maker, Radio personality, Actor, and Poet, his goal is to speak life where people cling to death. The focus is to lead people to God through Jesus Christ using the entertainment industry as a tool. Anything else added is a blessing!

Stacey Yvonne Barlow

Have you ever wondered what the world would be like without words? I sleep, eat, dream, love. . .words.  Everyone is out to make the world a peaceful place in their own way.  I desire to change a mind, one word at a time.  I wish to be interviewed about what's in store for me, what's going on with me, my passions {which actually are many}, that it may inspire others to work on their goals.

United States

Born December 18, 1968 with Cerebral Palsy, Stacey graduated high school and college.  Attended an at home writing course and Cosmetology College {in later years}  A three time Editor's Choice Award winner with two published poetry books and a third book of fiction slated to be released this year. Was the host of her own radio talk show on blogtalk radio~"Limitless" and former co-host of "Inspire Higher". She has four writing projects in process.