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Cath Hakanson

Anything basically about talking to kids about sex. I show parents how to move from awkward to natural when having difficult conversations with kids about sex. 

My approach is very straightforward and I follow the KISS principle - keep it super simple.


Cath Hakanson is a mother, sex educator and founder of Sex Ed Rescue.  Bringing her 20+ years clinical knowledge, a practical down-to-earth approach, and passion for helping families, Cath inspires parents to talk to their kids about sex so that kids can talk to their parents about anything! Sex Ed Rescue arms you with the tools, advice and tips to make sex education a normal part of everyday life.

Possible topics, how to get started, myth busting, what sex ed acutally is, etc

Peter Kling

Letters to Earth…You Can Survive Armageddon! By Peter Kling

About the Book

Using history, science and Bible prophecies, Letters to Earth … You Can Survive Armageddon! offers logical insights and explanations to mankind’s most enduring questions.

Armageddon: Is it really God’s War? If so, who is God? Religion: Why does it have no answers? Has it failed us? 666: What is the mystery and the meaning of this number? The Anti-Christ: Is this a real person, or is there more to know? Conspiracy: A “New World Order.” Who is behind it – Freemasons, the Illuminati, or is there someone else? Prophecy: Nostradamus, the Mayans, Egyptians, the Bible – what are they telling us, where does their information come from? Who are you? Why are you here? What is your purpose? What is our future?

We, the people of this world, know we have been lied to by government and religion. We have been reduced to little more than slaves, controlled by the rich and powerful. Conspiracy theories regarding the command of power and world domination are abundant, but few are accurate or can even answer the simple question of why this is all happening.

Letters to Earth explains where we come from, why we are here and what our future is going to be. Author Peter Kling – considered the Einstein of Bible prophecy – says, “After 30 years of research, I want to share my findings with the population of the world and bring as many people to understand the reality of the domination over our lives today.”

United States

Do a "Google" Search "Peter Kling"

Ed Opperman

I'm Private Investigator Ed Opperman host of The Opperman Report , It's a true crime, conspiracy theory interview type show. 

My show is now carried on about 15 Internet station iHeart Radio and Blogtalk. When the show plays live Friday nights It was routinely in the top 3 of 

I'd like to pick up more stations either for a live simulcast or a reply of my pod casts. 

You can check out my shows archives in the links in my sig line and please let me know if you're interested. 


Betty Medsger : The Burglary: The Discovery of J. Edgar Hoover's Secret FBI…

ST John Hunt Son of CIA Watergate JFK…

Ed Opperman
Opperman Investigations Inc
The Opperman Report  
702 778 5598 
The Opperman Report | iHeartRadio 
The Opperman Report | Spreaker


Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc, a private detective agency based in Colorado, he is also President of Accurate Information Recovery. A computer and cell phone forensics company based in Nevada.

Having grown up on the tough streets of the South Bronx in NYC , Ed learned at an early age how to navigate between both sides of the law. He negotiated his way from street gangs to the college campus. Earning his degree and certification in Paralegal Studies on the CSI campus in Staten Island New York.. Ed has led a very colorful life, running with the bulls in Pamplona Spain, competing in marathons and participating in may political causes both as a political activist and street protester and mainstream campaign fund raiser. A successful businessman in many fields Ed has owned and operated a Manhattan nightclub as well as a telecommunications company. .

Ed has worked in the investigations field since the early 1980s first as an information broker and later in counter electronic surveillance. Working for the defense with some of NYCs top law firms and private investigators in many high profile organized crime cases. Later he teamed up with 2 retired NYPD Detectives to do employment and background screening Investigations.

In 2003 Ed teamed up with the 'founding fathers' of Cell Phone Forensics and digital data recovery. These men were fresh from the fields of Afghanistan hot on the heels of international terrorists. At the time this was a technology that was extremely cutting edge. Ed soon made a name for himself in this area and has become the leading provider of this type of Digital Forensic Investigation. He was chosen to examine the cell phones in the Tiger Woods infidelity scandal and his services have been used to investigate allegations of infidelity launched against Aston Kutcher and Todd and Sarah Palin as well as many other high profile celebrity clients. In 2012 he was part of the Congressional investigation and hearing into the Secret Service agents misconduct in Colombia.

- IMDb Mini Biography By: Ellen Redd          

Ram Ramakar

I'm a rock-music artist, singer/guitarist/songwriter, with a number of releases out there. The most recent is a double digital album of all-original songs titled - "FOR YOU" - The previous album is - "BEANS ON TOAST" -  also all-original songs, this time with an emphasis on blues-rock. I would be happy to make Dropbox files of these albums available to you. Just let me know what email address to send to. I originally came to the US from England on an adventure and stayed. The storty is told in an Amazon eBook titled - "A Taste Of Freedom" I would very much enjoy being interviewed most specifically about my available recordings, though I also have other works out there, such as a movie - "OM COOKING", an online art-gallery and more books, including an illustrated children's book - "The Tales And Adventures Of Colonel Snickery Snackery Esquire And His Little Dog, Toby" You will find me to be a lively and intelligent guest. I look forward to it!


Raised in England, self-taught guitarist/singer. Have played with a few well known musicians. Was given my first real guitar [I made my own first guitar] by the founder of The Yardbirds. a local group. Went to art-school, taught art for a while, all the time honing my chops in the local [London area] music scene. Came at America on an art-work adventure, as mentioned above. Met and played with a number of musicians, formed several bands. Now I'm solo.

Mikki StGermain
Mikki St. Germain has had the opportunity to teach and share her experiences with women all around the world. 
As a Speaker
Through Mikki's seminars, she shares her stories and insight through her own experiences with the goal to inspire and empower women of all ages. With a black belt in Kempo Karate and 20+ years’ experience, she has combined ways to empower women physically and mentally, by forming , Circles of This organization was developed with the intention to help women find and accept their inner power and beauty. Mikki herself is a victim of abuse and bullying. Her passion to create a safe and positive environment for kids and young adults is dear to her heart.
Her first book, “Got Baggage? – Packing for Happiness” is based on her own tough life experiences. From rape and abandonment, along with opinions and mistakes, she holds nothing back, offering a no nonsense approach to dealing with tough situations in a down to earth writing style. Reading her book feels like you’re sharing a private moment with a close friend over a cup of coffee. She is not afraid to talk about her failures and growing experiences. She knows how to take on tough subjects with a humorous twist, and in the end you realize that “Happiness is always a Choice”
Mikki’s second book in the “Got Baggage? Series, Unpacking the Pounds, Overcome the Emotions That Hold You Prisoner to a “Stress” Cake, is filled with her own personal stories and journey on dealing with emotional binge eating. Got Baggage? – Unpacking the Pounds addresses the real issue of why we fall short of our healthy goals with just diet and exercise. Why do we eat when we are stressed? How do we break the habit where food has become the answer to an emotional event? She offers tools and insight to create a healthy lifestyle physically and emotionally with her books and workshops. 
Giving Back
Mikki is a Staff Writer for the SoCal Business Journal. Her column titled “Eating Our Emotions” offers a healthy insight for the reader to learn, grow and make choices that can enhance their lives physically and emotionally. 
Circles of Good is her pride and joy in order to give back to the community. As the founder of this non- profit organization, Circles of is designed to surround kids of all ages with kind words of inspiration. Offering what she calls, a HUG, a way for kidsto embrace their own Happiness, Uniqueness and Genuine selves. Mikki spearheads these circles as Hand in Hand, One by One, Kind Words CAN Make a Difference!! 
Her Passion
Mikki is the Head Coach for the SOC Patriots  Football Team- Midget Division. Her passion for football and working with kids gives her an opportunity to combine inspiration with determination.…
Whether Mikki is speaking, on air or with you in person, her genuine nature of caring, and contagious laughter resonates with you after having the pleasure to connect with her. Mikki's believes each day is an opportunity to give of yourself and one of the greatest gifts you can give…is the gift of inspiration!
“The Most Courageous Thing You Can Do..Is Be Yourself!
...Mikki St. Germain
United States

Mikki St. Germain has had the opportunity to teach and share her experiences with women all around the world. 

Got Baggage? - Unpacking the Pounds
Michael Edward Bradford

Michael Bradford is an International Intuitive Business Coach, Author and Spiritual Teacher, with extensive expertise in the areas of health, healing, entrepreneurship and spirituality. He has a Masters Degree in International Management and advanced training in Intuition, NLP, Hypnosis, Reiki, Reading Energy Patterns and many other specialties. Using his unique cutting-edge multidimensional approach, Michael has helped more than 30,000 clients in over 50 countries to break free of their limitations, balance Karma and become more successful. This supports his clients to gain greater access to their intuition, speed up their healing process, accelerate their spiritual growth, gain clarity, improve relationships, attract greater success and increase finances.  Michael offers private sessions and in-depth workshops on Personal Breakthrough, Financial Success and Intuition Training.

Kimberly Webber

The archetypes have appeared throughout ages in the time-space continuum to assist humanity as guides for navigating personal and planetary evolution. The divine feminine archetypes have been appearing through my contemporary symbolist paintings for the last 24 years and are designed to empower and uplift humanity, our beloved planet and the cosmos. 


Kimberly Webber’s oil paintings are created with a fusion of classic Asian and European Renaissance painting techniques. The process is an alchemical blending of Eastern and Western materials and concepts. The artist is utilizing sheer layers of pure powdered earth pigments including lapis, malachite, mica, gold and iron oxide to produce translucent, light responsive surfaces. The paintings are intricate and multi-dimensional with as many as 70 to 100 layers per work. Kimberly has been painting since she was 3 years old and and received formal training both in the US and in Italy. Solo exhibitions include New York City, Los Angeles, Carmel and San Diego California, Texas, Florida, Minnesota, the Middle East and Europe. Pomegranate Fine Art Publishers, Editorial Elefthería/Barcelona and Fresco Fine Art publish the work. It is the artist’s intention to create and offer sacred art that empowers the viewer and the planet.

Ronelle Wood

Myofascial Release Therapist Demystifies the Gossamer Connective Tissue that Conducts Light in Our Bodies and is Essential to Health

How Touch Can Heal Our Physical and Emotional Trauma 

The fascia, that cloak of gossamer connective tissue that surrounds and supports everything in our bodies, functions like fiber optics. It conducts light to all points of our precious vessel-and when it doesn't-when light is stagnant or blocked-there is pain and trauma.

Ronelle Wood, a leading specialist in Myofascial Release Therapy, knows the power of fascia from both sides - as a patient and as a healer. In her new book Touching Light: How to Free Your Fiber-Optic Fascia, Wood chronicles her path to discovering the life-changing technique that has made her a highly-successful, sought-after practitioner in her Ojai, CA clinic. Touching Light contains a powerful foreward by patient and myofascial convert, Gay Hendricks, PhD, author of numerous international bestselling books including The Big Leap.

In Touching Light, Wood looks deeply into the light-conducting nature of fascia and what that means for people, how it impacts their emotional and physical wellbeing - and how diminished light conduction can spur problems that someone might not even be aware of. She discusses how the process of Myofascial release differs from massage and how it can be combined with movement instruction to correct dysfunctional body mechanics.

Wood points out that sitting all day is the enemy of healthy fascia, and that post-surgical scar tissue can lead to serious issues, which Myofascial Release Therapy can eliminate or prevent. But fascia is more than just a physical matter. The light "freezes" when someone experiences trauma or stores unexpressed emotion.

That's how Ronelle experienced the miracle of Myofascial Release Therapy. For many years she had balanced an intense life as a successful speech therapist, mother, wife, and homemaker. But in the late stages of her last pregnancy, she accepted a new job in Santa Maria, CA while her husband finished out a contract in North Carolina for three months, leaving her to deal with moving details, finding a new residence, a toddler and-suddenly the unexpected early delivery of a baby in a new city - alone! Years later, during her first session with a Myofascial Release Therapist, she suddenly experienced the emotional release of her anger and pent up rage at being left alone during that anguished time in her life.

Ronelle cites not only the clear cause-and-effect between her specific pain or injuries and their emotional unwinding under the touch of myofascial release, but also case histories of her patients.

Furthermore, she also looks at such topics as:

--How temper tantrums conducted in specific circumstances are healthy

--How to feed your fascia

--How you can't heal what you don't feel

--The difference between pain and sensation

--A fill-in-the-blank exercise that isolates thought patterns held in fascia

--And why Myofascial Release Therapy is attracting not only new fans and patients--but also many people seeking a healthcare career that goes well beyond massage

To book Ronelle Wood for a revealing interview on our light bearing "inner-net," please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.

Jackie Lapin

(818) 707 1473


Ronelle Wood is gifted in her chosen field of myofascial release and a woman of exceptional talent as a writer, teacher, mentor, and public speaker. She speaks to the heart of the desire of hundreds of clients, students, readers, and listeners to heal and rid themselves of pain as well as develop their own abilities to facilitate healing. She is a source of simple but life-changing touch, wisdom, and words of inspiration that come from her own experience of healing physical, emotional, and spiritual pain. She sees that miracles can be achieved every day, and is dedicated to sharing with the world the truths she has learned.

Once a speech pathologist with a Master’s Degree, Wood is now a respected authority on fascia and healing. Her own traumas and injury led her to seek authentic healing. When she realized that her high IQ couldn’t make the pain go away, she found out that her EQ (emotional intelligence) was even higher. She discovered through myofascial release and True Body™ alignment what she had never found in talk therapy, prescription drugs, or surgery.

Wood’s methods are a hybrid called True Body™, combining the science of body mechanics with myofascial release. You might say it is a “mat to table” experience. Since 2008, clients have been traveling from all over the world to her Sanctuary in Ojai, California, for this unique combination of treatment and instruction, because it provides the results they’re looking for. Clients get long-term relief from such ailments as plantar fasciitis, rotator cuff tears, joint pain, knee surgery, back pain/injury/surgery, hip and knee replacement, pelvic floor disorder, and fibromyalgia. They learn that decrepitude is not an inevitable aspect of aging.

On three mornings each week, Wood teaches True Body™ Alignment classes that will soon be viewable online. She leads specialty workshops focused on foot, joint, pelvic, and cardiac health. Her seminar “The Ronelle Wood Method of Myofascial Release” teaches therapists who want to adopt the techniques that are creating such positive long-term results for clients, many of whom have gone on to establish their own successful practices. By far the most popular workshop, “Self-Myofascial Release,” has attracted capacity participants since 2007. It now incorporates the Yoga Tune-Up™ balls made popular by Jill Miller in her book The Roll Model (2014).

Lasting health solutions are simple, yet not always easy. Ronelle’s clear way of communicating and her easy sense of humor leaves her students and clients with breakthrough information . . . new learning that works so well for them that they’ll use it and never forget it.

Touching Light: How to Free Your Fiber-Optic Fascia
Anna Pereira and Shari Alyse

The world is in desperate need of more world changers. The planet, people and animals are in need of help. Two women have created that change. They have gathered together over 800 thought leaders and world changers who are using their lives to make a difference in the world. Welcome to The Wellness Universe! The first of its kind directory, platform and community who are all here to serve. This has been created to be the 'go-to' resource for all things wellness in all 7 areas of wellness - Emotional, Environmental, Intellectual, Occupational, Physical, Social and Spiritual. This is the one online place where you walk away feeling better. Find out how these 2 women are creating massive change in the world. 

Anna Pereira
'You are the center of the univere. You are a star shining bright. My hope and mission is for you to shine as brilliantly as you were meant to. Together, basking in the light of each other, we all shine brighter.' - Anna Pereira

This describes my mission. It is to bring out the best in you! I have been a creative entrepreneur with a strong attachment to spirituality nearly my entire life. I call myself an ‘evolutionary catalyst’ to raise awareness and create positive change. 

My background includes my own artistically based businesses in fashion and accessories handmade and manufactured, and corporate experience as head of a multimillion dollar division for a manufacturer of pet products.

As a motivational public figure, my inspirational posts are known worldwide.  Through my Facebook page Circles of Inspiration by Anna Pereira, I have helped the lives of over 800K.

Following my calling to truly make a global change, I am involved in several epic projects to better the world.  Most recently, I have founded The Wellness Universe, along with my partner Shari Alyse and our company is Soul Ventures Corp.

Focused on building the space for a flourishing network of heart-based entrepreneurs, as the leader of The Wellness Universe, it is rewarding helping modern day thought leaders and co-creators of change reach their goals personally and professionally. Through guidance and encouragement seeing world changers not only changing the world, but their world changing as well, is my life's greatest reward.

Bringing people together in this one of a kind epic wellness resource for anyonebrowsing our site to find encouragement, help, love, inspiration, education, advice, products and support from trusted sources is a dream come true.

I encourage empowerment, authenticity and attachment to spirituality as core building blocks to achieve anything you dream. I believe maintaining a positive attitude sees you through a situation with success. Authenticity is the epicenter to long term joy and success.

Always be you ~ The best version of you!

Shari Alyse

Shari Alyse is the Co-Founder of The Wellness Universe. Shari is the CIO (Chief Inspirational Officer) of Soul Ventures, Inc., a company focused on being a catalyst for positive change on the planet. She is presently working on several other world-changing projects with partner, Anna Pereira, CEO of Soul Ventures, Inc. 

Motivated by her own healing from childhood trauma, Shari spends her days inspiring others through different mediums that she is passionate about. She is a motivational public speaker, published author, and video blogger. Shari inspires 100k people daily on her Facebook page Sharing with Shari, her website, as well as other social media sites. 

It is Shari's mission to help rebuild what some called “broken” spirits by being the catalyst to help them reignite the light each of us have burning within us. Shari believes, "We all have unique gifts to offer the world and once we learn to embrace, celebrate, and share these gifts, we truly can light up the world." 

 Shari says, “Besides talking, I am equally passionate about travel. My idea of the perfect life is spent on planes, trains, and automobiles seeing the world. I have pep talks with myself daily.  It is rare that you will find me without a smile and it is rare that I'm not trying to make you smile. I would say I have a pretty simple but extraordinary life!” 

Shari presently lives in Los Angeles with her boyfriend and their cats, Hershey and Piper.

Would love to hear from you! Contact me at