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I have many topics I can talk about from Astrology to Numerology or Tarot.  I've have got some good ghost clearing stories and can summerise them and put them into perspective for the average listener.  

I can expound on many esoteric subjects and provide readings for guests based on my 18 years of experience as a tarot, rune reader, astrologer and Wiccan priest. I have good advice for those wishing to explore the realm of the other world as well as having good practical knowledge and advice for the average listener.


Franco is somewhat of a Renaissance Man: mechanical engineer by day, parent, musician, athlete, astrologer, energy worker and Wiccan priest.  He reads Tarot, Runes, Astrology, Numerology as well as hands and crumpled paper making him an omnimancer.  He is a regular speaker at the astrological State of the Art Conference, and has spoken at the Mystic Roots conference and at various festivals across southern Ontario. 

Robin Eagle Sage

Learn to meditate and read energy to become your own best guru! Stop giving your power away to doctors and researchers who do not have your best interest in mind. Find out what you really need, through inner awareness, to make your life the most on point and empowered ever. The Sage School of Light, run by Medical Intuitive, Robin Eagle Sage, has three programs that will teach you to do exactly that. 


Robin Eagle Sage is a medical intuitive, healer, clairvoyant reader, author and teacher. She writes the column called Medical Intuitive Corner in Whole Person Magazine in Los Angeles and in Sedona Conscious Magazine in Sedona, AZ. Robin gives energy readings and healings over the phone and Skype worldwide. She is the founder of Sage School of Light and teaches a Medical Intuitive training program for beginners. Robin is the author of the book, “The Financial Alchemist; The spiritual and material recipe for financial success,” the CD "Soul Love; An interactive meditation to attract wealth, health and the relationship of your dreams!” and three audio meditations: “Financial Success & Abundance,” “Releasing Stress and Fear” and “Love & Joy.”

Veronica Monet ACS CAM

Imagine looking forward to speaking with your partner about the problems and obstacles in your relationship with joy. Imagine feeling confident that the two of you will not only create solutions which satisfy both of you but that each of you will feel closer and safer and more in love than ever before. It is possible to transform life's inevitable difficulties into opportunities for connecting and understanding one another in a manner which evokes your empathy and arouses your romantic passions. I live this path daily and I have done so for years. It really works and I sharing my Five Steps to Exquisite Partnership (TM) with others. Let me show you how to make Exquisite Partnership (TM) a reality in your relationships.

United States

Veronica Monet is The Shame Free Zone! Author of Sex Secrets of Escorts and Relationship Coach for couples in long-term relationships, she specializes in turning conflict into connection. You may have seen her on any number of television programs including CNN and FOX News as well as Bill Maher's Politically Incorrect. Or perhaps you have read about her in Allure, Complete Woman or The New York Times? Whether you have ever heard of her before or not, you are sure to find her perspective on love, sex, anger and life to be uniquely delightful.

John W Ratcliff

I have been interviewed on a few podcasts in the past.  I am available to talk about the following topics:

* Bitcoin : I am somewhat of an expert in this topic, and I am able to explain it in a way the general listener can understand.  I have written bitcoin software and been an investor for several years.  I have been a moderator of several popular bitcoin forums and written numerous articles on the topic.

* Freemasonry : I am twice past master of two Freemason lodges and have been an active Freemason for over ten years.  While I hold no particular expertise on the topic, I can speak about how Freemasonry is practiced today in the United States based on my own real world experience.  I think very highly of the institution and am willing to discuss some of the myths and missconeceptions about the organization.

* Paranormal / Philosphy : While no expert, I have studied the subject for much of my life.  I have drawn no specific conclusions other than to realize that every human being has a unique experience that is deeply personal to themselves and their expereinces need not be ridiculed or minimized.  

* Mormonism, Scientology, and Jehovah's Witnesses : I have been interested in religious belief my entire life, and I am particularily fascinated by religions with strong cult like aspects.  I am always trying to understand 'why people believe the things that they do', with a particular focus on religious cults which ensare and enslave people.

* The Game Industry : I have been a veteran of the video game industry for almost 35 years, having worked for a number of companies and publlished numerous games, including several best sellers.  


I have been a veteran of the game industry for the past 35 years, having written several best selling computer games and worked with a number of major game publishers.  

Molly Roberts MD MS

I am the President and CEO of LightHearted Medicine, a San Francisco Integrative Medicine practice that I have with my husband, Bruce Roberts, MD. We combine mind, body, spirit and science to help people find their way to their health and happiness. We use conventional Western medicine, Functional Medicine and psycho-spiritual approaches depending on what is going on for any particular patient. Our goal is for people to find their own unique path to their lighthearted life. 

United States

Molly Manning Roberts, MD, MS is triply Board certified in Family Medicine, Integrative Holistic Medicine, and Nutritional Medicine, and is both a psychotherapist and an ordained Shamanic minister.

Dr. Molly has truly embraced the concept of melding mind, body and spirit in the pursuit of optimal health and is in a unique position to guide those looking for more joy and balance in all areas of their lives. 
Dr. Molly specializes in:
Mind/Body/Spirit Medicine,  Functional/Nutritional/Herbal Medicine, Gastrointestinal Health,  Women's Health and Menopausal Issues, Men's Health and Andropause Issues, Thyroid and Adrenal Functioning, Heart Health, Shamanic Healing Techniques, Individual, Couple and Family Counseling, Sexuality Counseling,  Conflict Resolution work with families and organizations,  Among many others. 
Dr. Molly has worked in:
Family Practice Psychotherapy Rehabilitation Psychology Emergency Psychiatric Crisis Work Integrative & Functional Medicine at the Institute for Health & Healing Holistic & Functional Medicine at Canyon Ranch Health Resort
Leadership Experience:
Dr. Molly is a national leader in Integrative Medicine. She is on the Board of Directors for the Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine and is Chairman of the Academy's Practitioner Leadership Council as well. Dr. Molly is the Past President of the American Holistic Medical Association and Past Chairman of the Board for the Integrative Medicine Consortium. 
Education and Training:
Dr. Molly completed her medical degree and a Family Practice residency at the University of Arizona College of Medicine.  She is also a psychotherapist, with a Master of Science degree in Rehabilitation Counseling & Vocational Evaluation and with Ph.D. work in Rehabilitation Psychology.
Dr. Molly has certification in Mind Body Spirit Medicine through the Center for Mind/Body Medicine and is an ordained Shamanic Minister through the Venus Rising Institute for Shamanic Healing Arts. She has training in Shamanic healing techniques from Native American and psychospiritual traditions through the Venus Rising Institute and the Peruvian Incan tradition through the Four Winds Society. She is both a certified Shamanic Healing Arts Facilitator and a Shamanic Breathwork Facilitator.
Books and Articles:
Dr. Molly is the Co-Editor of the book, Blackwell Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Fast Facts for Medical Practice and the Co-Author of The Individual Optimal Nutrition Handbook, a popular interpretive guide for Functional Medicine specialists. Her books have been published and distributed all over the world and she has regularly been quoted in magazine and newspaper articles throughout the United States and internationally.  She has acted as either a contributor or reviewer in a number of other publications and regularly speaks at national and international levels. She wrote a blog for the American Holistic Medical Association and is a periodic guest columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle. 
Other Activities:
Past acitivities include being a Radio Cohost for the Canyon Ranch Quality of Life Series radio show. She was on the National Board of Advisors for both Kaplan Higher Education and the Venus Rising Institute for Shamanic Healing Arts. She was also previously the Southern Arizona Congressional District Team Leader for the Peace Alliance. Dr. Molly has served in the past as a volunteer faculty member at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, training medical students in Mind Body Spirit medicine. She continues to serve as a Physician Mentor at regional and national levels. 
Paul Becker

We've got something  you've never seen or heard of before. You may have heard of brain-entrainment and binaural beats like Holosync for improving mental performance and relieving stress. In 2002, I was the first person in the history of the world to use pulsed magnetic fields to entrain the brain. Over the first few months we discovered we weren't just entraining the brain putting people to sleep, but we were entraining-cell's. Particularly the part of the cell responsible for metabolising O2 and glucose for energy. The mitochondria. We've had seasoned competitive weightlifters add 100lbs (20%) to their bench press in 3 weeks. People back to work 34 days post surgery where it was expected they'd enter physical therapy at 90 days. See my Parkinson's playlist on the YouTube page. Way too much to list here. Read the remarkable Client Feedback emails through the link in the nav bar, the Athletic Performance feedback through the Sports link in the nav bar. We've got close to 11K happy clients since 2002; the most comprehensive 90-day satisfaction guarantee in the industry (Feel and Perform a Decade or Two Younger in 90 Days or Return It) and a return rate of under 4%. Check our YouTube videos off the video link in the nav bar too for sports, fibro, TMJ. They're old from when we started out,  but still highly relevant. I'm 58 years old, ripped up, eat a ketogenic - hunter gatherer diet for 20 years before they even knew what to call it. Check the Facebook page for a body shot. My headshot attached is 14 or 15 months old and just a month or two after i was nearly poisoned to death. EP saved my ass or I might not be writing this right now.

Have me on as a guest and you'll have a fun, thought provoking show offering invaluable information about how to cheat Father-Time. My upcoming books Be Ripped at 60 & A Lazy Man's Guide to Health & Fitness will be released in Dec 2018 on my 60th birthday.

Cheers, Paul

India / Mauritius

Discovered and patented (2002) a novel non-contact method of inducing sleep using very weak pulsed electromagnetic fields applied during the nighttime through any pillow, mattress or sleeping surface.

Discovered that pulsed electromagnetic fields of these frequencies, intensities and duration (8 hours during nighttime) exhibit the strongest anti-aging and performance enhancement / ergogenic effects ever reported in the scientific literature. Surpassing steroids on peak strength with no weight gain, beyond EPO blood doping / hypoxic training on stamina and wind-under-load.  This has been linked in nearly direct proportion to improved (mitochondrial) oxygen metabolism in tissues as proven by dramatic improvements to the static (resting) breath hold, as well as breath hold under physical load (and confirmed with saturated blood O2 testing equipment where user is not at 100% saturation at baseline).

Found by clients to be equal to HgH injections for anti-aging effects (energy, body composition, flexibility and repair), boosts natural hormone production rather than shutting it down, while simultaneously enhancing both athletic and executive performance. No detrimental emotional side effects or weight gain. No effort whatsoever but for remembering to turn it on when crawling into any bed.

Pure organic energy w/ less cellular waste (due to vastly improved oxygen metabolism), thereby improving general health and quality of life.  Greatly accelerates body’s natural healing mechanisms, naturally eliminating sources of pain, lowers ROS load (oxidative stress), improves detoxification, enhances immune function and body's natural antioxidant activity, massively increases strength & stamina; sharpens balance, improves and quickens motor coordination, enhances executive performance and psychological well being.

Linda Seger

As the author of 13 books, including four on spirituality, I’ve spoken in 33 countries on spirituality and theology. I enjoy doing radio interviews on the topics of spirituality, theology and faith. I would especially love to speak about my book, Spiritual Steps on the Road to Success: Gaining the Goal without Losing Your Soul – a winner of an Illumination Award gold medal. I determined, at the beginning of my script consulting career, in 1981, to try to apply spiritual principles to my work even when I wasn’t sure what they were. I wanted my work to have integrity, and to be Spirit-filled, and over the years, I began to understand what some of those principles were. Most of the principles discussed in my book Spiritual Steps on the Road to Success: Gaining the Goal without Losing Your Soul, I’ve learned from my own experience. In this book, I talk about the intersection of our spiritual lives and our professional lives in ways that will help readers examine spiritual issues from whatever spiritual viewpoint or whatever your denomination. I hope this book helps people explore some ideas and insights that can support their spiritual journeys. I believe that God loves us, desires to nurture our abilities, and calls us to make a difference in our world. I believe no matter where a person is in their spiritual life, and which spiritual practice they’re a part of, they will resonate with the issues discussed. I hope all readers will find this book opens up new possibilities for faith and practice, as we all continue to deepen our relationship with the Spirit that transforms our work.  Although the book is written from a God-centered perspective, I also understand that people use many names for God. At times, I will be speaking about The Spirit, or The Presence. You might address God as Lord, Holy Father, or Holy One, or as Holy Mother (yes, there are a few Bible verses that point to the Feminine attributes of God) (FOOTNOTE: Isaiah 66:13, Matthew 23:37) or as The Creator, Compassionate One, Guide, Comforter, Providence or that Power greater than ourselves. As a Quaker, I tend to see myself as a bridge between people from different spiritual disciplines. Quakers, as a whole, tend to believe that ours is not the only spiritual path, but a spiritual path that some of us find suits our specific needs and yearnings and seekings. As a result, we tend to be encouraging of however others choose to nurture the Spirit within. We call this Spirit by many names: the Seed, the Light Within, the Christ Within, the Indwelling God or Spirit. We believe this Spirit is constantly present, it’s personal, and it can guide us, no matter the circumstance. Some of the topics I like to discuss are, the ‘7 Deadly Sins’ as I encountered them in Hollywood, also why I had to develop a ‘Sense of Smell’ to protect myself from unscrupulous people. 

As one of the foremost script consultants in the world and the most prolific author in the area of screenwriting, I’ve appeared as a guest on over 50 radio and television shows including “All Things Considered,” “The Bill O’Reilly Show,” “CNN Power Lunch,” and as a commentator on “CNN” for the Academy Awards, “Good Morning LA,” “Good Morning New York,” “Channel 13 Los Angeles,” “The Evidence,” plus a number of other shows in Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, Nashville, Denver, London, etc. I’ve been interviewed by the Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Herald Examiner, The Sacramento Bee, The Christian Science Monitor and The Gazette among many others. I’ve also been featured as a screenwriting subject matter expert on numerous radio shows, webcasts and podcasts.

I felt called to drama since the age of 19, and through many years, the exact calling began to be worked out. My work life has focused on drama – first as a college professor in theater, and since 1979, in the film industry. I created my job in 1981 as a script consultant and script troubleshooter, based on my doctoral dissertation that developed a method for understanding why a script (for film, television, and theater) worked, or didn’t work. The creation of the job took a huge leap of faith for me, since this job didn’t exist and no one was used to paying for feed-back on their scripts except in the few screenwriting classes that existed in the early 1980’s. I have worked on over 2,000 scripts and over 100 produced films and television shows. My clients have included writers, directors, producers, executives and companies, in film, television, and theater. They ranged from beginners to Academy Award winners such as Peter Jackson and William Kelley. I’m the author of 13 books, including a must-have on every screenwriter’s bookshelf, Making a Good Script Great, which was endorsed by Ron Howard as a book that has informed him since Apollo 13. Four of my most recent books deal with spiritual topics based on issues I’ve faced in my life, especially as I became successful and well known.

Spiritual Steps
Lori Davis

Lori Ann Davis is a Certified Relationship Specialist, author and radio talk show host who specializes in empowering individuals and couples to create loving, healthy relationships.

Lori Ann Davis' book, Unmasking Secrets to Unstoppable Relationships: How to Find, Keep and Renew Love and Passion in Your Life, shares the secrets she has learned to making relationships the passionate, loving, safe partnerships we all crave.

It is a user-friendly book for women who want an extraordinary relationship with their man.

 Lori shows readers how to create an unstoppable relationship, how to understand the differences between men and women, how to end power struggles, and finally how to have unstoppable love and passion in their relationship.

This book tackles the complicated topic of couple relationships in an easy-to-understand and follow style, and includes practical, do-able exercises designed to be implemented by one or both partners, which is very useful when you want to improve your relationship but your partner may or not be ready or available to do so.

Lori's secrets to an unstoppable relationship have come from her own experiences as well as what she has learned working with clients for over 28 years.

Through her book, she hopes to show readers how to create a relationship that is better than they could have ever imagined. Lori believes that small changes practiced consistently will create big changes in your life with your partner. She will guide you through these changes in a caring, loving way.

Lori is a warm and knowledgeable guest speaker, with 28 years of experience empowering individuals and couples to live richer, happier lives. She has a unique and passionate approach to love and relationships and believes that all people deserve and can have the relationship of their dreams. She shares proven tools, tips and techniques that can help motivate and inspire your listeners to create fast results.

Book Lori Ann Davis, Relationship Specialist, to discuss...

Secrets to creating everlasting love. Ways to rekindle the spark in your relationship: Reignite the Passion. How to get the love you want and become irresistible to him. What do women really want from men. Ways to end power struggles in your relationship. 7 secrets to highly successful singles.
United States

Lori is a Certified Relationship Specialist – Speaker- Author- Radio Host

Lori has a unique and passionate approach to love and relationships and believes that everyone deserves and can have the relationship of their dreams. Her mission is to provide you with the skills you need to have the unstoppable relationship you deserve.

She has over 28 years’ experience empowering individuals and couples to live richer, happier lives. She has an in-person private practice in Charlotte, NC and also provides relationship coaching by phone to people throughout the United States. Her practice spans the spectrum from dating and singles to working through divorce to renewing long-term marriages.

In addition to workshops, classes, couples’ retreats and a local singles group, Lori’s has a talk radio show called “Real Talk with Lori Davis” on Ivyberadio.

She is the author of Unmasking Secrets to Unstoppable Relationships: How to Find, Keep and Renew Love and Passion in Your Life.

Born and raised in New Orleans, she has a master’s degree in clinical psychology from the University of West Florida in Pensacola. For more than 20 years, she was a mental health counselor practicing individual, marriage and family therapy in Florida.

Now living in Charlotte, Lori is the mother of three daughters and is proud to homeschool her two youngest.

Sean Topping

A conceptual hinderance for the metaphysically inclined is the notion that the world is made of building blocks – the fundamental particles of the universe. However, it is difficult to reconcile concepts such as ESP and mediumship if the universe is made of ‘dumb’ building blocks.

A more useful concept is that of the ‘Holographic Universe’ where the subject (you) is creating the universe as you observe and experience it. This presentation will explore the origins of our belief in the building block model and offer an explanation, based in physics, that the holographic model is closer to reality and offers a platform to discuss the interaction of the physical and the metaphysical worlds.

This is a fun and informative presentation that opens a door on our experience of the nature of reality.

United States

Sean has worked as a Manufacturing Engineer in a company that builds electron microscopes for the last 20 years. In parallel, he has studied metaphysics and meditation to compliment the ‘known’ aspects of engineering with the ‘unknown’ aspects of metaphysics.