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Sean Topping
Your Pitch

A conceptual hinderance for the metaphysically inclined is the notion that the world is made of building blocks – the fundamental particles of the universe. However, it is difficult to reconcile concepts such as ESP and mediumship if the universe is made of ‘dumb’ building blocks.

A more useful concept is that of the ‘Holographic Universe’ where the subject (you) is creating the universe as you observe and experience it. This presentation will explore the origins of our belief in the building block model and offer an explanation, based in physics, that the holographic model is closer to reality and offers a platform to discuss the interaction of the physical and the metaphysical worlds.

This is a fun and informative presentation that opens a door on our experience of the nature of reality.


Sean has worked as a Manufacturing Engineer in a company that builds electron microscopes for the last 20 years. In parallel, he has studied metaphysics and meditation to compliment the ‘known’ aspects of engineering with the ‘unknown’ aspects of metaphysics.

United States