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Sharon Winningham

Sharon A Winningham is an Unconditional Loving Life Coach originally for ten years as a Certified Real Love Coach who has a private practice teaching and coaching people from all over the world applying the life changing principles of Unconditional Love. Sharon does private one on one coaching, interventions and retreats. Sharon has been coaching, training and facilitating Loving Groups for 11 years. She has built Loving Groups Communities in many other cities in the nation. Her practice includes personal and group sessions specializing in conflict resolution, marriage, parenting, workplace issues, depression, addictions, dating, anger, and teens. She teaches classes and workshops in all areas of relationships. Sharon is the Community Leader of the Loving Groups for New Vision Center for Spiritual Living and Coordinator for the Loving Community in Arizona. An expert in the field of unconditional love, she brings years of life experience and a passion that shines through in a very direct and meaningful way.

Reproducing Herself

Focusing on the model of “recreation of self” and making leaders who can love and teach, creating an extraordinary focus, Sharon went years without the monetary return of running a traditional business. Loving one person at a time back to potential and health took time to create systems that would reproduce the love and healing on a larger scale.  Sharon has training programs in place to help train others to run Loving Groups.

Dr Lauren Cielo DD

As a guest on your show, Dr. Lauren Cielo can address the following:

Everyone is psychic and can be trained to accurately interpret their intuition. The benefits of ‘Psychic Readings’ and Healings. There is model of how the universe works. Once this model is understood, it can be used to change the universe. This ‘reality’ isn’t real but it is changing. Understanding the process of this planet’s Ascension can make the transition easier and faster. Quantum Physics may not become the new spirituality but it does support the model of the universe as Dr. Cielo sees it. Transgender energy and spirituality. Any other topic you choose!
United States

Golden Rose Psychic Services is proud to feature San Diego Psychic, Dr. Lauren Cielo, guest star of Gaia TV's Beyond Belief and Coast To Coast AM Radio. Dr. Cielo is a formally trained Spiritual Counselor and Clairvoyant Teacher.

As a child, Lauren often journeyed to the astral planes, mingling with the spirits and angels that inhabit the celestial realm. Lauren understood, even then, that physical reality is just a part of the entire Creation. While on this 'trips', he learned that of many life times as a psychic and healer. These experiences culminated at age 12 when in a dream, Lauren was given information that the path of this lifetime would deviate greatly from his traditional upbringing, and that he was destined to become a spiritual pioneer. As with many psychics, Lauren pushed these controversial ideas down and set out to live life as normally as possible.

Lauren went on to become an accomplished athlete in high school and college, representing the United States internationally in Women's Fast Pitch Softball. At age 18, while competing in an International Softball World Series event in Brisbane, Australia, he was awoken by 'lights in the sky'. Lauren’s left brain reasoned these lights must be the Aurora Australis but at the same time, information was flooding the right brain, filling it with startling psychic impressions. Again, Lauren tried to ignore this strange occurrence and focused on career.

Years later, as a successful quality engineer for a Fortune 100 company, Lauren was ignoring True Self and the important reasons for re-incarnating. Finally, all the pieces seemed to come together when he enrolled in a clairvoyance institute in San Diego for formal training. After two years of study, Lauren 'remembered' exactly who he is meant to be as spirit, what his spiritual purpose is, and left a long time corporate career to become a professional clairvoyant and teacher.

With the help of Lauren’s Spirit Guide and Healing Master, Ankaijia, their Life Readings and Healings have benefited numerous clients across the globe. Healings are both spiritual and physical, with many people experiencing spiritual and physical cures to lifelong problems. Some of Lauren's specialties include Energetic Athletic Training, Gender Non-Conformity and working on several hard science projects that are creating new hardware and software inventions that span science and spirituality.

Additionally, Lauren offers clairvoyant training classes aimed at awakening the psychic hiding in us all. He teaches specific tools for reading and navigating the astral plane, facilitating your personal healing and increasing your ability to heal others. Lauren believes that everyone has psychic capabilities.

Lauren is the owner and director of Golden Rose Psychic Services and the president of 3-Point Virtual Services, an internet solutions company specializing in website design and development for metaphysical and holistic practitioners. Lauren also enjoys the beach, working out and playing racquetball.

Lauren is transgender and began his transition from female to male in July of 2015.

Benjamin Bernstein

Benjamin will discuss how to awaken now and live in harmony, grace and simplicity using simple, effective invocations. Holding this awakened state as you carry out your daily affairs -- a simple task with Benjamin's eight-word refresher invocation – can help reduce or eliminate challenging issues. These include fear, anxiety, anger, depression, loneliness, and anything else you can imagine! To hold this awakened state is to be saturated with healing energy, which automatically restores harmony, health and balance to your body, emotions, mind and spirit.

Who knew that enjoying the benefits of awakening – enhanced harmony, flow, ease, grace and synchronicity -- could be this easy? Once you experience a chatter-free mind and a truly peaceful heart, you'll never settle for ordinary consciousness again!


Benjamin Bernstein is a shamanic healer and awakening activator who consistently facilitates powerful healings and spiritual awakenings in his individual and group work. He has devoted himself to nearly 40 years of spiritual practice.

Benjamin's greatest joy is helping others access their own awakened state with his simple, effective Heal and Awaken Invocations. Benjamin’s spiritual path has included Kriya Yoga, Vipassana Buddhism, Peruvian shamanism, ayahuasca and San Pedro plant spirit medicine, Deeksha/Oneness Blessing and his invocations. In addition, Benjamin is a Shamanic Minister and Shamanic Breathwork™ Facilitator.

Benjamin hosts iTunes’ #1 astrology podcast, This Week in Astrology. He has been a Best Astrologer Winner in 2013, 2014 & 2015 (1st or 2nd place) in Western North Carolina’s premier reader survey. Benjamin is a professionally certified astrologer, and has done about 6000 astrology and shamanic healing sessions with a global clientele.

Benjamin has lectured at three national astrology conferences, and taught at two national astrology retreats. He has written numerous astrology forecasts for Natural Awakenings Magazine, and wrote the Shamanic Astrology chapter in the book Transpersonal Astrology: Explorations at the Frontier.

Mj Holt

Find out why it's important to keep your gums and teeth clean; learn what you can do yourslef to prevent cancer; and why is it important to clean our our digestion.  My name is Mj Holt and I am here to help, meeting people where they are.

United States

Find out why it's important to keep your gums and teeth clean; learn what you can do yourslef to prevent cancer; and why is it important to clean our our digestion.  My name is Mj Holt and I am here to help, meeting people where they are.


Iasos (pronounced ya' sos) is a Music Creator and specializes in celestial, heavenly, inter-dimensional, higher consciousness music & visuals. He is also one of the original founders of "New Age" music.


We can talk about music, new age music, healing with sound, metaphysics. I LOVE doing interviews, and they typically START by talking about my music, and END UP talking about pretty much ANYTHING! They are always fun. I typicallly pack of LOT of information into a tiny amount of time.

Cover for Iasos' recent music album "Essence of Lemuria"
April Adams

Have you been feeling overwhelmed by the energy lately? Overwhelm, exhaustion, feeling like you're on a roller coaster: these are all quite typical at this time. The Shift is a planetary realignment occurring now, which is raising the vibrational frequency of the Earth. When this is happening, it creates a dynamic in which people living on Earth begin to feel out of sorts. This is because the old beliefs, behaviors & vibrational frequencies don't resonate with the new planetary vibration. This raises our individual issues into our awareness to be healed and released. Join April Adams as she holds space for you to make a direct connection with your own divine energy and brings through channeled messages to guide you through this challenging time. Surrender for a guided meditation and group channeled message, followed by a gallery question and answer session with The Collective through April. Going into meditation in a group setting has been known to amplify energy and feelings of peace. Combine this with divine energy and messages, and you've got some serious BLISS! ~Q & A about energy, relationships, Intuition, Meditation and more... ~Connect with your own divine Essence and inner peace ~Learn about The Shift on Earth right now and what it means for you ~Receive divine blessings and healing energy ~Achieve a blissful state through group ascension energy

United States

April Adams is an Emotional Fulfillment Specialist, International Bestselling Author, Intuitive Life Coach, Certified Presence Meditation Trainer, and Reiki Master. She is the creator of The Essence Healing System and the author of the book “Essence: Ending Emptiness, Finding Fulfillment.” April has helped countless women, and a few open minded men, to step out of their personal struggles bringing passion, empowerment and fulfillment to their lives. She specializes in combining the power of the mind with the power of the spirit in order to create the best possible life. Working with her fellow Lightworkers to boost their abilities and avoid depletion is her deepest calling. April Adams is the owner of The Retreat on Elm in downtown Manchester NH.

Marc Cashman

Marc Cashman takes you behind the scenes of the unseen world of voice acting, and pulls the curtain back to reveal the secrets of what makes a great voiceover talent.

United States

MARC CASHMAN is one of the few people in the voiceover industry on “both sides of the glass”—as an award-winning Radio and TV commercial producer, as well as a working voice actor and author.

President and Creative Director of Cashman Commercials, Marc creates, casts and produces music and copy advertising for radio and TV, winning hundreds of  awards for ad agencies and advertisers like Kroger, Charles Schwab, Quizno's, Pella Windows and Pabst Blue Ribbon, among many, many others.

Voted one of the “Best Voices of the Year” by AudioFile Magazine—three times—Marc is a veteran voice actor in Radio and TV commercials, animated series and videogames, e-Learning narration and over 100 audiobooks. He’s currently represented by Idiom Worldwide in Los Angeles, plus other regional talent agencies around the country.

In addition to authoring a top-selling book on voiceover, “V-Oh!  Tips, Tricks, Tools and Techniques to Start and Sustain Your Voiceover Career,” Marc is also an adjunct professor of voice acting at California Institute of the Arts and instructs voice-acting of all levels—in-studio and online—in his classes, The Cashman Cache of Voice-Acting Techniques in Los Angeles, CA.  He coaches voice actors across the globe, produces V-O demos, and writes a monthly online column through, “Ask the VoiceCat.”

Marc is also a guest speaker at Ad Clubs and Broadcasters Associations throughout the U.S. and other countries. He’s been a Keynote Speaker and Master Class instructor at VOICE 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014, the international voiceover conventions held in Los Angeles, CA, and has been interviewed in numerous magazines, newspapers, Radio & TV shows and Internet programs.  He can be reached at 661-222-9300,

Marc Cashman, Voice Acting Coach
bhikkhu samahita

What did the historical Buddha Siddhatta Gotama actually say and what relevance does this Dhamma have for the happiness and harmony of modern man.

Sri Lanka

What did the historical Buddha Siddhatta Gotama actually say and what relevance does this Dhamma have for the happiness and harmony of modern man.

Jed Shlackman MS Ed LMHC

Jed is an accomplished multi-faceted healer who teaches energy healing, writes about holistic health and metaphysics, and has provided thousands of healing sessions working with people with a wide variety of issues. Jed's work includes past life regression therapy, reiki, psychospiritual counseling, and vibrational sound healing. Jed's exploration of consciousness includes exploration of parapsychology, new physics, extraterrestrial teachings, ancient spiritual philosophies, hypnosis, mind control, and more.


Jed Shlackman is a native of Miami, Florida, with degrees in psychology and counseling from the University of Miami. Jed grew up living in a home on an organic tropical fruit grove and has spent much of his life exploring holistic health and metaphysics. Jed is a licensed counselor in Florida, a Reiki Master, and a past-life regression therapist. Jed writes holistic health articles for and other publications.

Consciousness, Creation, And Existence: A Guide