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We would like to share an amazing and very much needed Smart Technology called the IntelliTrees, or iTrees for short. It is a self-powered, stand alone technology that pulls water from the air and then can desperses this captured water around each iTree, or to a local community, farm, river, lake or stream, hydroponic system, etc.. It will also provide clean and renewable power, climate control, communication capabilities and so much more.

We would like to do a one hour special show just on the IntelliTrees to help get this very much needed and necessary technology built and out where needed most as fast as humanly possible. The host would be interviewing myself, founder and CTO of Planet One Solutions and CTO of the iTrees and my partner/creator/originator of the iTrees Gary Voss, of Voss Tech. We would go over the iTrees and all that they can do for humanity , as well as  some back ground history from Gary and myself. I personally used to have a show on BBS called "The Simple Truth, with Jeff Louis". I came on right before the Dr. Fred Bell show. I did my first show with Dr. Bell on the amazing BioPhoton LS modality. Great topic for another show if you like, but priority one is the IntelliTrees if we are to survive our distructive adolecence...and the clock is most diffenately ticking for us all. One People. One Planet. One Human Race! We are all in this together and only together can we get through it and manifest Heaven on Earth

Please get back to me directly if you can help.

Blessings and thank you - Jeff


A Husband, Father, Waterologist, Founder of planetonesolutions comes from a background in electrical engineering and a passion for all things water, and Gary Voss of VossTech and creator of a new form of Smart Tech will be discussing our latest emerging technology venture the Intellitrees.

Kevin Hancock

Guest For Your Show

Not For Sale: Finding Center in the Land of Crazy Horse

By Kevin Hancock

How a Businessman Lost His Voice and then Found his Soul on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation… A Lesson in Following your Heart- However Crazy it Might seem to others

The Unfolding of a New Approach to Leadership Lauded by Experts and even the NY Times

Winner 2016 National Indie Excellence® Award

Kevin Hancock was a highly successful businessman who took over his six-generation, family-owned lumber company that started in 1848, one of the oldest in America - and one of the largest in Maine - and steered it out of the financial strains of the recession. With hundreds of employees statewide, he had a tremendous responsibility on his shoulders. He was also a community leader, devoted husband, family man and coach for his daughters' sports teams. He was the one who took care of everything and solved problems for everyone.

And then, suddenly he lost the consistent and comfortable use of his voice to a relatively rare condition called spasmodic dysphonia. It became painful and difficult to push words out of his voice box. At nearly the same time, his mother-unbeknownst to him-gifted him a reading by a world renowned evolutionary astrologist. Her words and an article in National Geographic on the Sioux Nation with a photo of a modern day young Native American galloping across the prairie ignited something deep within him. He knew he was called to Indian country, but did not yet know why, but that became apparent in the four trips that he made within a year to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, and the awakening of his soul.

Says Kevin in his remarkable award-winning new book Not For Sale: Finding Center in the Land of Crazy Horse, "Within me lived a powerful impulse to take charge and protect my tribe, whenever it came under duress. I felt a strong pull to save everyone, and I took on all the work that went with that instinct. Worse, I internalized that responsibility to the point where it consumed me in ways I could not see. The price I paid for that approach was that I lost myself to both my role and my local circumstances. I had become consumed in protecting others. I had not yet learned that most everyone is capable of protecting themselves. I had not yet learned to share power. I had not yet learned to serve myself."

It is this and more that he discovers on this mystical and fascinating journey-a vision quest for a visionary. Kevin captivates with his story telling. He shares his growing connection and affection for the long-suffering, but resilient Lakota people-and what they teach him; his increasing awareness of human relationships to land, animals, nature and spirit; and how he unyoked himself from his sole leadership role to create shared responsibility that resulted in record profits for his company and a feature in the NY Times showcasing his new leadership model. Most of all, he reveals the inner workings of deep seeking that opened his eyes, his heart and his mind. 

With photographs that touchingly illustrate his journey, provides a realistic look at life on the Rez, and illuminates his growing awareness of interconnectedness, Hancock evokes messages for us all. He shows us a path so beautifully trod by the indigenous Americans that brings us into harmony with ourselves, our spirit and the world around us.   

Kevin will enlighten your listeners on what he discovered:  

We all come from a tribe, and while the pull of the past is strong, the soul is here to individuate.

Those who hold the power often overreach and go too far, not realizing that leadership in the new Aquarian Age is about doing less, not more.

Busyness is not living, and personal growth lies in looking inward, not outward.

The boundaries that have been set to divide people are not real. In the end, we're all one tribe.

To book Kevin Hancock on your show, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.  

Rachel Wandishin - Media Relations Manager

Email -

Phone - (207) 627-2153


"If you had told me a couple of years ago that my friend, Kevin Hancock, would set off on a quest for enlightenment, sparked by a long-distance astrological reading which would lead him to a sweat lodge in a remote Indian reservation-well, let's just say that 'skeptical' doesn't come close to covering it. What happened next is the amazing story Kevin tells here: Part history (and not very pleasant history at that), part spiritual journey, part moving portrait of some extraordinary people, and part leadership manual, this fascinating book will touch you and teach you on many levels." --Angus S. King Jr., US Senator

"I read Not For Sale: Finding Center in the Land of Crazy Horse in record time. I simply couldn't put the book down. Kevin Hancock's courage in laying out his vision quest so beautifully and humbly is a true inspiration. It is my hope that all business leaders will heed the message that it is possible to care for our souls and our businesses simultaneously. In fact, for true sustainability and health, we must." -- Christiane Northrup, MD, The New York Times best-selling author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom, and Goddesses Never Age

United States

KEVIN HANCOCK is the President of Hancock Lumber Company. Established in 1848, Hancock Lumber operates ten retail stores and three sawmills that are led by 460 employees. The company also grows trees on 12,000 acres of timberland in Southern Maine.

Hancock Lumber is a multi year recipient of the ‘Best Places to Work in Maine’ award. The company is also a past recipient of the Maine Family Business of the Year Award, the Governor’s Award for Business Excellence, and the MITC ‘Exporter of the Year’ award.

Kevin is a past chairman of the National Lumber and Building Materials Dealers Association as well as the Bridgton Academy Board of Trustees. Kevin is a recipient of the Ed Muskie ‘Access to Justice’ Award, the Habitat for Humanity ‘Spirit of Humanity’ Award, the Boy Scouts of America ‘Distinguished Citizen’ Award, and Timber Processing Magazine’s ‘Man of the Year’ Award. Kevin also spent 20 years coaching middle school basketball for the Lake Region school district.

Kevin is a graduate of Lake Region High School and Bowdoin College. He is also a frequent visitor to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. In 2015, Kevin published a book about his experiences with the Oglala Sioux Tribe titled, Not For Sale: Finding Center in the Land of Crazy Horse. The book won the National Indie Excellence Award, first place in leadership and runner up in the spirituality category.

Kevin is an advocate of strengthening the voices of all individuals within a company or a community such as Pine Ridge through listening, empowering, and shared leadership. 

Sose Gjelaj

Connecting Consciousness

United States

Evolution, consciousness, ascention, spirituality, philosophy, unity, dimensions, galactic beings

Deborah West

My focus in on the evolving commercialization of the space enterprise world-wide as we emerge into an Intergalactic Society.  I cover topics of scientific significance that impact our ability to combine scientific and spiritual science as we progress into a more evolved species.  This time of Earth's ascension is the event prophesized by every culture and religion and is the opportunity to develop a fifth dimensional frequency and a reality shift that connects us to all life throughout the universe. There are many indications that ascension is real and that reality shift is taking place. I cover a multitude of those topics that will have a tremendous affect on our advancement into a space-faring civilization into a multi dimensional univserve filled with sentient life.

United States

Deborah West worked in corporate public relations and media for over 20 years where she wrote articles on the Mars Rover, the Hubble Space Telescope, Northrup Grumman’s Unmanned Military Systems and medicine.   She is currently a freelancer, reporting on a wide variety of topics including disclosure, ancient and multidimensional civilizations, the the shift in humanity’s consciousness and brings truthful reporting to topics ranging from healthcare to energy, with an eye towards assisting Earth’s emergence into the fifth dimensional energy thru positive intergalactic communications.  She does a weekly radio show called Lost Knowledge on Revolution Radio and has published articles on CNNireport, UFO Digest and other sites.

Last year, she founded Texas Space News, a news portal about the commercialization of space in Texas. She has interviewed astronauts and leaders in the space community at NASA and spaceports across Texas with breaking news stories.

Rev Mary Linn Clarke

Throughout her life, Rev. Mary Linn Clarke has been a witness to many experiences that validate the continuity of life after death. Read about her witnessing first hand the psychic phenomenon of spiritual trance, healings, UFO's, apportation, spirit photography and much more. Join her as you read about her amazing life experiences as a Healer, Teacher, Psychic Artist and Clairvoyant Medium.

United States

Rev. Mary Linn Clarke, founder of the Inner Light Metaphysical Center since 1975, was raised in this philosophy. It was the only Metaphysical Center to be invited to be a member to the International Council of World Churches. She has done extensive study in this field under the late Dr. Enid Smith and Rev. Lillian Dee Johnson. She studied extensively at Harmonia College in St. Petersburg, Florida, as well as in Chesterfield, Indiana. Rev. Clarke is noted for her healing abilities, as well as her teaching in the development of Metaphysics and what it can do for your spiritual development; mentally, physically and spiritually. Currently Rev. Clarke resides in Ellenton, Florida, with her husband Rev. Thomas Clarke. They continue to guide and teach others this philosophy at various Metaphysical Centers in the area. Rev. Clarke enjoys helping others and hopes this book will provide spiritual enlightenment to all who read it.

Gail Minogue

Gail Minogue assists individuals and organizations to navigate the dynamics of change and become master builders of their futures, relationships, and successes. She provides clients with remarkable insights through a unique combination of trends analysis and forecasting, ancient & contemporary cyclical data, Pythagorean numerology, plus the wisdom gained from her experience in business markets and the intensive study and use of intuitive spiritual systems.

Gail is a Los Angeles-based professional who reveals the symbolic relationship of numbers to our life experiences. Her specialty is integrating real world experiences with holistic inner teachings. She is a licensed commodities broker and has studied and utilized the ancient sciences of numbers and patterns for 30 years.

Minogue’s books include Divine Design: How You Created the Life You Are Living, now in its third edition with expanded content, and The Invisible System, which is in final preparation for publication. In addition to media appearances on outlets including CNN, ABC and Charter Communications, she has produced the DVD special “New World Renaissance,” and also offers media of her presentations through this web site.


Gail Minogue assists individuals and organizations to navigate the dynamics of change and become master builders of their futures, relationships, and successes. She provides clients with remarkable insights through a unique combination of trends analysis and forecasting, ancient & contemporary cyclical data, Pythagorean numerology, plus the wisdom gained from over 30 years in the business markets and the intensive study and use of intuitive spiritual systems.

Buryl Payne PhD

For 40 years I researched how Sun and other planets affect Earth and people. I found that Earthquakes, floods, volcano eruptions may be triggered by planetary influences. Sun activity is associated with Wars,  incidents, psychotic episodes, and changes in human mood and behavior. My book “Planetary Influences on the Earth” is dedicated to this subject.

I found that worldwide meditations are associated with decreased Sun spot activity. Therefore people can influence Sun which influences Earth and people. This is a biofeedback loop. I describe my findings and the results of experiments in “Collective Power of Thought” book.

Inspired by the evident power of collective thought I conducted experiments with radioactive samples and with background radioactivity. The experiments showed 10-20% reduction of high velocity particles (radioactivity) at the time of group meditation. This gives me a hope that people are able to clean places after nuclear disasters, even prevent disasters and wars by the power of thought.

People need to be aware of their power. They need to be educated. That is why founding psychic schools for children  is important for our future.


A Santa Cruz Inventor

Have you ever eaten a Granola Bar?

This idea was given to General Mills in 1976 by Buryl Payne, a physicist and psychologist.  At that time there was nothing nutritious to snack on, except fruit. Now, there are a dozen nutritious snack bars.

He once applied for a position at UCSC but he was told he was too far out when he mentioned his global peace meditation project, carried out over several years, involving thousands of people, showing that humans quieted the solar activity by meditations.  This was important, for previous research had shown that when solar activity rapidly goes up or down twice every 10-11 years, wars are more likely to start. It doesn’t matter what party is in office, or who is dictator of what country, war fever appears to be a mass psychosis that spreads over the Earth, inciting people to warring behavior, like the Lemmings that reportedly jumped off a cliff every solar cycle. (a doubtful story, says Buryl Payne) That was one of the first major global meditations; now they are monthly occurrences.

Heard of biofeedback?

Buryl Payne started the first company in 1962. His patent was licensed to Radio Shack who sold them all over the world for only $12.  The royalties Buryl received enabled him to be free of his university job and gave him time to discover a force around living organisms not in the classical electromagnetic spectrum, and not gravitational or thermal. This force, initially discovered in the 16th century, has implications for astronomy, cosmology, quantum physics, and the theory of special relativity. It is so simple to validate that a teenager could do it!

When it becomes accepted into science it will expand our conception of human nature.

While he was experimenting on this spin force, as he calls it, he had time to study astrology and discovered that planetary influences had a magnetic influence on Earth’s field, which could affect brain rhythms and endocrine activity, thereby altering behavioral psychology. While it doesn’t explain all of astrology, it’s a start towards a more scientific explanation. As part of his work, he discovered how to predict sunspots with about 85% accuracy. This is currently not possible by NOAA, or other solar scientists who only study the Sun, hoping to explain and predict the formation of sunspots instead of treating the entire solar system as a dynamic whole.

During these years Buryl also learned of work in Europe, on applying magnetic fields to the body for healing. After three years of frustration, he succeeded in making pulsed magnetic generators for only a few hundred dollars instead of thousands charged by European Companies. The first use of the instrument was on himself, as he had a knee injury skiing. He couldn’t walk the next day, but after a few treatments his condition improved so much that he went skiing the next weekend!

About that time in his life (age 40) he noticed he was getting farsighted and saw little black specs in his eyes. He had trouble soldering electronic circuits together. A week of daily treatment of only a few minutes each cleared his sight and completely reversed his farsightedness until he was about 65.

But, proving his results to the FDA was too large an economic and psychological barrier for him. He was busy inventing other things. Currently, he is pondering on how to obtain energy from the rotation of the Earth; perhaps by locating power generators at the poles and making use of Earth’s spin force.

He is also working the design of a solar, pedal powered quadricycle, called the Winkle TM, which might also use a small power source based on his discoveries, or on some other inventor’s discovery of a new power source. He’s searching for investors for this and other projects.

He’s written an article on controlling gravity by displacing mass in time, and is currently writing a book on fifth dimensional consciousness. He’s hoping to understand it himself; that’s why he’s writing a book.

Much of this is on his website, as well as a description of the newest little book called: THE QUANTUM THEORY OF LOVE, a simple idea with possibly a large effect on current affairs.

Michael J Russ

Eliminate Adversity Forever! Practice These 3 Steps

Adversity is a hidden form of human suffering that exacts a huge toll on our time, energy, productivity, relationships, and attitude. In a world that is increasingly being dominated by technology, media, fear, greed, and all matter of unforeseen events, the way we perceive and respond to what happens within and around us has a greater impact on our happiness, fulfillment, and prosperity than ever before. 

30 years ago, as a result of the personal and professional adversity associated with pursuing a high-pressure career, I developed a deceptively simple way to efficiently process and let go of unfortunate, misfortunate, and challenging life events. 

The process, called Zero AdversityTM, involves 3 practical steps--perceive, respond and let go and was first outlined in my international bestselling book: Zero Adversity. 3 Practical Steps to Freedom, Fulfillment, and Creating an Authentic Life.

When applied with awareness and intention, these 3 simple steps reshape your approach and response to events and help your focus our attention towards what you can control about what is happening to and around you--thereby eliminating the disruptive negative feelings and emotions that arise from these events, so you are free to let go and carry on with life. Zero AdversityTM can be applied to any event, regardless of whether it happens to you or someone else.

I have personally applied my technique to past events, such as leaving college and the death of my girlfriend; current events, like pursuing a challenging entrepreneurial career path; and future events, like the sale of a house, increasing prosperity, and maintaining a happy and fulfilling relationship.   

What may come as a surprise is the vast majority of the adversity we experience is self-generated as a result of an incongruent and unsupportive inner conversation, negative perceptions, unsuccessful responses, fears, the inability to let go of situations and events, and the need to control other people and circumstances that are totally beyond our control.

Benefits of applying Zero AdversityTM to events past, present, and future are infinite and include, greater freedom and fulfillment; enhanced relationships; the preservation of time, energy, and personal resources; higher levels of productivity and achievement; and greater prosperity.

This topic is perfect for listener interaction because I can quickly and easily demonstrate its effectiveness.

United States

About Michael J. Russ

Michael is the son of an Air Force Officer and educator who has lived in three foreign countries and traveled the world. He is a musician, golfer, international bestselling author, and speaker/trainer who is passionate about helping people live the authentically fulfilling, prosperous life they envision. He is fascinated by how complicated people make their lives and enjoys revealing how people live their lives through the lens of wonder--looking forward to how who and what they encounter each day will touch their soul, touch their heart, and guide them closer to their dreams. MIchael's favorite quote is from Rumi, the Sufi Poet: There is something I do not know, the knowing of which could change everything.

Michael's view is there are no coincidences or accidents, just life unfolding to and around you. It is up to you to remember you have a choice as to how you perceive and respond to what you experience.

Catherine Lyon

I am a recovering addicted compulsive gambler and alcohol abuse. Now in recovery almost 10 years, I now help others who still suffer the cunning addiction of gambling. I wrote a book/memoir and was published titled; Addicted To Dimes, Confessions of a Liar and a Cheat. My mission now is to be of recovery service others, raise awareness about gambling addiction, expanding of State Lottery, and inform the public. 

I am also a columnist @ In Recovery Magazine of "The Author's Cafe" and interview recovery authors, filmmakers, and app developers for my column. I have no ill will toward those who can "gamble" for the fun & entertainment needs to value, but the public needs to be aware of the many who can not, and just how easy one can become addicted or have a problem. Here are a few facts:

Gambling Addiction now IS #1 Highest Suicide Rate than any other addiction.

Out of the 16+ million problem gamblers in just the US? Half this number is now High School and College age kids. It's time to about gambling addiction.

Author & Columnist, Catherine Townsend-Lyon
Glendale, Arizona
(602) 795-6345 

United States

About My Book: How does a good girl go bad? Based on a true story, told in the author's own words, without polish or prose, this haunting tale of addiction, family secrets, abuse, sexual misconduct, destruction, crime and.... recovery! One day at a time, one page at a time. Learn of this remarkable and brave story.

About The Author: 

My first published book was released late Nov. 2013, titled; "Addicted To Dimes, Confessions of a Liar and a Cheat), and e-book released May 2013. Available on Amazon & Barnes and Noble online.
I host a Recovery Blog for the book as well and blog my recovery journey from gambling addiction and alcohol abuse. This helps and aids my own recovery. 

I am currently writing my follow up books to Addicted To Dimes, and continue to speak, advocate and raise awareness of important issues that have touched my life and they have touched the lives of many. My second book will release late this year, and will be more a fun guide the elusive first year in recovery. I am also a new recovery columnist @ In Recovery Magazine. My column is "The Author's Cafe" ....

Addicted Gambling is a "Real Disease." I also live with and suffer from mental/emotional challenges from childhood traumatic and sexual abuse. My story has been featured on many recovery websites like, Guest Recovery Expert, & Blogger for Author, Cate Stevens"

Also on  "Blog Talk Radio ~ The C.L Gammon Radio Show"

Most recently I was Guest Author on Peoples Internet Radio's "Cancel the Cabal" hosted by LinkedIn member, Stephen Roberts: And interviewed for a gambling article releasing soon in Time July 2016 ...

One of my disorders, agoraphobia with panic disorder, limits my book signings and public speaking engagements, but I am always available for phone, radio or skype interviews to continue to inform, educate, and raise awareness of all these important.

I can be reached by Email: