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Dr Nadia Judith Bijaoui

Dr. Bijaoui is an inspiration for all those surviving catastrophes whether they are comas, deep health crisis, or familial loss. She has developed health methods that touch on the mental, emotional and phyiscal areas of our lives. Bio Health Education her company insists that our health is part of a whole which includes our relationship with society. She has turned her research into a book The Other Side of the Curtain: Recovering from Deep Comal.


Dr. Nadia Judith Bijaoui was eighteen and living in the South of France when pronounced dead after a serious motorcycle accident. Yet miraculously in spite of a grave head trauma she survived. Years later she moved to the United States and tried to forget the accident. Finally, she admitted how great an effect the accident had on her life. The reason for her survival and her recovered physical and mental faculties became her secret search for understanding. She found seven reasons or elements that helped her survive. Some of those elements started in her early childhood in Tunisia. Out of ther research and survival she wrote The Other Side of the Curtain: Recovering from Deep Coma.

Maggie Wilde

Maggie Wilde is The Potentialist. She is an award winning Author, Therapist and Coach specializing in Rewiring the Mind to Achieve ultimate Potential.

Maggie is one of Australia’s leading Clinical Mindset Therapists and her books and ground breaking C P R Brain Training Programs have won Silver and Gold Internationally, being recognised in areas such as Psychology and Mental Health, Health and Wellness and more. Maggie and her client success stories are regularly featured on national and international Television including Sunrise, A Current Affair, The Daily Edition, San Diego Living and more. Also featured in print media: The Sydney Morning Herald, Woman's Day, Take 5, Woman’s Health & Fitness and the London Daily Mail Femail Edition plus hundreds of appearances on local, national and international radio.

Her programs and books include: 6 Figure Business By Design (a 6 month coaching program for Practitioners in the Wellness Industry, Mind Potential - Unzip the Fat Suit Using Your Mind, Emotional Eating Solutions, Smoking Cessation Program. Her unique brain training system (CPR = Control, Program and Rewire) empowers clients and practitioners to create the change they've desired by rewiring 3 specific levels of the brain to achieve permanent change. 


Maggie Wilde is The Potentialist. She is an award winning Author, Therapist and Coach specializing in Rewiring the Mind to Achieve ultimate Potential.

Maggie is one of Australia’s leading Clinical Mindset Therapists and her books and ground breaking C P R Brain Training Programs have won Silver and Gold Internationally, being recognised in areas such as Psychology and Mental Health, Health and Wellness and more. Maggie and her client success stories are regularly featured on national and international Television including Sunrise, A Current Affair, The Daily Edition, San Diego Living and more. Also featured in print media: The Sydney Morning Herald, Woman's Day, Take 5, Woman’s Health & Fitness and the London Daily Mail Femail Edition plus hundreds of appearances on local, national and international radio.

Wilbur Allen

How ET Enters Our Airspace

Extraterrestrial Einstein Rosen Bridge Wormhole. I've located ET portals and documented them, Now I need to do a more extensive analysis of the events and locations:


Wilbur Allen: Director of Photography (Nocturnal Scientific documentation) Spectacular Imagery National Geographic standards!

Thank you Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Buzz Aldrin, Dr. Neal Armstrong and Stephen Hawking for acknowledging Thank you MSNBC/Fox News/Politico 

Discovery Science-Animal Planet-American Heroes Channel, NBCUniversal-The Weather Channel, Country Music Television (CMT-MTV), Gary Greenfield, Billy Booth, and George Noory John B. Wells.

With the support of AVID Technologies, Boris Fx, Nikon and NASA experts/friends. Tom Arnold and CMT (MTV) whose support is deeply appreciated, Howard Stern/Riley Martin, Eron McCauley, My Redneck Family in Shreveport: The Clampetts (Tommy and Tammy). The Navajo Nation, George Noory, Fox News, CBS News, MSNBC News, Politico, National Geographic, and my Friend: Ronald Reagan, Rest in Peace, Mr. President.

The development of Extraterrestrial based color technology for Motion Pictures Special Effects, and 3D Game Development. The assimilation of color texture bitmaps from ET objects.

UFO Colors are assimilated colors from ET Technology. 3D visual effects will never be the same! 

Mike Pataki (Korax, Klingon Commander: Star Trek Trouble with Tribbles) Rest in peace.

ABC News (Washington)

AVID Media Composer 7-8 with Boris Fx BCC 8.2-9.0; High Definition Workflow. 

Motion Pictures/Broadcast Standards. Full Color Night Vision. 

I can film anywhere anytime, under available conditions.


Thank You NBCUniversal-The Weather Channel for excellent production and accurate presentation based on HD evidence. Presenting the evidence correctly Karga 7 Pictures


UFO Forensic Files on Amazon Books
Jermaine Sain

When I think about surviving the industry, one local name sticks out to me, Jermaine Sain.
He is such an inspiration.  If you don't know who he is, I'm sure in the coming years you will because he is definitely on a path to success.  Just to tell you a little about him, he is a singer/talk show host.   

He hosts a talk show in Atlanta called When We Speak which talks to local and non local musicians, singers, and entertainers....

He is also the creator of the show.  The reason why we admire him so, is because he is a leader in the field of Atlanta Entertainment by thinking outside of the box and keeping his interviews very informative and gossip free.  So check out When We Speak when you get a chance. 

United States

Jermaine Sain is the host/ creator of a talk show called When We Speak. In addition, he has released several indie music singles such as: "Look At All You've Done", "He's Done So Much", and "Get Out".

After exiting the U.S. Army in 2003, as a Medical Sergeant, Jermaine began pursuing a career in music after he auditioned for American Idol in 2005, in Austin, Texas.

In 2008, Jermaine moved to Atlanta where he has had the opportunity to provide backing vocals for Kem (Grammy nominated R&B Singer) Heart (Rock and Roll Hall of Fame), and Barry Manilow, as well as for companies such as Pink Ribbon Story Foundation and Verizon Wireless. He made his first music video appearance in Kem's Glorify The King.

Jermaine's talk show, When We Speak, caters to entertainment with a close focus on indie music professionals.

There has been some recognizable guests on the show such as:

*Terrell Carter- Actor/Singer

*LaShun Pace- Award winning Gospel Singer

*Crissy Collins- Background Singer for Beyonce

*L'Renee- Background Singer for Kem

*Trina Braxton- We TV reality show, Braxton Family Values


Penny Cote Kearns MDiv

… Harnessing the power of metaphysics

You're here. It wasn't always easy, but you did it. You are ready for your next phase. You have choices. What do you want to do? How do you want your life to look? 

It's up to you. 

This is a distinctive period in history described as a gathering for the like-minded. My endeavours offer specialised client support created to be of assistance during this exceptional period.    

I am a meta-counsellor, which is an area of practice under the umbrella of metaphysician. As such I work with the powerful principles of body, mind, and spirit to support clients as they create their lives - as they create the magic that is them.

My consultant's practice is unique.

I am a philosopher and healer, with a passion for both the fundamental study of the nature of reality as well as the more esoteric practice as a healer, advisor, and partner. 

The path of self-creation is a path to our higher, eternal, selves. Yes, it is a metaphysical journey.

Consider, for a moment, that the world of metaphysics is changed.

Contemporary metaphysical concepts are based on a philosophy where the area of study and expertise is the nature of reality.  Metaphysics is the branch of thinking that directs its attention towards the first principles of things. 

It deals with such questions as:

what is truth what is consciousness what is time what is the nature of reality what is the relationship between, body, mind, and spirit 

We all have access to this unlimited awareness.

Aside from the modern day Western world, there endures an earlier and more esoteric practice of the metaphysician. This is one who works primarily with metaphysical laws and principles. The meta-physician is a type of practitioner, teacher, explorer who influences change in the physical world by employing knowledge of the meta–world. We do this because we have found that it is possible to bring change to the physical world by using awareness that is based in the non-physical.

My vision is of a unified new world based on unconditional love and compassion. A unified world begins with a unified self. This is a personal pursuit and an understanding that I share with clients through my profession. This vocation includes life counselling, healing, teaching, and writing. I also serve as an emissary for the spiritual or metaphysical community.

I am a seeker/student who is committed to my evolving awareness. This is the basis for my practice. My expertise is founded in innate talent, life experience, and over 40 years of research and study. 

Academically I have a Bachelor's degree in Metaphysical Sciences, a Master's degree in Divinity, credentials in theosophy, and life coaching. I am an intuitive empath and a Usui Reiki Master.

I am creator of the Transformational Life Educational Resources© program, author of the book Masterpiece - Creating Your Life as a Masterpiece and contributing author of the book Holistic Fashionista Memoirs.

My company is called JPCK Metaphysical Services.  

Espavo, (This is an ancient Lemurian word that means, “Thank you for taking your power.”)



I believe I have addressed my focus and purpose for this interview in the information already provided. Briefly, though, my passion is metaphysics, my purpose is personal enlightenment, and my focus is to give back from what I have been given.

Cynthia Marie Brewer

Spread the truth for free.  No pitch, just information...

United States

I am the lady that was unwittingly used in the International Human Genome Project in 1997.  The cover story was Dolly the Sheep.  It was in reality "BRE reproductive and Brain studies", "recumbent DNA research and development", "DNA sequencing" and "cloning".  There was no noticed, informed consent or agreement.  This is shrouded in secrecy and is not a conspiracy theory, but rather conspiracy truth.  Check under NCBI Taxonomy ID 9606 and Human prototype 5001.  No facebook, twitter or social networks.  My information is always pirated and removed.

Susan McCord

I am a candid online talk show host that deals with relationships/dating and other lifestyle topics. I am a mature woman with young sassy attitude that has been there done that and has so many T-shirts I could open a store! I help men and women all over the world find love and feel good about themselves. We all deserve love in our lives but some people have lost faith in themselves and need a little advice & encouragement to bring their self esteem back into a healthier way of thinking. I discuss numerous topics including rekindling a marriage, getting over an Ex/Divorce, sex & intimacy tips, removing dating patterns, single parent issues, how to get back out dating after a divorce, makeover tips, stuck attitudes and self esteem building etc. I am a fun loving redhead who loves to make people laugh and many people say I remind them of Lucille Ball. (Even my nickname is Lucy.) I write an advice column, personal blog and write as a expert for Niume and The SWExperts. I love talk radio and  I have been a guest on many shows in Canada and the USA. I love to talk and make a great  guest co-host. There is no dead air on my end!


Susan McCord is a Dating/Relationship/Lifestyle Talk Show Host, Published Author, Interviewer, Certified Life Coach, Blogger & Advice Columnist.

Susan is an Expert Writer for,, Dear Sybersue Advice Column, regularly contributes to various online magazines and appears as a guest speaker at dating venues in the Vancouver area. She has appeared on CBC news, TorontoNewsTalk1010, North of 49TV,  Sexat11 RogersTV Toronto, The Love Channel, The Lynda Steele Show CKNW, The Vancouver Sun, The Metro, 24 Hours Newspaper and is a quest blogger on many websites.  Susan left her long term job as a International flight attendant to pursue her Talk Show & Blogging career full time.

Susan was recently named a VIP member of Worldwide Branding. This special distinction honors individuals who have shown exceptional commitment to achieving personal and professional success.

Susan has devoted her career to helping others find happiness. Over the past decade she has established a stellar reputation as a sought-after dating & relationship expert, advice columnist, blogger & interviewer. Susan has over 18,500 Followers on her Blog but is best known for hosting a lifestyle talk show for an International audience on YouTube.  Her talk show, “Dear Sybersue,” has garnered more than 1.4 million views which consists of interviews, dating/relationship/lifestyle advice & comical skits.

Susan has established a large audience via social media & has received acknowledgement from a number of professionals and celebrities.  Susan regularly posts videos/blogs that can be viewed on, Twitter, Vimeo, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram and her Facebook page. She is noted for being wise and informative while being simultaneously friendly, down-to-earth & witty!

Susan has been giving advice to others for many years and she is excited to be able to transform her natural talent into a career.  She plans to do as much as she can in the coming years in order to reach out and help an even larger audience find love and happiness. Her goal is to bring people together in a world that is still learning how to love and accept each other unconditionally.

Susan has over 300 videos online and has a great sense of humor which she contributes to her weekly shows.

Anne K Uemura PhD

Early childhood wounding leads to adult pain and takes away internal joy and happiness. Using unique strategies to access buried child-hearts, Anne offers a personal development program that improves on current inner-child techniques to awaken your child-like spirit and access self-love.

Too many adults suffer in being triggered by others and events feeling too often upset, angry, defeated, shamed, and fearful.  Their unhealed wounds also expose them to their early beliefs about not being good enough (low self-esteem) or not safe enough (often anxious), not deserving (not successful enough), or not having control (withdrawing). Within their limited resources young child-selves adopt limiting strategies to keep themselves safe, in control and proving their self-worth.  Examples of these are:  perfectionism, manipulating and controlling others, becoming tireless givers or overachievers.

Now is the perfect time on the planet to move in the direction of joy, peace, love, fulfillment and true self-expression.

United States

Anne Uemura, PhD, has many traditional achievements in her background. After receiving her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Philosophy, she taught at the college level for ten years. Her Socratic style led her to question the direction of her own life, which led to a PhD in Clinical Psychology at University of Maine. A predoctoral fellowship at UC-San Francisco followed by a postdoctoral fellowship at UC-Berkeley situated her permanently in California.


After thirteen years as a counseling psychologist for troubled, promising students in workshops, group, and individual counseling at UC-Berkeley, Anne retired to a small private practice in Napa, California. The leisure of this period of midlife afforded her the opportunity to explore nontraditional studies and training. Anne sees her life as a testimony to the riches of achievement through traditional means. But more important, she is eager to tell you about how much more there is when you move to the out-of-the-box principles and concepts that eventually led her to write her groundbreaking book, Listen to the Cries of Your Heart. 

Maia Aziz PSW CHP

What I know for sure? That love and laughter might not cure what ails you but they sure will go a long way to helping you get through those tough life moments. That a deep belly laugh will almost always make you feel better. That sharing laughter connects us and that to love and be loved is all that really matters.

Therapeutic humor is any intervention that promotes health and wellness by stimulating a playful discovery, expression or appreciation of the absurdity or incongruity of life’s situations. Both the production and appreciation of humor can be a powerful method of gaining perspective and temporary emotional reprieve during difficult life experiences. Learn how to get your laugh on and use humor to boost resilience, strengthen relationships and reconnect with what matters. The applications of humor as means of healing, connecting and communicating are endless.  Like kindness, humor is magic.


Maia Aziz is a Professional Social Worker (PSW) with over 20 years’ experience in child protection, pediatric rehabilitation and currently as Assistant Administrative Chief of Allied Health Services at The Montreal Children’s Hospital in Montreal, Canada. An active member of the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor and Certified Humor Professional (CHP), Maia is a contributing writer to The Positive Psychology People and host of the weekly talk radio show Morning Moments with Maia…Conversations of Love and Laughter, through which she explores applications of humor and positive psychology in health, leadership and well-being.