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Maia Aziz PSW CHP
Your Pitch

What I know for sure? That love and laughter might not cure what ails you but they sure will go a long way to helping you get through those tough life moments. That a deep belly laugh will almost always make you feel better. That sharing laughter connects us and that to love and be loved is all that really matters.

Therapeutic humor is any intervention that promotes health and wellness by stimulating a playful discovery, expression or appreciation of the absurdity or incongruity of life’s situations. Both the production and appreciation of humor can be a powerful method of gaining perspective and temporary emotional reprieve during difficult life experiences. Learn how to get your laugh on and use humor to boost resilience, strengthen relationships and reconnect with what matters. The applications of humor as means of healing, connecting and communicating are endless.  Like kindness, humor is magic.


Maia Aziz is a Professional Social Worker (PSW) with over 20 years’ experience in child protection, pediatric rehabilitation and currently as Assistant Administrative Chief of Allied Health Services at The Montreal Children’s Hospital in Montreal, Canada. An active member of the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor and Certified Humor Professional (CHP), Maia is a contributing writer to The Positive Psychology People and host of the weekly talk radio show Morning Moments with Maia…Conversations of Love and Laughter, through which she explores applications of humor and positive psychology in health, leadership and well-being.
