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Elisa Brown

HOODWINKED FROM HEAVEN makes its NYC debut at the Leonard Nimoy Thalia at Peter Norton's Symphony Space on May 7, 2023.

Originally trained as a classical singer, Elisa Brown is known internationally for her “eloquent voice,” and her “incredible vocal talents with a heartfelt take on life." She  takes us back to her Texas roots in Hoodwinked from Heaven – an original, down-home show she wrote for her late father Bill who suffered with Alzheimer's.

In this heart-warming, knee slapping, one woman show, Elisa kicks up her heels and spins some Tall Texas tunes and tales inspired by true family stories. This show celebrates the deeply American music that kept Elisa’s family alive with hope and laughter and continues the legacy of her father’s character and love.


Originally trained as a classical singer, Elisa’s “melodious, soulful singing” has been thrilling audiences around the globe for decades. Her ability to sing a wide range of vocal styles – from country to pop to Spanish musical theater and opera – have taken her to solo performances on Off-Broadway, The Bitter End, and Carnegie Hall, as well as to concert venues in South America, Spain, and China, and onwards to her own show on PBS, The Heart of Art with Elisa Brown. Her CDs, The Ave Maria Experience and New World, co-written and co-arranged with GRAMMY winning producer Barry Goldstein, have garnered worldwide praise.

“Romantic” … “wistful in tone” … “inspirational” …

~~ Steve Smith/New York Times, December 1, 2022

“This is truly an amazing CD! When you’re feeling down, need a little healing and connection with the Divine, or just needing energy quietly close your eyes and let Elisa’s voice … inspire.”

~~ Shirley MacLaine

“There are many talented singers, songwriters and performers. That’s not rare. Elisa possesses those talents and one more: charisma in spades. She is unique and someone you will remember.”

~~ Mel Howard, Tony and Moliere Award Winning Producer

Hoodwinked from Heaven
Ameerah FATTAL


Trust you feel fabulous.

Am inspired to be interviewed by your platforms, also plan to start my own Radio Shows. Share solutions of the worlds to the people of this earth is a deep inspiration within.

Find here few pitches. Please choose the subject of your inspiration so we can co-create avenues together.

Pitch 1:
The return of the ancient cycle of the woman according life, every 4 years, pain free and body stays clean.

This rare cycle reality will become our norm during the new earth renaissance. Being one of the actual womans around cycled every 4 years, imbodying the change leads me to show the way to other womans as monthly cycle stands for high metabolic rate, rapid ageing, diseased body and unbalanced biology.

Acidic forming diet causes mucus to clogg the system which can be reversed. By gradually reducing mucus forming foods, cleansing the mucus through herbs protocols, adopting an ancient alkalinizing nutrition, monthly mense gets reversed and menstrual returns to a 4 years cycle, according life, pain free and longevity gets activated.

We are ment to live on earth multiple thousands of years, this reality will become the norme.

Pitch 2:
There is no such thing as Menopause according life.

Accumulation of mucus in the body and in the fallopian tubes creates variety of distortions, cloggs the reproductive system, causes the uterus to disfunction and enters in the unatural state of Menopause.

By gradually reducing mucus forming foods, cleansing the mucus through herbs protocol, adopting an ancient alkalinizing nutrition, Menopause gets reversed and menstrual returns to a 4 years cycle, according life.

Pitch 3:
The return of ancient nutrition according life:

Ancient nutrition is Creation-Made, was naturally created with the Cosmic Arrangement and was on earth milnenias ago. Is high in pH, electric, alkaline, nourishes the cells, is conductive, transfers light codes within us, sustains life and empowers us by reconnecting us to all that is.

Modern domesticated nutrition has been compromised, hybridised, crossbreeded, crosspollinated, are laboratory made, highly acidic and corrosive.

Consuming these ingredients on daily bases causes carbonic acid, uric acid, lactic acid, heavy metals, toxins which builds up mucus causing the body to clogg, degenerate and creates all disease known to man.

By gradually reducing mucus forming foods, cleansing mucus through herbs protocols, adopting ancient alkalinizing nutrition, discomforts, deasises gets reversed and the body returns to a high vibrantial state, according life.



Pitch 4:

Many are awaiting for the Tachyonic Regenerative Med-Bed Chambers to be available. More and more are gradually know that we are the walking talking Light Beings, naturally wired to Deprogramme / Reprogramme our quantum organic technology from within.

We have an inner Alexia, an inner Geny in the Bottle, our Spirit.
Our Spirit is awaiting to serve our purpose. We are progressively  re-inbodinb all of our Spirit back into fullness vs. a fractal of spirit self.

The more we imbody our Spirit, the more volume of our light-beingness which naturally expands our abilities. We are the creators incarnated of the New Earth Renaissance.

Being a Deprogrammer Reprogrammer, desinstalling distorted frequencies, dismantling recycling programmings, recurring past timelines is natural to me. The unwanted realities which people tend to recycle is reversible.

Reprogramming within to start experiencing the inspired realities
should become the norm. Transmitting to my clients, students on how to command their spirits, install new programs within empowers them and unfold fabulous realities.

Mentoring is one of my main purpose, therfore created various courses through my upcoming App.

Each training will have a solidarity purchase for humanitarian projects.

I make myself available for more information, when needed.


Ameerah FATTAL is Light Being, a career Quantum Energy Deprogrammer, Reprogrammer, Ancient Forgotten Nutrition Specialist, Alchemist, Inspirational Speaker & Avangardist Humanitarian for New Earth Renaissance.

She Mentors Self Empowerement, is a Heart's Mind, Body & Spirit Quantum Makeover of 8 + Years of experience where people get instant liberation, feel empowered through one-to-one trainings, live groups, programmes & is now pre-launching her App to difuse her solutions globally.

She’s a Wayshower, inspired by the purpose in realigning people's life & spirit trajectory & reconnect them to their purpose fulfillment.

She transmits ancient cutting-edge sciences & teaches on how to command our spirit & prime creation for new realities.

She is a teacher of the teachers, imbodies the change & contributes in preparing the New Earth Era Renaissance through innovative  projects & humanitarian sustainable solutions.



Ronna Wineberg

Hi Audie,

I hope all is well. I thought you and your audience might be interested in Ronna Wineberg a Former Public Defender and "Psychology Today" blogger's new book  of short stories- Artifacts and Short stories. It explores relationships and pre and post pandemic  effects on it. 

Please let me know if you would be interested in having her as a guest.



A new book of short stories by an award-winning author and founding member of a literary journal highlights both the joys and limitations of love, and the coming together and breaking a part of relationships.

Desire, love, marriage, betrayal, divorce, aging, illness, loss, and fresh starts dominate concerns large and small in Artifacts and Other Stories.

The stories portray familiar relationships – between spouses, lovers, parents, and children, and friends. “The book reflects the fluidity of our contemporary world – relationships in flux, the prevalence of divorce, the often-painful side-effects of divorce, the search for love, and the ability to choose and shape the next chapter of one’s life,” says author Ronnie Wineberg about her fourth book.

A former lawyer and blogger for Psychology Today, Wineberg was awarded a prestigious Fellowship in Fiction from the New York Foundation for the Arts.

"A collection of short stories explores marriage, fidelity, restlessness, and desire ...Wineberg is a skilled writer, and this book may well appeal to women facing similar challenges... unquestionably sharp writing."

—Kirkus Reviews

"In these skillfully crafted short stories all accented with crisp wry dialogue…Wineberg does not shy away from life's messes..hums with energy and originality...a reflective collection focused on
--Publishers Weekly BookLife

“Wineberg is a wonderful storyteller.”

--US Review of Books


Ronna Wineberg is an award-winning author of four books, including her newest one, Artifacts and Other Stories, a collection of short stories.

Her latest book was long-listed for the Shelf Unbound Best Indie Book Competition and was a finalist for the Eric Hoffer Book Award. Over the past three decades, her writings have received recognition that incudes being a finalist for Bread Loaf Writers Conference Fellowship, a finalist for Moment Magazine Short Fiction Contest, winner of New River’s Press Many Voices Project Literary Competition, finalist of Willa Cather Prize in Fiction, and winner of Denver Women’s Press Club Story Contest.

She is the founding fiction editor of Bellevue Literary Review, where she served 21 years as its senior fiction editor, and now is their contributing fiction editor. The publication is credited with publishing the early works of Celeste Ng, who went on to become a New York Times best-selling author. Wineberg has also served as the president of Tennessee Writers Alliance and was a member of the program committee for Southern Festival of Books.

Wineberg was awarded a prestigious Fellowship in Fiction from the New York Foundation for the Arts, Fellowship from the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Fellowship from Ragdale Foundation, and Scholar in Fiction from the Bread Loaf Writers Conference.

Her work has appeared in numerous literary magazines, including Michigan Quarterly Review, Berkeley Fiction Review, Writers Forum, The South Dakota Review, American Way, Colorado Review, Jewish Women’s Literary Annual, The Tennessean, and Eureka Literary Magazine.

Wineberg’s earlier books include On Bittersweet Place, Nine Facts That Can Change Your Life, and Second Language. She was a regular contributor to the blog of Psychology Today and has appeared on National Public Radio KDSU and WGN Radio in Chicago.

Wineberg is a dynamic guest-speaker and has presented at the AWP Conference, Council of Literary Magazines and Presses, PEN and BRUSH Writing Conference, NYU Summer Intensive Writing Program, Bread Loaf Writers Conference, Sarah Lawrence College, Fordham University, and University of South Florida College of Medicine.

She taught a total of five years, including creative writing at University School of Nashville Evening Classes for Adults, and as an Adjunct Professor in English at New York University.

Wineberg was a legal aide, public defender, and a lawyer in private practice earlier in her career.

Wineberg is a member of PEN and Authors Guild. She was a member of the National Arts club in New York for over a decade. She earned a JD from University of Denver College of Law and a BA with distinction from the University of Michigan. She has also completed several master fiction classes at the 92nd St Y. She has lived in Nashville and Denver, and resides in New York City.

Artifacts And Other Stories
Denny Meek

One Woman's Raw Journey From The Shadows Of Loss To The Dawning Of Hope 

I thought that you and your audience would find Denny Meek of real interest. Her book Still Standing : A Mother’s Raw Journey from The Shadows Of Loss To The Dawning Of Hope Educates us on how we can still stand among the hardest crisis.  "Still Standing'' is being used in a few different universities in Australia. Every parent’s nightmare is to lose a child. In this rare circumstance, Denny Meek has lived the nightmare not once, but three times. In her Award-winning book, "Still Standing" reveals a poignant, well-written, and shocking look inside the heart, soul, and mind of a mother who has had to grieve over and over unbearable losses. 

Please let me know if you would be interested in having Denny on your program                               

                                                                                      Best regards,


It is an inspiring story of one woman’s ability to remain standing in the face of dealing with the loss of an infant, the suicides of her teenagers, domestic violence, and her daughter’s battle with Anorexia Nervosa. 

Denny’s powerful story is told with rawness and immediacy, through snippets of journal entries, both of her and her daughter’s. Readers can relate personally when they see Denny pour her living hell onto a page. “Still Standing is a ‘lived experience’ journey through multiple losses,” suggests Denny. “After reading it, a bereaved mother realizes her grief is normal, and stops beating up on herself.

Still Standing is currently being used in three Australian universities, one of which rewrote a social work subject to use it as required reading, another using it for post-graduate study in grief, specifically suicide bereavement, and the insights from multiple child loss.

“Socially, I would challenge the stigmas of suffering – infant loss, domestic violence, anorexia, teen suicide, grief – by talking about them – the devastation, and the journey through them – openly.” says Denny. She continues by saying. “No two people grieve the same way,” she concludes. “No two griefs for an individual are the same, either. We don’t have to learn how to grieve or love – that’s instinctual. Nothing replaces going deep inside yourself to find your direction for your own way through.”

What is really amazing about this woman is that above all, Denny wants to unburden others.

With her Book Still Standing She lets the reader into a world they would by choice never want to be in. But once allowed there, they can see and feel not just pain, loss, and death – but strength, hope, and  optimism. The strength and sincerity of her spiritual yearning will hearten and inspire as she shows with soul-searching honesty through the depths of her heartbreaks how she's Still Standing.

Denny shares the following insights in interviews:

·Why suicide prevention sometimes just isn’t possible.

·How to help one who grieves a loss.

How one finds the courage to live in the face of death.

·What she does to answer “Why me?”

·The complexities of being a single mother.

·What to do when domestic violence visits your home.

·How to help a child deal with an eating disorder.

·Where our network of mental health support falls short.

·The power of journaling to cope with life’s challenges.


Denny Meek is an author, speaker, and a fighter.

Her book, Still Standing: A Mother’s Raw Journey from the Shadows of Loss to the Dawning of Hope, received an award as a MMH Press Book Award finalist. It is a stirring memoir that raises awareness about several issues, including: domestic violence, infant loss, anorexia nervosa, teen suicide, and grief. The book is being used at three Australian universities to inform undergrad and post-grad students in health sciences, social work, psychology, education, and nursing.

She raised her children primarily as a single mom. Of her four children, three are deceased. One was lost to a rare heart disease as an infant, and two others committed suicide as teenagers on separate occasions.  Denny was in two main relationships that subjected her to domestic abuse. She has had to confront many losses, pains, and challenging situations, but through it all, she has endured, survived, and learned to live again.

Her fulltime mothering was supplemented by a series of odd jobs, from bar staffer to photographer, as well as a professional tarot reader, video editor, and teacher’s special aide.

Born in Moree, outback NSW, Australia, Denny was raised in country town Northern NSW, near Queensland’s Gold Coast. She earned a psychology degree from Macquarie University, Sydney NSW, and later a diploma of freelance journalism by correspondence.  She’s lived in Tasmania, Melbourne Victoria, Gympie Queensland, Coffs Harbour New South Wales, and now on 12 acres, on the southern Gold Coast with her adult son.

On her property lives the world’s second deadliest snake – the Eastern Brown – which was spotted and filmed in ritual combat by Denny – and received over 200,000 views on You Tube.

For more information, please consult:

Facebook Business:



Still Standing
George Stevens Jr

Oscar for Lifetime Achievement. 15 Emmys. Worked with seven US presidents. Founding Director of the American Film Institute. Co-founded, wrote and produced the Kennedy Center Honors, 1978-2014. Author and playwright. Iconic journalist Edward R. Murrow was a mentor in JFK’s New Frontier.

George Stevens, Jr. has spent an illustrious career behind and around the camera. Finally, a master storyteller shares his own unique and extraordinary story, with touching insight and historical perspective in My Place in the Sun: Life in the Golden Age of Hollywood and Washington that was published last summer to great fanfare. Now, in his own voice, the AUDIO BOOK is available on Spotify and 28 platforms.

Stevens, Jr. tells an intimate and moving tale of his relationship with his Oscar-winning father and how he emerged from his father’s shadow to claim his own place as a major force in American culture through his own exciting career in Hollywood and Washington. Fascinating people, priceless stories and a behind-the-scenes view of some of America's major cultural and political events grace this riveting memoir.

Stevens, Jr. grew up in Hollywood working on film classics with his father and writes vividly of his experience on the sets of A Place in the Sun (1951), Shane (1953), Giant (1956) and The Diary of Anne Frank (1958). He explores how the magnitude of his father's talent and achievements left him with questions about his own abilities and future.

He began to forge his unique bi-coastal career when the legendary broadcaster Edward R. Murrow recruited him to work at the United States Information Agency in John F. Kennedy's New Frontier. He moved from Hollywood to Washington in 1962 and initiated what has been called the Golden Age of USIA filmmaking. In 1967 he became the founding director of the American Film Institute, shepherding the rescue of 10,000 endangered motion pictures (the AFI Collection now contains over 40,000 films), and creating the AFI Conservatory to train a new generation of filmmakers. He created the Kennedy Center Honors and made distinguished films and TV programs that explored social justice.

Stevens, Jr. provides a fascinating look at his pioneering American family that spans five generations in the performing arts. He shows us the private side of the dazzling array of people who cross his path, including Elizabeth Taylor, Sidney Poitier, Alfred Hitchcock, Maya Angelou, Fred Astaire, Robert and Ethel Kennedy, Yo-Yo Ma, Cary Grant, James Dean, Muhammad Ali, Bruce Springsteen, Barack Obama, and many more.

Please let me know if you would be interested in having George Stevens Jr. on your program. 


George Stevens, Jr. has achieved an extraordinary creative legacy over a career spanning more than 60 years. He is a writer, director, producer, playwright and author. He has enriched the film and television arts as a filmmaker and is widely credited with bringing style and taste to the national television events he has conceived.

As a writer, director and producer, Stevens has earned many accolades, including 15 Emmys, two Peabody Awards for Meritorious Service to Broadcasting, the Humanitas Prize and 8 awards from the Writers Guild of America, including the Paul Selvin Award for writing that embodies civil rights and liberties. In 2012 the Board of Governors of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences voted to present Stevens with an Honorary Academy Award for “extraordinary distinction in lifetime achievement.”

Stevens served for eight years as Co-chairman of the President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities following his appointment by President Obama in 2009.

Stevens is Founding Director of the American Film Institute and during his tenure, more than 10,000 irreplaceable American films were preserved and catalogued to be enjoyed by future generations.  In addition, he established the AFI’s Center for Advanced Film Studies, which gained a reputation as the finest learning opportunity for young filmmakers.

Stevens was executive producer of The Thin Red Line, which was nominated for seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture.  He co-wrote and produced The Murder of Mary Phagan, starring Jack Lemmon, which received the Emmy for Outstanding Mini-Series. He wrote and directed Separate But Equal starring Sidney Poitier and Burt Lancaster which also won the Emmy for Outstanding Mini-Series.  He produced an acclaimed feature length film about his father, George Stevens: A Filmmaker’s Journey and in 1994 produced George Stevens: D-Day to Berlin, which depicted the wartime experiences of his father – one of the most highly regarded directors of all time.  In collaboration with his son and partner Michael Stevens, he produced the feature length documentary Herblock – The Black & The White on the famed political cartoonist Herbert Block for HBO.

Stevens made his debut as a playwright in 2008 with Thurgood, which opened at the historic Booth Theater on Broadway. The play had an extended run starring Laurence Fishburne as Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. Fishburne received a Tony nomination and returned to the role in the summer of 2010 with runs at the Kennedy Center and the Geffen Playhouse in Los Angeles. Thurgood was filmed while at the Kennedy Center and shown on HBO in 2011.

In 2006, Alfred A. Knopf published Stevens’ Conversations with the Great Moviemakers of Hollywood’s Golden Age – the first book to bring together the interviews of master moviemakers from the American Film Institute’s renowned Harold Lloyd Master Seminar Series.  Conversations with the Great Moviemakers – The Next Generation was released by Knopf in April, 2012.

Stevens resides in Washington, D.C. For more information, please consult:

Benjamin Abelow

Benjamin Abelow is the author of How the West Brought War to Ukraine. Abelow believes that misguided policies set by Washington provoked Russia to invade and then unnecessarily prolonged the war. Although Washington’s policies are said to be humanitarian, Abelow believes they have caused great harm to the people of Ukraine and are now subjecting the United States and the entire world to the risk of nuclear war.

 Because the same policies are being followed by America’s NATO allies, Abelow has sought to have translations of his book published throughout Europe. The German translation is currently an Amazon No. 1 Bestseller, and translations are forthcoming in Italy, Poland, Denmark, and Slovenia. In Switzerland, a philanthropist has distributed 300,000 copies of the book in the financially and politically important cantons of Zurich and Bern. Translation into French, Dutch, and other European languages are in play.

Abelow holds a B.A. in modern European history and an M.D. degree from Yale University. He previously worked in Washington, DC, where he lobbied Congress and lectured about nuclear arms policies. Abelow’s other areas of interest include the study of trauma, including war trauma.

In an interview Ben can discuss:

William J. Burns, Jack Matlock Jr., Robert McNamara, Paul Nitze, Richard Pipes, and Fiona Hill--representative from across political divides have all warned about the expansion of NATO or at least including Ukraine in NATO.  Who did they tell and when? What did they say?

How the U.S. has violated its own Monroe Doctrine?

What opportunities for a peace agreement with Russia for the U.S., NATO, and Ukraine have been left on the table? 

Did the West play a role in the overthrow of a moderate Ukraine government?

How did Zelenski take power and why has his position shifted from peace keeper to wartime President?

An assessment of Putin and his motives that counters what years of negative Russian propaganda have encouraged people to think.

For more information, to receive a pdf or physical copy of the book, or to schedule an interview, please contact me.

United States

Benjamin Abelow is the author of How the West Brought War to Ukraine: Understanding How U.S. and NATO Policies Led to Crisis, War, and the Risk of Nuclear Catastrophe.

Abelow is an American citizen who believes Western policies in Ukraine are badly misguided and are causing great harm to the people of Ukraine, Europe, the United States, Russia, and the rest of the world. Abelow previously worked in Washington, DC, where he lobbied Congress about nuclear arms policy. He holds a B.A. in European history from the University of Pennsylvania and a medical degree from Yale University.  His other areas of interest include the psychology of trauma, including war trauma.

How the West Brought War to Ukraine is being translated into multiple languages. The German translation is currently a No. 1 bestseller on Amazon.  In Switzerland, 300,000 copies of a special edition of the German translation have been distributed in the cantons of Zurich and Bern. Italian, Polish, Danish, and Slovenian translations are underway and will be published shortly. (The Slovenian edition is being published by the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts.) Additional translations are being explored in 40 other countries.

Abelow has appeared on a variety of media, including radio programs, Apple-listed podcasts, and the RT television program “Worlds Apart.” His book has been written about in The Independent, The Guardian, and the Swiss news magazine Die Weltwoche.

How the West Brought War to Ukraine is available in bookstores and online world-wide. The book’s website is

How the West Brought War to Ukraine
Shaun Hamilton

Are you looking for an expert voice to shed light on a crucial topic that affects millions of people? As the author of 'When Your Partner Says #MeToo: Your Role And Responsibilities In Their Recovery Process,' I'm passionate about helping partners of survivors navigate the complex journey of supporting their loved one's healing process. Drawing on my extensive research and experience in [insert your relevant background or expertise], I've developed practical insights and actionable advice that can help anyone in this situation feel more informed, empowered, and equipped to support their partner. Let me bring my unique perspective and expertise to your podcast and start a meaningful conversation that can help make a positive impact in people's lives.

Hi, my name is Shaun Hamilton. I'm a veteran of the US Navy and a husband to a survivor of sexual violence. It's a journey that can be incredibly challenging, emotional, and isolating, but it's also one that can be filled with hope and healing. After spending over 5 years writing my book, 'When Your Partner Says #MeToo: Your Role And Responsibilities In Their Recovery Process,' I've discovered practical insights and strategies that can help partners of survivors navigate this journey with more confidence and clarity. In fact, there were three key things that my wife and I learned early on in our recovery process that made all the difference. I'd love to share these insights with your audience and inspire others to be better allies and advocates for their partners.

As someone who has experienced the challenges of supporting a partner through sexual violence, I'm deeply committed to raising awareness, promoting healing, and empowering partners to play an active role in their loved one's recovery. I believe that my book and my personal experience can offer a unique perspective and practical advice that can benefit your audience. I'm excited about the possibility of sharing my insights on your podcast and engaging in a meaningful conversation that can make a difference. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.


Shaun Hamilton is a husband, partner of a survivor of sexual violence, and US Navy veteran. He has dedicated his life to supporting survivors and advocating for change in the way we approach sexual violence and its aftermath.

Shaun spent five years researching and writing "When Your Partner Says #MeToo: Your Role and Responsibilities In Their Recovery Process." This book provides guidance and support for partners of survivors and has become a valuable resource for individuals looking to support their loved ones through their healing journey.

In addition to his writing, Shaun is also a powerful speaker who has shared his message with hundreds of high school students across the country. Through his presentations, he raises awareness about the prevalence of sexual violence in communities and inspires students to seek help if they have survived abuse.

When Your Partner Says #MeToo: Your Role And Responsibilities In Their Recovery Process
Amirah Hall

I have an extensive background in Quantum Healing, psychic/intuitive development, mediumship and manifesting mentoring. After having a successful career, a NDE in Egypt radically changed my life and realizing my life purpose of understanding the nature of who I (we) are.

Throughout my life, I have seen and personally experienced the overwhelming burnout and exhaustion that comes with constantly being knocked down, after doing everything the “experts” teach, and ultimately feeling broken and the thought that something must be “wrong” with me.

After experiencing several mystical, paranormal and supernatural events, I have concluded that the root cause of struggles and pain is “energetic” blocks of emotions and false beliefs. I experienced a miraculous inner transformation after embarking on a spiritual journey through Egypt following my own near-death experience. My near-death experience was filled with an encompassing, unconditional love. Upon my “return” to life, I saw people as what I describe as walking paper dolls. Everyone appeared as black and white, mechanical sleepwalkers. Their world was flat and filled with anger, fear, and grief. It was horrifying to find myself in this “land of paper dolls” after returning from a place of tremendous love and self-acceptance. I tried to separate myself from that low vibration but as I must live among this dimension we all currently inhabit, I eventually realized that I could not fully separate myself from this world of “walking paper dolls.” However, I have made it my life’s mission to assist others in WAKING UP from sleepwalking. 

I have some ideas of what we could talk about on your podcast to help your audience realize that they are not doing things “wrong.” When we have a false sense of being broken or insignificant, we will remain in an endless loop trying to access a version of ourselves that doesn’t exist. We could make an episode on any of these, or any other ideas you have that your audience would find interesting and helpful.

•   Life after Death, Deathbed Visions, Communicating with the Afterlife

•   Quantum Healing

•   Intuition Development

•   Spiritual Awakening

•   Messages from Heaven

•   Healing Chronic Fatigue and other Auto-Immune Illnesses

United States

Reverend Amirah Hall, PhD is a multi-talented individual who overcame adversity and a near death experience to become a world renown spiritual mentor, psychic medium, medical intuitive, and inspirational speaker. With five published books, including "LOVE UP Your Life" and "Manifesting Miracles 101", Amirah offers a quantum holistic approach to help others reach their full potential. Her dedication to personal growth and manifestation has inspired thousands of people worldwide. Discover a new level of resilience, self-discovery, and growth as we delve into Amirah's expertise in metaphysics and hear about her journey to becoming a leading figure in the spiritual community. 

MANIFESTING MIRACLES 101 - The Art of Being in The Flow
Alice Chun

Subject Line Options:

The Best Gift Is Light in Your Heart This Valentine’s - Intv. W/ Alice Chun Share the Love of Light This Valentine’s - Best Gifts That Help Others

I would love to connect you with Alice Chun, inventor and founder of Solight-Design, or see how we can go about getting her/her lights featured with you for Valentine’s Day? Alice recently had a full feature with Good Morning America and MSNBC that I think you’ll find extremely heartfelt, and a total tear jerker. I have also placed her full bio below for more insight. 

“Keep fighting with light in your heart.”

Valentine’s Day gives us a chance to celebrate love, whether it’s with someone special or yourself. Love is love, and by recognizing such we have the opportunity to spread happiness, goodness, and self-respect to those around us. Gifts are the start and by promoting gifts that do good for others is a true way to share passion this holiday.

Alice Chun started Solight-Design to help families without light. Now, she has traveled all the way to Ukraine to share light to many of the children’s hospitals in Lviv and Krakow who are without electricity and power. By shopping Alice’s Solight-Design, people can support those who don’t get to go to a fancy dinner this year. 

About Alice:

Alice is an author, TedX speaker, and female inventor of Solight-Design and SEEU95.

She has been featured on Good Morning America, MSNBC, Marie Claire’s Powertrip 2022, The Skimm, The Story Exchange, Fast Company, The New York Times, Cheddar, Huffington Post, Heavy, Men’s Journal, and was nominated for USPTO Patents for Humanitarian Winner in 2018. Alice was nominated as Forbes 50 Over 50 recognizable women of 2022. Alice was also recently featured in the new Apple TV+ show ‘Gutsy’, alongside other female rock stars such as Jane Goodan, Wanda Sykes, Meg Thee Stallion, Kim Kardashian, and others.



As a little girl growing up in Seoul, Korea and then upstate New York, Alice spent many days learning how a simple fold can become structured. Origami forms were taught to her by her mother, who also taught Alice how to sew her own clothes. Always creative, fascinated by design, structure and forms, Alice studied architecture at Penn State where she obtained her undergraduate degree and went on to earn her Masters in Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania. 

With emerging trends in material technology resulting in smarter, lighter, faster, sustainable fabrication, Alice started to sew solar panels to fabric as early experiments for harnessing solar energy with softer, malleable material. She became focused on solar technology and finding ways to create clean energy solutions upon learning her son Quinn was diagnosed with asthma. 

While teaching as a Professor in Architecture and Material Technology at Columbia University, Alice created early prototypes of solar lights with her students. Still not satisfied, and fueled by her passion for helping the underserved, Alice invented the world’s only self-inflatable, portable solar light, eliminating the need for a mouth nozzle. This ensured a healthy, sanitary method to inflate. Alice named this invention the SolarPuff™ and conducted three years of field testing in Haiti. In 2015 she launched Solight Design and initiated a KickStarter program with unprecedented results. She went on to win numerous awards including the US Patent Award for Humanity and her products have been exhibited at MOMA, the Modern Museum of Art in New York City.

Alice is an author, TedX speaker, and female inventor of Solight-Design and SEEU95.

She has been featured on Good Morning America, MSNBC, Marie Claire’s Powertrip 2022, The Skimm, The Story Exchange, Fast Company, The New York Times, Cheddar, Huffington Post, Heavy, Men’s Journal, and was nominated for USPTO Patents for Humanitarian Winner in 2018. Alice was nominated as Forbes 50 Over 50 recognizable women of 2022. Alice was also recently featured in the new Apple TV+ show ‘Gutsy’, alongside other female rock stars such as Jane Goodan, Wanda Sykes, Meg Thee Stallion, Kim Kardashian, and others.