One Woman's Raw Journey From The Shadows Of Loss To The Dawning Of Hope
I thought that you and your audience would find Denny Meek of real interest. Her book Still Standing : A Mother’s Raw Journey from The Shadows Of Loss To The Dawning Of Hope Educates us on how we can still stand among the hardest crisis. "Still Standing'' is being used in a few different universities in Australia. Every parent’s nightmare is to lose a child. In this rare circumstance, Denny Meek has lived the nightmare not once, but three times. In her Award-winning book, "Still Standing" reveals a poignant, well-written, and shocking look inside the heart, soul, and mind of a mother who has had to grieve over and over unbearable losses.
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It is an inspiring story of one woman’s ability to remain standing in the face of dealing with the loss of an infant, the suicides of her teenagers, domestic violence, and her daughter’s battle with Anorexia Nervosa.
Denny’s powerful story is told with rawness and immediacy, through snippets of journal entries, both of her and her daughter’s. Readers can relate personally when they see Denny pour her living hell onto a page. “Still Standing is a ‘lived experience’ journey through multiple losses,” suggests Denny. “After reading it, a bereaved mother realizes her grief is normal, and stops beating up on herself.
Still Standing is currently being used in three Australian universities, one of which rewrote a social work subject to use it as required reading, another using it for post-graduate study in grief, specifically suicide bereavement, and the insights from multiple child loss.
“Socially, I would challenge the stigmas of suffering – infant loss, domestic violence, anorexia, teen suicide, grief – by talking about them – the devastation, and the journey through them – openly.” says Denny. She continues by saying. “No two people grieve the same way,” she concludes. “No two griefs for an individual are the same, either. We don’t have to learn how to grieve or love – that’s instinctual. Nothing replaces going deep inside yourself to find your direction for your own way through.”
What is really amazing about this woman is that above all, Denny wants to unburden others.
With her Book Still Standing She lets the reader into a world they would by choice never want to be in. But once allowed there, they can see and feel not just pain, loss, and death – but strength, hope, and optimism. The strength and sincerity of her spiritual yearning will hearten and inspire as she shows with soul-searching honesty through the depths of her heartbreaks how she's Still Standing.
Denny shares the following insights in interviews:
·Why suicide prevention sometimes just isn’t possible.
·How to help one who grieves a loss.
How one finds the courage to live in the face of death.
·What she does to answer “Why me?”
·The complexities of being a single mother.
·What to do when domestic violence visits your home.
·How to help a child deal with an eating disorder.
·Where our network of mental health support falls short.
·The power of journaling to cope with life’s challenges.
Denny Meek is an author, speaker, and a fighter.
Her book, Still Standing: A Mother’s Raw Journey from the Shadows of Loss to the Dawning of Hope, received an award as a MMH Press Book Award finalist. It is a stirring memoir that raises awareness about several issues, including: domestic violence, infant loss, anorexia nervosa, teen suicide, and grief. The book is being used at three Australian universities to inform undergrad and post-grad students in health sciences, social work, psychology, education, and nursing.
She raised her children primarily as a single mom. Of her four children, three are deceased. One was lost to a rare heart disease as an infant, and two others committed suicide as teenagers on separate occasions. Denny was in two main relationships that subjected her to domestic abuse. She has had to confront many losses, pains, and challenging situations, but through it all, she has endured, survived, and learned to live again.
Her fulltime mothering was supplemented by a series of odd jobs, from bar staffer to photographer, as well as a professional tarot reader, video editor, and teacher’s special aide.
Born in Moree, outback NSW, Australia, Denny was raised in country town Northern NSW, near Queensland’s Gold Coast. She earned a psychology degree from Macquarie University, Sydney NSW, and later a diploma of freelance journalism by correspondence. She’s lived in Tasmania, Melbourne Victoria, Gympie Queensland, Coffs Harbour New South Wales, and now on 12 acres, on the southern Gold Coast with her adult son.
On her property lives the world’s second deadliest snake – the Eastern Brown – which was spotted and filmed in ritual combat by Denny – and received over 200,000 views on You Tube.
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