I have an extensive background in Quantum Healing, psychic/intuitive development, mediumship and manifesting mentoring. After having a successful career, a NDE in Egypt radically changed my life and realizing my life purpose of understanding the nature of who I (we) are.
Throughout my life, I have seen and personally experienced the overwhelming burnout and exhaustion that comes with constantly being knocked down, after doing everything the “experts” teach, and ultimately feeling broken and the thought that something must be “wrong” with me.
After experiencing several mystical, paranormal and supernatural events, I have concluded that the root cause of struggles and pain is “energetic” blocks of emotions and false beliefs. I experienced a miraculous inner transformation after embarking on a spiritual journey through Egypt following my own near-death experience. My near-death experience was filled with an encompassing, unconditional love. Upon my “return” to life, I saw people as what I describe as walking paper dolls. Everyone appeared as black and white, mechanical sleepwalkers. Their world was flat and filled with anger, fear, and grief. It was horrifying to find myself in this “land of paper dolls” after returning from a place of tremendous love and self-acceptance. I tried to separate myself from that low vibration but as I must live among this dimension we all currently inhabit, I eventually realized that I could not fully separate myself from this world of “walking paper dolls.” However, I have made it my life’s mission to assist others in WAKING UP from sleepwalking.
I have some ideas of what we could talk about on your podcast to help your audience realize that they are not doing things “wrong.” When we have a false sense of being broken or insignificant, we will remain in an endless loop trying to access a version of ourselves that doesn’t exist. We could make an episode on any of these, or any other ideas you have that your audience would find interesting and helpful.
• Life after Death, Deathbed Visions, Communicating with the Afterlife
• Quantum Healing
• Intuition Development
• Spiritual Awakening
• Messages from Heaven
• Healing Chronic Fatigue and other Auto-Immune Illnesses
Reverend Amirah Hall, PhD is a multi-talented individual who overcame adversity and a near death experience to become a world renown spiritual mentor, psychic medium, medical intuitive, and inspirational speaker. With five published books, including "LOVE UP Your Life" and "Manifesting Miracles 101", Amirah offers a quantum holistic approach to help others reach their full potential. Her dedication to personal growth and manifestation has inspired thousands of people worldwide. Discover a new level of resilience, self-discovery, and growth as we delve into Amirah's expertise in metaphysics and hear about her journey to becoming a leading figure in the spiritual community.