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Benjamin Abelow
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Benjamin Abelow is the author of How the West Brought War to Ukraine. Abelow believes that misguided policies set by Washington provoked Russia to invade and then unnecessarily prolonged the war. Although Washington’s policies are said to be humanitarian, Abelow believes they have caused great harm to the people of Ukraine and are now subjecting the United States and the entire world to the risk of nuclear war.

 Because the same policies are being followed by America’s NATO allies, Abelow has sought to have translations of his book published throughout Europe. The German translation is currently an Amazon No. 1 Bestseller, and translations are forthcoming in Italy, Poland, Denmark, and Slovenia. In Switzerland, a philanthropist has distributed 300,000 copies of the book in the financially and politically important cantons of Zurich and Bern. Translation into French, Dutch, and other European languages are in play.

Abelow holds a B.A. in modern European history and an M.D. degree from Yale University. He previously worked in Washington, DC, where he lobbied Congress and lectured about nuclear arms policies. Abelow’s other areas of interest include the study of trauma, including war trauma.

In an interview Ben can discuss:

  • William J. Burns, Jack Matlock Jr., Robert McNamara, Paul Nitze, Richard Pipes, and Fiona Hill--representative from across political divides have all warned about the expansion of NATO or at least including Ukraine in NATO.  Who did they tell and when? What did they say?

  • How the U.S. has violated its own Monroe Doctrine?

  • What opportunities for a peace agreement with Russia for the U.S., NATO, and Ukraine have been left on the table? 

  • Did the West play a role in the overthrow of a moderate Ukraine government?

  • How did Zelenski take power and why has his position shifted from peace keeper to wartime President?

  • An assessment of Putin and his motives that counters what years of negative Russian propaganda have encouraged people to think.

For more information, to receive a pdf or physical copy of the book, or to schedule an interview, please contact me.


Benjamin Abelow is the author of How the West Brought War to Ukraine: Understanding How U.S. and NATO Policies Led to Crisis, War, and the Risk of Nuclear Catastrophe.

Abelow is an American citizen who believes Western policies in Ukraine are badly misguided and are causing great harm to the people of Ukraine, Europe, the United States, Russia, and the rest of the world. Abelow previously worked in Washington, DC, where he lobbied Congress about nuclear arms policy. He holds a B.A. in European history from the University of Pennsylvania and a medical degree from Yale University.  His other areas of interest include the psychology of trauma, including war trauma.

How the West Brought War to Ukraine is being translated into multiple languages. The German translation is currently a No. 1 bestseller on Amazon.  In Switzerland, 300,000 copies of a special edition of the German translation have been distributed in the cantons of Zurich and Bern. Italian, Polish, Danish, and Slovenian translations are underway and will be published shortly. (The Slovenian edition is being published by the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts.) Additional translations are being explored in 40 other countries.

Abelow has appeared on a variety of media, including radio programs, Apple-listed podcasts, and the RT television program “Worlds Apart.” His book has been written about in The Independent, The Guardian, and the Swiss news magazine Die Weltwoche.

How the West Brought War to Ukraine is available in bookstores and online world-wide. The book’s website is

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How the West Brought War to Ukraine