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Lori Gasca

At the Grove Workspace, Lori has seen a trend of women entrepreneurs on the rise and according to the Washington Post, she is not alone. The Grove expanded twice during the pandemic proving the power of women, their adaptability and the positive impact of having a supportive community.  So, as 2023 approaches, women need to say YES to themselves and their dreams and give themselves the gift of GROWTH through networking and intentional action items.  As a wife, mom, business coach and successful entrepreneur with multiple businesses, Lori understands what it takes for women to succeed not only in business but also in life.  She is bringing a brand new women's summit to The Woodlands in Jan 2023 to educate, empower and elevate women in business. 

United States

Lori is a Southern girl rooted in deep love of family and Jesus.  She has a Bachelor of Journalism from The Moody College of Communication at The University of Texas at Austin.  She founded Lori Gasca Consulting, Public Relations firm, before taking time to raise their 4 children.  After they were all in school, she joined a network marketing company as an independent brand ambassador and grew her team to approximately 7000 members with sales topping 5 million per year.  Most recently, she designed and founded a boutique female focused coworking space, The Grove Workspace for Women.  During Covid, the Grove expanded two times proving to her we are created for community.  Currently, she is launching The Grove Growth Summit Jan 6, 2023.  This inaugural, elevated event is not only meant to draw women established in business but those looking for a change or ready to launch their dream. 

Amy Robeson

Please meet a gifted healer and spiritual business coach. Amy Robeson is a Master Akashic Records Teacher and Spiritual Mentor who shows people how to experience amazing transformation and magik in their lives, Amy integrates proven business strategies with the infinite power of spiritual healing and energy work to help you create an aligned, profitable business.

Amy’s greatest strengths help her clearly communicate high concept spiritual and business knowledge so you can become a successful entrepreneur and powerful healer in your own right. She runs a well-attended and successful online business.

Amy has known chronic pain, major injuries, depression, and feeling lost and broken. Through yoga, meditation, and spiritual teachers the divine worked with her to connect her deeply to her innate gifts, and in that journey, Amy healed herself to create success and abundance from the inside out.

Today she shares her gifts and support to an amazing global community of spirituals, creatives, healers, and conscious entrepreneurs. She hosts the popular Awakening with Amy podcast.

Quote from Amy: “The past created this moment. Healing trauma creates a different future.”

Potential Interview Questions:
1.     What are secrets of the Akashic Records?
2.     How to play with magic and translate it into everyday, grounded living?
3.     What are the Akashic Records?
4.     What can Akashic Records do for you?
5.     How can you access these Records?
6.     How are the Akashic Records like having your guides on speed dial?
7.     Light Language Magik – what is the nature of someone’s soul light language to stream higher levels of consciousness?
8.     Amy, what experience have you had or your students, with Activating crystalline energy in the chakras and auric field?
9.     Is there a healing and sales training most people need to get more success in their business?
10.  What is a surprising spiritual self-care practice?
11.   How can we activate our DNA?
12.  What is the importance of animal spirit guides?
13.  How can we be protected 360 degrees and have our auric field cleaned by angels, spirit guides, the guardians of the akashic records, animal spirits, and fairies?
14.  If crystalline energy is an omnipotent power source formed by an essence of light resonance that is multidimensional and coherent, existing in matter and antimatter, then how can we see it or use it as the divine template?
15.  How is crystalline energy the source of the manifestation of creativity, that which forms the integral nature of all words and realities?


Amy has a degree in Marketing & Business; is a certified meditation teacher, master certified akashic record teacher, Reiki Master teacher, certified life coach, certified crystal teacher, tantra and aryuveda yoga teacher, has mentored over hundreds of students including 7-figure business owners and entry level entrepreneurs. Amy has been featured in Newswire, multiple podcasts and radio shows, and her meditations are featured on Insight Timer.

Amy will cross promote her interview episode and share the show links with her following.

Could this be of interest to your podcast and beneficial to your audience?

If you need additional information, feel free to review Amy’s About Page to find out more details about her. Or you can listen to her recent podcast interviews: A Better Way of Being with Asharnaye, or on the award-winning Dare to Dream podcast.

Amy's social media links and Talking Points are listed below.

Please let me know if you have any questions or want to move forward? Thank you so much for your time!

Kind regards,
Debbi Dachinger


Email: Website: Instagram: TikTok: @amy.robeson

·       Manifesting – Abundance – Prosperity – Money- Finances
·       Balance of the woo-woo with the practical
·       Shadow work, entities, and dark forces
·       Curiosity about one's trauma and triggers. Unpacking trauma safely.
·       Consciousness expansion
·       Amy can channel personalized healing messages for your audience or you
·       Amy built her entire business using Akashic Records. She replaced her corporate career to create a 6-figure entrepreneur business using Akashic Records in 13 months.
·       Spiritual Growth and Development
·       What happens when you activate your DNA
·       Akashic Records used in every area 


Meet   Amy

In 2015, I walked away from a successful corporate career, scared to death. BUT AFTER TEN YEARS, I COULDN’T SHAKE FEELING TIRED AND UNFULFILLED.

So I decided to take a leap of faith and trust that all of the tools, spiritual teachings, and practices I had gathered over the years were ready to be shared.

That confidence was a wildly different feeling than I had back in 2005.

Back then, I was depressed, struggling to get up in the morning and face the day, and hating my career, my life, and myself. I even considered taking my own life.

After three years in the trenches of life, I found my heart and soul talking to me in a new way, and in 2008 I tried yoga. That first class, my serotonin levels increased, and for the first time in a long time, I felt happy.

Trying yoga turned into four classes a week, and lonely moments turned into new friends and a new relationship with my now-husband.


When I moved across the country and then cracked my tailbone, I went from working 70+ hours a week to doing absolutely nothing. I found myself depressed once again and dealing with chronic pain - this time in a new city.

My can-do, handle-anything, Type A identity was suddenly no more.

I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t stand, walk or sit in comfort.

I felt broken. Lost. And I was in constant pain. I wanted to give in, to immerse myself in tears and sorrow, and allow the hopelessness to overcome me.

But something within me wouldn’t let me.

I heard that voice – the voice of reason, the voice of intuition, the voice of love – that divine voice of wisdom we all have inside.

That voice told me to hold on. To try again.

It was just a tiny sliver of light shining through a cloud of darkness, but it was enough.

I dried my tears and made a decision. I was going to get a grip on my life. I was going to look for help.

As they say, when the student is ready, the teacher appears.

During a completely random search online, I found my first spiritual teacher. She taught me how to meditate and how to be in control of my life. Meditation helped me discover myself. I began to heal on all levels — spiritually, mentally, and physically.

In just 30 days, I was off my pain meds, and in 2 months my pain had vanished.
Meditation changed my life.

And it opened my eyes to the power of spiritual work.

I now work with the magik of crystalline energy (some people call me the Crystal Queen), the Akashic Records, and other powerful spiritual systems and modalities.


My ability to heal others, and to channel Higher Wisdom has grown more intense and more powerful than I could ever have imagined. I’ve embraced my gifts and I’m owning my power as a gifted empath, super intuitive, healer, and spiritual coach.

When you connect deeply with your innate gifts, you can heal yourself to create success and abundance from the inside out. And you can do the same for others.

I share my gifts and support an amazing global community of spirituals, creatives, healers, and conscious entrepreneurs. Magical, beautiful souls who are creating aligned spiritual businesses, and calling in an abundant flow of money and magic while creating incredible manifestations in their lives.

I feel so blessed, honored, and grateful that I get to guide, support, and help these beautiful souls to live their dreams as I live mine.

This is my story, my truth, my life purpose, and my calling.
I hope you find solace, inspiration, and motivation in these words to find yours.

Viviane Chauvet
May I introduce you to someone whom I believe is a perfect fit for your amazing program?

Viviane Chauvet shares Ascending with the Arcturians

Jimmy, please meet a Galactic Channel, Arcturian, and Energy Matrix Healer. Viviane Chauvet is an internationally recognized advanced Arcturian hybrid avatar.

Viviane has innate healing gifts encoded in her DNA that assist conscious sentient life forms to heal at the core soul level. In 2007, she went through a major awakening and energetic reset, then was trained by the Arcturians in holographic and quantum healing. She furthered her studies and became certified in Crystalline Soul Healing®, Unity Field Healing®, and ThetaHealing®. Through her work in Quantum Medicine Healing Energy, Viviane developed the Arcturian Energy Matrix Healing® technique. Owner of Infinite Healing from the Stars, she serves as an emissary for the Galactic Federation, working in close partnership with the Lyrans, Sirians, Andromedans, Pleiadians and other interstellar delegations.

Viviane is the producer and co-host of the popular The Infinite Star Connections podcast. She was the hybrid consultant on j3FILMS’ documentary “Extraordinary: The Seeding,” and featured in a multi award-winning documentary “Extraordinary: The Revelations.” Viviane’s collaborative #1 Bestselling book “Wisdom of the Silver Sisters – Guiding Grace” is on Amazon.

Viviane is a well-known speaker at Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo, Sedona Ascension Retreat, Higher Self – Dimensional Bridge of Consciousness Retreat, Hidden Secrets Revealed Cruise, Mount Shasta Summer Conference, and more.

Viviane is in constant telepathic communication with her team of light and serves as an ambassador between higher spheres of realities and the earth plane. Her Galactic Family are conduits of Light Consciousness who create profound paradigm shifts at a planetary and collective level to move from fragmented energies of duality to oneness. Her inspirational hybrid life story has touched the heart and soul of thousands of people throughout the world. 

Interview Talking Points:

Keys of Activation for Healing, Consciousness, and Acceleration Star Seeds The Arcturian Ancient Healing Arts The Earth Ascension Timeline Quantum DNA - 12 Strands 5D Ascension New Human Body Template Design The Councils of Light and The New Earth

Viviane will cross promote her episode and alert her large following about your program links before and after the show airs.

Could this be of interest to your podcast and beneficial to your audience?
If you need additional information, feel free to review her About Page to find out more details about her. Or you can listen to one podcast (Spiritually Raw with Jay and April or Passion Harvest podcast hosted by Luisa) where she was recently invited as a guest speaker. 
Please let us know if you have any questions or want to move forward. Thank you so much for your time!
Kind regards,
Debbi D.



What is multidimensional frequency healing? Soul matrix healing, and holographic body template upgrades? What her role is as an emissary for the Intergalactic Councils and star delegations? The difference between: Arcturian Energy Matrix Healing®, Unity Field Healing, and Lyran Universal Healing Grid treatments? Did Arcturians genetically engineer you as a unique hybrid prototype? Was this all known at birth or was there an awakening? How do the Arcturians work with and train you?  What is an advanced Arcturian hybrid avatar? The current planetary changes? What is Light Language? What is The Divine Matrix and Quantum Consciousness? How do you know and Interpret Someone’s Unique Soul Design?


“Working with Viviane is an experience not to be missed. If I say she’s the best healer, teacher, and psychic I’ve ever met, I haven’t even told you half of it. Have you longed for the stars? Have you felt their pure and radiant energy since childhood? Have you wondered what they are? Then spend one hour in Viviane’s presence and meet that energy face to face. When you connect with Viviane, you’ll connect with your Divine self. Everything you hope in your most idealistic moments, everything you struggle to believe because it seems too good, you will know in your heart to be true. Beyond anything she says or does, it’s the energy you’ll receive that will make your encounter with Viviane life changing.”

Evan J, Glastonbury UK

“I was recommended to Viviane to help prepare me for my up-and-coming IVF transfer of my only two embryos. For the past 3 years, we have been going to a Fertility doctor, due to my irregular cycles, causing struggles with conceiving. In December, I had a mock transfer done, this helps the doctor identify any potential issues prior to the transfer and know what tools will be needed on the day of the transfer. I had my session in January with Viviane and her team, to help prepare my womb for these embryos to prosper. Viviane and her Team worked on my womb area, clearing past traumas and removing any negative energy in that chakra area. On my transfer day in February, the doctor made a comment “oh her uterus has straightened out,” and asked the nurse to provide him with a different utensil that was not previously on the list, and got very frustrated that it was not available. I’m happy to say I have now beautiful TWINS!! When I had my first ultrasound, I was amazed to see one of the babies surrounded by a beautiful heart shape. Thank you, Viviane and Team, for giving me the peace of mind through these last few months!”

Becky, Tampa FL

“My meeting with Viviane was without a doubt planned in my destiny. Not only have I physically healed from the pain my dual scoliosis brings me, but I have grown spiritually and have expanded my consciousness. I met Viviane at a conference Sept 2019 and have continued monthly sessions with her since then. Viviane and her Team have helped me with damaged chakras, cleared me from negative energies, opened me up for downloads, took me remote viewing, and explored options for my future and enlightened me of my past lives. I look forward to each session and new growth in myself that develops from them.”

Yvonne, Phoenix AZ

“I have, over the years, been in contact with many individuals who claim to have insight and messages from somewhere. By far Viviane`s insights and messages, talents and loving messages have resonated with me personally and within my heart center on the highest level. She is compassionate, warm and open. You can believe that anything she does and says will be in the highest order for you and your life`s path. I cannot express my joy and happiness for finding her.”

Bill W, Sarasota FL

 Social Contact:

·     Email: Website:

Are you ready to embrace your Soul Design? Arcturian Energy Matrix Healing® was developed by Viviane Chauvet and the Arcturian Council. She has done many thousands of worldwide healing sessions. The unique technique consists of a powerful core soul healing that replaces fragmented foundation with Source Light for a natural resonance of recovery. Viviane focuses on multidimensional frequency healing, conscious channeling, soul matrix healing, and holographic body template upgrades.

Luke Fenwick

I'm an Ex corporate guy that realised life was too short to stay in a shitty situation and be a poor version of myself.

 At the start of 2020 I walked away from high paying corporate roles in places such as LVMH (brands such as Moet & Chandon and Dom Perignon) and Melbourne United the professional basketball club due to stress, anxiety and fearing what I was becoming, my ah ha moment was me being an emotional mess at the dinner table with my wife and new born child...then COVID hit the world.

After putting my life into perspective, focusing on my family, I founded Dawn of legacy and became a Behaviour Strategist Life Impact & Leadership coach, author, Ultra runner…My mission is to impact 1,000,000 lives by 2025 by guiding people to create aspirational thoughts and purposeful actions.

Please check out my pr page on my website this has a number of my past blogs, podcast appearances and my story in detail plus links to social media.


Husband to Julie and father of little boy Evren and baby girl Billie, my professional corporate career was so important, however it was at a point where I was allowing work and my mindset towards it to negatively impact almost every aspect of my life. My emotions were out of control and this was detracting from my ability to function at work to the level I was capable of and it was destroying my life away from it. 

So at the age of 44, I decided it was time to change the story which was supposed to be “the rest of my life”.  I stepped away from my corporate role to reevaluate what was important and create beliefs and habits that would carry me forward in life and into my chosen legacy.

My career spans 25 years across numerous Sales and Marketing roles in industries such as luxury goods and professional sports organisations. I travelled the world, dined in world renowned restaurants, met celebrities and sporting stars, won a championship in professional sports, lived the good life, adrenaline pumped, experienced glory, work was often a dream filled with incredible moments.

Those roles have very often been focused on leadership, prioritising my teams development, challenges and goals. My knowledge and experience allowed me to provide strategic direction to multiple organisations, though my passion was always to help those around me achieve what they wanted in their career.

Herbie J Pilato

For years, I had been sharing stories of my youth at Christmas while growing up in the 1960s and 1970s in my hometown of Rochester, New York. They were special times, and I was blessed to have been born into a large Italian-American family. We never had a lot of money, but we sure had a lot of love. I was raised with a strong sense of priorities and what really mattered in life. I wanted to share whatever insight I gained from those memories to provide some form of inspiration for everyone of all faiths and cultures. 

I believe I have done that with my new book, The 12 Best Secrets of Christmas: A Treasure House of December Memories Revealed. This book is a special collection of real-life holiday memories that invites the reader to embrace, enjoy, and connect with the magic of Christmas.

Each chapter, classified as a secret, reveals a special sentiment that proves recognizable to all.

The book features a Foreword by actor Dean Butler, from Little House on the Prairie, and an Introduction by actor Jerry Houser, from The Brady Brides.  The book has also been endorsed by several other celebrities including actor Richard Thomas, from The Waltons, and Barry Williams of The Brady Bunch (who was the TV commercial voiceover for Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer in the 1980s).

United States

Herbie J Pilato is a writer, producer, and TV personality who has authored several books about pop-culture and classic TV, including biographies of Mary Tyler Moore and Bewitched star Elizabeth Montgomery; and guides to Kung Fu, and The Six Million Dollar Man and The Bionic Woman.  He has worked for studios such as Warner Bros., NBCUniversal, and Sony; and TV networks like Bravo, the Reelz Channel, E!, TLC, and most recently on CNN's hit 8-part series, The History of the Sitcom. In 2019, his retro-TV talk show, Then Again with Herbie J Pilato, premiered on Amazon Prime, and Amazon Prime UK. His newest book, Retro Active Television: An In-Depth Perspective on Classic TV's Social Circuitry, will be published in early 2023.  He just completed a new biography of Sean Connery, and is presently writing a biography of Diana Rigg. 

Julie Gianelloni Connor

Few books are written for children about adoption, and even fewer about international adoption. Experts say that children should be told they are adopted, but parents have few tools to help them explain this complicated subject. My children's book on adoption is a tool that adopting families can use to help their children understand adoption. It answers the burning question some adopted children have: why didn't my mommy want me? This book on adoption is unique in a number of ways, and I'd love to tell your audience about it.

United States

A U.S. foreign service office for 33 years serving overseas nine times in seven different countries, I adopted my son in Colombia in 1992. At that time, I searched for a book about adoption that I could read to my son, but I was unable to find one. I wrote a small book for him and read it to him until I was sure he understood that he was adopted and what adoption means. Then I put it away. Fast forward about 25 years. During COVID, unable to travel to research my next book, I was thinking about what I could write instead. "I wonder if there are good books on adoption for children available now?" I thought. So I checked--but there still weren't any books on the market like the one I had sought for my son. That galvanized me into writing one. "The Baby with Three Families, Two Countries, and One Promise" is my second book and my first children's book.

Steve Martile

My purpose is this: to remind you that you are the co-creator. You are the wizard. You are the magician. You are the painter. You are the Picasso of your life. It’s all you

Who is Steve Martile?

I’m a marketing consultant, coach, and self-help teacher who lives in Sudbury, Canada with my wife and life partner, Trisha and our best buddy, Chloe.

A Little More About Me…

My journey started with training in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and becoming a coach with Landmark Education.

It was the training I started back in 2006 with Landmark where I naturally started coaching others for free.  I fell in love with coaching and as I started to help people make improvements in their lives and get results, I decided I would start my own business and start charging for coaching.

Today, we run a Done for You Marketing Agency, where we help business coaches, speakers and consultants triple their net profits and double their time off by retaining higher paying clients without being manipulative, and without working so hard.

You can learn more about our Done for You Marketing service by clicking here:  Done for You Marketing

7 Day Manifestation Experiment: How You Can Create the Life of Your Dreams
Robyn Grable

Finding a job after their military service affects nearly 200,000 veterans every year, and only one in four veterans have a job lined up after leaving the armed forces, according to the Pew Research Center.  

Navy veteran Robyn J. Grable, knows this reality all too well which guided her to founding Veterans ASCEND, an AI-powered talent sourcing platform that ditches the traditional resume model and focuses on matching a candidate’s skillset with a job’s tactical requirements.  

After her military career and working at ADP and F.W. DODGE, Robyn could have taken her expertise anywhere, but she decided to launch Veterans ASCEND in May 2015. Her master’s degree in psychology and 25 years of human resources experience spanning workforce management, human capital planning, recruitment, process and procedure evaluation, government compliance, strategic alignment and relationship management, contribute to her team and tech’s ability to match veterans to careers at a 95% success rate. Among her accolades, she won the Scale-Up category at the 2022 JMI Small Business Leadership Conference Pitch Competition.  

I’d love to connect you with Robyn to discuss more about how she is changing the veteran job search experience and the talent sourcing landscape as a whole. Let me know when you’re available and I’ll set something up.  

Thank you for your consideration. 

United States

Robyn J. Grable is the creator, founder and CEO of Talents ASCEND and Veterans ASCEND, an AI-powered talent sourcing platform. She is a U.S. Navy veteran and human resources professional with a master’s degree in psychology. Her 25 years of human resources experience spans workforce management, human capital planning, recruitment, process and procedure evaluation, government compliance, strategic alignment and relationship management.