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Guest Occupation: Holistic Health Coach
Guest Biography:

Michael Tamez is a certified Holistic Health Coach who lost 105 pounds, lowered his blood pressure, and reversed sleep apnea and advanced gum disease. This was all accomplished without drugs or surgery. All of these experiences combined led Michael to discover his true passion in life. He is dedicated to guiding, empowering, and sharing the knowledge and wisdom he has acquired over the course of his lifetime. Drawing from this incredible health transformation, Michael published his award winning book, Transformative Nutrition. His guidebook to healthy and balanced living is powerfully designed to create a permanent shift in the way people eat, think, and feel, live, and love.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Fitness & Exercise, Nutrition, Philosophy, Self Help, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Author, Visionary, Bliss Finder
Guest Biography:

Bio: My favorite saying is, 'Find Your Bliss!' That's what I'm doing as I write my Ocean Depths series. It's fun, like reading one of my favorite novels as it unfolds before me. I want to entertain my intended audience and take them out of their world into the fiction world I've created.

As for me, I enjoy nature, the ocean, my family/friends and animal friends and discovering new ideas. Educating myself and learning about different spiritual ideas is fun. I enjoy playing my Taylor guitar and Kawai grand piano. Creating a garden space around my home and being out in nature is part of my bliss.

I'm concerned about our planet, her oceans and fresh water ways. Our planet can only take so much pollution, dumping of chemicals, sonar blasts in our oceans that destroy the internal organs of sea mammals, and bombs before we sicken it beyond its ability to heal. Once we've poisoned and abused the Earth to point of its demise, where will we go? We can't help but impact it, but why destroy it? We have the ability to nurture it and be respectful of it. But will we?

My hope for humanity is that we can work at finding our own bliss and be good to one another and our planet along the way no matter what belief systems we adhere too or what governments we live under. Is that simplistic? Yes, but often times the simpler an idea is, the easier it is to implement.

Life is interesting, hilarious, catastrophic, heartbreaking, heartwarming, and amazing and I'm glad to have a chance to live and learn.  And I hope along the way that my journey may help someone else realize their bliss to the betterment of us all!

Book Series: The Ocean Depths series would make a wonderful movie series for my intended audience, being visually fun. The characters are mermen, mermaids, real gods, goddesses (who live among us), river and sea nymphs and witches. They're living in La Jolla on the San Diego coast, in coastal rivers and deep out in the ocean at King Poseidon's castle as he rules over the world's oceans, or 'Mother Gaea's blood' as deity in my story call it.

Callista Ann Sunders, my heroine is a California senior in high school who is saved by Triton, (hero, god/merman and shape-shifter) after her car rolls down the bank into the Pacific. Callista is jabbed with toxin/venom while in the ocean and freaks when her body slowly changes from human to something else. She eventually learns that Triton isn't just a teenager like herself, but a god and merman.

Callista is a generational witch whose element is the sea and is well grounded in myth because of her mysterious Grandma Anne. Still, Callista finds all that's happening to her and learning who Triton is, completely unbelievable and incredulous! Romance, magic and conflict over how to save the planet because of mankind's continued abuse of it is the back drop for all the drama in the series.

Book two, Ocean Depths A Time, is at the publisher.

The conflict continues as the hero and heroine try to solve some of it. It involves time travel back into my heroes past (Prince Triton) on Pitcairn Island which Triton calls, 'Nanwe' before the Bounty gets there. Callista has to convince Triton that he and she are dear friends and more, quite a daunting task.

Book three, Ocean Depths A Life, is 100 pages in as the adventure, drama, romance and conflict continue! Book four Ocean Depths A Dream is just the title, but that's all I need for it to LIVE! As I progress, the ideas for the rest of the series will come to me. Triton and Callista will see to it. They want their story told!

Guest Category: Literature, Visual Arts, Earth & Space, Love & Relationships, Society and Culture, Access Consciousness, High School, Variety
Guest Occupation: Author and Life Coach
Guest Biography:

Throughout my life I’ve been very spiritual and spend many years researching and studying the various religions of the world. Ten years ago I did researched 2500 NDEs and loved the information there, thus my book, THE WONDER OF YOU, What the Near-Death Experience Tells You about Yourself. It explains the deep learning of spirituality. I also have a workshop The Spirituality of Science that answers the questions, Why am I here? What is life all about? What am I? How can I be One and separate at the same time?  I have a workshop called The Spirituality of Science. Throughout my life I have had a high interest in cosmology and quantum theory. My workshop looks at how science is verifying what amazing creatures we are. It answer questions that have been asked through the ages. Why am I here? What is life all about? What am I? How can I be One and separate at the same time?


Contact Lynn through my website, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+. Be sure to use Lynn K. Russell or Lynn Kathleen Russell as there are so very many Lynn Russells out there.

Guest Category: Education, Paranormal, Near Death Experiences, Philosophy, Psychology, Science, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Singer, Songwriter, multi-instrumentalist
Guest Biography:

Lunden Reign to release their second album: "Confessions" December 2016.

Music video from their new album "RED WAGON (Can't Return to Yesterday)" debuts on Saturday, Sept.17th.  

Lunden Reign formed in the summer of 2013 following a tour of the UK by the Lora G & Nikki Lunden Band (Lora G now spelled Laura Espinoza-Lunden).  Since then the prolific songwriting duo, along with their producer & song co-writer, Luis Maldonado (lead guitarist for TRAIN) released their critically acclaimed debut "big beat, alt rock album "American Stranger" in 2015. “American Stranger” made multiple music magazine’s “TOP 10-BEST OF” Lists for 2015.

Now Lunden Reign is preparing for their release of their second album: "Confessions" in December of 2016.  The first single & music video from their new album "RED WAGON (Can't Return to Yesterday)" debuts on Saturday, Sept.17th.  This is the first of ten songs LR created for their sophomoric album.

Nikki & Laura are the core members of Lunden Reign along with Producer & co-writer Luis Maldonado. Nikki & Laura perform both as an acoustic duo: "Laura & Nikki Lunden of Lunden Reign" and as "Lunden Reign" with their full band comprised of: Nikki (lead vocals, guitar), Laura (guitar, keyboards), Matt Lucich (drums), Matt Denis (bass) and Julian Tomarin (guitar).  When not on tour with TRAIN, Luis Maldonado will sometimes join Lunden Reign on stage.

Several legendary rock artists (who love LR's music) has joined them on stage including:  Dale Bozzio (Missing Persons; Terri Nunn (Berlin) and Prescott Niles (The Knack). LR has opened for Belinda Carlisle (Go-Go's); Salt n' Peppa and performs regularly on the Sunset Strip in Hollywood.

Lunden Reign on Facebook ...

Lunden Reign on Twitter ...

Purchase Lunden Reign's critically acclaimed debut release entitled ... American Stranger at

Guest Category: Arts, Music, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Historian, Visual Artist, Radio Host, Author, Investigative Researcher, Secret Society Authority
Guest Biography:

Co-Authors Laura Cortner and

Robert Hieronimus, Ph.D.

Discover the Divine Feminine Roots of America

Authors Bob Hieronimus and Laura Cortner explain the forgotten goddess origins of the Statue of Liberty and her connections with the founding and the future of America - the conscience of our nation.

The image of a woman symbolizing independence was embraced by the American revolutionaries to rally the populace against the King, filling the role of “Founding Mother” and protector of the fledgling republic. Incorporating Libertas, the Roman goddess of freed slaves, with Minerva, Demeter, Justice, and the Indian Princess, Lady Liberty is seen all over the nation’s capital, and on the seals and flags of many states. 

Showing how a new appreciation for the Statue of Liberty as the American goddess can serve as a unifying inspiration for activism, the authors explore how this Lady Liberty is a personification of America and its destiny. They examine multiple traditions that influenced her symbolism, from the Neolithic Earth Mother, to Mary Magdalene, Columbia, and Joan of Arc, while revealing the sharp contrast between depicting “liberty” as a female and the reality of women and other suppressed classes throughout history. Their study of “Liberty Enlightening the World” led them to conclude that the empowerment of contemporary women is essential for achieving sustainable liberty for all.

Sounding the call for this “Goddess of the New World” to inspire us all toward peacekeeping, nurturing, compassion, and environmental stewardship, the authors explain how the Statue of Liberty serves as the conscience of our nation and is a symbol of both the myths that unite us and the diversity that strengthens us. 

Guest Category: Arts, Education, History, Politics & Government, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Spiritual Life & Health Coach for people & animals
Guest Biography:

Alannah Joy has over 30 years experience working as a Spiritual Life & Health Coach for people & animals. She is highly intuitive and has both a traditional medical background and a holistic health background. As an Animal Communicator she helps people to understand their Pets better and is gifted in helping with the transition of people and animals.

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Intuitive autodidact shamanic wizard
Guest Biography:

Geoffrey Barry Rosenberg received his wake up call in early June of 1969 in Madison Wisconsin where he had just completed his third year as a Pre-Med major. Psychedelics were involved. Subsequently he dropped out of school and in the fall of 1970 registered at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee as an art major with no previous art training. His drawing prowess made this abundantly clear. However his expressions in the "craft" area proved inexplicably transcendent.

Geoffrey began practicing Transcendental Meditation in March of 1971. His understanding of the "transcendent" nature of his creations was understood to be the influence of the "Unbounded Field of Creative Intelligence" made manifest. It took another 45 years to realize this "transcendent" quality was Sophia's Organic Light made manifest in her Dream. The clues kept appearing over this 45 year time frame but he could only connect the dots once his Archontic Implants were removed.

Geoffrey received a BFA degree in Ceramics in 1973 and a MFA degree in Fiber Arts in 1974. He continued to survive making tapestries with a stint in the early '80's as a contract administrator for a high tech Electronics manufacturer. In May of 1984 he had his first "Rebirthing" session which resulted in another major wake up call. He left his job and over the next 2 1/2 years created the 7 tapestries that are now so instrumental in his service to humanity. When folks experienced these tapestries they went into "healing crisis" and Geoffrey remembered how to balance their energy fields.

In February of 1987 Geoffrey was introduced to toning which triggered his subsequent remembrance of Arcane Shamanic shenanigans. He also found he had the peculiar ability to "activate" crystals.

In 1989 he started making crystal wands incorporating wire geometries. The Intuitive Shamanic Wizard burst forth onto the scene. Workshops followed involving doing short energy alignments along with an orientation to using the wands.

In 1994 Geoffrey stopped the wand production and became a Flower of Life Workshop Facilitator for Drunvalo Melchizedek.

At the end of 1996 Geoffrey and his wife Karen moved to Mills River, NC and with 12 partners built a 104 acre Mountain subdivision rescuing the land from a 53 unit proposed mobile home development. 76 acres of this land are now in a Land Conservancy.

Geoffrey spent the next 20 years undercover (sometimes at Mastery Systems) and working on the inner planes.

Then in March of 2016 the Archontic implants were removed..........

Guest Category: Arts, Sound Healing, Spiritual, Mystic & Seer, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Entrepreneur, Social Visionary, and author of Going Deeper
Guest Biography:

Jean-Claude Koven is an entrepreneur, social visionary, and author of Going Deeper the first great metaphysical teaching novel of the new millennium.

A rare, independent, and adventurous free spirit who successfully combines practical enterprise and cosmic mystery. He is a highly successful entrepreneur who has launched more than a dozen business ventures over the course of four decades, during which time he studied with spiritual masters and led awareness-expanding workshops on six continents.

Jean-Claude’s abiding love of the mystery of Creation sent him around the world on a relentless quest to learn from a host of extraordinary masters—both on and beyond this plane of existence. What he saw and realized along the way informs his unique perspective and imbues his writing with uncommon love, power, and wisdom. Jean-Claude speaks for the millions of Lightworkers who have come to this planet to help evolve the consciousness of its people.

With startling clarity and power, Jean-Claude’s words and wisdom awaken the dormant memories hidden deep within each of us. Suddenly, we remember our true self and our true purpose—and with such certainty that we never fall asleep again!   You can find articles, events and more on his website below, and you can find him on Facebook for personal contact!

Guest Category: Literature, Investing and Finance, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Access Consciousness, Animal & Plant Communications, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Mystic & Seer, Psychic & Intuitive