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This song is about my wild nights and the feeling about how safe and lucky I felt to be alive after totally losing control. It's dedicated to who didn't have the same fate. It's an experimental ballad with intriguing vodoo flavours. The energy is repressed and follows an anxious beat of thousands of percussions. Follow the stream of the beat dancing. Try the experimental vibes as a cure. Feel the unusual rocky mood of a hidden dance floor in Prague. Dance like a night Queen or hunt the vampires.

Khailana is a genre bending, ethereal pop fairy from Ōtaki, New Zealand who takes musical inspiration from nature and fantasy. 

She turns her personal experiences into dark, magical, yet emotional songs with many layers and mirrors of meaning.
Arty It's Me

Ukrainian Artist Arty It’s Me Dropping New Song «Y Amarte»

                            To Support Ukraine 🇺🇦

I'm from Ukraine.

And as you know, on 24'Feb 2022, ruzzia invaded Ukraine.

Millions of people have been forced to flee their homes...

As me.

And we can't to back home, a lot of people even lost it..

On the 13th of June will be released new song:
“Arty It’s Me - Y Amarte” to support Ukraine 🇺🇦
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Brittany Schweizer

Brittany Schweizer is a visual artist, film buff and singer/songwriter from Orlando, FL. She graduated from the University of Miami in 2010 with a degree in Studio Art and went on to receive her Master’s degree in Film Studies. Brittany started playing music at a young age, but it wasn’t until her mid-twenties that it slowly started to become her primary creative outlet. She tends to explore a variety of musical genres and her art and film background bring a certain visual essence and cinematic nature to her music.
Jimmie Anderson

Jimmie composes, performs and produces everything you hear and he has made SIX albums since the pandemic started! Now we just need your help getting his art to the world